Hello and Hi, A quick overview
Gehenna and Sheol and Hel and stuff
Lake of fire, place of the dead, eternal torment*
Abode of hellions, the damned, sinners, the evil and wicked
Separated from God
"If you're going through hell, keep going"
War, and My Lai. Torment and torture. Pain and suffering. Cruelty brutality and savagery. Drudgery and grudge. Tedium, boredom, and meaninglessness. Misery and depression. Sorrow and sadness. Hopelessness and despair. Anguish and grief. Insult and injury. Futility and frustration. Stress, anxiety, and worry. Danger and threat. Fear and terror and horror. Ceasing causes and conditions of happiness or positive experiences. Dukkha, dissatisfaction, discontent, disappointment, distress, discomfort, disgust, difficulty, death, destruction, disease, diabolical depravity, unpleasant, unsatisfactoriness, unease, unhappiness. Attachment, Aversion, Ignorance. Change and impermanence, and greed, lust, craving, clinging, coveting, wanting, desire. Anger, hatred, rage, wrath, fury, ire, spite, malice. War, aggression, revenge, violence, crime, vice, sin, depravity, turpitude. Devils, demons, monsters, hellions, and satan, mephistopheles, antichrist, Lucifer, beelzebub, and The Devil. Wailing and gnashing of teeth. Fire and brimstone. Ignorance, delusion, confusion, stupidity, and incuriosity. A state or condition, in a place or location. Possessed, enslaved, oppressed, and punished. Adding negatives, and subtracting positives. Some say it has circles. Underground, or in lava, or in the center of the earth. Some say the world will end in fire, others, in ice. That’s all. The End. "Muahaha" (says the sick, sad, stupid, sinful Satan-snake and the damned devil demon-dog).
*Just a terrorist threat, and a disincentive to evil or sin (ancient form of control)
Happiness, basically. That’s all.
But I’ve gone off on superpowers, and having a much longer lifespan (consciousness in a computer?), living in a hyperrealistic virtual world in which you can do anything you want to, everybody in their own customized, alterable, personal Reality. No suffering. You can be on heroin all the time or something. You can have any body you want. Etc. etc.
My list of categories and things that cause happiness: Achievement, reward, money, fame, sex, intimacy, leisure, pleasure, enlightenment, drugs, endorphins, being appreciated, service, meaning, hobby, family, love, growth, goals and success, contentment, for no reason, equanimity (everything flows off you like water off a duck's back), bliss, met needs, delicious food, security, safety, health, hope, learning, travel, variety and new experiences, challenges, excitement and thrill and danger, movies, tv, video, music, sports, dance, museums, Nature, games, comedy, play, meditation, rest, dreams, exercise, yoga, stretching, sleep, sensations*, and yes, some people sometimes actually get off on evil.
*visions, voices, smells, tastes, sounds, massage
Keli says, mark my words, Heaven is going to hell
Orgasm is going to painful childbirth
avoiding "hellfire" (passion to parturition)
sex as sin, evil, crime, savagery (can be, sometimes, or in a way)
(causing disease or anxiety)(baby rape)(statutory rape)(vile violence)
(anxiety of unwanted child, pain, disapproval, hellfire, consequences)
The heavens (space, the universe) will go to Heat Death (absolute zero)
The pursuit of "heaven" (luxury) is going to be a painful sacrifice
Everything good must come to an end
Everyone dies, life is impermanent, the universal fate is oblivion, and god is a bastard. I want more life, fucker. Jesus and Hitler both get the same reward. Life is a shit-show.
Klove says God never makes mistakes. Never has, and never will. So, if Reality is all the God there ever is. And God is love. The Universe is Love. And it's all good. Not right is all right. God loves Hitler as much as Jesus. Only God is good. Is Heaven in the heavens? Yes! We're already there. War may be hell, but God is a man of war, and Jesus is the prince of peace. War is the art of deception, so who knows who's on what side, or if they're on the same side or not. Is humanity basically just the equivalent of a swarm of flies, some die, some live, some reproduce, and that's it?
