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I, God, welcome you to my blog!

The good book says only God is good, so it seems to me somebody needs to step up.

I hope you enjoy reading this, the Jesse Journal, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to subscribe, write me an email, request that I write about any particular topic you may want my perspective on, send a prayer, click on the charity link, or donate money to my bicycle fund! Have fun!

Your pal, Jess
L-I'm a straight, virgo/boar INTJ (age 52) who enjoys books, getting out into nature, music, and daily exercise.

(my email is

F.Y.I. There are about 2200 posts..

Here's a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky to start things off right: Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Insane Thoughts

about drugs and jewelry and reading

1.  The pharmaceutical companies have a vested interest in the maximum unhealth of society (even the globe)...that is, for which their medications provide a solution.    Are drug companies making us sick?

2.  "Conflict-free diamonds".    Every engaged couple wants their marriage to go smoothly (be "conflict-free", as it were).   Were the wars and exploitation surrounding diamond-mining MANUFACTURED just so jewelers could say "conflict-free"?? 

3. How could a TED speaker (on AI) say "no one wants to read a book"?  (I immediately turned off the talk.   I don't know the speaker's name.   F him).   I want to read ALL the books!  (that's a crazy thought, too).

4. Kelli's Jelly bellies :-).   Sometimes I want to make a bag last a long time, popping one delayed bean at a time...  other times I want to eat the whole bag (or at least, handfuls) all at once.

5. Input, Output.   i.e.  inhale, exhale.   abcdf:   arrange, buy, cook, devour food.   (vs. piss shit puke bleed cum spit sweat cry burp fart).   read watch listen, write talk create.   garbage in, garbage out.    treasure in, treasure out.    learn, teach.  

6. Contrast, Good v. Evil.   Healing, sickening.   Affection, malice.    Gratitude, resentment.  Curses, blessings.   Pleasure, pain.  Heaven, hell.   Learning, ignorance.   Virtue, crime.    Sanctity, sin evil wickedness.  Ameliorate, exacerbate.  YHWH, SMALBED.

7. "My HIV cleared.  I don't have it anymore.  It went out through my head". (lol)

8. an insane understanding of your life (wrong, or insanely detailed and complete?)

9. eunuchs cause lust?  crime causes love? nuts make you nuts?

10. marlboro (ram or blo), cig a wretched, smoke (S&M okay?), sucking on the butt of a fag

11. vampires spirit-fogging people up to heaven (vomiting in heave-n).  (anagram; imaperv).  IV and antibiotic.   Against life.   Letting people out.   "let"  "out".    nausea.   Naz.

12. dawson's creek and disgusting adulterous whore sex

13. frivolous lawsuit against God for the pain and suffering of the grief of death and mortality (suing Sue for being in a sewer).   GOD, grief of death.

14. sex in holy heaven.  hole and Courtney Love.  Heaven is bliss.   Absence of suffering.  TL. 


soul on fire, and sole on coal (fire walking)

sex as a barometer of love?? (can't asexuals be in love?)

2 Triunes:  freedom, peace, joy.    and faith, hope, love

purple serpent turpitude perpetrating slurping in penthouse

61, Michael Jackson, Ser pent

nymphomaniac Nephilim and maniacal oracles and dhampyr campers

2 choices: make things better?  or make things worse?  part of the problem or solution, a force for good or for evil, working for God or the devil, helping or hurting, serve or disregard / let down / betray...   

procreation and copulation is PC

over the counter, out of the closet

closet heterosexual?  anal sex, male or female, give or take, good or bad

bisexual, gay, lesbian without same-sex attraction?

two, to tu, too.   22, V, and lake (2) of fire (2) Jesus (2) shit (2). (my it hey jew monkey beast Shawn)

closet demons, closet animals, closet practices, closet talker, closet genius, etc.     claws, it.

shea butter in Sheol, and Polish nail polish, and waiting for wetter water

how do people become who and what they are??   the why of the when and where.

careless and carless.  careless or conscientious?  innocent, and with conviction :-)

the dogma of a bitch, and rigpa of my dad, the truck driver

clean bleach and dirty dirt and filthy milfs and pure fury and fecal beagles like poopy snoopy

trolls eating tootsie rolls, elves delving into psychology (selves), gnomes in their homes, and fairies on the ferry feeling merry with Mary.  (Tootsie, movie, role - cross dressing;   so, cross-dressing trolls?)

my beloved bud's blood.    my girlfriend's pearl ends.   my wife's life.  my lover's covers.   my partner's garters.  my betrothed is loathed?   my wife used a knife?  the beauty of my cutie is not a duty.  

head-shocks, brain-zaps, positronic brain, digitized neural net, bolts in my brain

spiritual and religious apartment-house

courage, coeur plus rage


Hour bother, hoo Art inne Devan,

Hal load b thigh Maine,

Thigh kink dumb cum, thigh Will b Dunne,

Awn birth ass bit biz inne leaven,

Live bus hiss drey hour Bailey’s bed,

Anne morgue shiv cuss hour tress-pisses

AZ wee 4 HIV thoughts hoo Jess lass again U.S.

