The navy calls them coxswains (cock sin?)
Irons are hot and steamy, too
Sex sells, sleep number mattresses will make your side FIRMer
Pneumo-cock-l pneu-moan-ya is weirdly sexual, too
People take uncomfortable hard swallows..
Seinfeld says passion is overrated, with the sweat and heaving pectorals..
(do what you’re good at, just fail and learn, and quit if necessary, just leave at lunch, where’d that guy go?)
YouTube has commencement addresses by David Foster Wallace (Kenyon), Seinfeld (Duke), Steve Jobs (Stanford), Admiral McRaven (UT), and JK Rowling (Harvard), (for starters)…
Seinfeld gist: Priorities are work and love. Have fascination more than passion, seek a cool job vs. not so much money (people get hung up on money; it’s about becoming, not having), find the torture you’re comfortable with (in work, exercise, relationships), it’s okay to not know who you are or what’s going on or what you like or are interested in…. Surprise and excitement vs. boring and predictable, comes from risk, discovery. Work is wonderful! Bust your ass, pay attention, fall in love. Life is an insane mess. Keep your sense of humor, Don’t lose it, not just for stress-relief, or the fun of laughing, but for keeping a true perspective on the silliness of life, of all humans, and existence. No fear of the uncomfortable feeling of awkward humor. Enjoy the dumbness!! If you are lost, adrift, and totally abandoned, you might be a genie. Using brain, muscle, soul to improve the world.
Jobs gist: Follow your heart and intuition, no one wants to die (even those who desire heaven), Stay hungry and stay foolish. Death is a shared, inescapable destination (sid vicious or sid compassion). Be true to yourself, and don’t necessarily take extraneous classes or other’s opinions or jobs you can do well but don’t really want to do, actually.
McRaven gist: Make your bed! Do a simple, small thing right. Gives pride, a strong start to your day. If you have a bad day, you have a made bed, a bed YOU made, to start again with, tomorrow. Navy Seals training teaches how to endure and deal with, in mind and body, stress, chaos, failure, and hardships, while weak, cold, wet, and miserable. Going against bullies, and in defense of the downtrodden, it tests and imparts mettle, strength and resilience, the will to succeed, courage, calm, hope, and respect for everyone. The military is NOT about an opportunity for the homicidal killing of strangers.
JK gist: Poverty POV (point of view) - stress, depression, humiliation, hardship. But life is not a checklist of acquisition and achievement. Writing is often not a path to a mortgage and pension. But failure is self-defined. Even the most “failed” (say, imploded marriage, jobless, alone parent) has the benefit of stripping away everything but the inessential. Can be FREEing to do what you Should/ were Meant to do. So MEANING, and FRIENDSHIPS, and the strength from adversity, are important life lessons. Life gets difficult and complicated and out of control. Bedtime stories are indicated :-). Life has horror and pain, too. PhD, pain and horror of death, in the name of gaining and maintaining power. Virtue of saving lives from being brutally tortured or cruelly shattered or disappeared, kidnapped, raped. Monsters are real. Please help, and open hearts, minds to empathy and learning, understanding beyond your own experience to the vicarious experience of books, and testimony of organizations like Amnesty International. Do your homework, and do the hard work. Life is measured in goodness, not length. We collude with evil through apathy.
God's message: Be good. Don't be bad. All entities, be virtuous. All beings, love one another.
God is good, the source of all goodness. Good Or Demonic? Godly Or Depraved?
Good, Godly, Great, Glad/glee, Generous/giving, gifts games and goods
" a mouth like a Grave Of Death". (pronouncing judgement/sentence)
(swallow, where it goes to die). (pit of hell). (the unspoken advert for mouthwash, lol)
"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why." - Mark Twain
"3 people own as much as the bottom half of American society" -Bernie
(Musk, Bezos, Ellison). Elon has 250.5B, Jeff 198, Larry 191
The next 7 are: Zuck (174.9B), Arnault (172.3), Buffett (144.3), Gates (137.2), Page (124.6), Ballmer (121.9), and Brin (119.5). Nobody knows this shit. Almost everyone believes in equality and egalitarianism. "All men are created equal" - American Declaration of Independence. ACE. We all (worldwide) deserve basic needs, healthcare, housing, clean water, internet, free education, libraries, Nature, healthy delicious food...
