Globally, USA
What is it? how much is needed? What will it cost? What about low income housing? Dams, roads, bridges, ports, airports, electrical grids (housing??) (transportation) (hospitals). What ISN’T infrastructure. Etymology: INFRA means. (anagram? taciturn surfer! as current fruit! sit run fracture! ruin trust farce! fun trust racier! centaur fur stir! fruit stun carer! curare fist runt! frantic user rut! I nurture crafts! truer facts ruin! can furriest rut?). Where money comes from. Public, private. ROI. Agencies. UN. Simulation, like Sim City, urban planning, city planning - the art and science of it. Rebuilding Gaza. From ground up. Razed. From scratch. From next to nothing. Rubble. Safety and earthquakes and hurricanes and sustainability and solar and efficiency. Modern materials (science) and durability and ecological impact and EIR . Toxicology, hazardous materials, mining process, and MONEY. States investing in future, geopolitics, sector dominance, leadership, and information. AI, technology, internet, fiberglass, cloud, computers, software, hardware, quantum… Colleges, universities, libraries, salons, culture (knowledge, information, data, kwuteo*, philosophy) *knowledge, wisdom, understanding, truth, enlightenment, omniscience.
Speaking of which
God and Religion is entirely a set of manmade constructs, made by people, over history. The bible was written by people. All the Gods were invented by people. It’s all Creativity. You can be original, inspired, and clever too. Man created God. God created Man. Man kills God. God kills Man. If life is hell, then death is heaven. Maybe even eternal bliss. Does that mean if life is heaven, then death is hell? Yes and no. Maybe you don't want to die. Maybe you're ready to die. Maybe nothing is forever. Eternal torment doesn't exist. A creator of such would be worse than the devil. Forever is a mighty long time. God is Pure Good. AntiGod is Pure Evil. The Devil is FOR evil. Fred? He’s just an asshole. Some guys are dicks. Some women are witches. Some folks are saints. A lotta folks are angels. Or whatever. Call anybody anything. It doesn’t matter. People are people. Everybody is everything. God bless, lol.
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