Anne leed fuss knot sin too temporary station

Butt de-liver Gus Fromme Seville


Wholly holy Ho-Lee Laird, gawd of powder and mites

apostasy, blasphemy, and sacrilege!  (not really)

sex in heaven, and God's Orgasmic Deity/ -ies

True Love of God (who is love, and loves All)

   commitment, longing, pleasure, ecstasy, bliss, joy, rapture

   chaste Christ

Dakota Fanning and Orlando Bloom (Dakotas and Florida)

Sweet Home Obama

Rod from Colorado

martial artist from connect and cut

George from Georgia

Ida from Idaho

annoyed and sickly in Illinois

Kent from Kentucky

Louise and Anna

lion's Maine

Merry land

Mass in MA

Mitch in Michigan

Minnie in MN

Hannah Montana

never ask about Nebraska

atta boy, Nevada

Carol from Carolina

Okay, Oklahoma

virgo virgins from Virginia

L'estat, in a state of mind

ace young, root of david, blue october, morning star, elohim

angels of heaven on the earth-realm (heart m, real) 

heads or tails? cut off his head, eat your heart out

a tale about giving head, and the trailhead

Rhode Island is not an island

Black mambas are grey

Jalapeños and pumpkins.   pain and punks.

Hopkins hopping skins

carrots and rotting cars

Rainman, counting his tears

breakup, and break down and cry

scientology and sighin' short oh gee

lid-locked and going to Sheol for all eternity

  (my washing machine, like a coffin, sealed like a Seal, arp arp)

ALL eternity, forever AND ever (lol)

evil and wickedness, Eve and a burning wick

sated Satan with that devil, Evelyn

pizza made with serpent ejaculations and vaginal secretions

alcohol is a depressant? lubricates the path to trouble? lowers inhibitions

   the more drinks in your system the harder the fight

usurping Jack

hamburgers in homburg

pensive about the expensive

pc pensive contemplation

every charm of heartfelt ease

IRS and goodly impish rogue scamp

kind kindred

inventory of inventions

nitwit?  non-invasive telepathy

harmonica harm

witch's brutality, damned damage

lose weight and get lost, loser

full moon, hungry moon

darning those darned clothes

the winsome and lithesome (win some and lose some)

a day of dawn to dusk for D

infants in the infantry??  old soldiers and ancient mariners

a way out, always, for Yahweh?  no way!  way

a computer programmer in basic training

neutral newts gawking at my cock

caulk, cocking a pistol, and avian and genital cocks

dancing ants, bopping to pop (bop, birds of prey)

putting the idea of telepathy into your head

eyes, teeth, and breasts are not my identity

petty thieves, petty officers, and Tom Petty

petit teats and large sarge and a medium amount of tedium

corn-fed Michael Dorn torn by porn

not hypnotic but definitely deaf

rows of roses

calling from college in beautiful Utah

a hint of winter

the sol is a stroke of luck

eager Uighers

dictator doctor director

grave reasons for gravity

wearing Levi's for levity

tensions in ten shins (and two tents)

stealing steel, robbing Rob

reveille is right up my alley

a lecture from Hannibal Lecter

don't say humans are animals

am you, ammunition 

guns, snug and tips, spit

offing officers and a hit list of enlisted

mulling over the military

flower power and cowering in the shower (in hot water)

most trojans don't like being put on men's dicks

ugly, ugh lee

thrills and chills, drills and kills

serving survival, and hindering the hounds of hell

war is hell, dogs of war, all dogs go to heaven

the heavens, a heaven for everyone

the hellish smell of the unwell

a contagious country

a teen's routine

vague about the meaning of ague

Laurel and Hardy, foolhardy

Akasha and Enkil, hardened criminals

every Rose has it's (Damien) Thorn

gift from the sea (is not a shell game)

souls in bodies, shells, vehicles!? 

god is my co-pilot (conscience, overlord, higher self)

nuts and chews, nuts and screws

screwed with a threaded penis? what!?

christening a boat named Jesus

deckard and Declan on deck

religiously litigious

an odd audience

obzurv how whiches make spells

pit of hell and grave of death

Pearl Harbor, pit of hell, and phD

god of dancing and give over dollars

a prayer on the prairie

a staggering stag

rapers in skyscrapers

vagina from china

a rush from russia

an american pair, in a united state

wet with sweat

in love, in god, invincible, and in an inne

don't ever, always

   question orders of higher-ups/superiors

submissive tall people and dominating midgets

atomic fireballs taste good

the enormity of the amount of enmity

alleys and valleys in Cali, O'Malley

childish, immature adults and wise, old youth

tortured, raped, and murdered in Heaven?

another uneventful day

commendations for calm men

resignation of the nation

The Alpha and Omega, absurdity

  better to have never been born at all, or

  pointless and painful, but still good

good, better, best.   not good, but great.   fucking incredible, really.

