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I, God, welcome you to my blog!

The good book says only God is good, so it seems to me somebody needs to step up.

I hope you enjoy reading this, the Jesse Journal, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to subscribe, write me an email, request that I write about any particular topic you may want my perspective on, send a prayer, click on the charity link, or donate money to my bicycle fund! Have fun!

Your pal, Jess
I'm a straight, virgo/boar INTJ (age 53) who enjoys books, getting out into nature, music, and daily exercise.

(my email is

F.Y.I. There are about 2200 posts..

Here's a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky to start things off right: Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

Thursday, July 30, 2020


A crushing refutation of homicidal misanthropic ill-will

Giving the previous post considered reflection, some things need to be said.   Unremitting hostility and malice toward all, without exception - these are not my values.   They're fun thoughts to entertain for a moment, I'll admit, and maybe valid for some people, at certain times in their lives, but are not the final word, especially in a blog devoted to betterment and progress and virtue and happiness, or that intends to influence the conscience of readers.  Slayer may be a fun listen, but becoming a mass-murderer is not the point.

First, love is not a farce.  Love is real.  Love is seeking the happiness of others.  Love-bliss makes everything all right.  God is love.  Love makes life fun and worth living.  It's the whole point.  Love is a drug, falling in love is giddy rapture, mature love is being understood and accepted, and loving all is enlightenment.  Loving life is the goal of all religions.  Love is the source, and love is the destination, and love guides the journey.  Love your enemy.  If you're going through hell, keep going.

Second, killing the devil, slaughtering the evil, and subtracting satan is madness.  To kill the devil, you'd have to kill yourself.  We're all the same.  We're all in this, together.  If you've defined your identity, "satisfying your soul", on murder, then kill germs, bugs, enemies, your hate, if not yourself.  You can be a soldier and protect the ones you love.  But don't kill anyone, everyone.  That's a war crime.  That's heinous and depraved.  That's sick and twisted.  Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.  Capitol punishment is not merited for any crime, much less all crimes, in my humble opinion.

Third, while "take care" and "all right," taken literally, may seem to grant license to any base depravity you can dream up, they are not meant to be taken as encouraging or permitting the carrying out, inspiration, or leading of genocidal holocaust, for example.  Caring need not be lessened.  You can even care more, if you like.  Enlightenment doesn't entail acceptance of evil.  You can stay true to your childhood's idealism.

Fourth, "good trouble" should not be taken to mean murdering anyone and everyone you can. (!). Thou shalt not kill.  Don't kill ANYone.  Time will get everybody, eventually, in any case.  Good trouble, to be true to the ideals of John Lewis, is pacifist, non-violent, a triumph over aggression and war, in the spirit of peace, and the power of everlasting love.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

No Regret

The Wicked Rantings of a Madman

Kill everyone.  All animals.  Everyone is a thing.  We’re all heading for death.  Everyone is dead, already.  Killing just makes the world come alive.  A little excitement for a boring existence.  There’s no heaven, no hell.  Just oblivion.  Everyone’s eternal fate.  No souls, to float around like a holy spirit, possessing bodies, or haunting old houses, or seeking food forever hungry, or flying into the heavens to sit at right or left hands of aliens on planets circling far-off stars, or whatever.   Memories fade, and the children, books, art, or other legacy will eventually disappear, too.   Earth will be consumed by an expanding, dying sun.  Space is too big and inhospitable for humans to traverse.   Time-travel is not possible.  The universe is cold, dark, boring, quiet, and unfathomably vast.   Infinite, in fact.  And our situation is utterly hopeless.   So do what you want.   