right, write, rite, rightous, politically right, conservative
So scared, angry, distrustful
silent and dark
tried and tired, life of the tire
blessings and accursements, bendiciones y maldiciones
a Methodist to the madness
poetic phonetics
barricades, boundaries, and borders
popo, pissed off police officer
clothes line and closing time
rapping about rapture
ended and descended
adjusting to justice
why is rape a part of the word rapture??
music or hypnosis as "being drugged in spirit"
masturbation is not spiritual rape, right?
injected and outjected, abject and dejected from being rejected
treated like an object is the subject, ejected from the projects
Cyrus injected me with he AIDs virus (said the sinister minister)
Wade made jade, got laid (and AIDS), drank gatorade,
and paid Zadie's ladies to raid hades
don't desecrate the sacred and consecrated
secret secretary secretions
mere miracle, considerably insidious
bad, rotten, monstrous, illegal, criminal, unlawful, unethical, immoral, ruthless, unkind, depraved, mean, nasty, cruel, brutal, savage, heinous, insidious, vicious, wicked, evil, sinful, turpitude, torture, and torment...
resentment, guilt, punishment, regret, remorse, contrition, repentance, forgiveness, understanding
child of God, love-child, OFFspring
the poet traversed the universe in reverse
television in Tel Aviv
Heaven, the heavens, this side of heaven, that side, the other, far side
Paradise California, Hell Norway, Heavenly ski resort
fun and funny in NY
sinner, criminal, and monster? scam!
gore galore, al gore! (allegory?) ('regalo' = gift, en español), algorithm
putting on my capitalism cap
judging fudge and ranking Hank
where's Walter, Waldo Leopold
accusing and accursing
the serpent's sermon
a description of the deception
wiz-dumb and king dumb cum
JeSSE and serpent/snake ejaculations
esp, and ejaculations of snake penis
a morass of molasses
Simian Simeon
Mimi, mentally ill me, (me! me! : chicks to mama bird)
get up, out, down, in
rodent, rode it
Larry the lynx's larynx
mister or mistress
hit or missus
the sun's attitude? solitude
herein, heroin, heroine!
renewed, re-nude; prelude, pre-lewd
familiarize us with your eyes
signing and singing
whigs and tories, swigs and stories
littered with alliteration
pd, possessions and diversions
cia, yes yes yes, sí aye affirmative
ruthful ('ruth' means compassion) and kind
"didn't need no welfare state - everybody pulled his weight (those were the days)"
-All in the Family theme song
bp gas, bloodthirsty psychopath, gluttony anger sloth
palages at palaces (pride avarice lust anger gluttony envy sloth)
fags, flags, and fragmentation
missing the mess at Mass
blessed by a blast
refined and rebound
gog and Magog, the goodness of god
Jesse and Jeesy
beloved bud's blood
first call for Urkel, last call for alcohol
nullified, finally
mechanistically masochistic
let me see your legacy
settling into a setting
shagging on sugar, caramel in Carmel
featuring feats of the feet
temporal empathy
psycho psychic psychologists
hair ticks for heretics
Buddha's boda bag
beyond a god, bag
bird is the word
egrets with regrets
heron on heroin
Baird the bird
float or flight?
greg n peg, 2 birds with one stone
eggs and kegs
screwed crew
Jen's genitalia
about the matter of Matt's mate
well-rounded fat people
loose women in tights
tall tales about midgets
beauty is in the I of the bee-holder
simple complexity, pure filth, beautiful ugliness, free slave, cruel to be kind
Rockefeller and Vanderbilt in an RV
shell and shot, smell and snot
traffic, car traffic, drug traffic, human trafficking
car traffic: driver, passenger(s), car, cargo
affection and affect effects
goldfish aren't fish, nor gummy worms worms
coffee beans aren't beans (fruits)
bean and nuthingniss
konked on the head by the conqueror
eating terns for all eternity
don't bungle your purchase of the bungalow
don't hire a liar; vermouth will reveal the truth
insane in the membrane, mad in the nads, as crazy as a daisy
nuts about almonds, loco about cocoa
Himalayan and her-a-standin'
triple nipples
cherries for charity
a quarrel with squirrels
why is that? wit!
