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I, God, welcome you to my blog!

The good book says only God is good, so it seems to me somebody needs to step up.

I hope you enjoy reading this, the Jesse Journal, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to subscribe, write me an email, request that I write about any particular topic you may want my perspective on, send a prayer, click on the charity link, or donate money to my bicycle fund! Have fun!

Your pal, Jess
L-I'm a straight, virgo/boar INTJ (age 52) who enjoys books, getting out into nature, music, and daily exercise.

(my email is

F.Y.I. There are about 2200 posts..

Here's a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky to start things off right: Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Lying Pig Dog


   I am accused of cheating, regularly.   Almost every day, in fact.  I’m tired of it.   It’s getting old.   I feel like either I will never be trusted, or I can never successfully convey the truth.  Or maybe even that is theoretically impossible to convince someone that you love them.   It’s depressing.  I get it.   Her ex cheated on her.  She’s been scarred.  Does she enjoy making me squirm?  Is it a dominance thing?   Does she enjoy hearing my protests of innocence and fidelity and commitment, while at the same time maybe making me feel sexy with the apparent conviction that I could have any woman I want, and women must be throwing themselves at me? She says she doesn’t care if I masturbate, but she cares who I think about if I do.  I suspect “cheating” somehow means simply thinking of other women.   That’s the only way it makes sense.   I mean, she talks to angels, the heavens, aliens, etc.   So who knows what they're telling her, or why.  I think the spirits are mischievous and like to make trouble!  I’ve stopped watching porn, and masturbating as much, and being my usual sexy flirtatious self.  Not that I’ve had all that much sex in my life.   Ugh.   Sometimes I wish I was a big cheater.   I even wonder if she’s TELLING me to cheat.   Like, be an adult and Go Live a Little, or something.  Love is devotion and delight, commitment and wanting the other person to be happy.  I have not cheated on Kelli, and I will not.  I love her, and she loves me, and I wouldn’t risk throwing that away for anything.   I have never cheated in my life.   I am not a cheater.  And I’m not about to start.  I haven’t cheated on K, and I never will.  I don’t want to.  We love each other.   Maybe she's understood this all along, lol.   She's really good at what she does.

    But apparently, I’m a “lying pig dog” for being horny.  K thinks I’m a really good liar, and lie to myself, and don’t even know who I am, or something.  Or maybe she really thinks I AM a cheater, and have been a whore slut with everything that moves, man woman or beast.  Pigs are considered dirty.  Pigs are a derogatory label for police officers.  Pigs are the source of delicious bacon and pastor tacos.   Pigs are intelligent, sensitive animals.  I am actually a Boar, in Chinese astrology.   Finally, I AM a dog.  I mean, I love dogs.  I walk dogs.  Dogs are people, too.  And people are animals.   All of us.  Dogs are happy and alive and run around and play and love smells and love to be petted and are real, eager to please, not playing games, as it were (although they’ll play fetch, or catch a frisbee, or roll around on the ground with their humans, or chase squirrels).   Being called a dog is a compliment, in my book.  I would rather be sincere and alive, than fake and dead.  Cheating on K might make me feel more alive for a minute, but losing Kelli would definitely make me feel dead.    I don't want to be neutered, but I don't want to chase every bitch in the dog park, either.   I like to flirt, but I only need One.

    She (Keli Jean, seer/vessel, priestess/goddess, abc, moe) calls me the holy triune of God, but also says the heavens are preparing her for another relationship (with The Morningstar, whoever the hell He is).   Jesus fucking Christ.   What the fuck is going on.   I've really had enough of this shit.  She IS fun, though!  I DID say I'd be loyal no matter what.   Are we testing each other?  Is it all spiritual warfare and political agendas and stuff like demonic rats?   

     The religious stuff includes me (Yeshua?) not being who or where I'm supposed to be, and words like meshisheach (mashiach is messiah in Aramaic, with "a she" thrown in).    I believe we're both pro-life.  The RAT thing?  Well, I'm a Teshara ('he's a rat' anagram), a democrat, and had a rat in my room awhile back (the rodent problem has been gone for many months).  I never had a pet rat, like one of those albino things with pink eyes, or the black beady eyes.   I enjoyed the movie Ratatouille, but have never listened to RATT.   Sun God (Ra) on a cross (T)?   Art, rearranged.    The art of being an ardent rodent.

An LPD, btw, is (also) a "Landing Platform Dock", which is an amphibious warfare ship used by the military, to embark transport and land elements of a landing force for expeditionary missions.

abc, anointed bride of christ.   moe, mother of the eternal.   dog, daughter of god.  

Leo, name/sign/lion, law enforcement officer, love each other, (both my parents)

   love ecstasy orgasm, king of the jungle (koj).  KJ

Morningstar is a boys' ranch in Spokane WA.   It can be Jesus, Lucifer, Mary, or JTB (John the Baptist).   Or Darren or Chip.  Or Mercury, Venus, Sirius.  Or a brand of vegetarian food.  Or...the star of a really good morning... (hopefully, me).  Or?

God is Reality?   Reality has no agency.  Not all death is a killing.   Just as not Everything in the Universe is 'Creation'.   All dogs may go to Heaven, but not all dogs are D.O.G.'s, daughters of god.    Well, maybe the bitches are.   So much of religion is SUPERSTITION.    Supernatural snatch and superman and supermom and supermarkets and supermario and supermassive black holes and supercars and superior superstars of superb superfluous supercharged supertramp superimposed on Super Bowl and supercuts superseding supper and other suppositions.   A super bowl of super soup.   Coming to term, and making the firm worm squirm, like an impermanent germ, Herm.   Cheat and chat.   Claim to be calm.   Suspicious Minds.   S and M.  Scrubbing and mopping.  Sex and murder.  Sadism and masochism.

cruelty, filth, whoredom, witchcraft, evil and wickedness, sin upon sin

a womanizing, adulterous, whore-dick


the Olympics host about 2,900 athletes (one website said)

In 2016, they distributed 450,000 condoms (in Rio)

The Olympics last 2 weeks.

So, let's say 3 weeks...155 condoms per athlete

That's sex, on average, about 6-8 times/day!!

I feel SO sexually STUNTED.

Okay, it's actually less now, for Paris 2024, but still...

11,300 athletes in 2020.   Winter?  Less.  2,971 in 2022.

300,000 condoms to 10,500 athletes (11,000+, actually) for 2 weeks =

2 condoms each/day  (and since it's half men, half women, that's 4 instances of sex each per day),  (319 medal events, btw)

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