AO, beginning and end of a life, all life, or just a stupid alphabet

God is a an evil wicked fuck who just sits up there and doesn't do Jack

jaded and disillusioned but still righteous

go to hell for not sending the wicked to hell

vomit if you omit v

Teshara, pronounced T' share uh, sharing that some things should be left unshared

I AM,  God is everything, all in all is all we are

AIA=AWA?  I don't believe that (but maybe I would on acid?)

Mel on acid, melting

no such thing as a free lunch (but there are food pantries)

made of money, and totally spent

relentless, during Lent

Dracula, counting his blessings

darn carnage, damned ham, stupid cupid, shitty nitwits

remains, remaining on duty, Rod

the plot to put someone in a plot

desolation, so late

more gore and horror, less blessings?

Pope on the ropes and naughty knots

Amanda and Armand's armada and armoire

musicians, with sound minds

insane silence and crazy from A to Z

meditation and medication

silent night, holy night (and The Loud Family)

these foolish games are breaking my heart (Jeopardy?)

evil to not do evil to evil, good to do good for the good (law of karma)

G-D, earth-realm.   

(glorious dawn, game day, god deity, get drunk, genius dumbshit, 7-4)

hot in the lake of fire (lava) and cold in space (close to absolute zero)

2-2, lake, fire.  V is letter number 22.  "let"  

hordes of whores on honeymoons on the moon

Maury, Tanya, Molly, Chad, Sue, Dan, and Tim, Buck, too

a rap about reward and punishment

c.s. lewis rapping about carrots and sticks

Michael Jordan "on fire", fire in the belly, college flame (and flamethrowers??)

slaughter, laughter, and a wish for an extinguisher

cruelly ruled and savagely ravaged

God the Eternal (Reality is all the God there ever is)

We are all our own realiities (in a sense)

   plus a lot of other things (everything?)

God is open to reality, forms reality, and is Reality 

   love (and hate)

the mother says, "you need to drink"

Dead Milkmen (hi grandpa)

we must be a product of God's kid brother

yes, my friend, you're screwed for all eternity

  (said Jesus to the cabinet)

the gods of heaven are not exempt from judgment

wicked spirits (vodka?) cast into the lake of fire (volcano lava?)

alcohol is relaxing, in moderation

  a depressant, in excess.  lowers inhibitions, they say.  

  makes fighting more likely, but less dangerous?

  g-d, get drunk! Jesus made water into wine (not drank wine like water)

judgements, these are delicious mints

Mike Judge, judge not lest ye be judged

S and P 500, specks and planks, scribes and pharisees, sick and prison, sexually perverse, stealing property is "taking place", secret and private

holy dog walker, do not cast holy to the dogs

there is nothing new under the sun, nothing nude under the son

persecutions of those with cute purses

tested by testimony of truth

get lost, don't exist, you pos

AR-15 and Anal Rape

exits to existence

sun of Thomas Mann

son of man, and Somme

commandment to cum, man (compassion)

deaf and dumb dad

slow people can fast, too

fear of god, and Foghat 

the monster psychopath gives life MEAN-ing?

the mean kind and the kind average (mean)

defilement, and the D - file

meaning of life?  love? money? pleasure? children? happiness? anything you want.. e.g. heavenly reward, service, learning...

tacks collector, lol

bitches in britches, Robert plant in pants, Jean's jeans, smack in your slacks

the heroine shot an arrow carrying heroin to Eowyn

pay the tab for the rented tablet on the table

other people in your body: in your mind, mouths, sexually, embryo...

surgeon, medical examiner/coroner, telepathy? dreams? schizo? possessed, w/c

disgusting Gus, Nash gnashing his teeth

US, unclean spirit, unpardonable sin, condem-Nation

whoa unto you and woe sadness sorrow grief

mansion?  shun man.  server?  serve her.

poor old blue, poverty, and skin pores

hymn and Hur, the end of a friend, perishing parish

phallic sword and the one ring

sheep and goats, sheeple and greatest of all time

strange angels, and normal storms

everlast boxing equipment, and everlasting fire, eternal flame

feelings in fields, grief for the thief, joy from toys

I'll call, alcohol, tribal tribulation, attacked with tact

a doctor's doctrine, a dog's dogma, cat's catechism

happy with pee, transgressive transexuals

soul sold for a Sol beer and a sole fish, selling celibacy

eunuchs using Unix

fellatio as a form of cannibalism

golden shower and cum pewter

sad sadists, joyful in LaJolla

apes eating apples, bonobos eating bananas

pineapple canteloupe glove

Blue October, 46, forensics

    sad ten, melancholy satan

Ace Young, successful in my youth (academically)

Adventure Challenge (game from Target), act

can you spare a sparrow? tern, tern, tern

just because you lose something doesn't make you a loser

infinitely dead, forgotten, scattered

   oblivion, nihility, emptiness

peace of Jesus, you piece of shit

The End

insane thought:  I'm crazy, I'm worthless, I'm suicidal, so:

1-800-273-8255 (NSPL)

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