You are free.  Until you get caught.  Cops and robbers is just a game, murder is a big video game, you do what you can.  Get away with whatever presents itself, any crime of opportunity.  You are just another body, an eating and fucking machine, that will turn to shit like everyone else.  Love is a farce.  Read the library.  Read until you go blind.  Collect vicarious experience.  Stay free.  Be selfish, comfortable, content, happy, and follow your passion(s).  Be all that you can be.  So, learn the law, probe your limits, get crazy, play some roles, and have fun.  Make friends.  Laugh.  Eat well.  Stay healthy, strong, fit, well, sane.  Raise some hell.  Make good trouble.  Murder anyone and everyone you can.  Kill em all, let God sort em out.  Life is hell.  Until you kill the devil.  Life is just a giant chessboard.  Train, practice, improve, develop.  Change, grow, make the world a better place.   Slaughter the evil.  Revenge is a dish best served cold.  Don’t get mad, get even.  Don’t be consumed by anger, hatred, rage, wrath, fury, spite, malice, disgust.  Make a difference.  Literally.   Subtract Satan.  A new one will pop up in his place, it’s a never-ending story.   But you’ll feel better.   That’s what makes sense to me.  That is what I recommend.  It is my desire, to satisfy my soul.  Annihilate the fuckers.  Wipe them out.  Hate is infinitely more real than some supposed loving relationship with a so-called soulmate.  You can extinguish hate and love, both.   You can eliminate the attachments and aversions.  You can change your head.  You can also change the world.  You can do both.  You can make people laugh, and make others commit suicide.  You can use both the carrot and the stick.  You can use chocolate cake and nuclear missiles.  Or you can just get drunk, and fall asleep.  You can write diatribes that excoriate whatever you object to.   You can volunteer and make the paradise you yearn for.   You can have the perfect job, and be happy.  You can rack up thousands of kills.  Maybe the devil is your friend.  You can kill the sanctimonious pricks that think you’re going to hell if you disagree with them.  You can contribute to the murder of pigs, cows, chickens, fetuses, foreign soldiers, stupid criminals who get caught, and others.  You can start a riot.  You can leave a trail of tears, a legacy of death, and destruction, in your wake.  You can be one with Death.  Life is just getting closer to death.  Kill, murder, assassinate, slaughter, destroy.  Or tend your garden.  I really don’t care.  

Fall in love.  Raise a family.  Inculcate values.  Do the best you can.  Make the world a better place than you found it.  Go hiking and camping.  Live the good life.  Read the best books.  Vote and make lots of money and contribute to worthy causes.  Have a banana split.  You can be a master of psychology, and torment society until it can’t take any more, until there is violent revolution and legal transformation and spiritual enlightenment and monks lighting themselves on fire and soldiers getting all my lai on innocents and society is filled to the gills with a sense of absurdity and futility and spite and resentment.   Never underestimate the power of disgust.  The nazis built ovens, and you can sue your oppressors, by any means necessary.  You can read history, and get a sense of possibility, and fight for a fabulous future.  Just don’t die with any regret.  That is the worst sin of all, the very definition of hell.  Get to it.  Just do it.   Or do nothing.  Om. 

aum, assets under management
making a killing, murder inc.
corporations, companies, conglomerates
businesses, firms, enterprises
gas, goods and services
punishment, pun -ish mental
   milking the rhyming dictionary
   putatively punitive
creativity and cree9-tivity or cree7tivity
whatever's clever, forever never, lever and sever
several leverages...averages..and cambridge
euphemism and you-phemism and me-phemism

Monday, July 27, 2020

Dae Oh

tally me banana

crime, crazy rotten insane mad evil
justice, just ice?
virtue, aver, chew
reward, re-ward, re-warred
screams, I scream, sour cream, iced cream

that's the spirit!
anger, hunger, finger, grass, just gr
gr.  great, greetings.  gravity, grave.  greg, grace.
   gratitude, grieving
gr, I got a cavity
    greg, gr exampli gratia (for example).
    grieving, gr id est (that is) V-ing.

Holy See, inspiring blind devotion and sacrifice?
blind faith, and informed consent
eds and meds, schools and hospitals

