I am
God is One, love, and a man of war (and, since war is the art of deception, that could mean a man of peace, a woman of war, or a woman of peace). God is YHWH and Allah, among Oh so many others, like Ahura Mazda. (7858=1. One=7. Allah=7. 1+7=8=GOD (764)). I was born in '71. I graduated from H.S. in '89. God on HI. (Jess Teshara=8,9). God is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, and all-loving. O my god. God is Good, Holy Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. I AM. (IAM=5=Christ) Jesus Christ. (7). Jesus anagrams to Jess, u. Me? In the words of Bob Marley, Almighty God is a living man. Jesse. J esse. 1 being. Kindness is my religion. K stands for kindness.
Trinity can be both sacred and profane. The "holy" trinity could also be holes: oral, anal, vaginal. vam. If you have passion, or fire, for vagina, anus, mouth, you could be a vampire. Vampire anagrams to IM A PERV. Christians drink the blood of Jesus. Jesse without vowels, as in hebrew, is JSS. Jesse was a vampire in Anne Rice's Queen of the Damned. Jesse was a sitcom played by Christina Applegate, which has Christ and Apple in it. Bill Gates is 888, or 6, like O (my God). A trinity of gods. JLT=132=6. Six is the devil's number. Sounds like sex. Sex is making love. Love is God. The devil makes God.
JLT makes me think of jolt cola. I get head shocks, or what other people call "brain zaps." This makes me think of Harry Potter. I read Harrold and the purple crayon. Harrold makes his world, like God. God is a potter, forming us like clay at the wheel. My birthmother's name is Riddle, like Voldemort's (lord move t). My birthsister's name was Sarah Salazar, which makes me think of Salazar Slytherin. I was adopted like Harry Potter. I have a HP printer. PR inter, muahahah. I speak parseltongue. I parse words into slippery speech. Jesssse. My shocks make me think of Bill Gates' "digital nervous system," or Darth Vader. I have a neural net, like in Neuromancer. Breaking ice.
Dar means give. Jesse means gift. Sauron is called "the lord of gifts." Gift is regalo in spanish. That anagrams to Al Gore. Jesse is like Tennessee (J is the tenth letter), which Gore governed. Tennessee comes from Tanasi, which anagrams to I, Satan. David Eldridge, who said I (and he) were vampires, said Al Gore was the Antichrist. Antichrist=Al=David=Jesse=4. I know someone named Four, to boot. Christ just means annointed. You can make yourself christ right now with some vegetable oil. There are many antichrists. Rightly so. The bible says he makes people his slave. If you believe in freedom, you might be an antichrist. Al Gore, like Jesse Teshara, is 4,9. 4+9=13. I grew up rooting for the niners. My wife Sara grew up off of hwy. 49 in Auburn, and worked at 49er video in Davis. It reminds me of the movie 23. 2x2=4. 3x3=9. Spooky! I worked at Walgreens as a clerk, before the 2000 election, which pitted Dubya, Al, and the Greens against each other. I actually wanted the election to be decided by one vote, beforehand. I got my wish (although I voted Gore, despite being pro-life). I have a globe with a 25 watt bulb. I had another one, but it melted in the sunlight in the backseat of my Honda. Glowball warming.
Nuclear families, with suns in them. The sun is a dot in the sky. Daughters. Solar..I am the sol of AR. Sun (son) of Annette Riddle. Weird. SAD, sons and daughters. Not really. ANyway,
Other big bad guys, besides Antichrist, Sauron, darth vader, satan, and vampires, are Hannibal Lecter and Kaiser Soze. I used to go to Kaiser. I knew a Kai and a So (in my spanish class in college, both gay). Lil' Ze was one bad ass in City of God. KS is 3 like Sara. Speaking of k, I wrote a document called 1k reasons people kill. It was my foray into criminal psychology. Milk!
