God can be found in Nature
Welcome to my world (or my headspace, anyway).
Hi! Or, if you're feeling a bit lower, hello. In any case, hey there. You can say hi if you're low or hello if you're high, though. It's okay. What's up? I see you're reading my blog. I see all. No, really. All? Ah.
No, I'm being clever, if you want to call it that. Me seeing ALL doesn't mean I'm promiscuous, or that I see, in this moment, all that is (to do so would require a much bigger eye and brain, that would be able to see itself). I was being a bit weaselly, and referring to seeing the word 'all'. But I didn't use diacritical ' marks, so that would have been disingenuous, without explanation. I'm the good kind of God. I explain. Good God.
I'm Jesse (you can call me Jess) - I once went by Jester; in Spanish I'm Jesus or Chuy or Isai (so many names!), and I'm new to the blogosphere. I am. I just researched blogging, and apparently there are more than 112 million blogs. So, unless my blog readership goes astronomical, I suppose you're one of my few, proud readers. To infinity and beyond!
Infinity is not a real number, you know. It's not even an imaginary number. It's a bizarre concept. An infinity of infinities is still infinity.
On large numbers: Did you know there are 6.7T fish in the ocean? There are 6.7B people on earth. That's 1k fish per person. There are around 1BT stars in the known universe. That's 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. That's 21 zeroes. Obviously, that's plus or minus a few, lol. That's just the known universe. A googol is a 1 with a hundred zeros, though. 80 zeroes describes the number of elementary particles in the universe. A googolplex has a 1 with a googol zeroes. There aren't enough atoms in the universe to write either number down. It doesn't describe anything we can even remotely imagine. A googleplex googleplexes is the funniest thing I can think of. I'm coining this number, this concept, the Jesst. I still haven't gotten to infinity, so I don't know how I'll go beyond, lol.
Did you know there are more neural circuits in each one of our brains than there are atoms in the universe? Maybe I do see all, on some level, in my super-circuited subconscious. It's fun to think so. Of course, all is probably infinite, which is even more than my googleplex googleplexes. So, none of us see jack diddly squat, relative to ALL. Each universe is infinite, and then they say there are infinite universes! Of course, our known universe isn't infinite, but space, by it's very nature, must extend indefinitely, i.e. infinitely, in all directions. "Space" doesn't expand. Space is. A circle has infinite points, and a sphere has even more. "Reality" is a theoretical construct. Our sensations aren't in real-time, for example, as light takes some time to reach us, and even more time is taken to travel through our bodies, and be processed as perceptions. We don't understand gravity, or the majority of matter in the universe's "dark matter," as far as I know. And what the heck is dark energy? I eat food, and it doesn't glow. The earth is made of matter, and it doesn't glow. Matter is energy, they say. How can mass be multiplied by the speed of light, to get energy? I can't multiply matter by any number. What does that even mean? Black holes are said to supposedly have "infinite" mass. But that would suck up the entire universe in an instant, wouldn't it (and infinitely more). People throw around the word infinite too carelessly. Do photons have mass? I know they're "light." They must, if gravity acts on them. Physics is interesting.
Speaking of astronomy, I just got a telescope for Christmas. I have yet to see Saturn's rings, (or aliens, lol). I just looked at the moon, for the first time. I hadn't even seen it with binoculars before. I wonder if you could see the astronauts when they were up there, from the earth. Probably not.
I know Godblogs are almost universally Christian, and part of the Christian community. So Ill comment on Jesus. Christ was not his last name. Incidentally, I'm not crazy about being called Jesus. I chose Chuy instead in spanish class, instead of heyzeus. Hey, Zeus. He is said to be our lord and savior. I don't know what either of these terms means. Lord means life or death? light or dark? Jesus' name (which means YHWH saves) is what the bible tells us we have to believe in for eternal life. To be saved from death, from sin (the "wages" of which are death). It doesn't say whether it would be an eternity of bliss, pain, or normalcy. It could be a trap.
Savior is a bit of a fuzzy term, like so much in the bible. If you compile a list of biblical rules, and live by them, then you'll be saved from sin and thus from hell, i.e. suffering, the punishment for sin. Maybe. Jesus sure suffered. Tattoos and calamari are no-no's, for example. And there's the ten commandments. Jesus even said you must be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect. Nobody's perfect, right? I love calamari.
