Rage, grief, guilt, pain
Suffering, discontentment, cynical, distrustful, hateful, vengeful, disturbed, resentful, malicious, hostile, pugnacious, irate, spiteful, angry, rotten, vicious, cruel, unkind, unhinged, terrible, depraved, wicked, poisonous, nasty, hurtful, mad, sick
insane pain, torture in an orchard, bloody buddies, in chains and insane, degenerate generation, drowned and down, scary larry, brutal poodle
immoral, unethical, criminal, racist, misogynist, misanthropic, wicked and depraved, spys and spooks, devils and demons, cruel and brutal
man is conceived in sin and born in corruption and passeth from the stink of the didie to the stench of the shroud: there is always something - Robert penn warren
slash, gash, gush, rush
some churchiness: do this in memory of me (do Tim's mom, lol), reading pages for ages, bag and jar: praise bless adore glorify, just and right; S+P 500 (scribes and pharisees), grades: BA blessed apostles, DF, doubt and fear, mrs. doubtfear! FC, fullness of charity, fight club; peace be with you, piece of wit, police be with you, may the force be with you, star wars, steer and boars, pigs and cows are so pc; acclaim: ack, lame.
what's up? up? a movie. ups. you pee. 3,7. 10. 1. sky, the heavens. shut up, shut down. giving up on a losing battle, taking up macrame. erection, giddiness, ascension, high school, drug high, what's happening, the newest news. onward and upward. ever higher, glory to god in the highest. looking up to someone. status, authority, power, respect. up yours, buddy. up shit creek. wake up. get up, stand up. Stratford upon Avon. a pawn. on top of things. uptown. upanishads. going up? get on up. update, Uppsala, uppity, Tupac, pickup truck. mind made up. up is any direction at all! (if you keep going)
VH, van halen, vaccine hesitancy, voice from heaven: very happy (to be getting my jab, Monday!)
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