Insights into Personality
Anagrams - An anagram is not a telegram to Anna. It is a rearrangement of the letters in a word to form a new word or words. Some are discovered by hand, others by computer. I'm going to compile a list of ones I especially like. I know an attorney named David Eldridge, which becomes 'degraded, livid,' and 'dag ridded evil,' which is interesting, as he is a Deputy Attorney General. He works across from Stan A. Cross, which is 'satan cross.' Jerry Seinfeld is 'Friendly jeers.' I already did Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barak Obama, Tom Cruise, Clint Eastwood, L.Ron Hubbard, and myself, I got some of these from the wikipedia entry under anagram, some on my own, some from wordsmith anagram generator,, and There's another Bill Clinton one, President Clinton of the Usa-To copulate he finds interns.
George Bush-he bugs gore. (Of course, I also do word play. Al Gore evoke algorithm, allegory, galore, and the spanish word for gift, regalo). Election results-lies, let's recount. A dream within a dream-what am I, a mind reader? (I worked at Walgreens, which has Dubya, Al, and Greens. Makes ya go hmm. Plus, I live in Cobb and David Cobb was the 2004 Green party presidential candidate). Ronald Wilson Reagan-insane anglo warlord. Mister Newt Gingrich-Nice right wing monster. Albert Arnold Gore Jr.-Grander or to Bell Jar. The environment-one tenth vermin. New York TImes- Monkeys write. Vladimir Putin is 'I'm valid turnip' (!). He's no vegetable.
Axl Rose-Oral Sex, Jim Morrison-Mr. Mojo Risin'. Rush has an entire song (the exactly 4minute 'Anagram (for Mongo) devoted to anagrams on their 1989 Presto album. "Mongo is just a pawn in the game of life" -Blazing Saddles, 1974. Mongo was played by Alex Karras. AK was in the NFL. Alexander George Karras anagrams to 'snake relaxed, rare aggro.' Aggro means aggressiveness or violence. It can also mean daring or skillful, such as in surfing. Wikipedia says the Karras family had a rivalry with Notre Dame, down the road from where he grew up. I spose he is a pawn. Aren't we all (even the kings?).
Britney Spears-Presbyterians. Presbyterian-Best in prayer. Episcopal-pepsi cola. Evangelist- evil's agent. Satan-Santa. Christina Aguilera-Uglier Satanic Hair. Fundamentalist-nut flamed at sin. Osama Bin Laden-An Islam Bad One. Tom Marvolo Riddle-I am lord voldemort. Voldemort-lord move T. Mother-in-law: Woman Hitler. The eyes-they see. Atheism-It has me. Vin Diesel-I end lives. Death-hated. Funeral-real fun. Tasmania-I am satan. The Beverly Hillbillies-Slithery evil bible hell. Beavis and Butthead-thus, be a bad deviant. Vampire-I'm a perv. Goodbye-obey God.
There are 5 good anagrams for Catholic: Cola itch, catch oil, lactic oh/ho, and coach lit. RC cola, anyone?
Astronomer-Moon starer. Astronomers-No more stars, A moron rests. Snooze Alarms-Alas! No more z's. Made smart- Amsterdam. Listen-Silent. Dormitory-Dirty room. Spandex-expands. (Factoid: Anagrams were used by 17th C. astronomers to avoid the risk of the credit of their discoveries going to others, while they verified them).
Eleven plus two-twelve plus one. A decimal point-I'm a dot in place. Slot Machines-Cash lost in 'em. Truth is-it hurts. Microsoft-is comfort. Wealth-the law. Shoplifter-has to pilfer. No income-come on in. Prostitute-tourist pet. Debit Card-Bad Credit. Desperation-a rope ends it.
Valentine Poems-pen mates in love. Parental-Prenatal, Paternal. Information Superhighway-A rough whimper of insanity. Dodge Ram-go madder. World Trade Center-end terror, act lewd. My wife's name becomes 'sallow cruel brain,' but as I said in my vows, she's "kind, intelligent, loving, and fun." Cruel to be kind, I guess. The scientologists call kind cruelty 'impinging.'
