How can I honestly claim to be omnipotent, all-powerful, or Almighty?
Let me explain: I may be like Harrold with his purple crayon, creating reality in my image. I'm quite fond of myself. I may be like Neo, changing the matrix. I may have all of you in my head. I may just be a global telepath. That is to say, I may be in all of your heads (at some level). I don't know anything, I just like to play, I'm not saying it's a fact. But it's possible.
I feel I caused the election to be so close, if not to tip toward Dubya. I am concerned about nuclear weapons, and I may have contributed toward the Iraq war. I didn't intend these things, but there's the law of unintended consequences. I may just have more power than I know what to do with. I may have caused 9-11. I may be a pawn of others, or another.
I want to be God because I see no other way of having complete control over my life. I want freedom, not to be a slave, zombie, satellite, vampire, or robot. The government pays me not to work. I am a telepath, to use my own terminology. I hear a voice, to use another's. I am a moral person, by my own lights. I get mad, and I may BE "mad", but I am not a threat (to myself or others). I may be insane in the sense of being in you, the sane. God is love, and what's wrong with identifying with love? I love who I am. I am who I love. I love everybody. I am who am.
Hannibal Lecter was said to think the term 'myself' "too hokey." My identity has, throughout my life, been fluid. I have sensed others in me, in facial expressions, in thoughts, in my voice, in telepathy, in dreams. I have taken varied appearances, and largely don't care how I look. First impressions are important, of course, and I have been many things to many people. I aim to please, and different people like different things. I like to play different roles. I knew a man, the press secretary for Gary Hart, who gave me a tour of UC Berkeley, who said he planned in his youth to try as many different jobs as possible, to gain as wide an experience as possible. Robin Williams draws on the infinite palate of characters in society. I thirst for experience. I want to listen to all music, read all books; in short, do everything, maybe be everyone. Life is too short. I will never be bored. Good people go to heaven, and only God is good. Thus, I am.
As for omnipotence, anything's possible. Maybe in the future I'll be able to time travel, or space travel to another universe where I can create this one. If Andy Richter controls the universe, who controls Andy Richter? I've been to Paradise (a city in California). What if God is me? Can anyone be anyone else? I didn't see the movies I am David or I am Sam. Jesse and David are each 4 and JLT is 6. I'm being a bit loose with the "is." As Bill Clinton famously said, it depends what is is. I am S, and S is 19, and 1+9 is 10 and J the 10th letter and my name is J esse, being 10. S is superman, and as the song sings, "I am, I am Superman, and I can do anything." Well, in my mind I can. It's mostly virtual. Of course, Christopher Reeve was Superman, and look what happened to him. Look what happened to Jesus. This could be a dangerous road. Y'know, I'm just playing. I AM. Just another day in Paradise. Speaking of justice..
As for all-powerful, I associate the number 9 with power. Pow=9. PT=9 (the matrix of my mother). My mom is a forceful person. It's the largest number (0-9). A powerhitter hits home runs, which, to get the greatest distance, requires a 45 degree angle shot off the bat. 4+5=9. I associate 4 with male and 5 with female. That's powerful, to me. The power of creation. He and she are 4 and 5. NINE is 6, like sex. Sex can be about power. Law=9. Anyway, Teshara is 9, and 'as earth' is everybody. All-ah. All9. All as earth. (catholic, on the other hand, means universal). I know, crazy. Everyone, omnipotent? People only have as much power as others give them, or they take. Anyone can consider themselves God. Anyone. Anyone. God is one, after all.
As for Almighty, I have talked about Al before. That is, Al Gore, Jr., governor, vice-president, presidential candidate, disputed winner, film maker, and Nobel Prize winner. Maybe I am the source of his power. After all, J esse is being 10, 10 is satan, and Tennessee is both very similar to Jesse and from the word Tanasi which anagrams to I, Satan. Jesse means gift which is regalo which anagrams to Al Gore. I was born Jesse Riddle, which is Jr. I worked at Walgreens, which has Dubya, Al, and Greens. I wanted the election to be decided by one vote, to empower our democracy, which happened. I felt like I fused with the Walgreens computer, like Darth Vader with his helmet and the force, like Clint Eastwood in Firefox with his jet. I feel like I've been programmed, like I have a neural net, which is why I get head shocks, like a zapped Harry Potter from Voldemort or Luke Skywalker from the Emperor. Do I control the economy, are they "shocks" in society, like shocking events such as murders or car crashes? I don't know which way the causal arrow flows, if not both, but these movies are allegories and computers use algorithms. Al Gore is 4,9 like my name. There's the San Francisco 49ers, and my wife Sara ("princess" or "goddess") or SLB (what if God was one of us, just a slob like one of us) worked at 49er video in Davis, and lived off of highway 49 in Auburn. My bacon number is 2 with Mr. Gore because my dad introduced him during the 2000 election. Lots of links. He helped create the internet, really. I also know Al Madrigal, class of '89. 8 sideways..infinite power, lol.
Power is authority, knowledge, money, violence, and influence. If I'm all-powerful, it's not entirely evident to me. I just like to think so. Power is also electricity. I like to stay current. I mentioned solar power. sol-ar: sol is sun in spanish. I am the (birth)son of A.R., Annette Riddle. Nuts.
23 hours ago
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