Everything is something else.
(God is love)
Food: Are you Hungary? Have a Bolivia of Syria for breakfast with a Cuba sugar, or Cook (islands) Turkey for dinner. There's Greece-y Iraq of lamb to Phillipines your Belize to Bulgaria with. Would you like a Liberia with that? Maybe Togo? For dessert, there's Camaroons and other Swedens. For bacon, use the Tonga when you turn the Bahamas in the pans (Japan and Panama).
Medical: You are in good hands. You are in suit and Thailand. Kenya sit over here? You are experiencing highs and lows of your bi-poland disorder. U.S.A. some Lithuania to moderate your Romania, Tanzania, and New Zealand. If you experience any Spain, and the Herzegovina is unbearable, Tunisia exercise. Maybe go to the gym and do some Latvias. The witch doctor can give you a Brunei for your Indonesia. Iran some tests. Oman.. You could be seriously at Finland. (Norway! Italy!) If you feel on the edge of Netherlands, and think Germany is responsible, get some Zaire and breathe in the Ethiopia. You will feel a Russia of vitality, and your Cambodia will feel like new. Don't forget to come in for your Pap..ua New Guinea next year.
First Names: You may think I'm joking but We..stern Sahara. There's a Sara (Burkina Faso, Niger, and Phillipines) and a Brown (Canada), her Suriname. There's Joe, Montana. Okay, I'll stick to countries. Chad, Molly (Mali), Al and Alger (Algeria), Wanda (Rwanda), Maury and Tania (Mauritania), Rocco (Morocco), Sierra and Leone (I know one of each), Hong Kong (I know one of each), Sue and Dan (Sudan), Nick (Nicaragua), Anna and French (french guyana), Phillip (Phillipines), Ben (Benin), Cameron (Cameroon), Georgia, Tina (Argentina), Gary (Bulgaria), Bob (Zimbabwe), Olivia (Bolivia), you, Crane, and, of course, Stan.
Carnations: There is, of course, C.A.R. (Central African Republic), and Sudan (the capital of which is Khartoum), Madagascar, and the capital of Senegal, Dakar.
Fight!: Niger and Nigeria, Armenia, Ireland, Haiti, Iceland, Estonia, Bangledesh, Uzbekistan, Grenada. Badness: Malawi, Malaysia (melee).
Animals: Ant-arctica, Fr-ance, Sierra Leone, Laos, Bul-garia, Fin-land, U-kraine.
Work: Thailand, Bosnia, Yugoslavia, Chechoslovakia, Portugal, Costa Rica.
Companies: Mexico, Columbia, Monaco, Morocco
Nature: Phillipines, Eritrea, Austria, Greenland.
Sound: Belarus, Singapore, (burkina) fa-so.
You can, of course, really go crazy with the towns, cities, counties, districts, states, and regions, in addition to the country names.
22 hours ago
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