random concepts, kind of-
aeiou, Albert Einstein I owe you
all and universe, allah and catholic, law and cats
a skinflint from Flint, Michigan
news, nooses, and new ooze
slavering slaves who slay vampires
Mohammed Morsi, and Narendra Modi (my, my)
systemic racism and both chess and Star Wars
peace and prosperity are not a bunch of pap (lacking value or substance)
justice, fairness, equality, impartiality
maga, krav maga, maggie, mr. magoo, mcgee, mage, magufuli
welterweights, and over/underwhelming, as well
good trouble, karma, and suicide (forgive yourself)
Austin isn't Boston, but it's still awesome! (Phloston, Paradise?)
a tribe is connected to one another, a leader, an idea
grave gravity, leaf/leave levity: life, loafing, and loofahs
God, Almaty (Kazakhstan), country/nation/state
Japan has 400+ inhabited islands
being cut off in conversation, being cut off in traffic
schizophrenics making their voice heard
becoming a member, becoming a dick
working the remote is not working remotely
communist columnist, righteous writing, roth the author
referendums and reefer butts
collective unconscious, received or generated?
Joe blow, sloppy Joe, cuppa Joe, average Joe
19 eurozone countries, 27 countries in European Union
Terra and Tara Teshara (and Sara and Larry)
butterflies flutter by (butter and butts), spoonerism
king cobra and monarch butterfly, royal animals
leos, king of the jungle, and big pigs
bacon, pork belly futures, baking, and pastor tacos swine flesh
happy halloween, his highness (god as devil, devil as god?)
a fast break for breakfast, breaking your fist
cairn boots and karen's booties
jackbooted thugs, former boots on the ground, watching bootleg video
all aboard, boars, candles, scandal, drills, and dull knives (dull and boring)
jake, jack, jocks, jackals, and dr. Jekyll, jokes
losses and lawsuits, iron maiden and the plight of pleats
exploring devil psychology, probing the depths of darkness
heaven is conditional, not exclusionary
illegal regals, eagles, beagles, moguls, and seagulls
pathetic pathet lao, consult (don't insult) your consul
recep's reception, bang for your buck in bankok
terrorism, tourism, and tears
barbiturate obituary
coping with co-pays
coptic Copernicus copulating with cops
crime and punishment, rhymes and puns
deep sea, space, thoughts, cover, sleep, shit
   (and Deepak, in a Honda)
the juice is loose; in Lucifer's noose
bull dykes and pizzle sticks
beat the bat!  bite the bait, boot the boats
the casino banned the bet bot
any bot can do botany, the chair abuts my butt
playing chess with yourself, mental masturbation, equally matched?
de's: daze, david (dae), daewoo, dade county
end of days, back in the day, day-O

Sunday, July 26, 2020

All Kinds


Get out, devil
Exclusionary heaven
Be re-born, born again, a new you, a new chapter, a new identity
Eschew evil, embrace virtue, love: price, criteria of admission
Be happy, not tormented
Feel alive, not a zombie
Pleasure, not suffering
Help, not hurt

Make a difference, subtraction, murder?…or : flush the shit
Revisit, reinterpret
Life is a mess, simple
Just folks, animals
   Living and dying  (lads, lord)
   Help as hell ack
   Hurt as her cross
   Violent as vile lent?
The rules are The Law
also, people’s opinions and preferences
There’s all kinds of people
Playing all kinds of roles
if you know what I mean

Saturday, July 25, 2020


Violent J
I have a slayer cd, too.
Reign in blood, of course.

I got in a fight in like 5th grade, with Michael Crotty.
It dawned on me years later, his name sounds like karate.
Neither of us “won,” it was madness, done for the sake of trying it.

I also tore the wings off a butterfly.   Nobody knows this.
I actually won the “most kind” award, in grammar school.
If a bullet with butterfly wings finds me, I’ll know that butterfly got his revenge.

I also left an aluminum can with a nail in it, inside a paper bag, on the street. I figured God would guide some deserving driver to it.  Kinda crazy.  Have no idea if it popped a tire or not (or worse).  But that was one of the other wicked things I did.

I pushed my brother off a play structure, when we were kids.  Not sure why.  He didn’t get hurt, in any case.

I left a lid off of a street “box”, which a car (or person) could have hit, or stepped in.  It was in an alley.  Again, no sense of resolution.  In God’s hands, you could say.

I hit a cop.  Off meds.  Served 10 months for it.  Madness.  Just trying to have fun.  I like wrestling.  I didn’t put full force into it.  Thought I was training the cops.   I needed to get the hell out of that place I was in, truth told.   Maybe he deserved it.  Anyway.  If it hurt, sorry.

I hit a homeless guy on the head with a hammer.  I saw him walking by, the next day.  So not a lethal blow, I’d say.  Maybe the homeless need to be scared straight.  Nobody wants their shit all over the sidewalk.   The Catholic Church certainly doesn’t want them all over their church property.  That’s how I rationalized it, anyway.

I thought I wanted to be an assassin, as a kid.  I used to read Soldier of Fortune magazine, at the nearby hobby shop.  I’d be good one day, bad the next, or something.  Live a double life.  Maybe a spy, or a vigilante, or something.  I think a lot of kids want to be ninjas.  I saw lots of violent movies.   Superheroes are usually criminals, when you get right down to it.