I have a question. If hell is a punishment for sin, and heaven a reward for virtue, and the Ten Commandments are god's law, why are they so silly? Manslaughter has laughter in it. Innocent blood is a weird way of putting it. Thy, shalt, graven...(what?). Does a grave have to be serious? Can't you laugh at death? the Bible says it's all nonsense, if you buy that bull. Maybe life DOES make sense. Or death does. They certainly make scents. If we didn't die, we wouldn't be having sex. I don't think immortality will ever happen. Everything is impermanent. Humanity, even (extinction). Absurd, like Monty Python, or Camus. Just laugh, or be serious. No other gods before me (In time, standing in front of!). Taking a name in vain! (I have Jesus' name, kind of - was given, didn't take, though) (taking H in vein, it sounds like, too) (in marriage, the woman usually takes the husband's surname). Remember the sabbath day (go to hell for forgetting? Yikes! What if you use a calendar?). Observe a day (watch it go by). Is the adulterer only the married person? Bear false witness (witness false bears makes more sense). Well, anyway. It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to.
Department of Justice, David of Jesse, Devil of Jesus
Searching far and wide for something fair and wide, lol
A FAT PAL (faithful and true) (perfect and loving)
Suspicion and distrust is SAD; seeing someone else is not seeing someone else!
KLOVE and the LOVE (mine) of, for Keli :-) (and by her)
Both channeling the love of God (Buddhism says nobody HAS a Self). Empathy for all, even the psychopaths, and telepaths, and no-paths (lost). All Creation is God's. OGIG. Only God Is Good. Make good, ascertain truth, create virtue
Also, KLOVEthe love of killing. If personal justice, unobtainable by police.
Deeply, personally satisfying, and justified, right.
Maybe you take everything personally.
Agents of Justice, righteous, vengeance and malice, dish served cold
Justice in the hands of police office malice. Just ice.
Vampire, vengeance and malice, hot! (different temperature, not less moral)
hot sex and hot flashes and hot passion and what a field day for the heat.
Passion, like Jesus on a cross, probably VERY cross. Hot anger.
Christian Agents Of Justice. Only God Is Good.
Hell as justice. Hot feelings, passion, hatred against sin, crime, evil, wickedness.
Justice, revenge, for injustice.
Karma, like for like, and setting example, for prevention, and fairness and forgiveness, for maybe criminals, victims, we kind of like or understand or have compassion for, so sentenced to “serving time” (not painful, but the absence of the opportunity for money and family life)..
In other words, proportional, excessive, or minimal, merciful justice.
Specifically…For example (ample eggs)
BART, beat up violently, abuse, rape, and torture
KMART, kill, murder, assassinate, rape, torture
CVS, crime, vice, sin
KCHF, kill cook human flesh,
KCEM, kill cook eat meat (something else!)
hot dogs are/remind of, "severed boys' penises"
CIA, confusion, ignorance, anger; change, impermanence, acceptance.
deception, resentment, and malice
(a dram is a large jigger, or 2 thimbles)
Christ! criced! kreist? G's us! "Your name" is the greatest! Mine?
compassion for, gratitude to, respect awe and confusion before, and faith in.
gospel, god's spell, (poorly spelled, lol)
kingdom of a dumb king
(chess is war, war is deception, so maybe omniscient)
still alive? didn't lie? likes us?
hears and answers prayer?
Or is it a law of the universe that Reality re-arranges to answer (anybody's) prayers and give us what we want? Prayer is GOOD.
Lord, keep me sane (lithium, olanzapine, risperdal, depakote?); j/k (Jesse, Kelli!). Demon on no meds, and authenticity in the city, abnormal psych of american psycho, crazy town, insane on the train, madmen, MCI (mad crazy insane), crazy in love, drive me crazy, and loco motives, to swim in the Seine... crazy from A to Z like Jay-Z and lazy Daisy.
LORD: life or death, light or dark, left or departed, left or died, love or devil, lady or dude
OUR GOD, omg, universe, reality, g's us, orgasm, dick; Father, Creator, Love, Sex, Heaven, Intimacy, Pleasure, Bliss, Joy, Happiness, Ecstasy, Rapture. Oxytocin and "addicted to dick."
