A sample of what goes on in my omniscient brain
S.O.C. (Stream o' Consciousness) is Soc which stands for society, or is pronounced Soshe for sociology, if you're in college for example, studying society, which requires you to be social. CIA is in social, which is not special, because CIA is in many words, and is not conspiratorial, as CIA also stands for the Cal Arts Institute, where my cousin went, or the Culinary Institute of America, where one of my childhood friends went, who has the initials ST, so a STOP sign could indicate a CIA OP. Cool, huh? I think of spys, and the spyder car, and spiders, and the Spy who loved me, and John Le Carre's The Spy who came in from the cold, and spyglasses, which are telescopes, I believe, like the one I got for X-mas. Christ, there's a spy in my head. The holy see sees through me? I've done some remote viewing myself.. Sometimes while awake, sometimes in a waking dream. Undirected, of course. Haven't we all. It's not so very special, I would imagine. Pink Floyd has someone in his head, who's not him. Which one's Pink? Pink is another musician. You got the wrong guy. D is the emoticon for smile (;-D), so PFD is Pink Floyd smiling, in addition to Personal Floatation Device, which keeps you afloat and floating on cloud 9 in your sea of liquidity, or on your Nimbus 2000 where you can see the silver (Ag) lining to the cloud where the dragon (China) is hiding. Is Hewlett Packard Harry Potter? I'm an Aggie (UCD) who's been to China and who took theology instead of the Spy class in Integrated Studies, offered in the same time slot, unfortunately. After SI, I.S. I don't remember what I did in between, at point zero. Probably Royaneh, CR, consensus reality. Or Hyatt, S.F.O bellman, bellboy, bellhop, bellperson. After I graduated, I worked at The Grad, which did not sell plastics, but burgers. B-urgers urge b's, whatever that might mean. I met a botanist named Scobee, who I pointed out could stand for Scientific Classification of Organisms, bee. Honey bees. Dick Scobee was an astronaut, and is not. Burger bumperstickers (b.s.) are transformed into the in-n-out urge. B.S. is a little bible study at In-n-out, too. What's the verse on the cola cup? B is 2 is Jesus is jew is B words is Bouncing Baby Boy (ouch). Another baby phrase is Smooth as a baby's bottom (unless it has dimples). There's Dimples records, in Sacramento, with their "insanity" logo. The insanity defense. Incapable of distinguishing between right and wrong, or controlling your behavior. What's the word. Amoral and suffering from x. I can't even control my thoughts, I think. D.E.'s fence. The insanity of a manatee, an endangered species, I believe. A danger to yourself or others. Humanity is humane? Insane. Is rhyming a crime? Some raps cause crime. Correction, contribute to. What rhymes with orange? Hinges on what part of the word you're rhyming it with. Or...Borange rhymes with orange. Who says you have to use existing words? The language is an evolving construct, and you can invent words, if you like. Don't be a robot! Actually, robots can invent words, too. So, like, yeah, whatever, nevermind. Nevermind is a Nirvana album. Nirvana is 7th heaven on cloud 9, on an outer circle of hell. Numbers, numb brrrs, hypothermia. Heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Boy Scout days. B.S. in the U.S. BP, Baden Powell. In the heat of the night, in the heat of passion, hot and cold temperaments, fiery speeches. VAFFN- Ecclesiastes wisdom, All is Vanity, Absurdity, Frustration, Futility, Nonsense. Wizdumb, something to think about when you're pissing. The Wiz. Wizard of Oz. Oz, the hbo prison series. Said in Oz and in Lost. Lost in Space. KKK wizards. The duel of the wizards in Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and in Heavy Metal. Bang! lol. Wizzing, wazzup. Whiz by on your motorcycle. Crotch rockets. Urine, you're in. Europe, you're up. You're down, you're depressed. You're out, you're outside. You're not in the in-group. You're not at bat. You're openly homosexual. One, some, or all of the above four. 4 outs in this game. Al, David, Jesse, and Four. I said it. It's out. Antichrist sums to 4. Some people capitalize Antichrist, like it's a historical figure, an individual, THE Antichrist. I think it's just anyone that's opposed to Christ. Christ means annointed. If you don't want anyone annointed, then you're an antichrist. Or, to be absurd, if you're a christian aunt named Christy. you're an aunty chris t. Nonsense, I tell you. Nunsense. NIN, nine inch nails. Ninsense. Anais Nin. Getting nailed. Cum-union wine, holy water, blood of Christ. water to wine to blood. Water has consciousness? What the bleep do I know. Hope I'm not pissing you off. Come on. Bob Eucharist. God, the devil, and Bob- a tv show. Andy Richter controls the Universe, another TV show . Then there's Jesse. Dave's World. Ellen. The Oxygen (O2, or O) network. Love is like Oxygen. FOX. Crazy like a fox. Vicent Fox. Foxy lady. xxx. Red states, blue states, and the old show I watched as a kid, Red and Blue teams (I don't know if that's what it was calleed). 3-2-1 Contact, yeah. Is the reason, is the answer, why everything happens, as the jingle went. Sesame Street and The Electric Company, with Spiderman making guest appearances on occasion, yeah! There was also the live-action Spiderman tv series. I watched V and Miami Vice and Knight Rider. I like How It's Made and Cash Cab and Jeopardy and Dirty Jobs and the occasional cartoon. The cooking channel is fun. Kooky cooks. Vice cops. Copernicus and copulations. Question: Etymology of cop? The police are pissed off lice? The popo? Get them out of my hair! Putting on the airs of H. Eminem sings I'm a criminal. I've had Eminem in my head. I have a right to privacy. I should not be a captive audience to someone invading my headspace, even if he or she does think he's God, if I don't want them there. The God becomes the devil if he's not welcome. Is there a difference between the Holy See and the Pope? Pope looks like poppy. The pope on heroin, damn. Pop, like dad or abba or padre or the experience of what happens in my head far too often. I have a song called "my head popped." Pop Goes the weasel. He's a rat. I don't give a rats ass. Ratatouille. Mickey mouse is the name of my computer peripheral. The real slim shady. RSS feeds. A member of the S.S. St. Stephen's and the schutzstaffel. Teshara, TES HARA, The Eminem Show and some ancient God. M&M's are tasty. They melt in your mouth. Like buttah. Is someone going to eat Eminem? Chaulk o' late. P-nuts, piss nuts, he's always pissed and nuts, it seems. Marcel means martial which sounds like Marshall. The more drinks in your system, the harder the fight! Mather air force base. Ma, The R. Oh bother, says Eeyore, from the story of yore. Bo knows. Ma O knows. God the father. Obama and rat a 2e. This is how I think. Welcome to my world.