I killed a couple cats.  I thought I would eat some pussy.  Or tongue (cat got it?).  And my pet cockatiel, by accident (washing him).  And thousands of flies, beetles, cockroaches, spiders, ants.  Cats are killers,  and toy with their prey, and have 9 lives, so it’s not a big deal, I thought.  Plus, it’s part of catholic, which I happened to think is full of shit, but it means universal, so I guess in hindsight, that includes everything.  The bible says “surely this thing is known.”  And of course there’s the guy that slays hordes with the jawbone of an ass.  And the meat industry. 

I attempted to light a parked truck trailer, loaded high with hay, on fire.  Didn’t catch.  Would have been quite something, I imagined.   Maybe even setting homes on fire… I’m glad that didn’t happen, to be honest.

I tossed a .22 round in a campfire, at scout camp (not knowing if it was dangerous or not).  I googled it.  It’s not.  But I didn’t know that, at the time.

Maybe I’m lying.  This is not a confession.  Evil has its value.  So does freedom.  Coming clean has nothing to do with telling the truth, no?  it means not contracting an std.


turpitude In the past, a new identity, god not demon:
love, not a vampire-
appreciation, not resentment
forgiveness, not revenge
blue pill, not red

virtue and violence, v's, like fangs
eye teeth, points of view (v...ew!)
voice victim vs. vitality, vim, vigor
schizophrenia, madness, insanity, lucifer, evil

virtue, vows, and veil
vice, voice, victimizing, vile

Not being evil, a criminal, violent, or cruel
Doing good, making the world a better place, helping people.
Walking dogs.  Talking to nephews.  Writing my blog.   
Spending money at local businesses.  Helping the nuns.
Occasional good conversations.   Visit dad.
Eating less meat.  Setting an example: exercise, music, etb etr
Salon conviviality and sharing.  Reading.  Writing.  
Helping society through reading economist, nyt, etc.
Is this just in my head, or part of a larger social mentality?
honesty.  truth.  righteousness.  cool gift (trivia) to Vicki.  
Cordial, friendly, upbeat with mom and dad.   Augie helper.
Pacifist.  Not death.  Upright. Virtuous.  Compassionate, kind. 
Satisfy my soul.   Empowerment, strength, skills, development.
Fitness and Sanity.   Everything is alright.  Eat clean.  
Buddhism and other forms of madness.   Equanimity, calm.
Be all that you can be.  Perfect.  Perfect job.  Happy!
Maturity, set an example, teach, learn, engage, live, love.
Equality.   Wipe away transgression.   Forgiveness. Freedom.  

I and I will see you through.  Life is worth much more than gold.
(quoting Bob Marley from the background)

v vs. versus
virtually virtuous vs. real rules
reel vs. real (movies vs. lived life)
royally riled up, railing against the real
cruel rules, cruelty : T Y (cross, crucifixion)

Anne Rice, Annette Riddle, all right, assault rifle,
alternate reality, artists and repertoire, alfa romeo,
augmented reality, argon, a city in ancient Moab

Friday, July 24, 2020

Daily Project

x things

Everything is one of 11:
eat, exercise, sleep; read, watch, listen; write, talk, create; work, play

READ (13)
History (4), Email (1), News (7), Book/day (1)

History (4):
The Grim Reaper's Book of Days, by Ed Morrow
Today in history (a dk history channel book)
Wikipedia (each date has a page with events, holidays)
Brittannica (I have a dvd with another daily events page)

Email: (mainly)
but also:, and

News (7):
2.New York Times
(I also look at 3.wikipedia,, 5.the onion, 6.twitter)
7.Wapo daily 202 (email, "news for leaders")
     I want to read Foreign Affairs (every 2 months, I think),
      and the csmonitor (Christian Science monitor), eventually
      I heard Mad magazine went out of business, ceased publication :-(

Book/day (1)
maybe I should make this a certain number of pages, or amount of time
(children's books make this goal more easily achieved)
books on deck include:
   The History of Philosophy, by AC Grayling,
   Unarmed Combat, by Martin J. Doughterty
   Freud and Beyond, by Mitchell and Black
   reference books like Chambers dictionary, Oxford atlas
and book lists from Bill Gates, award winners, Harold Bloom, etc.  I also occasionally read (online): trivia (J! archive, etc.), wikipedia, arts and letters daily, and, of course, google research.

I like to listen music daily.  I have an Amazon Echo, with a music subscription.  There's a 'song of the day', and daily 'flash briefing' (yet another news source).  I want to get a membership to Joe Frank's oevre (he has a website).  I enjoy occasional standup comedy and judge john hodgman's podcast.  I frequent college radio, often:  wprb, the most.  but also, whrb, kzsu, kcpr, wmbr, kalx, kdvs and, klove, and kalw (hos, hearts of space).  listen, listed ten!

