Precautionary Measures
1. Wear a face mask, don't touch your face,
speaking/shouting/singing/breathing, risk
2. Wash your hands (20 seconds), sneeze into your elbow,
clean frequently used surfaces, use hand sanitizer
bump elbows, don't shake hands
3. Close the lid before flushing the toilet
("plume" can endanger next user)
4. Social distancing (at least 6 feet separation)
5. isolation, self-quarantine, essential/necessary trips outside only, reduce potential exposure
new vocabulary
plosives (linguistic term, syllables that spray)
fomites (surfaces that can transfer germs)
asymptomatic (non-symptomatic, like
atypical, amoral, atheist, apolitical)
did I miss anything?
testing, contact-tracing, tracking
taking temperatures
So, wear a mask, maintain distance,
clean your hands with soap/sanitizer (or wear gloves)
Stay safe! Be well. Respect others.
May the force be with you.
Good luck!
this too, shall pass
22 hours ago
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