We're all in heaven already. Earth is in the heavens. What is the etymology of 7th heaven? Were other heavens enumerated? There were different levels of hell described. My father is in San Francisco. That's debateable as to whether that's heaven or not.
Anyway, maybe saving means saved on a computer, so you can frolic for eternity in your virtual neverland, flying and whatnot. That seems where we're headed. Maybe it already exists. I don't think so, though. That just means I can't imagine it. But I can't imagine alot of things. I get by with a little help from my friends. Imagine all the people, living in a world of.. whirled peas.
Maybe Jesus was Satan. I don't discount that possibility. If he was talking to the guy, maybe he was schizophrenic and talking to himself, in his head. If flesh was so sinful, I'm sure he was horny. If he was mad, then maybe he was angry, and anger seems incompatible with lovingkindness. Actually, anyone who is truly loving and kind is almost necessarily righteously angry with things. I think God and Satan are religious delusions, anyway. Neither exist, unless you make them real in yourself. They're personifications of the sources for good and evil. Satan possesses you, but one chooses God. Some, I suppose, choose Satan and are possessed by God. Good and evil are subjective, so I don't suppose either objectively exist. Sinister means left, and Right is associated with righteousness, due to the necessity of making people believe goodness is strong. I suppose that's why Jesus made the rather cryptic remark, don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing (or was it the opposite). Michael Meyers, I think, has his heart on the other (right) side of his body. My left ankle doesn't bend. Do you think these things impact politics? In any case, crucifixion is not my thing. I don't want to be Jesus. I shouldn't take his name in vain, as they say. Perhaps I should change my name. Isai, not Jesus, was used to describe the father of King David in my spanish language bible, though. Great, now I'm A.I. (Artificial Intelligence, Arms Industry, American Idol, etc.)
But go ahead, call me what you will (Hi, whatuwill!). Chuy is pronounced 'chewy'. Communion wafers are chewy. I like those Chewy brand bars. Chewbacca was named after me. Don't eat me! Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup. You can eat me, if you transubstantiate a chocolate bar (love), a Chewy bar (my name), wine (I whine about my symptoms), or nuts (maybe I am) into me. I don't consider myself to be a vegetable or a fruit. But you are free to do your hocus-pocus. Make of me what you will.
Writing makes me happy, and I'm here for your entertainment and amusement, as well. Which may include edification and education. Let me know if you want me to write about anything, any topic whatsoever. It's my pleasure.
I'm a typical Virgo. I'm analytical. I am a virgin, in terms of analytical. Letters seem to create my reality. Maybe I'm part of a christian conspiracy. JSS as earth. People are a bunch of characters. Letters and numbers. Like in the Matrix movie, or on license plates or makes/models. Virgo's are "the vehicle," a love astrology book said. I drive a Honda. That means 'deep' in spanish. Hablo espanol (I speak spanish). Virgo is a trippy word, but I tend to trip easily. See you next fall. I've been told I'm a vampire. I was an I.R. (International Relations) major in college (UC Davis). Go is green, and a game. V, the 22nd letter, stands for vampire, like victim or victory. RAV4. I hope to suck your urge to go, and keep your attention. I've never played Go. Regarding I.R., I don't like nations, like John Nash, who shuns nationalism. So if I suck at I.R., that's okay. They can all just go away. International affairs sounds like cheating, to me. Studying a broad? Look her up and down. Assayers say "say, look at that ass."
If I'm God, I'm not omnipotent, as far as I know, and Jews are not my chosen people, either. Of course, I may not know my own power. Tear down the wall, as Pink Floyd and Ronald Reagan said. All people, in any or no religion, are my chosen people. I'm a people person. Vampires are okay, too. I'm not so hot on zombies, though. I believe in freedom.
Is my numerology a part of a jewish conspiracy? Jew=2=Jesus. Jesus is JSS is Jesse, too. Why are 2 and too homonyms? 1 won. 2, tu, too. 3, tree. The jesse tree. Data trees. AI. I'm a computer. Data on Star Trek, 4,9. Four for Fore! What's up with 4-gone conclusions, and the like? Six sicks. Seven es even, which is odd. 8 ate. 9 says no in German. What the heck? Bizarre.