Didi's daddy
gr, grim reaper; ah, always happy
cheating in high school; cheating whore-slut
an okay bouquet, but AK's aren't
democracy hypocrisy
risible derision
laudable gods
shush, sick heinous, sin hell
census consensus
calm kamikaze
Okinawa is okay
weary (and weird) Bob Weir
Ron's neurons, Sensei's senses, Ling's feelings
a gem of a germ
terrifically terrifying terror
a volcano, erupting in laughter
lake of fire, candle of water
God gave dogs paws
the Yeti Deity
pressing charges is pc
letting it go is lig (ligature? light? Ligurian?)
Siberian beer, vodka and latkes, bacon from Macon
Genuine draft for Lou (Lou's Jen, you win)
without his lefts, but within his rights
ballet and gymnastics aren't my bag
AHA!! the American Heart Association!!
CTE should cease to exist
A and E, Adam and Eve, Always and Everywhere, Arts and Entertainment, Accident and Emergency
depressed? in need of "deep rest"
from the self/role you're "tired" of being
rational ratiocinating rats
ample time in temple
memories of Emory
composite campsite
Isabel from Israel
modest in Modesto
pride and arrogance, pa
high school principal's principality
candle, can dull, can interesting/sharp
au pair eats a pear with a pair of parakeets
UC, you see, is loosy goosy, Lucy
the conservation conversation
Goddess Priestess (of the GOP)
Moses' nose in a rose
she wanted to kiss him. the vampire let her.
dangerous, mentally-ill, psychotic, unstable, criminal
shins, two tits, and institutions
shin, toe, and the Shinto religion
shit shifts
ire in the choir, sang angry
cherubic angels with Rubik's cubes
surely, Shirley is surly
the cruise ship staff gave the vile violent violinist a pacifier on the Pacific Ocean
Damon the demon, Devan the devil, Helen the hellion,
evil Evelyn, depraved Dave, wicked Mick
Angela the angel, Godiva the god, Santa the saint,
holy Jolie, blessed Bessie, sacred Jake
Heavenly Hostess and Godly Godiva
Godiva, Godot, Gödel, and Godin
Saint sanity, mom and dad madness
manatee sanity, and gadfly madness; you animal!
pure fury, tainted saint, curious cure, dick sickness
the apple appelation
Galvanize Or Demoralize? Gobble Or Devour?
house, hotel - ho use, ho tell
fatality at the facility
earn before you urn
in for? in human form
quiet doesn't mean dumb, not understanding doesn't mean deaf
deaf and dumb doesn't mean dad
skeet shooting with mosquitoes
Al Pacino plays pachinko
bmw, breathe moan and writhe
athletes playing with their balls
teen queen in a limousine
moral compass? mmmm, oral cum piss
the gray gay gazed at the grazing paisley cow
an apparent pair of parents
forcing a horse? the source of a Norse divorce, of course
LDS, lying delusional storyteller
WA, witchcraft accursement
pah, possession and accursement!
pride arrogance hubris, pain abuse humiliation
epic epitaph episode
byproducts, bye products, buy products, bi products
overcoming the grim reaper, cumming and repercussions
RAM, truck, rage against machine, raw and mean,
resentment and malice, rape and murder,
really always me, righteous about meat,
revolutionary action movement, radical acceptance meditation
evil and wicked, sinful and depraved, heinous criminals
alternative definition of God: the most angry being in existence
also, naming a thing by its part (synecdoche): God is a speck of dust (etc.); all in all is all we are, god is everywhere, reality is all the god there ever is..; diamond, piece of shit, tree, your lover, a priest, your dog, a cartoon character, santa, space aliens, vampires
Allah, Brahma, Siva, Vishnu, Quetzalcoatl, Ra, Shangdi and Yahweh
Zeus and Jesús
deus ex machina
demi-gods, angels, saints, lesser gods, and senior high holy gods of heaven
Número Uno, on the Throne Seat
HHH, Historical Gods of Heaven
H as 8 as infinity, The Eternal
holy witchcraft and satanic witchcraft?
