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I, God, welcome you to my blog!

The good book says only God is good, so it seems to me somebody needs to step up.

I hope you enjoy reading this, the Jesse Journal, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to subscribe, write me an email, request that I write about any particular topic you may want my perspective on, send a prayer, click on the charity link, or donate money to my bicycle fund! Have fun!

Your pal, Jess
L-I'm a straight, virgo/boar INTJ (age 52) who enjoys books, getting out into nature, music, and daily exercise.

(my email is

F.Y.I. There are about 2200 posts..

Here's a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky to start things off right: Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Promise of Prom Promiscuity

 Prometheus is not prominent

Well, folks.   I'm on some new drugs (meds).   I'll tell you if you're nice.   I saw a phone number for mushrooms on my dog walk, today.  Tempting, but my dalliance with pot went awry, so why go further.  To the world: ARE YOU OKAY?  ARE YOU ALRIGHT?  Really?  There is evil out there.  Please be nice to each other.  People can be so cruel.  The world needs love.  Crime needs to be prevented and defeated.   Inculcated against with values.  Threatened with hell.  Promised with prison.  And all the criminals, along with everyone else, deserve ALL our love.  The world can be a beautiful, beautiful place.  

Reality is complex.   Reality is simple ("all that exists").    Words and numbers can be fluid, and sometimes should be.  Multiple meanings, complexity.  Misspellings.  Creativity, new words, new definitions, new meanings.  Gods and gods and God and god and Omg.  And no God at all.  

Has anyone ever told you, "It's all your fault."    Don't take this literally.  Like all of history and the universe and the news and the goings on of every individual on the entire planet, for the rest of eternity...  There IS such a thing as taking yourself too seriously.    Like a psychiatrist that thinks he's causing everyone's problems.  Or a player that thinks he's responsible for every loss, or something.   Lighten up, dude, and dudette.

LORDS:   love orgasm righteousness despair.      life omniscience retarded death.

Coffee affects your coffer.    Coffin?  Only if you don't cut back after side effects like heartburn, nervousness, and insomnia.  I like mine dark, lots of cream, lots of sugar.

Hope Healing Recovery.   Good mission statement.   Peace, freedom, love, therapy.   

Live, love, laugh, and Liberty.    Earn and Give and ASK/LEARN and Live.

Spiritually open, anxiety, insomnia, fear of alcoholism..   (telepathy, voice, good ol' Dave)

ISIS, what IS IS.   Alcohol is a depressive (can be, in excess), like life is suffering (what the Buddha famously said, not meaning ALL of it, obviously).

Kelli compared David Foster Wallace (DFW) to Jesus, after watching his 'Like Water' video on YouTube.   My default-settings (DE - David Eldridge said it was all my fault).    Infinite Jest makes me think of me, Jesse Teshara ("Jess T" - jest), existing in some infinite way.   But I don't need to think that way!  I'm pretty sure we all have our allotted time, impermanent, and then back to dust, oblivion, nullibiety. 

'Infinite Jest' is the title of a David Foster Wallace novel (I've read).   The title comes from Shakespeare (Hamlet), in reference to Yorick, the king's jester (alas!  I knew him well).   Alas, DFW committed suicide (in 2008).   I have almost all of his books.

Interesting questions:  Was I happy in the womb?  Was I born neutral, didn't cry?  Did your mom stick her finger in your butt to see if you squeal (supposedly to see if you're gay)?  What did they do to you?   Were you raped?  What are the consequences of your name?  Did you get an award in something you're not really any good at?  Did you major in something you ended up not using?  Were you overly ambitious?  Are you a "totally useless person"?  Is "skirt steak" an insidious name for a delicious dish?  Does Star Wars make kids want to have superpowers, delusional fantasies they have no hope of ever, ever acquiring?  Who is in our heads?  (For example, I named a dog Ollie-Guacho).   It could be guacamole nacho, or it could be an epithet for a bastard (I discovered later).  Are you a bastard?  Did you have a moment of nausea in church?  Did your parents fight at the dinner table?  Did you start a new life on the wrong foot?  Did you neglect to marry the love of your life?  I called a dog dopey.  He later walked into a tree.   Did I do that?   Does Jesus want us to PREY for him?   What is the John Wick quote getting at, "I have served.  I will BE of service"?  (Are you a greater sinner than you admit to yourself (or God)?  Do you not believe in sin or God, anyway?  Do you think fairness requires harshness or laxity?). 

Be GOOD to yourself, LOVE yourself, take care of yourself, and get the support you need.   The Universe may be indifferent, but you don't need to be, and the people you surround yourself with should care. 

Has anyone ever asked you, "WHAT are you?".   What is the "dark web", exactly?   Who put the alphabet in it's current order?   Is there a rhyme or reason to it?  Is it hopeless to attempt a baby?  Then again, JS Bach had 16 kids, but has no living descendants today.   Is "jacket" deprecatory toward onanism?  Are hotdogs severed-penises??   Spray for me, Jesus.   What does folding (origami?) have to do with the 8-fold path?  Is Economics EEK o comics?  Were Clinton and Gore elected on the resonance of their names with sex and violence?  (clitoris bloodbath).   Are you a baby in a grown man's body??

Spaceship earth, yellow submarine, it takes a village

You don't owe anybody anything, and nobody owes you anything, either.

Why do earworms persist??  How do you clear them?

Sudoku is not a pseudo-coup

"crazy and not in recovery" vs.  Sane and best friend ever, with promise of All

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