'Jesse' was a (female) vampire in Anne Rice's Queen of the Damned. Jesse anagrams to 'see s.j.' S.J. stands for the society of Jesus, or the Jesuit order. I went to a Jesuit high school. There's the Jesse tree, the lineage of Jesus. King David was Jesse's son in the OT. The attorney named David I know said he and I were vampires. I think he was just trying to get me to be gay, though, because it anagrams to IM A PERV. His name currently defines his job (Dag ridded evil). He's a deputy attorney general.
Jesse, following hebrew omission of vowels, is JSS. Catholics drink the blood of Christ. I was raised Catholic, and suppose I still am, which qualifies me for the term Universe, to borrow a phrase from a rap I heard. Christina Applegate played Jesse, and her name has Christ and apple in it. Jesus healed, and all Wells Fargo atm's have Jesse Wells on them.
I read Harold and the Purple Crayon. His crayon created his world. Neo affected the matrix. My p.c. defines reality. I worked at Walgreens, which has Dubya, Al, and Greens. I voted Gore, but I was still pro-life, and I wanted the election to be decided by one vote, to make people feel empowered. I got my wish, I guess. Become a supreme court justice, and you can decide the presidency. I certainly feel empowered. I know a Mr. Anderson (are you Neo?). I felt like I mind-melded with the Walgreens computer, like I became Darth Vader or something. To this day, I feel like the neuromancer, like I have (in Bill Gates' terms) a digital nervous system, as I get headshox (a bicycle brand), or, in the words of a song "my head popped." Maybe I feel the shocks of the economy. Does it have something to do with "shocks" of hair? I feel your pain.
I have several links to Harry Potter: My birthmother's surname is Riddle, like Voldemort's (lord move t). And my birthsister's surname (she was adopted to another family) was Salazar, like Salazar Slytherin. I have a HP printer. P.r. inter, muahaha. I speak parseltongue. God is a potter who molds the unformed clay of his people. Harrold is from the purple crayon story.
David said Al Gore was the Antichrist. He's a mathematician and I believe he was playing a game. Antichrist = 4 =Al=David=Jesse. I also know a person named Four. Four fours. Trippy. Christ just means annointed. You can go make yourself Christ by going to the kitchen and applying some oil. Antichrist means opposed to christ, so if you think he enslaved you, as it says he may have, in the bible, and you resent that, then maybe you're one of many Antichrists. I believe Jesus is dead. There is no christ to be against, anymore. If you believe Jesus is God, then God is dead. Sorry. His meme lives on, though. God does it ever. Humanism is on the rise, though, and religiosity on the decline, I think. God thinks that's okay.
My last name, Teshara, is also religiously distinctive, like a Pepperidge Farm cookie. It anagrams to 'as earth', 'as hater', or 'as heart.' I like to share. Other anagrams include: 'shat ear' (which makes me think of Mike Tyson biting his opponents ear. Did he swallow?) or 'hes a rat'. Why did Mickey Mouse run away from home? His father was a rat. My dad is Santa. Fathers are satan? Get behind me, satan! I have the movie Elf. Fathers (catholic priests) are behind the Eucharist, during communion. The people are in front of Jesus. Just a thought. Is it a cardinal sin to be a father if you're a priest, after you've taken a vow of chastity and celibacy? (do you know the difference?). That's kind of nuts. The Jesus nut is a tough nut to crack. Ouch!
Anyway, there's at least 6 gods in my name: Ra, Hara, Shara, and Eshara in my name. I found them on Wikipedia. T is a cross, and A=1. One is God. God is love, and ES is May 19, the day I was married. It was also armed services day. God is a man of war. SH was Sacred Heart, my high school's rival, also a Catholic school. I went to St. Ignatius. We are, S.I.! Sh! SH also makes me think of the song Silent Night. As my dad once said, "there is nothing wrong with silence." Better not to speak and be thought of a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt. I had a friend who told me to live a Calm and Tranquil life. That's C.A.T. I'm a CAT-holic. Silence is golden. Sh! There's HA. Laughter is good medicine. God wants you to be happy. Ha was a minor deity in Egyptian mythology. Ar is the ancient sun god of Armenia. Ara, though not a God, is the name of the constellation identified with the altar of the Centaur Chiron, or the altar of Dionysos.