Velveeta or Toblerone? Which Kraft?
witches, wizards, and warlocks (and the World Wide Web)
Satan sittin' on a satin seat
snakies in the garden (serpent's guard, den)
Hell and Sheol, he and she, the old she, my old man, mom
sex, sucks, and sick satanic snake snacks
brutes, brew, brooding, and brujería
insolence and outsolence
Bob Dobbs throbs and sobs
hurt and confused, heinous criminals
hits, hurt, hate, and heat
heaven, hell, happiness, and hurt
Heal in hell (Hal?), wicked Wick, a haven in Heaven, a soul in Sheol, pair of dice in Paradise
beaten up, raped - BURned
shea butter and Sheol and Shea stadium
spiritually illegal, and Sheol, hell, lake of fire, eternal torment
pain, agony, suffering, torment, misery, anguish, despair, madness, affliction, depression
blowtorches and flamethrowers and burned on the stake
burning with curiosity / desire; stress, anxiety, worry, and burnout
scared straight, frightened right, terrified of terra
the left laughed: in luck, in love, in lust, in luxury
snap, clap, and rap
Heaven, the heavens, space aliens, and deities
aliens, extraterrestrials, angels, galactic warriors, sky falling space marines
PHE's, pit of hell entities, potentially habitable exoplanets
authenticity vs. pretending to be what you aren't
anyone can be anything? you can be anything you want when you grow up
honestly, I just think we need Jesus
A COUPLE; Two (children), replacement,
each child has half of each parent's dna
(well, not exactly, but you know what I mean?)
breasts, balls, buttocks, brain
the deity diet
mortal humans, gods, vampires, and subhumans
nobodies, somebodies; bodies, buddies
animal, plant, fungi, protist, monera (types of life, kingdoms)
8.7 Million species (estimated) of life on Earth, today
extraterrestrials and space aliens? God only knows
God knows everything, knows biblically, the nose always knows
Dude, did Dad dread being dead?
elegy or eulogy? ok or okay?
enemy or everything?
the is = this
VB, vessel body, vampire blood
on fire! is lava sexy?
debate debasement
Writing Reasoning, Revisited:
Why write?
It's fun! It clarifies your thoughts, organizes them, makes them permanent (or semi-permanent, outlasting you, maybe). It's rewarding- people compliment you, you educate and entertain people, you can earn money. I"m doing something I'm good at, and a helpful service, and an outlet for frustration or anger, and a vehicle for (always good!) Creativity. It's a philosophical project, something I believe in, a hobby, and a productive use of my time. I enjoy the process, and I enjoy the finished result. Also, writing (and reading) teaches you how to think (well, better, differently).
Blank mind, blank verse, shooting blanks, and walking the gang blank
Sleep sweat, night sweats, sweet sweat, purification
Panting dogs and sweatpants and wet pants and wet ants
MMI, me myself and I. Eye and eye.
CIA, see eye A (ass?); I never forget an ass
Buttocks, and butt talk. Cigarette butts. Sig a wretched.
Smoke someone’s ass, up in smoke
Spirit fogging in San Francisco, suck fuck, set on fire, sexual frustration, sodomy fellatio, savage/satanic fury, stupid fool, smelly fart/ stinky flatulence, sensual flesh, snap fingers, serpent fang, snake food, super fun, sexy females, sacred family, semester final, scared/frightened, split/fractured.
U and I are Unified and Integrated
Assiduous assessment of assassins and assimilation and assumptions about
Astute or asinine asseverations and assertions…
Anally? I have anal with ally Anne, annually, Lee
(oral, vaginal, anal) OVA is over, I’m asexual, no sex for me
Sex in Essex and intercourse in Pennsylvania
Pussy in Los Gatos, Dick in Richmond
Taking action for satisfaction
A need for deeds, for seed, for mead, for weed
A lust for her bust
A need for leads, a lust for justice
The worst thirst for bursting nurses
A hunger for Felix Unger?
Dr. Seuss discussed moose and goose over juice
The noose is loose, Lucifer. I got a deuce, Zeus!
What's the use of a puce rooster, Roosevelt?
Reduce the seducing, Lucy
messy Jesse, you anal pos
Axl Rose and Lana Del Ray
anal Lana, and oral sex (anagram) Axl
Vaginal Gina, the original
on the prowl for a GAL pal (Gina, Axl, Lana)
Sexy Lexi and ugly Doug, fine wine, dining and hideous Sid
Nasty-ass Natasha and Pure urine (ain't tainted)
sopping wet with dripping sweat
blood, sweat, tears, piss, cum, and secretions (metro pcs!)
the wrath of the war path
the calm of the common Kamala communication
paranoia at the museum: a pair of Goyas
deaf and dumb, death and destruction, dungeons and dragons, dumb and dumber
depraved and damned, disintegration and decay
father god, time, chops you up (just like cremation sets you (your body) on fire...