Hannibal signed his name H. Han are the chinese. My mom calls cheetos cheese nibbles. H is Honda. Honda means deep, in spanish. My sister, Sarah Salazar, died in a brown Honda (I was driving). My wife, Sara Brown, drives a black Honda (the color of death). Depth psychology. Gnosis and hypnosis. She studied Art History (Anthony Hopkins, Adolf Hitler, Anthony Harris, Alfred Hitchcock, Anne Heche) and serves Sirah (Sir A.H.) wine at the Wildhurst tasting room. She also works at Main Element. The main element is H, hydrogen. There's the H del Sol, which could stand for hydrogen of the sun or Hannibal of Silence of the Lambs. Her initials are SL. Just a SLB like one of us. O my God. Lord God Almighty. Satan Lucifer Beelzebub. S is the symbol for Allah. Lord stands for life or death, light or darkness. Anyway, she wanted to be a curator, like H was in Hannibal. She had an experience with lamb growing up. She needs to get more fun out of life. She likes crime shows. She was top of her psychology class. Let the power of Brown work for you. H is Harvard. I know a Harv. The competitor to UPS is DHL, Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Both de-liver.
So I get shocks like Harry Potter from Voldemort or Luke Skywalker from the Emperor. I am a Jedi. Je-sse. 49 is di. Star Trek is 4,9 too. Anyway, I get shocks possibly to indicate, as if I were connected to "the force" (2), shocking events or shocks to the economy. Is it related to "shocks" of hair? Maybe I should become a skinhead.
The devil has so many names. It's a personification of the source of evil, D-evil, 4 evil, or for evil. Just as God is good without an O (offense, or orgasm, you choose). God just means go do good. Words are just letters to get creative with. A rose is still a rose by any other name. Satan=1, and One is God. I AM. Santa is a good guy, right? It means saint. St. Satan. sat=4, an=6. 4+6 is forensics. Jesse is sees J, and J is 10 like satan. The holy see and see s.j. (society of jesus, the jesuits, who see god in all things, as god created satan). See=2=jew=jesus=beast. I know, I'm nuts. I'm a brazil nut. Sexy. Anyway, David has devil in his name, and I have satan in my name, and Sara wants to name our child, if female, Lucy. Lucifer was called LCF in the 9th gate movie, and I dated an Ellen Covington French. I have a dead milkmen album called Beelzebubba. My (dead) grandpa was a milkman.
Bill Clinton was called Bubba. I voted Bill. I even volunteered in his campaign. I solved a power problem at their SF headquarters. My grandpa and dad go by Mr. T, long before the A-team came about. ATE AM, One Jesus Christ Am. Strange. I know a Nat. Satan as Nat? I met someone who went by Lousifer or something at Atascadero. Mephistopheles, the meth monster? Off o' lees. Off=666. Lee, like Bruce, the dragon. I'm stretching, I think, for meaning.
On the other hand, I know a Koran, a Shiva, a Jin, and a Four. I saw a man who changed his name to God interviewed on the Daily Show. God exists. I've been to Paradise, California. Paradise is a real place. It has a nice outdoor pool. My aunt is a nun. Aunty Christ, ha. It's a bit much, perhaps. Then again, I'm prone to magical thinking. For example, cars. The sob, 9-3. The z71. Jeep. GT. SLT. Sahara. Montero. PT cruiser. Jimmy. RAV4. Virgo is "the vehicle" My last name is 'as hater' and 'as heart'. Something to think about with those deep H's on the road.
I know, it's all mind control (GMC, global mind control) and CR (consensus reality). I like to trip, and look for meaning. CR is Colorado Rockies and Camp Royaneh, too. What's your trip? IAMS is a cat food. I am S. No, not superman...I only fly in my dreams. I am a super man, though. Allah? Sara? stupid! stupid=8. I am someone. Sum-1. One is God. I am a human being, but you can call me whatever you want. It's just words. Words will never hurt me. God is the word. And the word was God. I am wombatman! Winnie, Oliver, Marcel, Brown and Teshara.
Atman.. breath, world soul, true self. There ar 2 atmans, Brahmanic and dualist, and Hindu and Buddhist. B-atman. I am a bit batty, to boot.
22 hours ago
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