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I, God, welcome you to my blog!

The good book says only God is good, so it seems to me somebody needs to step up.

I hope you enjoy reading this, the Jesse Journal, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to subscribe, write me an email, request that I write about any particular topic you may want my perspective on, send a prayer, click on the charity link, or donate money to my bicycle fund! Have fun!

Your pal, Jess
L-I'm a straight, virgo/boar INTJ (age 52) who enjoys books, getting out into nature, music, and daily exercise.

(my email is

F.Y.I. There are about 2200 posts..

Here's a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky to start things off right: Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Alexa, my new toy

becoming a part of my routine

I wish there were a list of ALL the Amazon alexa skills (on wikipedia!)
I read there are 30,000 of them!!
with the 50+ new skills that are added, daily
   maybe sent to my email?
I'm not sure asking "alexa, what can you do" is up to the task

I wish Joe Frank's work were (a cheap) skill...
"dark, disorienting, deadpan, mesmerizing, muli-layered, philosophical, humorous, surrealist, sometimes absurd, Dionysian stories with fairy tale intensity whose effect is often funny, disturbing, and deeply memorable. (monologues and radio dramas, that "wander deep into the unconscious")
(I just learned he died in January)

i wish it had Encyclopedia Brittanica, and World Book, too.
I like that it reads Wikipedia articles (i use the 'website reader')
J! archive, one question at a time, would be a cool skill, if that's even possible

I can multitask and listen to ambient while reading (while stretching!)
  makes me feel productive, like waking early-
  i have a tablet that gives me J!.  I also have books/trivia cards.
I also wish I had access to ALL the wbsm shows
  (win ben stein's money)(6 seasons, 715 episodes)
My "Curiosity" skill hasn't been working (yet).
I'm looking forward to it, though.  ("in-depth knowledge on thousands of subjects")
I got a (free!) audible audio-book, which is fun.
   (the fun knowledge encyclopedia, 5 hours)
i haven't played 'smartypants' yet.  It's for 2+ players.
there's a geography quiz, 3 questions, jeopardy, and economist espresso

some other skills I like:
music, thunderstorm, ambient, ("turn off in 30 minutes")
   genres (jazz, rock, classical, top 40/today's hits)
i bought the amazon music service for $3.99/month (1st month free)
grateful dead (sunshine daydream -live-, and regular queue)
comedy/standup radio, podcast (history unplugged, this american life)

jokes/puns, riddles, limericks, poems, stories, beatbox,
how old are you, how are you feeling, what's up, what's new
the ugly truth, the daily show, start being mean
"a.d.d." (a daily dose) of happiness
  yesterday's quote was the happiness equation: reality divided by expectations
(you can raise reality or lower expectations)

i haven't tried yet:
explore your world, country trivia, planet facts,
awesome facts, breathtaking and mind-boggling facts,
today's teaching tips (for teachers)
   (the education category yields 6022 results, yesterday)
maybe it can read my blog aloud (needs an rss feed?)
also, "what's free from audible"
"recommend a new skill"
"song of day"

alexa would be cool for prisoners

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