My world, continued: ATT, your world, delivered. DHL, at your door, to de-liver you. UPS, the power of Brown. Brown university, or the psychological impact of a color. H stands for Harvard. ATT is American Telephone and Telegraph. Isn't the telegraph a little outdated? Shouldn't it be just AT now. TNA wrestling. T eshar A. What's Eshar? Esha? A, T rhymes with Haiti. Hey, T. T is Theresa. T is Teshara. T is Tom. Hatey, and IRE-land, GR!! German Republic. Germs, man. Man alive. Caiman islands. K-man. Strange things are a foot at the circle K. A foot? My left foot. Misery. I'm your greatest fan. Blowing some air at ya. Pork. K-ill. Quell, and K-well. Poverty sucks. Rich foods are delicious. You are what you eat. What you ingest. In Jess T. Eat Jesus. This is my body, which will be given up, for you. Erection. Little death. Take this cup (of suffering) from me. Jesus' prayer was not anwered affirmatively. Damn. Jesus called it his Passion. Apparently, he was masochistic. And also, one might guess, pleasure was painful. Inverted. Born of a virgin? Building a mystery, like Sarah. Pervert. IM A PERV=vampire. I never drink...wine. Blood fetish. What I got, you gotta get it, put it in you. Don't stop, continue. Kellogg's corn flakes are GRR eat! Eat the rich. I know an Audrey Kell. AK, for short. It's all true. Do not let your left foot know what your right foot is doing. Jesus was insane. Insane in the membrane. MCI, mad crazy insane. The Blue Diamond truck drivers...they drive me nuts! They're pinky and the brain. One is a genius, the other's insane. What if Pink sang Purple Rain and Yellow submarine to somebody on acid. Whoa, man. In Seine river. River Phoenix. Rising up from the ashes. Ashes: Atascadero State Hospital. American Society of Hematology. Ashley furniture. Cremation. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust. Dead skin cells. Dust mites. We are all star dust. Fireflies, like the death of stars. Grave of gravity. Death, thou shalt die. Humorous and light hearted. Gravity, it weighs on me. Lighthearted, light earthed. The might of a mite. Mighty mouse! Speedy Gonzales and his brother, Slowpoke Rodriguez. Animated insects. Antz. Ants in your pants. Eating, burning, squishing, ants. Ant farms. Anthropology. Ace the New Testament. Childhood torture and rhymes. Mass was occasionally unpleasant. Native American spirituality. Indian burns. Stick a needle in my eye. Liar, Liar, pants on fire. Anthony and ant honey torture. I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a trans-orbital lobotomy. Inn sane. The insane are in the sane. The outsane? Get the word out. The word insane is insane. Nuts is nuts, too. A nut is a nut is a nut. Are you a cashew? Cash? Ew.. I'm nuts about Brazil. Dirty movies. Oooh, I need a dirty woman. Mud wrestling. Sex on the beach. Dirty beaches. Bacteria is everywhere, don't worry. Be happy. Happy happy joy joy. Joy Harjo. Happy go lucky. Going through a stop sign, and getting lucky. Lucky charms. C-harms. C is for computer. C++. Elvis shooting his computer. C-ouch. C-span, C-spanish, c-spain, see S in Pain. C-ow, those poor cows. That short story about the smart cow, escaping. The most dangerous game. The story about the ants in Africa invading the farm, eating everything, crossing the moat of petrol... 3 stories that stuck. Ants and oil...Ant I Christ. The Jesus ant. Insects, in sects. Bugs, bugs bunny, Bugsy, computer bugs, VW bug, and buggery. Only 6 types of bugs. There is such a thing as ''true bugs". Be true to your school now, just like you would to your girl or guy. Faithful. Fidelity. God is love. Fidelity is life insurance. Catch a wave, and you're sitting on top of the world. Risk and asset management. Megabites of RAM. Beach boys and Beach blanket babylon. Babble, Babel, Babylon, and Babylonia. Babble on!
Babbling brook, a stream of consciousness, back to the circle of life, where someone at the end of time time travels back to the beginning of time to get things started in...this is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends...some people started singing it not knowing what it was...and they'll continue singing it forever just because...THIS IS THE SONG THAT... babbles incoherently like a madman (or woman, like Lamb Chop's playalong) who sees himself in the madrone and manzanita, and a Holy See who sees himself in a stream of consciousness, which is S.O.C.
22 hours ago
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