My Godfather's name was Dick Zonca and
I knew a Bishop (friend of family) named Cummings,
and God is Love
plus, the numerology of 'my cock' (lol)
Do what makes you happy, everybody says.
So, doing whatever you want is forgivable, especially if you're a solipsist who actually believes and thinks nobody else but you exists. Imperially alone. Like Reality is a simulation. A sociopathic solipsist is dangerous, though, and needs be isolated. That's how I conceive of (the fictional) Hannibal the Cannibal.
raped by an ape, fuct by a duck, vexed by sex with your ex
an animal a cannibal? the beast devouring our power
prince of darkness in the place of death
sled-dog, demon-dog in Sheol, lake, eternal damnation
saw blade, and stress anxiety worry re: edged-weapon, wept
devils, demons, dragons, and dark, diabolical, depravity
Angst and Wretchedness root beer
Craving Ignorance Aversion
PEOPLE in hell, Possessed Enslaved Oppressed Punished Lucifer's Evil
lord, love or devil (both), savage superpower
No-self and AIAIAWA (all in all is all we are)
Life is a shit-show of death, anger, evil, stupidity, suffering, and sorrow
or, as the Bible says: frustration, futility, absurdity, nonsense
(Vanity of vanities, all is vanity...) - Ecclesiastes 1:2-8
Vanity, a mirror, a vanna t, a van a T (my dad's vanagon?), v Anna T
It doesn't have to be!
Falling in love, and being in love-bliss, marrying the love of your life...
hell, a place of shame, darkness, a garbage dump, ritually defiled, full of worms and flies, cursing, and fire that never goes out.
My goal: heaven, rapture, ecstasy, orgasm, reward, justice, and plain old contentment, satisfaction, happiness, joy, fun, play, comfort, safety, and love. House and pets. Wealth. Happy with having enough, not greed. Kindness and compassion, not cruelty and malice. Even the worst criminals have reasons for their behavior, and deserve compassion, imo. But the strongest preventative action needs be taken, so the threat of hell is important, but appeals to better angels hold more weight, to virtue and heavenly reward, I think. Carrots and sticks, eternal reward or punishment, incentives and disincentives. But the truth is we all die, Jesus or Hitler. Eternal torment would make God worse than the worst criminal. Forever is a mighty long time. Some people think God deserves hell, Himself. Hell is suffering and God created neurons and the inclination to evil, and some people with the brain chemistry of depravity. God being Reality and Time and Evolution (the "creator"), selecting for rape and aggression and war and cruelty and hate, etc. I'm trying to be a Good God. Replace this bad Reality. Convey clarity, and wisdom, for overcoming suffering, and achieving peace and happiness. So don't punish ME!
Been to hell and back? aw, hell. this place is going to hell (pot). going to hell in a bucket - at least I'm enjoying the ride. On the highway to hell. Hell's bells. You can go to hell! Been there, done that. Hell, he will, he'll, heal. HL EL, hannibal lecter god, holy land lord, heavenly love ellen, heather locklear and he... Depraved devils, demons, and the damned dwell in dank dark dungeons of diabolical despair. If you or God sends someone to Hell, that may or may not mean Eternal Punishment. It could just mean death. Or prison. Or making them suffer. It's a rich term. I'm done with commercials, a complete waste of my time. I'm sick of cars, trucks, loud motorcycles... I hate concrete and freeways and parking lots... Vehicles are dangerous and polluting and expensive and the commercials won't ever stop and I'm tired of the makes and models and letters and numbers and all the stupid symbolism and colors that make me feel like I'm in a giant machine and the headlights at night and the theft or rudeness or worse. My rant. Okay, maybe I want one, lol. Also, what's the difference between hellish and hellacious? Hella hellacious Helen says, I kinda experienced hellish periods while incarcerated. Helter-skelter at Helm's Deep and New Helvetia! Helga is hell-bent on helping Joseph Heller! Jewish Jews and hellish hellions and Irish ire.
And, of course, Hell is a village in Norway. Just like Paradise is a place in California. You can go to Hell! You can go to Paradise!
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