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I, God, welcome you to my blog!

The good book says only God is good, so it seems to me somebody needs to step up.

I hope you enjoy reading this, the Jesse Journal, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to subscribe, write me an email, request that I write about any particular topic you may want my perspective on, send a prayer, click on the charity link, or donate money to my bicycle fund! Have fun!

Your pal, Jess
L-I'm a straight, virgo/boar INTJ (age 52) who enjoys books, getting out into nature, music, and daily exercise.

(my email is

F.Y.I. There are about 2200 posts..

Here's a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky to start things off right: Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Hippy Hip Hop Happiness

hooray, ho!

Good morning. Sounds kinda like “god mourning,” doesn't it? Well, people are always dying. In fact, x people die every day, around the world (out of a world population of y humans (2018), and growing). And z percent die in their sleep. Well, I woke up this morning. That's enough to make it good, in itself. I'm in Berkeley, and the weather here is the best, not too hot, not too cold, just right. The bay area has a ton of shit to do (52 museums in SF alone), and the libraries give me access to x books (the link+ system shares the resources of x libraries). There are x roller coasters in the USA. America is a fucking amazingly great country. God bless america. I'm not crying about the dead. I've got a life to live. God's name is I am. That can be interpreted as “I am God” (or anyone existing is God). I read once that a guru said “reality is all the God there ever is.” I am my own reality. God is One.  Look out for #1.  So there. And our realities overlap, impinge, intrude, interact. We're all trying to make life better. That's what God is.

The word 'good' also can be deconstructed to “go od.” Odie was that dorky dog in the garfield cartoon. Overdoses are never good, though, in my opinion. I mean, life is better than death. But maybe they die happy, so there's that, at least. I mean, I've never tried it, but heroin sounds fucking amazing. Seriously, give the whole world a lifetime supply, wouldn't that be heaven? I mean, if it were monitored and regulated, and people knew how to do it safely, and everybody were fucking like rabbits, to boot, there you have it- utopia. It doesn't take a genius. Good music, good drugs, good sex, and good food- ingredients for happiness. Throw in art, good books, interesting conversation, and the “natural high” from endorphins from sports or exercise, and life is good. I mean, if the drug thing doesn't work out, there's always hiking and camping in nature, mastering a martial art, or making a shitload of money. Schwarzenegger said pumping iron is “better than sex.” So that's worth a try, I guess. Look good, feel good. Eat right, maybe try being vegetarian: Carl Lewis said his best year as an athlete was the first year he became a vegetarian. And I bet doing stuff like purging that Coca-Cola shit makes you feel a whole lot better, too, if not actually cleansed, pure, vibrant, and alive! If death is better than life for you, you have a problem, you need help. Help is out there, go get it.

The Buddhists think Enlightenment is the goal, not the synthetic bliss of heroin. Not only are people always dying, but all of us, young and old, are getting closer to death, ourselves. We're all dying. So seize the day, and cross some shit off your bucket list. Then again, life is not a homework assignment. Live how you want, even if it's only sitting in front of a boob tube all day. You are free to live as you wish. They say if you're bored, then you're boring, but you are free to stare at a candle and think: I can dull. Dullness is a valid, acceptable option. Whatever's clever does not have to be your operating system. Your life does not have to be epic, or a sitcom, or exciting, or creative, or anything. It might be better, however, if you weren't a zombie automaton going through the motions day to day, slave to the money, with a false consciousness, and never “waking up” from delusion, anger, and cravings. But we all only have one life to live, and some of us think “it's all good.” Just be. Breathe. We're like bubbles, temporary, impermanent, you're going to pop. Your parents originated you having sex, sperm and egg formed from food and drink they ingested, and -magically- you popped out of the womb in one piece, with (say) a hundred years ahead of you, before you become dust in the wind, one with the earth, disintegrating dirt, like the plants your parents ate. Your beginning was dirty, and so is your end! We are all impermanent -maybe you'll live on in memories, books, fame, infamy, what-have-you... children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc. Still, nothing lasts forever. Your dna will dissipate. Only death is immortal. The universe will go black. The sun will expand and swallow up the earth. Humans really might be the only life in the Universe. You make your own meaning. Space and time are infinite. You can go both ways: infinitely smaller, infinitely bigger. Reality is amazing. Love makes life good. God is love. Start by loving yourself. Then, find someone to love. Make love. Maybe you should BE love. Love all, serve all. Love everything. Think, say, do. Be: Loved, loving, in love. Get: Good, better, best. Do: your best, give it your all, don't go halfway, play to win. Thou shalt not kill. Kindness is my religion. Be all that you can be. Live, love, laugh. Read, watch, listen. Eat, exercise, sleep. Write, talk, create. Breathe, be, become. Just do it. May the force be with you. May you be free, unforced, too. There is a science of happiness (“positive psychology”). Learn it!

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