I supported my claim to Godhood in the introduction, by saying Jesse is 4, and the book of numbers in the bible is the fourth. You may be wondering what this is all about.
God, to me, just means the command, go do good. The bible, in sum, basically says "be good." Go do good can be made into God o' good. There is always an opposite of anything, like matter and antimatter, pope and antipope, christ and antichrist, you and antiyou. That's what's weird about mirrors in the matrix movie and with vampires. Good and evil each have their gods, such as in Zoroastrianism. So, there's a God of evil, too. Christianity calls it devil, to separate the good from evil. The bible says God is One. Satan (11215) is 1, too. It's all one, as Dr. Bronner says. Put another way, All in all is all we are, as Kurt Cobain said. There is good in the bad, and bad in the good. Life is grey. Every cop is a criminal, and all the sinners saints. The dark side's light. Opposites attract. There can be conceived a law and antilaw, where, in antilaw, anything legal is illegal and anything illegal is legal. Law is bizarre. Apparently, there's a difference between legal and lawful. Anyway, as I was saying, God is go d. D is the emoticon for smile. As a letter, D could stand for do good (dog doo?), or devil. D is 4, (i.e. the 4th letter in english), and is a homonym with 'for'. So D-evil is 'for evil'. The devil has an evil smile. God wants you to be happy. God is the source of all things good, it is said. God made the devil. I'm getting off track. What I want to say is, God is go 4. Go smile.
I know a person named Four. His father, Vietnamese, thought the nurse was asking his dad which number child this was for him. Anyway, I believe I came to meet this person through fate, because I lived in Davis, Ca, where I knew a David (4), a mathematician, and lived next to the Hillel (4) house, the jewish student center. Jews do numerology with letters. I will explain how I do this. I basically had an epiphany at the time that reality, for me anyway, was dictated by the subliminal numerical content of words and letters. There's A1 steak sauce and B2 bombers. c3po and time, the 4D. Ford cars, like the tempo. My girlfriend at the time was Ellen, and five alive, E was ecstasy. F is 6, which sounds like sex, the f word. There was the group of countries, the G7. There's H8, or hate. You get the picture. I formulated the most basic of numerologies: A through I was 1 through 9. To keep it simple, stupid, I made J through R 1 through 9, too. J, for example, is 10 and 1+0=1. K is 11, and therefore 2. I would sum the numbers in the number to get a single digit. In our base 10, there are only 9 numbers, plus zero. There are 26 letters in the english alphabet, so Z=8 (and there is no third 9).
A,J,&S (each)=1, BKT=2, CLU=3, DMV=4, ENW=5, FOX=6, GPY=7, HQZ=8, and IR=9.
I.R. was my major in college (International Relations). AJS is like unity of Sara and Jesse, for me, or God, s.j. God is One. There was the BTK killer (bind torture kill), unfortunately. Forensics is 4n6, or 10, or 1. Crime fighting is a job of collecting clues. CLU makes me think of LUCifer, as well. We all know about the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles). ENW is new or East, North, West. The Washington monument is 555 feet tall. FOX is 666. A fox is a beast. There was Vicente Fox, the president of Mexico. Crazy like a fox, foxy lady.. FOX news. GPY makes me think of Peggy T and Egypt. HQZ makes me think of sleep or zorro's headquarters.
You can look at a digital clock, and go nuts with meaning. Each number has 3 letters, (except 9), which you can make words or acronyms from. The numbers can be lists of things in your head, if you like to make lists. You might find that you look at the clock at specific times related to what you have been thinking about. If you're a mathematician, or know your bible verses, you can find even more meaning. It's the same with car makes and models and license plates. That's the matrix. There are 4 types of lobes in the brain (8), for example. Everyone probably has their own meanings.
So, anyway, words thus become numbers, and vice versa. It stimulates and unifies the left and right brains, perhaps. Maybe all this math just muddles up what happens subconsciously, naturally. Or clarifies. Anyway, Jesse is 4. To explain, I mean J,E,S,S,E is 10,5,19,19,5. That is to say, 1,5,1,1,5. Or 13. Or 4. I've done this enough times that I can do it fairly quickly. 9's you can eliminate, for example (A,I=1,9=10=1). Jesse is Isai in spanish. So my name means is one. Esse is being in latin, so J esse is J being, as well. J is 1. I am One. One is God (Deut 6:4, Rom 3:30, Gal 3:20, James 2:19). I realize all this meaning is dependent on the order of the letters in the alphabet, which one could suppose to be random...
