Someone who will listen
Don’t touch surfaces (use antigravitons), don’t use the letters pkg, (plosives). Close the toilet seat before flushing. Don’t cough or sneeze. Sneeze into elbow. Wear a mask (washable?), social distance (6.5 feet), use hand sanitizer, and wash hands often. Stay off of Bart. Remain indoors. Don’t leave your room. Order groceries delivered. Fomites are less threatening than originally thought, but still not to be ignored. Wipe down surfaces. Bleach and antibacterial wipes are still useful. The virus is still at large. Still a threat. And still spreading. You are hereby warned.
You can read news, do indoor exercises, walk dogs, and blog. You can avoid idiots. Your brain is a blank slate. You are zombie food. The world is a vampire. Life is draining.
You can move to Portland. You can read the cs monitor and foreign affairs. You can make new friends. You can publish a book, with material from your blog. You can demand money from the value of your blog. You can get healthy and strong and beautiful and sane. You can fall in love. You can find the perfect job, and make tons of money doing something you love. You can be a cuddler, an author, a martial arts instructor, a naturalist hiking guide (plants and animals), and still keep walking dogs. You can lose weight, and gain muscle, and eat clean, and feel great.
You can finish your bucket list, and read all the books you want to. You can read the weekly economist, the daily ny times, and all the newbery award winners. You can teach, anything you like. You can always do pushups or planks. You can save money, and buy nice things. You can be happy. You can take drugs, and eat good food, and have sex, and travel.
You can eat meat, and still distribute vegetarian flyers. You can go to all the religious services. You can live long and prosper. You can wake early. You can have an amazing life, made up of amazing days. You can be efficient, and productive, and motivated and achieving. You can be ambitious, and achieve your dreams: a house, a car, sanity, love, fitness.
You can read a book a day. You can improve, daily. You can make many friends, and make the world a better, happier, richer place, with less suffering and hate. You can get far, far away from annoying people, and live in a world you enjoy. You can get out into nature, every day. You can feel alive, and be well.
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