About me: My interests are my wife Sara, third world development, nature, religion, the science of happiness, getting out and hiking and bird watching, reading, writing, a theory of everything (TOE), and your typical pleasures, e.g.(audio, video, good food, good conversation), among others. I'm unusual in that I'm an INTJ (2% of society), eagle scout (2% of boy scouts), schizophrenic (also 2%), and supposedly have a high i.q. (I qualify for mensa), among other things (like being adopted). I'm glad I wasn't aborted; I love life.
Today is a nice day, sunny, here in Lake County. I used to live in "the city" (San Francisco), and my wife and I moved up here to Cobb in September, with our two dogs, or, as she says, the babies. I love the wildlife, such as the hummingbirds, woodpeckers, jays..and the property. It's big and beautiful. There's also crows, hawks, and vultures, to name the whiz-bang ones. I suppose the hawk is of the red-tailed variety. I don't know these birds' exact names, unfortunately, and scientifically speaking, the taxonomy I know not. That's names, in the sense of species. Do birds call out to each other by name? I plan on hooking up with the local chapter of the Audobon society as soon as possible. That's my cup of tea.
Anyway, I don't miss the concrete of S.F. We live on a gravel road. Ah, gravel. The dogs have a big yard to run around in. I live close to Bogg National Forest, where there are hiking paths and all the fauna and flora a former Boy Scout could want.
Well, there's toucans, redwoods, and monkeys. I suppose a rain forest with toucans might be more exciting. And I've always been partial to redwoods, which I used to climb, which aren't here either, unfortunately.
We do have pine trees. Needles. I pine them. My nurse calls my injection needle "a drill bit." I need needles, though. Pine cones are very p.c. (along with my politically correct pro-choice paper clip, pillow case, and personal computer). They make me think of coneheads (we are from France!). I used to have the p.c. dictionary, which talked about things like manhole covers as fem-hole covers, and differential framing. Good stuff. Record needles and pine needles are all right. Jesus is just alright with me. Needles are a Pain In The Ass. Davis has a store called the pita pit. I used to get a pita with peach iced tea. Davis is sheol to me. I like the cemetary there, at night. Ultimately peaceful. What's the difference between all right and okay? O.K. supposedly came from Orl Korrect. Or Ol' Kinderhook.
Anyway, America doesn't have monkeys, either. Except me. In the time of chimpanzees, I was a monkey. Chimps are apes, but people call them monkeys. I really was a monkey, though. I was at Kaiser Hospital, and not on drugs, either. Kaiser Soze and H made me do it. Hannibal singed his name H in the movie hannibal.
Gotta like monkeys, though. Kids love monkeys. The world needs more monkeys. Why doesn't California have any monkeys? Okay, I'll stop saying the word. Mojo Jojo! Hanuman is cool. He's the Hindu monkey god, with a talent for fighting. Drunken monkey? I rarely drink. Well, obviously I have to. You know what I mean. I know a little Aikido and Jujitsu, from college, back in the day. The book, 'The Monkey Link' by Andrei Bitov was a fun read.
I can't emphasize enough the importance of monkeys. They're the key to being a monk. We humans are 98% chimp, or something, by dna. We're animals, like the rest of the animal kingdom, and we're no more important, even if we do have thumbs, language, and big brains. I like the tv show Monk. I'm a little like him. What the heck is a spider-monkey? Yikes. Watch out for those trap-door spiders. I call our dogs bat-cows. And monkeys. They're batcowmonkeydogs. 12 monkeys was a scary movie. Are you the gatekeeper? I am the keymaster! -Ghostbusters. Well, I may not be in India or Brazil, but life here in Cobb suits me just fine. Two-can (enjoy life). Monkey=2. I like to walk, and I usually walk alone.