(also, like autopsy or the expansion of the sun, in ff). far future.
ww, double you
witch whores, white women, world war
world wide web, wicked witch of the west, witches wizards warlocks, what we want
wicked evil sinful turpitude
amoral, immoral, rotten, unethical, bad
pieces of shit who beat the shit out of and anally rape children
those who violently abuse murder punish insult rape and eat people
beat, bludgeon, bleed, burn, bash, bruise, blacken, bite, blister, and bomb
evil and wicked, sinful and depraved, bloodthirsty psychopaths: dangerous unstable mentally-ill psychotic sick heinous criminals and monsters who practice satanic witchcraft and unjustly and unfairly, abuse and neglect, torture and torment, kill and murder, cook and eat, perp-victims of a mean and nasty, sick and twisted, cruel brutal savage, ruthless, and unkind world.
hell, he will. she? sinful heinous evil. scram! sinner criminal rapist and monster!!
loving kind compassionate merciful forgiving friendly joyful grateful fun funny helpful good virtuous hard-working sane saints and servants and volunteers and heroes who care and respect and have dignity and integrity and listen and appreciate, with clear heads and clean good hearts, to the troubles, confessions, griefs, concerns, gripes, needs, wants, dreams, desires, aspirations, hopes, and passions and excitements of those around them. Builders of community and lovers of wisdom and teachers of children and workers of all kinds, toiling to make a better society, a better world, for themselves and their children and everyone else.
is it really so binary?
users, abusers, boozers, losers, choosers, refusers, snoozers, oozers
what constitutes a cute protestant prostitute?
Ccc. Cthulhu's cruel criminality, catechism of the Catholic Church,
Ca community colleges, Ca conservation corps, certified crisis chaplain
being weird with bad:
ew, evil wicked
sit, sin iniquity and transgression
holy throne seat, toilet, throne up, toy let
pah! pain abuse humiliation
icu, illegal criminal unlawful (I see you, intensive care unit!)
hiv, heinous insidious vicious
west, wicked evil sinful turpitude
U and I, unethical immoral, unlawful illegal, unkind insidious
cum, cruel unkind mean
bum, brutal unkind monster
shit, savage heinous immoral torture
sacred holy intelligent truth
(good, bad, neutral). stinky hard icky turd.
crime, cruel ruthless immoral monstrous evil
business, bad unethical stupid immoral nasty evil sinful savagery
sad, savage and depraved, sick and diseased, stupid and dumb
rude, ruthless unkind depraved evil
tttttt, transgression turpitude terrorism trafficking torment and torture
eminem, mmmm, maim maul, murder massacre (money madness)
cvs, Kmart, mci, cbs, ram, bp
crime vice sin, Cthulhu Voldemort Sauron
kill murder assassinate rape torture
mad crazy insane (mad: monstrous and depraved)
cruel brutal savage
rape and murder
bloodthirsty psychopath
Major league baseball
Mephistopheles Lucifer beelzebub
My lifeblood, left breast
monsters, demons, devils, hellions, and Satan
angels, saints, heavenly host, high holy God, demigods, deities
Heaven, heavens, the universe, deep space, cold and black and lonely and boring
Hot in a star, hot in the center of the earth, hot lava, fire, sex
Evil and Virtue, good and bad, right and wrong, true and false, love and hate, service and crime, honor and depravity, heroism and wickedness, honesty and deceit, wisdom and foolishness, charity and sin, kindness and cruelty, joy and misery, pleasure and pain, wealth and poverty, happy and sad, elation and depression, well and ill, beauty and ugliness, mean and nice, rude and polite, valuable and worthless, sexy and unsexy.
Tri, Tri, Tri
Me, myself, and I
You, yourself, and thou
Trinities, triunes, and triplicates
I and I, and Mom and Dad, and He and She
Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Brahma, Siva, Vishnu
Ego, Id, Superego. Past, Present, Future.
Good, Bad, Neutral. Forever, Always, Eternity.
Heaven, Hell, Earth. Eros, Agape, Philia.
Read, Watch, Listen. Think, Say, Do.
Sleep, nap, meditate. Eat, drink, and be merry.
Merrily Marry Mary.
Necessities, Luxuries
Important, Trivial.
cia, cheating infidelity adultery
clean, no sin. Cleanliness is next to Godliness.
gates borders and walls. Bill Gates, Lizzy Borden, and Tim Walz
male penises? female vaginas? repetitive much? is there any other kind?
gold's gym, al franken-sense, and myrrh-maids
conjacent bedalment, beyond comprehension of anything
anointed bride of christ, abc, abecedarian
judge mint, chai child, tot - testimony of truth, ore Ida, ida worship
Rosanna, Josanna, and Hosanna
gentle gentiles
blasphemy blast
kumquat, the tree of life (cum squat?)