An enneagram is a 9 pointed geometric shape. The enneagram of personality is based on 9 personality types that are structured along the circle at 9 points. It was taught by some Jesuit priests at their seminaries. I think it originated as a Sufi thing. This personality typology is like that of the C.G. Jung based MBTI (Meyer's Briggs Type Inventory), but it is also about spirituality and enlightenment. Sara's mom is into it. I took the MBTI a long time ago, and came out exactly 50-50 introvert-extrovert. The nine types are: ones: reformers, critics, perfectionists. twos: helpers, givers, caretakers. threes: achievers, performers, succeeders. fours: romantics, individualists, artists. fives: observers, thinkers, investigators. sixes: loyalists, devils advocates, defenders. sevens: enthusiasts, adventurers, sensationalists. eights: leaders, protecters, challengers. And nines: mediators, peacemakers, preservationists. It's interesting. The enneagram figure has a diagram that shows how they interrelate. Red bull, it has wings. Go check it out.
And Engrams, as I have recently learned, is a term used in Scientology and Dianetics for a "recording" of a past painful event not normally accessible to the conscious mind. Scientologists use auditing sessions with e-meters to talk through them and bring them out into the open. I don't have a psychiatrist, so I just deal with tv and those I know, and a lot of self-hypnosis, like everybody else. Here's two jokes for you: You can tell a Buddhist by his vacuum, it's got no attachments. You can tell a Scientologist by his windows and mirrors, they're clear. Well, maybe that's not so funny.
Anagram anagrams to 'an a.m. rag'. I anagremmed 'facecloth' and got fetch coal. Enneagram anagrams to 'mean anger'. And Engram doesn't anagrams to anything, but 'an Engram' anagrams to 'Amen! rang'. ANyway, interestingly enough, all three of these concepts and realities impact our identity.
On my name, Jesse was Elvis' stillborn brother. Elvis lives in evil levis. I just listened to Scott Walker's 'Jesse, September song', from his album The Drift, while watching the video. I was born in September. A 6 foot foetus...all the dents and gauges. Wow. Intense.
My brother, Greg, anagrams to 'ghastly, rare ogre.' I like that. The GLT, the golden lion tamarin, is one of the rarest animals in the world. Am I my brother's keeper? Sorry. My mom calls the madness of crowds 'a zoo.' Greg drives an Audi. Au is gold. I like to do this sort of thing. Gold is not L(ord)god. And all that glitters is not gold. Gee, old. The sun is golden. Golden showers are little drops of sunshine. And the moon is made of cheese. There is nothing new under the sun. Greg works for Textainer. He's got his own zoo.
Famous Jesse's include: Jesse Jackson, Jesse James, Jesse Owens, Jesse Helms, Jesse 'the body' Ventura, Jesse McCartney. There's a comic book character named Jesse Custer, or JC, for short. John Carpenter wrote vampires. Did you know that you would have to move at 1,038 mph if you were a vampire to escape the sun (at the equator)? Anne Rice wrote about a vampire named Jesse. Jesse was also that cheery sitcom. If I were a vampire, I would say Diego, go die.
Acronyms are interesting, too. My name has the acronyms of J.L.T. (Journal of Lie Theory) and J.E.S.S.E. (Journal of Earth System Science Education). Psychology writing is fun! Goodbye. Be good. Actually, to obey God, you're supposed to 'be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect.' So go die, I guess. To be perfect is to be dead.
You know, you're already in heaven. By that, I mean, earth is in space. Crash on a couch, just veg in front of a tv or something.
Be good? (Go Obed -Obed was the father of Jesse, in the OT). My dad, Larry, anagrams to 'rather salary.' Perfection in heaven: My dad lives in S.F. I'm not sure he would say anything there is perfect, exactly, though. As Robert Penn Warren said, 'there's always something'. He goes by Mr. T, like the guy on the A-team.
Psychology is a trip. Pseudologia fantastica (compulsive lying) is interesting. Supposedly, you can tell if someone is lying by their eyes, as they talk. Neurolinguistic programming, it's called. It's the opposite for left handers from right handers. Do word make us right or left handed? Check it out at Use the blifaloo search under eye direction and lying. Adios. To god.
23 hours ago
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