Jesus' genealogy was the Jesse Tree. Jesse was the father of the Old Testament's King David, who Jesus claimed kinship with, through Joseph. So, God the father was, in a way, Jesse. Furthermore, Jesse is JSS in hebrew (it omits vowels), like Jesus. They say Jesus is one in being with the father (4). I go by Jess. Jess is 8 like God. Jesus can be arranged to Jess, u. Me? U is a homonym with you. Me, really? So I am Jesus, too? Jesus is 2. I am 2, too, like Archbishop Desmond, lol. It's kind of nuts. There are lots of religious nuts. There are lots of Jesse's. I'm a brazil nut. The aliens like Brazil, I read in my ufo book. E.T. is 5,2 is Christ, Jesus. He ascended into heaven it is said. Joined the aliens?
Speaking of terrestrial, my last name Teshara, is 'as earth.' If I'm a global telepath (GT) to boot, then I just may be a religious figure of some kind. Maybe not 'religious' exactly. Just possibly more important than your average bear. I was voted most kind in grammar school. Paired with as earth, that's Humankind. I am the walrus, kookookachoo. Walrus is 4, lol. 'Earth' can be 'heart' or 'hater.' If my name is as hater, then you can see why I would abreact, to let some Freudian terminology slip, and call myself love. Just as Gore seeks peace (as veep, he was the deciding vote in favor of gun control), or Carlos Slim Helu (the richest man in the world), with a name that anagrams to 'slouchier, small', became big through hard work, I am therefore love. Have you abreacted to something negative in your name? Heart is love, even though it pumps blood, associated with violence and gore. So I could go either way. Heart is 7, the number of which I associate with 7-up or 7-layer burritos, or P, for example, all related to penis. Men have 7 holes. Virgos number is 6, the devil's number, and we can be overly sexual. Jesus Christ is 2,5. The 25th letter is Y, which I think looks like Jesus on the cross (T). But that's History (H). 'As' is 2, like Jesus or jew. I heard the number 7 represents spiritual perfection. Jesus on the cross is called the passion. Behold, I am cumming quickly. Make of it what you will.
I do. Jesse is an earth science journal. I took geodon, at some point. Don of the earth. My birthfather's name may have been Mudd, and I married a Brown. Brown earth mud. To dust we shall return. Clay. So I'm the earth in more than one way. Our planet (plan E.T.?) is the third out. Didn't Jesus say he was a rock, in addition to light (the sun)? I'm married to Sara Brown (her dad changed the name changed from Bonanno). Sara (3) and Don Corleone. 6=Don=Corleone=JLT. There are so many connections, if you look. I'm married to Trinity.
Harry Potter is the most popular children's book on earth. This numerology stuff can be considered a form of wizarding, or casting "spells." My birthmom and birthsister are Riddle and Salazar. Voldemort (lord move t) was a Riddle, and my sister was Sarah Salazar, like S.S. or Salazar Slytherin. Antichrist is 4, too. I don't know what to make of any of this. J.K. Rowling, were you j/k (just kidding).
Other numerologies are possible. I guess I use base 10. I'm not a mathematician. Binary is base 2, right? Ones are penises and zeroes are holes. They are male and female numbers, that interpenetrate. He and she are 4 and 5. Girl is 1 and boy is 6. Female is 6 and male 4. Husband 6 and wife 7. I'm aware this is basically nuts. But why not, right?
One=7. Allah=7. Devil=7. The symbol for Allah is S=1. I was born in '71. God=8. 8 is infinity, sideways. O my God. We say O is zero when we say phone numbers. Zero my infinity. Oblivion. Death is 2 is Jesus. Oblivion my God. We'll be dead forever. Anyway, all numbers, when converted to words, and then translated back to numbers, go 2467 repeating. I.e. two=4. Four=6. Six=7. Seven=2. The sum of these four numbers is 1. Just a little trick to give meaning to the statement "all-one." Jesuits, who like to find God in all, like Sufis, might find this interesting. I was told once, the world was like spells within spells, programs within programs, dreams within dreams. Spell=1.
If you start looking, you can find meaning in anything. All the numbers are God, for example.
Zero, as in O my God. God is One. Jesus is 2. God is the creator, mom and dad, male and female. G-D is 2. God is the Trinity, the Trimurti, the H-tree (three). 4 is Four, who said he was love. I'm 4. I AM. Numbers, the 4th book of the bible. Eight=4. Christ=she=5. 'Shakti' is the female incarnation of God, also 5. O is 6, too. O can be orgasm or offense, for example. Six sounds like sex, or making love, creation. God is love (9). God is a man of war, the OT says. So if we must fight, fight for love. G=7. od=1. God is an overdose of G. God=8. "Ooh, God you are so big!" -Monty Python's Meaning of life. 8 sideways is the symbol for infinity. 9 is the biggest number.
This is my God matrix.
22 hours ago
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