Jack's ejaculation on a jacket
testifying testimony in a testament
G's us, c's u, o's me, u's him, t's her
constant consultant
rot and rats
sin upon sin: cinnamon and raisins
synagogue and synods
sanhedrin sin in the Mendocino wilderness
demon, ci no
Kylie and Kelli, Jesse and Jessica, Julie and Julian
Kyle and Jessica and Jesse and Kelli
Greg listens to Grieg on grog
Squirt the cockatiel, blast from the past
ad hoc, Tony Hawk, out of hock
peregrine falcon, a pair of grins
pie for the pious
fortitude and two tits
turns, terns, terms, and termites
love, luvs, leaves, loaves, live, Louvre, Lev, elves
Lev loves Laverne and the Louvre
ominously anonymous
war hawk warthog
peacenik and a piece of Nick
candidate's cabinet
the eloquent in her element
the inarticulate tick
the learning sign-language assignment
silent sigh
loud and rowdy crowd
gay whores against trade wars
trans on trains
penis, dick, and a gay appendix
internal reproductive probe!?
carson's car seat
illegal, Illinois eagle (on flag)
vexed by vexillology
an application to work at Apple
a gawker at the dog walker
you rock, and walk the talk, you jock dock-worker
lock before they knock
don't mock cock-blockers, Spock
day of giving, dog
I'd like to ride the schooner sooner
eating caramel on a carousel
sit, shit, and think about it
a pleasant presence
inquiry about an injury
everybody hates Shit, Evil, and Death
I'm sad, she said, because Syd is sod
GOD and the Genealogy Of David
complex and complete
acuity and activity
censored and centered
consecrated and prosecuted
alive and a lie, says true Trudy
if it's hysterical, it's historical
if it's mentionable, it's manageable
proactive and productive
sighin' in Zion; lion of Buddha
Judah-ism, doo da, doo da
MMA and MMI (mixed martial arts and me myself and I)
in the red corner, the id, and the blue corner, the superego
keep it clean, folks!
War and Peace, Peace and Freedom, Freedom and Liberty
Truth, Justice, and the American Way
the liberty to lie, and the freedom to fail
the landlord dealt with 12 ants and two tenants
cocks, cockatiels, and cockroaches
thinking with your dick, genius penis
whore's horoscope, prostitute's prostate, don't slight the slut
Richard's predicament is indicative of ridiculous dictators
sex with your Mexican ex
loyalty to royalty, faithful to ringwraiths, true to you
commitment to more than your equipment
wedded to bed head, meds, Ned, Ted, Zed
but also monogamous with your dog, Amos
j/k. :-) Jesse Kelli, Jack Kilmartin, Joanne Kathleen, JFK
a sensitive, empathic, kind seer (seks-y!)
love from above, like a dove, that fits like a glove
love the gov, but don't like the reich
Ellis is zealously jealous of vangelis
kisses and hugs, not disses and ughs
the magician disrespected the misdirection
the joy of boys, taking girls for whirls, giving pearls, doing bicep curls
women from Yemen with him n' feminine Gemini lemons, lol
affection, not infection
intimacy, not contumacy
frightening fighting
Jesus, genius, penis; Jes Gen pen
Jes - Us (7-4), G-D
abused and amused
army, ARM-E, abused, raped, murdered, eaten
Mickey Mouse, MC-E, murdered, cooked, eaten (MO)
McDonald's, MC-D, murdered, cooked, devoured
fight or flight, my foot, your fate, fit or fat, fought the ought
against the wind, and standing up for what's right
sitting down for what's left
demons with demons (like dementia)
the killer caller is a cool colored Kelly
onions on Orion, juice on Betelgeuse
Debby on Deneb, on the altar on Altares
contemplating contempt
progeny's prajna
gilt guilt
mild or wild
infested with incest
invest and ingest
the reptile wept while it leapt a mile
5 kinds of sexual sin: pedophilia, premarital, cheating, rape, bestiality
HL, hannibal lecter, holy land, homeless, helpless, heavenly love, heather locklear
tumor that sends you to your tomb (tumor humor for Schumer?)
liberals taking liberties at the library
conservatives conserving conservationist service
democrats on kratom and republicans at the pub
and independents wearing pendant necklaces
county unfair
terribly, horrifically terrific!
