God is a problem-solver
I've mentioned the Iraq war, global inequality, unhappiness, incarceration, and mental illness, like schizophrenia and depression. I've provided links to religions, and thus all the solutions that organized religion can provide, such as community or negating suffering or a sense of purpose/meaning or "enlightenment." I've also provided a link to a free book online, Plan B 3.0 , that outlines how to save civilization for only 190 billion dollars. I could go into each one of these subjects in much greater depth. And the library, the magazines, the daily paper, the internet, and daily living is filled to the brim with problems of every imaginable sort, and solutions, both those already proven effective and proposed. Creativity is always important to solving any kind of problem.
As God, I have answers.
The "final solution" was not what I had in mind. Law, in fact, is not what I have in mind, either. Basic human decency and love is all that I require. This entails everyone making a goodfaith effort to help each other out, to the best of our ability. Everyone living a healthy, happy, comfortable life is indeed eminently possible, as a cooperative human ideal/objective, contrary to the prevalent ethic of everyone for themselves, supporting only themselves or their families, through social structures such as corporations, which are mostly sociopathic. People do good things, but many could be doing things that are a lot better. People, of course, need to begin by loving themselves. I do not subscribe to the notion of original sin. In fact, I do not subscribe to the notion of sin at all. I do not have a law that you must obey or you will go to hell. I have what is called a preference. My preference is happiness. I will be the most happy when the world is the most happy.
My high school's motto (an all boy's school at the time) was "Be a man for others." Service is the solution. Service has 'vice' in it, and 'solution' is also a chemistry term.
But I am not talking about "vice" such as perhaps poisonous liquid "solutions," although it's possible you're a sociopath and have a grudge and offing someone would make you happy. You may even think killing people would be a service, especially in light of overpopulation statistics, or a philosophy that says everyone dies eventually, miserable people would be better off, maybe even in Paradise, the value of their body parts would create more happiness, and heinous criminals deserve to die. There are suicidal people, too, who want to die. You may think everyone IS a killer, and is selfish, and wants to "make a killing." You may not care if you die yourself, and want to go out with a bang, enacting revenge, or fighting for a cause. You may conceive of yourself as the Angel of Death, serving God. You may think you're killing the devil, even.
None of this washes, though. God may be a "man of war" (and I am), but I am actually a pacifist. I fight for peace. I am pro-life, and I subscribe to a universal Consistent Life Ethic. I am not vegetarian, however. Dirt becomes plants becomes animals becomes us becomes dirt, again. I do believe, however, we must strive to minimize pain and suffering, both human and animal. I fight for life, and happy life at that. Unfortunately, I can't make people eschew evil. I define evil as contrary to life and happiness. What to do about the near-ubiquitous vampire mentality, that thinks other's unhappiness, suffering, and death translates to one's own vitality and pleasure? Well, human nature can go either way. I don't think we're born one way or the other. There are dark wizards and white wizards, and this has nothing to do with race. It has to do with parenting, schooling, and conditioning, mostly in childhood. People can change at any age, of course. So fight for what you believe in, and make a better world. Not with fisticuffs or guns, but with ideas, persuasion, example. The strongest soldier is the one that doesn't fight. Make a better world. This is my command.
Ambiguity and uncertainty is a problem. Inquiring minds need to know. Ignorance, of any particular relevant (or irrelevant) question you may have, can be a problem. We say let go and let god, submit, god is all-knowing, and to pray for solutions, which may come if god wishes them for us. Well, I have news for you. Most of the answers are already out there. The rest is up to you. When you don't know, or can't find, the answer(s), then seek help from another/others, whether that be from people or god/God(s), however you define them. An "authority" on the issue might not be who you think it is, and the answer may come from an unexpected place. There are social answers to social problems. Gather information and reflect.
I just discovered Tuvan throat singing. It and 'Beyond the call', an independent movie with the ethic I endorse/prefer, are on u-tube. Good stuff!
22 hours ago
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