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I, God, welcome you to my blog!

The good book says only God is good, so it seems to me somebody needs to step up.

I hope you enjoy reading this, the Jesse Journal, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to subscribe, write me an email, request that I write about any particular topic you may want my perspective on, send a prayer, click on the charity link, or donate money to my bicycle fund! Have fun!

Your pal, Jess
L-I'm a straight, virgo/boar INTJ (age 52) who enjoys books, getting out into nature, music, and daily exercise.

(my email is

F.Y.I. There are about 2200 posts..

Here's a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky to start things off right: Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Darkness and Sin

pohe’s (pit of hell entities), demons, evil spirits, medusa, monsters, hellions, snake, witchcraft

demon-possessed, dark powers and principalities, wicked evil sinful turpitude

Cruel brutal savage.   Crime vice sin.   Kill mutilate abuse rape torture.  Target.  Mad crazy insane.

Chef, cook and eat human flesh. Doctor Hannibal Lecter. The Hannibal Cannibal.

Wrong, immoral, bad, unethical, illegal, criminal, unlawful.  

Vicious vice, Vile villainy, Vampire victim, Voices and visions, Virgins, vaginas, vv

Kill cook and devour human flesh kcdhf.   UCD.  You cook and devour.

Ingest, in Jess T, in jest.   Infinite jest.  Just Jest.   Justice is the gist.

Delicious, Nutritious, and Fun to Eat.    Sabroso, Tasty, Yummy. 

  Vitamins And Minerals Punjabi Indian Restaurant Ethnic?

the freaks come out at night.   the vampires in the dark.   nocturnal predators.   cannibals, carnivores, criminals, dark depraved devil demons.   private, behind closed doors, in the shadows.

Cool, cruel, and Chacmool.   Hot, rotten, and on a yacht.  

cold wind, darkness and sin, knight at night (cool!).  hot with hate, burning with passion, fire of hell, pure pire, hell as he will, unrequited love, ass passion, pit of hell, lubricated intense tight anal sex, hot dirty sex, on fire, flamer, I'm burning for you, faggot is a cigarette or bundle of sticks (that burn), some women prefer it, "that's hot."

Kind, with a mined mind, and signed up to Gein

A wicked dick, in insane pain, in penury and fury, desiring fire and fun with a gun

Justice for Augustus.   Vengeance for ten gents.  Payback for shit…way back.

Forgiveness for living.  Acceptance of leptons.  Repentance of fentanyl.

Deliciously vicious.  Great hate.  Dire ire.   Fang anger.  Rage in a cage.

Mage rage.  Blacks in sacks.  Wizarding lizards.  Harry Potter’s daughter.  Blue devils and Red Devils.   blue viper from Indonesia, red amazon snake.   to red and blue we'll all be true.

Whack blacks fighting spiteful whites because of racist bassists in randy bands

pod people and payment on demand and payable on death and prince of darkness, fingerprints of darkness, it gets dark in the ark


    satan mephistopheles antichrist lucifer beelzebub evil devil

satan serpent snake sin sex suck sadism sadness sorrow sickness (sebida?)

saint santa sunshine sense and sensual scents, sipping scotch

heaven, happily ever after violating ethical norms

"why is Santa jolly? he knows where all the naughty girls live"

demonic rodent, demonic rat, democ-rat (republican spell)

incompetent "republican't" (dem spell)

    (a publican is a tax collector, or owner/manager of a pub)

    licking the reaper

Always Loving Life

MEDS- massage excitement drugs sex

Is DAVE deliciously and viciously evil?

Is the CIA cheating infidelity adultery?  confusion ignorance anxiety/anger?  

    craving aversion ignorance?  cold as ice?

is ALL -  Love, God, Intimacy, Sex, Marriage, Romance, Children, Friendship, Bliss, Heaven?

Who is the Devil?

Savoring delicious evil, it is a depraved cruel brutal savage demonic monster pit of hell entity that viciously abuses rapes mutilates tortures kills cooks eats and shits its victims, just for the hell of it.   The devil is opposed to God, but of course it is God who executes rightful judgement on the wicked, sending the damned to the devil for justice and punishment.  God is always and everywhere, so He's in hell, created the devil, and in fact made the sinners, with their brain chemistry and inclinations and yetzer hara and destiny, fate to suffer.  Just as there is God and gods, maybe in Hell there is Devil and devils.  A God who sentences any being to an ETERNITY of suffering is evil Himself, in my book, because forever is a infinitely long time, and always undeserved.   Of course, I'm playing the role of God, which comes off as arrogant, that is, an attitude of extreme and foolish pride and superiority.  If so, sorry.  I confess to having a self-image of being Better-than-God, in several respects.   I don't deny it.  Reality is all the God there ever is, and the Universe demands Humility and Submission.  Not!   Also, people are not evil.   Bodies are not evil.   Decisions and actions can be.   But they are part of the learning process, the learning curve, and therefore good.   Even God, who knows all, must have made all the mistakes Himself!  The path to knowledge wisdom and understanding (indeed, Omniscience) entails making mistakes and being sinful and being judged and punished.   God is good and God is dark, and both the crime and punishment are all good, because God is love, and He never makes mistakes.   Even sinners are children of God, and loved by their Creator.   The justice system of a virtuous God is, should be, would be, proportional and forgiving.   God is good.   God is not evil.   God is a man of war.   War is the art of deception.   Vengeance is mine, sayeth the lord.  Matthew 25:41 and 25:46 are often interpreted by Christians as evidence that the wicked will be eternally tortured in hellfire.  I prefer to think of this a terrorist threat.  I'd rather think of God as an intimidator than a being of pure evil and torture.   Is God a sadistic tormentor?   I AM,  He says?   A dungeon master.   For the game dungeons and dragons, and maybe, for real, too.    A twisted, sadistic fuck.   Or just a psy-warrior who believes in scaring people straight.

Witchcraft is the use of supernatural powers of magic to inflict harm, misfortune, or evil on others.  Witches are usually defined as malevolent, with an evil spirit or substance within them.  It is understood as a way to explain misfortune, and assign occurrences of remarkable good or bad luck to agency, whether human or superhuman.   They get their powers from communion with evil beings, and through the use of objects, words, and gestures.  Aside from modern Wiccanism, modern belief in witches has dwindled since the Age of Enlightenment (17th and 18th centuries).


High Throne God of Heaven, Elohim, Holy Triune God, Goddess Priestess anointed bride of christ and mother of the Eternal, Father God of Heaven in the Spirit-Realm, muckety-mucks, angels, heavenly beings, spirits, particles

dental denial, messy messiah message, doing laundry in Washington

Silas the messiah sighs over buying a guy (why?) named Zebediah in Ukiah

'merbenzi' - rich person, in Swahili. (Sprintervan to the Olympics!)

CBC, cannabis buyer's club, community bible church, and criminal background check

assess your ass, asshole (look at it!   it's perfectly round!)

God is corporate, and delegates to the Devil 

    (strange angels range over the mangy grange)

DSM:  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual

   Devil Satan Mephistopheles, Demon Serpent Monster, Depraved Snake Medusa

   Damned Savage Mom, Darkness Sin Malice, Drugs Sex Money

SH and UCSF (Sacred Heart and University of California San Francisco)

    Sexual Health and You Cream, Spirit-Fog, Suck Fuck

    Anne in a van in San Fran

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