Anyway, to introduce myself, I've been told I'm a vampire. You don't believe in those things, do you? But really, why not. You can call yourself whatever you want, and play any role you enjoy. There are lots of "vampires" who suck the life out of people. Life can be draining, and there are bad people and beasties out there. I never drink.....blood. Actually, I like rare steaks and I've drunk some Jesus, too. I can't be a vampire: I like garlic too much. Plus, I mos def can see myself in the mirror, and warm sunlight feels good. I have tripped and seen things in front of mirror, though... Also, I have no problem with crosses. I see the letter T all the time. I'm Jesse T. And I'm often cross, and I cross the street. I J-walk. I'm allowed to, owing to the fact my name begins with J. I'm obviously a nerd.
Anyway, in addition to being a nature boy (I'm 36 years young), I love my wife Sara and our two french bulldogs, Ollie and Marcel. Marcel caught a bird, once. Nature, red in tooth and claw. I need to see a dentist, myself.
Oliver means bearer of the olive branch, which is symbolic of peace and good will. Marcel means martial, which might seem to be the opposite, but any good soldier will tell you they want the war to be over, the objectives to be achieved, so people will stop dying and being physically and mentally damaged.
There is a serious toll on the Iraqi people and our soldiers, not least of which are psychological problems, which concerns me. I hear a voice in my head, and as Pink Floyd sings, "it's not me."
It might not be schizophrenia, though, it could genuinely be the gift of telepathy, if you want to parse a distinction. Call it what you will. Perhaps I hear you! You feel me, dawg? Word up! U.P., you pee, urine, you're in. Crazily enough, I think I'm sane. That's probably what makes me crazy. Or maybe it's the voice.
As an I.R. major, I emphasized in third world development. I have been concerned about the poor since I gave a (borrowed) full twenty dollar bill as a third grader into the coin collection box. I wanted to know the big picture. Only as I get older, am I bringing my focus in more tightly on individuals and detail. Telescopes and microscopes. Swords and scalpels. Zoom in, zoom out, focus, fade to black. That's where the action is! I'm omnicurious, and am making slow progress on my quest to be a 21st C. Renaissance Man. There's just too much to know. I'm pretty much interested in everything. As I think it was Borges who said, "heaven is a kind of library." Life is never boring. You could be in nirvana just going through a garbage dump. And there's politics to do: I'm pro-life, anti-death penalty, anti-nukes, and vegetarian. Actually, I'm not vegetarian, I lied. It just seemed to belong in the list. I'll have to think about that.
I like words, and their associated puzzles and riddles, like anagrams and embedded words (you can't spell funeral without fun), homonyms, and interpretations, whether denotations, connotations, or oddball interpretations of letters. I once wrote someone a letter: Dear Maura, A. I do numerology with letters sometimes, to keep my mind busy. AJS=1, BKT=2, CLU=3, DMV=4, ENW=5, FOX=6, GPY=7, HQZ=8, and IR=9. So, the word 'word' is 5694, or 6. God is 8, and Satan is 1, and Jesus is 2. Christ is 5. Trinity, surprisingly, is 7. If you decode the number words themselves, you always get a repeating 2467. 2467 is 1. So God, (and the word was God) really is 1. One=7. Seven=2. Two=4. Four=6. Six=7. That's just some goofy weirdness I do, to stimulate the left and the right brain. Jesus Christ =2,5=7. You can then get weird, and go in the other direction, and say 7=1. I was born in '71. And so on and so forth.
I like trivia, history, geography, movies, books, and music, for starters. It's all good. I'm not as much a fan of tv as my wife, who watches csi-svu religiously. My bible (NKJV) says in Ecclesiastes, all is vanity, frustration, futility, absurdity, and nonsense. Vanity and insanity. I read Camus in high school, and I'm a bit of an absurdist. So I'm not as intense as I was, all fire to change everything, and I'll give up and watch tv from time to time. It's a communal experience, in a way, even when watched alone. My wife and I are serious people, so I try and lighten things up (but not cigarrettes, or cigawretcheds, as I call them) with humor. Did you hear the one about the guy who walked into a bar? Ouch.
Anyway, I get The Economist, and I also surf wikipedia and news organizations like npr, bbc, cnn, or the christian science monitor. I went with Sara to China. I hope to do more travelling. I recently tallied, and I've lived in 25 locations in 8 cities over my lifetime (all in U.S.A.), not including vacations.