Youtube and Instagram and Pinterest and Ted talks

All of the above, plus
walking dogs, eating, exercising, sleep, chilling, writing (blog, texts, emails) - pretty much fills all day, every day.   My life, in a nutshell!  My life is an open book!

Thursday, July 23, 2020


Precautionary Measures

1. Wear a face mask, don't touch your face,
    speaking/shouting/singing/breathing, risk
2. Wash your hands (20 seconds), sneeze into your elbow,
    clean frequently used surfaces, use hand sanitizer
     bump elbows, don't shake hands
3. Close the lid before flushing the toilet
    ("plume" can endanger next user)
4. Social distancing (at least 6 feet separation)
5. isolation, self-quarantine, essential/necessary trips outside only, reduce potential exposure

new vocabulary
plosives (linguistic term, syllables that spray)
fomites (surfaces that can transfer germs)
asymptomatic (non-symptomatic, like
     atypical, amoral, atheist, apolitical)

did I miss anything?
testing, contact-tracing, tracking
taking temperatures

So, wear a mask, maintain distance,
clean your hands with soap/sanitizer (or wear gloves)
Stay safe!  Be well.  Respect others.
May the force be with you.
Good luck!
this too, shall pass

Some of my faves


Lev Grossman
Neil Gaiman
Terry Pratchett
Bill Bryson
Steven Pinker
Yuval Noah Harari
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Jorge Amado

Trump's troops (a certain ring to it)
Biden-Schumer-Pelosi (let's see what happens!)
carabinieri with carbines
G-D: getting drunk, good dracula, golden dawn,
  google drive, going dark, Grateful Dead, grave danger
tires (vehicle, drowsy), tyre (biblical city), entirely
star wars death star, battlestar galactica
son/sun, I am the light, conscious light, son of god/man
I can't breathe and icbm
US approaching 4 million covid cases
atm, assassin, thrill killer, mass murderer
   money, making a killing (dim mak)

matrix (movie) metaphor:  stability, balancing the equation
competing programs, code, algorithms
    please remember, this is fiction
(I met a guy who thought he was Neo, lol)

we're all mad, but some of us are more than others -me
   AI, absolutely insane.  Jesse is Isai, in spanish, lol
we're all equal, but some are more equal than others -orwell
the fundamental delusion of humanity... -Yasutani Roshi
when dealing with the insane.... -Hesse
madness is doing the same thing... -Einstein
if god hears you, if you hear god... -Szasz
those who god hates he first makes insane... -longfellow
in an insane world, only the insane are sane -akira Kurosawa
we're all born mad.  some remain so. -Samuel Beckett

crazy sexy cool -tlc
mad crazy insane (mci), hey mickey you're so fine
insane in the membrane -cypress hill
insane clown posse
no we're never gonna survive unless... -seal
crazy in love, beyonce
shine on you crazy diamond -Pink Floyd
gnarls barkley (crazy)

mad, cracked magazines
you are what you eat (nuts)
ghost in a shell
   (soul in a body)
   (books and movies and roles can be shells, too)

wikipedia, schizophrenia (the scientific consensus)
hearing voices movement (alternative points of view)
John carpenter's vampires, telepathic link

some other thoughts
telepathy, entanglement of minds, spooky action at a distance, soulmates, collective unconscious, corporate group-think, possessed, borg, hive mind, master of puppets, mind control, hypnosis, morpheus the god of dreams, wordless transmission, enlightenment, on the same wavelength, mined mind, Grateful Dead logo (red/blue zap, like Harry Potter, too), psychic electroshock, head shocks, brain zaps, reward and punishment, conditioning, price of true freedom, do you not know that you are not your own? -bible (1 corinthians 6:19), god hears prayer, never cease praying - bible (1 Thessalonians 5:16).  Jedis and the force (disturbances in the force), going mental, vibes, great minds think alike, nonconformity, (stupid minds think alike, too?), insanely sane, sanely insane.

