tally me banana
crime, crazy rotten insane mad evil
justice, just ice?
virtue, aver, chew
reward, re-ward, re-warred
screams, I scream, sour cream, iced cream
that's the spirit!
anger, hunger, finger, grass, just gr
gr. great, greetings. gravity, grave. greg, grace.
gratitude, grieving
gr, I got a cavity
greg, gr exampli gratia (for example).
grieving, gr id est (that is) V-ing.
Holy See, inspiring blind devotion and sacrifice?
blind faith, and informed consent
eds and meds, schools and hospitals
random concepts, kind of-
aeiou, Albert Einstein I owe you
all and universe, allah and catholic, law and cats
a skinflint from Flint, Michigan
news, nooses, and new ooze
slavering slaves who slay vampires
Mohammed Morsi, and Narendra Modi (my, my)
systemic racism and both chess and Star Wars
peace and prosperity are not a bunch of pap (lacking value or substance)
justice, fairness, equality, impartiality
maga, krav maga, maggie, mr. magoo, mcgee, mage, magufuli
welterweights, and over/underwhelming, as well
good trouble, karma, and suicide (forgive yourself)
Austin isn't Boston, but it's still awesome! (Phloston, Paradise?)
a tribe is connected to one another, a leader, an idea
grave gravity, leaf/leave levity: life, loafing, and loofahs
God, Almaty (Kazakhstan), country/nation/state
Japan has 400+ inhabited islands
being cut off in conversation, being cut off in traffic
schizophrenics making their voice heard
becoming a member, becoming a dick
working the remote is not working remotely
communist columnist, righteous writing, roth the author
referendums and reefer butts
collective unconscious, received or generated?
Joe blow, sloppy Joe, cuppa Joe, average Joe
19 eurozone countries, 27 countries in European Union
Terra and Tara Teshara (and Sara and Larry)
butterflies flutter by (butter and butts), spoonerism
king cobra and monarch butterfly, royal animals
leos, king of the jungle, and big pigs
bacon, pork belly futures, baking, and pastor tacos swine flesh
happy halloween, his highness (god as devil, devil as god?)
a fast break for breakfast, breaking your fist
cairn boots and karen's booties
jackbooted thugs, former boots on the ground, watching bootleg video
all aboard, boars, candles, scandal, drills, and dull knives (dull and boring)
jake, jack, jocks, jackals, and dr. Jekyll, jokes
losses and lawsuits, iron maiden and the plight of pleats
exploring devil psychology, probing the depths of darkness
heaven is conditional, not exclusionary
illegal regals, eagles, beagles, moguls, and seagulls
pathetic pathet lao, consult (don't insult) your consul
recep's reception, bang for your buck in bankok
terrorism, tourism, and tears
barbiturate obituary
coping with co-pays
coptic Copernicus copulating with cops
crime and punishment, rhymes and puns
deep sea, space, thoughts, cover, sleep, shit
(and Deepak, in a Honda)
the juice is loose; in Lucifer's noose
bull dykes and pizzle sticks
beat the bat! bite the bait, boot the boats
the casino banned the bet bot
any bot can do botany, the chair abuts my butt
playing chess with yourself, mental masturbation, equally matched?
de's: daze, david (dae), daewoo, dade county
end of days, back in the day, day-O
23 hours ago
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