a load of horse puckey
God created the Universe?? Are you shitting me? (sugar spice and everything nice!). Your parents created you. Love creates. And it keeps creating. Love yourself, improve/perfect yourself, and Be Happy. Be good, be god, by god. Just be yourself.
God is love, a man of war, good, One? UNI-verse. Your own head. Won and done. You can dominate or submit, but you are still your body. Some bearded guy in the sky isn't the source of Love. You-nvrs.
God is a word. A virtual Reality. But a REAL REALITY?? Shut up. Unless self. That's the only thing that exists (for each of us), anyway. We interpenetrate, and are a collective, so Reality is all the God there ever is. That's not much of a Virtuous Being, if you ask me, though. Maybe God is the process of everybody working on the collective. Self-improvement and service economy and yes, things like schools and churches.
Only God is good? So anything good is God? Or everything is evil? (except a kind soldier having sex?)
Christ. He's dead, by the way. Christians walk the earth, but Christ? Um, no.
Vanity of vanities. All is vanity. I AM.
Only God is good? God is a man of war? Does not compute. It's all good? Not. War is good? Against crime and sin, yes. But in itself, hell no. To be good, you have to be possessed by God? Weird. Hypnosis. So hip to not have a sis. Gnosis. Nuts. You assent (or submit) to making your life Good and Virtuous and of Service and Kind, not mean. Do you not know you are not your own? Lover say, "be mine."
Everybody wants to rule the world - Tears for Fears
Hope in a hoax? Or are goodness, love, kindness, mercy, forgiveness, compassion, grace, tenderness, virtue UBIQUITOUS? Don't damage or hurt, and be polite and respectful.
culture, sophistication, class, refinement, manners, and taste! classical music for the distinguished and discerning, superior and swanky, elegant extravagant erudite educated and enlightened experts of exquisite exclusivity and expense!! La di da :-)
God is pro-life. Quit smoking!!!!! Cigs smell bad, taste bad, are bad (they kill you). They're expensive, add up, impact your quality of life. And addictive, a drug, hard to kick. "Cigawretcheds" after you get cancer or whatever.
Sometimes good comes from evil, is about all that can be said for it. (said the Devil?). Devil's advocate says things like the world is better off today for the Holocaust (and shit like that). Good is good, evil is evil, light does not intersect with darkness, but the world is not black and white, but full of shades of gray. You take what you're given, and Make Good.
At the fish market, the fisherman sold his sole to Santa (lol). Me, myself, and I are my body, my mind, and my soul (psyche, personality). It's all body. Soles on feet and brain up top. Heaven above and hell below are just in the earth (dead) and on the surface (above). Heaven is your life, hopefully. So die happy, after a life well-lived. Get help, psychotherapy maybe, whatever it takes - life is good, people are good, your time is precious, make your sacred life a work of art, a thing of beauty, leaving the world a better place for you having been on it. Don't worry about an afterlife. Once you die, you're dead, that's it. But we should all deserve Heaven, anyway. Amen.
The song says, Life is but a dream. Is there a dreamer? Is G-D's grey matter dreaming up dreams on grey days for people like Gray Davis? Good gawd. Morpheus shmorpheus. You have to dream before your dreams come true. "We are the imagination of ourselves." - Bill Hicks.
Brain in the rain, "The Ice" and thawing thought. Brain freeze, crystal methamphetamine, and Neuromancer (Gibson). Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Peekaboo, ICE see you. The full quote by Bill Hicks is, "Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather."
So the mental health question is, who else is in our heads? How many should there be? All in all? Or, you're just yourself? You are you. One. Or is God a Trinity? Possessed by your lover, with shared mind, finishing each other's sentences? How should we deal with voices? Multiple personalities? Father and Mother and Self. Male and Female and Whatever. Good and Bad and Neutral. Creator and Destroyer and Preserver. You and Your Lover and Love Itself. Spiritual experiences like being "stepped into." Hearing thoughts and your thoughts being heard? Your head like a telephone that you can't hang up? Mind you can't control, like earworms or an intrusive, rude, telepath who won't leave you alone?