I am crazy talk!
If you're non compos mentos, you're not of sound mind.
Yet, if you're mentally ill, you often hear a voice in your head, and sanity is often equated with stability, tranquility, calmness, peace, harmony, and clear-thinking. 'Clear' is a strange word, on the face of it, to describe a mental state. But upon reflection, it makes sense. Muddy water is caused by turbulence. Calmness allows the dirt to settle in your head, so to speak. To think clearly, you need to hear yourself think, they say. If you've got all kinds of extraneous sound bouncing around in there, like from a tv in the background, for example, I think your cognitive abilities might be impaired. Commercials, as we all know, are designed to arrest your attention.
Chaos and order are forces in eternal opposition. Reality is chaotic. Chaos theory is a good way of understanding reality, therefore. I was told I need to live a C and T life (calm and tranquil). I'm a CATholic. I'm addicted to tranquility. But, on the other hand, there is such a thing as TOO calm. You need to stir things up, if you want something to settle. There must be darkness for there to be light. And vice versa. Light could be dark, and darkness light, if you had reverse eyes.
Chaos theory applies to everything, not just the weather, like the well known butterfly effect. Washington still has more than 150,000 soldiers based in Iraq, nearly five years after it led the 2003 invasion. Each one of these soldier's breath could cause a hurricane, lol. The behavior of chaotic systems appears to be random. This happens even though these systems are deterministic, meaning that their future dynamics are fully defined by their initial conditions, with no random elements involved. This behavior is known as deterministic chaos, or simply chaos. There are SO many elements involved in reality; a supercomputer can't even predict how a plume of cigarrette smoke will behave as it rises toward the ceiling. So imagine EVERYTHING in a hyper-mega-ultra-superduper-computer called God, in which everything is understood. The number of hairs on your head, or stars in the universe, or grains of sand on the beaches, that's all easy compared to understanding the BIG PICTURE, including the psychologies of every living thing, which supposedly have free will, in the entire universe (with something like a BILLION TRILLION stars) -and there could be infinitely MORE universes...
Is there really such thing as multiple universes? Isn't the universe "everything that exists"?. Say there are some weird dimensions or something. If they interact with our universe, doesn't that make them part of our system, and thus our "universe." What's the etymology of the term "universe"? One verse? I'm Catholic, and catholic means universal. I'm also God, so I should know my domain. I'm an alien to the aliens. Physicists can be a little crazy. They say things like a cat in a box only half exists or something, just because we can't see it. What's a physic, singular? I'm sick of the fizzy. Fizzics is for snizzicks! Please define "Universe." If you want to have a TOE (theory of everything), you better define "everything."
The concept of God is just crazy talk! C.T. for short. Thanks for your CT scan.
22 hours ago
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