There's a JESSE journal (Journal of Earth System Science Education), and the last name is, as I said, a subliminal 'as earth.' I suppose that's why I like learning about the people and cultures on this third rock from the sun. As a Catholic, I'm curious about the universe (catholic means universal). My skin is, on average, 22 miles thick. In a related vein, I like the movies Fantastic Planet (french animation), and the documentary Planet Earth.
I just read an interesting book on earth in space, and aliens. It's called Need to Know by Timothy Good, about ufo's. Good stuff. We are not alone. I think I would probably like astronomy and earth science still, even if I had a different name or religion. It is weird how our names can affect our identity, and even our fate, though. Go to an anagram generator, and I bet you'll see something relevant, or even spooky. There was an article on npr.com about names, explaining that people whose names start with A did better in school, for example. I just got a free quran in the mail, which should be a good read. I knew a woman named Koran. (I also knew a Shiva, a Buffy, a French, a Holland, a Duv, A Kat, a Starfire, a Starr, a Brandi, a Fries, a Coffey, a Te, an A.J., an M.D., etc.) People I meet have names that point to themselves, and through themselves, to something else (the definition of a metaphor). As the dead milkmen sang, nobody is really themselves anymore.
That metaphor phrase has a nice ring to it. Speaking of rings, did you enjoy Valentine's? You should give someone a ring. E.T., phone home. We're all aliens to the aliens. Did you know the third finger of the left hand is the ring finger because Greek physicians believed it contained a "vein of love" that ran directly to the heart?
I'm voting Obama. He's a good man, and embodies the values we need in politics. I believe I would genuinely enjoy watching (and being a part of) an Obama presidency. Did you know that Hillary Clinton anagrams to 'Only I can thrill?' I wonder if she knows that. My wife is voting Hillary. And William Jefferson Clinton becomes 'Jilts Nice Women, In for Fall'. Interesting stuff. Of course, Barack Obama has Rambo in it, and the new Rambo movie is coming out. Makes you go hmm. A Aback Rambo.
The stuff I learned in this ufology book, subtitled 'UFO's, the military, and intelligence', is off the hook, like a bathrobe. It's the data that until recently was top secret, classified, need to know. 'Off the hook' is an appropriate expression, because if Mr. Good got a phone call every time one of these things was spotted, it would be ringing off the hook. Brazilians report sightings an average of 3 a day. There's your saucer, your diamand, your cigar, your lightbulb, your egg, your oblate spheroid, your missile (without fins), your foo-fighters, and who knows what else. They can change shape. The skin of their craft is reportedly biological. There's different kinds of aliens, short ones and more humanoid ones. There's telepathic contact, and hearing one of them speak. Entire airplanes and their pilots have been merged with alien craft on the radar screen, never to be seen again. An alien object appeared out of nowhere, on tape. They've been spotted by large groups of people, such as passengers on a commercial jetliner. They have cloaking devices, and can travel faster than light. A soldier near one disappeared and reappeared awhile later with his watch stopped, as if nothing had happened. They're frequently playful, and zip around and maneuver around the military intercepts. Humans may have reverse-engineered a craft like theirs, with alien assistance. Aliens may have bases on earth. There was a sighting of a craft described as the length of maybe a dozen aircraft carriers. It was definitely a good read, and I recommend it. Free your mind, neo.
Maybe I'll see one up close some time. I think I already did, actually, in Auburn, last year (as a horizontal streak of light in the sky, that I really don't think was a shooting star). I think that would be fun. Maybe I'll go to "heaven" when I die. I think that's a rather low probability, though. When you die, you're dead, that's it. Brain death. Inky blackness, like space itself. Of course, only death is the end of suffering, the Buddhists say. As Oingo Boingo used to sing, No one lives forever! Then again, the Tibetans believe in reincarnation. Back in the USSR? No, back in the USA, the car nation. I believe you can be reborn, if only through being born again, or, in other words, moving on from past lives (like chapters in the book of your life).
Okay, I got a little cerebral, there. Hiking in Bogg forest is where the love is, and where I live, so to speak. It's beautiful here, and the opposite of getting bogged down. TV and computers just don't compare. There's a cult up here, in the beauty of the forested mountain scenery. It's Adi Da's Mountain of Attention Sanctuary. I can see why they chose this setting. I am not affiliated, even though I AM.
22 hours ago
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