Gotta have F.E.
Here's an excerpt on potential and possibility vs. dismal reality:
In the recent vehicle efficiency contest put on by Shell oil company, as part of the long-standing tradition of oil companies blaming car companies for the excesses of the fossil fuel economy while car companies just as joyfully blame oil companies, "The team from the French technical school St. Joseph La Joliverie went 7,148 miles on a single gallon of fuel. The Shell website is quick to point out that that's "almost ten miles per teaspoon." Maybe the body isn't the most efficient vehicle after all.
In any case... it gives you a sense for just how much power is contained in a gallon of gasoline. It's too bad we've been pretty much pouring it down the drain for the last few decades."
And so many of us have to drive big and bad vehicles to dominate the road and seem all manly and tough and strong, while usually towing or hauling pretty much nothing. Real men drive geo's.
If we're going to spend over a trillion dollars and make more enemies, personal and national, than we had before, and kill and maim and scar our soldiers and (basically non-threatening) enemy combatants, as well as the many more Iraqi civilians, for gasoline, while decreasing our ability to solve problems at home and in other spots in the world, whether military problems or not, we should at least get our poop together and figure out how to conserve energy, and not just as a possibility, but in reality, now. That is, as soon as possible.
When it comes to the fuel economy, as regards oil companies and car companies, Why can't we all get along? Maybe it's time for government action. Seriously.
With increasing computer capacity, couldn't we all have cheaply built, highly fuel-efficient cars that drive themselves safely and solve traffic problems, to boot. Isn't that the future?
By the way, I say enemy combatants are basically non-threatening, in that they most likely can't enter the United States and hurt us. The U.S. has it's own war-zones, in the crime ridden neigborhoods..
1. (help solve your neighborhood's problems).
2. (City data doesn't differentiate between neighborhoods)
3. (Comparing city data is unfair).
Your Blessing from God:
22 hours ago
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