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I, God, welcome you to my blog!

The good book says only God is good, so it seems to me somebody needs to step up.

I hope you enjoy reading this, the Jesse Journal, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to subscribe, write me an email, request that I write about any particular topic you may want my perspective on, send a prayer, click on the charity link, or donate money to my bicycle fund! Have fun!

Your pal, Jess
L-I'm a straight, virgo/boar INTJ (age 52) who enjoys books, getting out into nature, music, and daily exercise.

(my email is

F.Y.I. There are about 2200 posts..

Here's a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky to start things off right: Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023


Structure ideas

God is good.  What is good.

Allah, incorporates all, the devil: what is bad.

   What needs to be overcome.

All good? No bad?  God makes good of all?

Life is good.  Death is bad.  Or, not.

Shiva destroys evil.   God turns evil into good. 

+ and -



All is written

Evil: voice(s), mental illness, schizophrenia

  Morpheus, intrusion, being “possessed” by 

    Demons, criminals, psychopaths, sociopaths, thugs, etc.

    The Devil (4 evil, FOR evil) (no u).  No you, no smile.

Then again, it’s just noise, maybe.   Bad noise, if you will.

“Open mind” allows everybody in.   Welcome to the party!

Virtue, Goodness, Holiness

   Simply not being bad, qualifies; but also, if possible, doing things that make the world a better place, more heavenly, less hellish, doing the right thing, being a part of the solution, not the problem.  Everyone is a piece of the puzzle, and we all have roles to play toward improvement, progress, development, change.    What are the values I espouse?  God-realization.  Becoming rich, healthy, in love, happy, safe, content, curious, engaged, intelligent, wise.

   Everyone wants to get rich, be well-off, acquire wealth, live comfortably.  Adults like their toys, too.  And acquisitiveness also entails wanting more than your neighbor, or keeping up with the Joneses.  It’s a mad world.  People should be happy to be alive, even if it’s just barely enough.  Food can be free, and there are lots of people living in tents.   But homelessness, even if it can provide -in America- for a better standard of living than many, throughout the world, is a vulnerable and dangerous situation.  Living on the streets means your stuff can be taken, and the police can force you to pick up and move on, and discomfort in the rain, etc. Homeless are often dirty, and smell, and are a nuisance on sidewalks or BART trains, etc.  Trashy shanty-towns are an ugly blight, and many street people are afflicted with drugs, mental illness, in addition to poverty and insecurity.  Let’s get these people off the streets.  No tents on the freaking (tense?) sidewalks.  Food, shelter, clothing, basic needs, healthcare, sanitation, clean water.   We should all be happy with that.  That’s plenty, in my view.  And clean air, of course.  Libraries, internet, cell phone, privacy?  We're spoiled, these days.

    Enough money for comfort, eating well, to survive and thrive.  Strong, fit, healthy, well, sane.  Healthcare and nutritious food.  Mental health.  Loved and loving, in healthy relationships, feeling good about others and self. Humor, laughter, fun, play, sex, and hobbies, activities, interests, goals.  Security, martial arts and self-defense proficiency, peace, safety, and no enemies.  Full belly and satisfied with present, prospects for future, enlightenment and goodwill.  Engaged in constant learning, always asking questions, reading good books, using library.  Keeping informed, up to date, in the know, being a good citizen, researching issues, forming opinions.  Live and let live.  Including the stupid monsters. 

The Worst and The Best, Hell and Heaven:

    Absolute depravity of nameless evil, like Cthulhu, Green Octopus-Dragon, beyond monstrous, reaping ruin, death, destruction, and torture to all, without discrimination, unjust and unfair and unmerited, and at a vast, cosmic scale, a merciless ruthless unstoppable juggernaut machine of growing torment, despair, hell, and pain.  Nothing and no one escapes, this fate worse than death, this black hole of soul-destroying misery, this fate beyond imagining.   For example, having parents that beat and torment you, and sell you for drugs, leaving you to the mercy of villains who then anally rape, torture, murder, cook, and eat you.   As divine justice for the meat industry or something.

    Heaven, living the dream.  The good life, followed by the even better death: living in the mind of a genie, who grants every wish, in a universe personally tailored to and designed by you.  You live happily ever after, for eternity, always as happy as you want to be.  Heaven has theme parks, comedy clubs, restaurants, dance clubs, magic shows, circus, sports, bands and orchestras and opera, surfing, free love, libraries, movie theaters, limitless drugs, theater and tv and campfire skits and internet, and the ability to be anyone you want, to switch bodies, play roles, and use any of the superpowers in the entire comic book genre.   You can live in any dream, in any world, and even create something new, entirely your own.  There can still be gyms, talent shows, religions, if you want.  Or even pain, martial arts, hospitals, crime, cigarettes, alcohol, shit.   Would anyone keep disease?  Maybe if death were just a game, and you started over with a new life.  Or death was good, as an end to suffering, or a step toward even greater happiness, or just a way to quit, give up, stop all this nonsense.


of pain and suffering.  death.  of loss of objects.  of extinction.  human.  life on earth, etc.  Fear itself, phobophobia.  fear of failure, atychiphobia.  of darkness, etc.  everything, omniphobia.  Is there a fear of living?  and also, of NOT dying? says the devil.  stygiophobia.  No one is afraid of living, right?  punishment, mastigophobia.  apeirophobia, the fear of eternity.  Gerascophobia, fear of getting old (fogo, fogies).  There's also theophobia (of god, religion) and autophobia (self, loneliness), of course.  Philophobia, the fear of falling/being in love.  Thaasophobia, fear of boredom.  No fear of dying is usually considered: peaceful, accepting, stoic.  Or suicidal and stupid.   If you're a soldier, the object is not to die for your country, but to make the other dumb bastard die for his!  (- George S. Patton).   No Fear is a clothing brand.  So is Fear of God.  Be afraid, be very afraid! - The Fly (film, 1986), (and also a book, collection of urban legends).  I guess it's possible, and it's been said, that all fear is an extension of one fear, of DEATH (end of self, loss of experiencing).  Don't fear the reaper.

no fear of dying is not fear of not dying, lol

but maybe not fearing death entails no fear of not-dying!

hell is a helluva spell

(and heaven is quite the carrot)

why is the expression "god-fearing" even in existence? God is good!


You can't have consciousness without a brain.  Souls don't exist.  Unless you exist entirely in God's brain.   That's a really weird thought, no?  Impermanence makes a lot more sense.  the loss of experience.  Oblivion.  Nullibiety.  Non-existence.  The End.  Off to Niflheim, lol.

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