Myself, who I think of myself as - “most kind” (grammar school award)
What do YOU think I am? Or who?
Who are you? Who? -The Who
The clothes we wear, people we know, places we’ve been
Are you black or white? - Parrot
We are what we eat (less what we excrete)
We are our DNA, our bodies
MY SOUL??? (my foot sole?)
We are programmed, matrix
A million different people from one day to the next
All in all is all we are (got the whole world in his hands)
(mad, crazy, insane, nuts)
(possesssed, stepped into, multiple, schizophrenic, “split mind”)
the riddle of Annette (schizophrenic but loving it, talking to friends in head)
and the shared psyche of Teshara (hive mind, brain stung by the bees in there?)
spiritually open, telepathic
Anybody can be anything, playing roles
The Presentation of Self in Society - Goffman
Will the real slim shady please stand up? Slime shady, spitting on your onion rings
Who isn’t? Protean. All things to everyone. Run, run away. (not really)
In my mind, I like to be a lot more than I am (in the world)
When I watch a movie, I enter it (usually)
what you're about? open to the world (pretty much)
I am my thoughts?
I am my blog?
I don’t have a self? The Buddhist No-self? No permanent self, anyway.
People are like a boat that gets new parts periodically, until there’s an entirely new boat
(or is it the same boat??)
I am whatever you say I am (virtually) (but not really)
unmedicated self isn't necessarily the most "authentic"
we're just chemicals reacting to stimuli, I guess
plugged into networks
God, good, not evil
A philosopher
A friend, brother, uncle, son, boyfriend/husband/lover
Just ME (whatever that is, :-)
I love being me
Who’s the Real Jesse Teshara?
Jesse L Teshara
Jesse Lawrence Teshara
“you have 10 modes”
Kelli, Keli, keloid scar, Kali...
spirits, spiritual, spy ritual, spear it, alcohol, I'll call, G-D get drunk, vampiric
beer, bier, bee (honey, sting)
ss, nazi, saint stephen's, shared soul, seducing spirit, sarah salazar
ww, world war, witch-whore, wealthy women
malicious witches
(alternative definitions): a. wit ch craft: wit in church (a priest's joke)
b. crafting sandwiches
c. choosing which craft to do at the craft center
Do people hate the Real You?
biopharmacologically healthy, non-psychotic (6 factors):
1. taking meds as prescribed, and 2. at the correct times
3. enough sleep
4. not too much stress
5 proper diet, not too much alcohol, caffeine, sugar, or drugs
6. not in isolation
(madness, often disinformation, take with a grain of salt):
'she knows you have a broken heart'
'accursed madmen' 'beyond hell'
wordless and worthless
"you can do anything you want to"
Be All That You Can Be (code for demonic?)
'I know you can't do it'
'can't do anything, basically'
'just slay your way out'
bombs as explosions (as cumming)
'your beloved is Allah'
'she knows how right you are'
'she doesn't know you're right all the way'
write, rite, right, wright, and wryt :-)
'it's crazy to be a rock so much'
sane to be a simple, good, human
SSDI and separate self is delusion
grounded, careful, and cautious
phd, progress-house death-sticks
depths beyond imagining
yelly Kelli and stressy Jesse
chessy and Chelsea
Wynn and Lou's and thai
JLT, jewish life television, journal of literary theory
jilt, jolt, jail time
clerk cleric and paladin pal
what's a paladin? A Christian knight of heroism, bravery, and chivalry. Or a champion of a chosen deity. Fighting for good and order. A divine spell-caster. A holy warrior and combat healer. A determined advocate or defender of a noble cause.
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