I realized I was revitalized
the lorax' thorax
celebrate your ability to lucubrate
hydrate your hydrangea
a subtle sublet
scarcity of sacricity :-)
the magician criminal made the proof go poof
psychiatric tricks, psychiatrist trysts, therapist rapist
social worker irker
hustle and hassle
bled and blended
ineffable and unfuckable
venting about events
optimum opium
drinking Patron on patrol
take a swig and take a swing
God is pure law and love
the purity of the surety
Bibi Netanyahu, and BB King, and boo! beware!
Bad to the bone, big brother
Done with dawn
Debbie does dead
Oh God, yoga in a toga?
Deontic deo, moral obligation and MO
I was clueless and needed clarity about cleaning clutter
reflect and genuflect
my fiancée likes Beyoncé (well, her music, anyway)
Yahweh uses Huawei
let's boink at the bank
how did you fare at fairness at the faire?
chasing the chaste
winternet, summermaid, fallspice, springfinger
scared sacred D cares
teen tunes
tanned and toned
think thin, why wide
the beauty of a cutie
spiritual experience
chuckling Chuck
the sit situation, standing Stan
knife education
laughter after
assessing assassin assets, and finding behind
depression session
back the front
Air Jordan's airs (and heirs)
I tend to receive perfect tens
ain't a complaint
years for fears
re-tired mechanic
BF Sinner and skin-jobs
site excitement
LOL: lots of laughter, love of learning, love of life
seeing stars after having been beaten the daylights out of
night moves on the night shift
dour Liebowitz, comedy club on Sirius
guidance, direction, and instructions
calm tranquil meditative serene and peaceful
indigo violet purple and lavender
freshness, new beginnings, and starting over
SS: sadistic schadenfreude, delight in others' misfortune, getting off on pain and suffering, or hurting someone.. (support self)
psychopath, sociopath, empath, telepath
GR, golden rule
pray over depravity
vampires with mirror neurons
violence abuse mutilation problems internationally with rape and exploitation
(and child marriage, and labor, and trafficking)
insane and outsane, ligion and religion, conscience and pro-science
were words, and are ards (will be Wilbur?)
beings, entities, persons, animals, objects, things, and stuff (think about things)
clothes, blankets, shoes, food, drink, shelter, healthcare, education, job, love
heart, soul, mind, body
human rights and human lefts
breaking into computer systems can be heartbreaking
brakes and panes
winning the human race
think twice or even thrice about ice and rice
sin upon sin at Sing Sing
guilty with guile, Gill's guy
the inanity of humanity being only Sanity
a rap about rape? pissed therapists
I looked at the lottery ticket through the win-dough
eat fish, you are what you eat, you become a sole
sole music, whale music, and phish
there's God's assassin and God's assassin, if you know what I mean
drinking kefir on Cape Fear
don't tell me to get my mind out of the gutter! that's brainwashing
filthy rich with a dirty mind
pure bank from producing Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
clear conscience and cloudy eyes
high holy heaven and low profane hell
a good day for G-D to get dressed, get drunk, and go do GOOD!
ideal perfect heavenly utopia
AI, according to Isaí, is artificial intelligence, artificial insemination, autoimmune, american idol, amnesty international, active ingredient, and art institutes! (7)
jumping off the knowledge
sipping a recipient
reciprocal receptacles
sinister sin at the synagogue
increments of excrement
importing implements of imperialism, exporting exclusively excrement
drunk uncle and aunt from Ontario
mother like no other, father? - oh, bother
if I had my druthers, my brother would be like Kiefer Sutherland (or Ernest Rutherford)
Sister's blisters, mister - you should do first aid on the bursting maid
the sedition edition, the calumnious alumni, defamatory or amatory
slandering Xander Anderson
a long drag is such a drag for your lungs
rhyme crime
eat your child with chives, your lover's liver, slaughter your daughter, bomb your mom, your dad is bad, drink your daughter like water, sick of hispanics, kill your children, ram your family.
there's fun schizophrenia and unfun schizophrenia
schizophrenia is just telepaths having fun
the problem is some telepaths are evil, and enjoy fucking with your head
aberrant sense of fun
depraved bastards or subversive rebels?
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