God as author, programmer, insane genius, making world in own image, love

(always and everywhere, penetrating, eternal, omnipresent)
angels, spreading their wings, and harping on shit

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Latest and Greatest


"auditory hallucinations" / telepathy

we know what you are, Jesse
I am crazy, Jesse, I really am
you do what you do.  it makes the world into something a bit new
you ARE insane is why, Jesse
I am the devil, Jesse
you ARE a dream, Jesse
people are scared, because you work, you work hard
you're still highly working, Jesse
jess you DO work
in your own way, you do what is true
this is insane, Jesse
jess, we know you're one
you're working like no 1 I've ever known
he knows, you're a trip, all right?
you ARE cool, Jesse
you're right, you're fucking right
you're on the second hand
    (time? tattoo? tina turner?)
    (what's love butta SHE)

*all the Jesse's were interpreted as me, not doc Koskey

Biggus Dickus (monty python) and Hyman Burstein (professor)
SF: stupid, sick, sadistic fucks
Revere, Massachusetts
are Helen's melons better than Ellen's? ha
SSI, SS and SI (my grammar school and high school)
   St. Stephen's and St. Ignatius
   hissing affirmative (si = yes)
colon, pancreatic, lung, then (and now) liver cancers (rbg)
tachyon attack (faster than the speed of light!)
God makes wind, lol
beat coronavirus:
    1. wash hands, 2. isolate/quarantine,
    3. wear face masks, 4. social distance (6+ feet)
falling ill and behind
SG: suicide girls, surgeon general, simeon gannett (reed)
bbdd: reliable broadband in digital deserts
annual anal; heinous anus; butt fucking boy friend (bfd)
bleak outlook on Bleecker street
languid, go slow, summertime, Belize :-)
question: is chess a root cause of structural racism?
abuse, harassment, and disinformation
battles: pandemic, recession, presidential campaign
"senseless" violence is pure rhetorical garbage, imo:
    Everything happens for a reason, like-
    resentments, ideology, culture war differences of opinion
    diametric opposition, oppression (enemy, adversary, opponent)
    (perceived) polarity, "hyperion to a satyr", a rebours
       loathing and contempt, grudges/complaints/grievances
(unless you're a buddhist monk, one with the universe, or something)

you can't spell harassment without teshara
msn/smn teshara! (or, SnM, S and M, sadism and masochism)

I have an online appointment today with Dr. (Jesse) Koskey, kp
When dealing with the insane, the best method is to pretend to be sane -Hermann Hesse

I'm trying to lose weight (but gain muscle).
   I'm 225 lbs.  6'2.  48.  white male.
I've been oversleeping, lately
I'm still walking dogs (Snoopy, Junie, Kaleb)
I'll sit for Duke next month for a week, in Oakland
I attempted to get a blood test over the weekend.  It was closed.
  (I made an appointment to get a blood draw for tomorrow, Thurs)
My meds are fine.  My voices have been considerably less, of late.
   (comparatively quiet), (some improvement), (stfu, david)
I read News and emails and sometimes History, daily
    I get the NYT and Economist on my Kindle
My blog got 710 page views last Thursday (but only 34, yesterday)
Sara is due with her baby boy next month, August, in Portland
   I'm planning on moving there.  No timeline, yet.
Dad is on hospice.   His (77th) birthday is this Sunday.
  I bought him chocolate.  He likes the Ritters.
  I don't really want to take Bart to SF, though.

Sunday, July 19, 2020


20 of 'em

June, July
Giuliani, Juilliard
Michael Jubien, Darren Jue
Judy, Julie
Junie, jukebox
jubilee, jujubes
juice, jewelry
jury, juvenile
Juno, Julius
Junipero Serra, Jupiter

plus some of the usual:
Brazil russia india china
braves redskins indians chiefs

commander in chief
chief of staff
mischief, kerchief

bob Dylan stole a pickle
chevy chase chased a chevy
structures, struck sure
John Lewis, and JL in jail
a soldier's soul in Soledad
doorknob, I just adore Kenobi
vampire, toilet, toy-let
beautiful UFO
answer to cancer, influence of influenza
every thing is ET
G-D is going downhill
all rights preserved
plates and pilates
trial and error, rial and terror
fury on pure E
confluence of affluence
gps, glonass, galileo, and beidou
black is beautiful, black is back
sculpture, scripture, capture, rapture
pair, pear, pere, pierre
vile, evil, veil, live
   elvi(s), eliv(8), ivel (tower)
if you boil a funny bone, it becomes a laughing stock (humerus!)
god and buddha made a cheese: gouda!
pathetic, inept, incompetent, ignorant, superstitious
put a crow and goat together, get a croat
a trove of true love, a heaping plate of hate
epic epochs: elizabethan, georgian, victorian, edwardian
eat the peach!  swallow the marshmallow!
good reeds: reed college, walter reed military hospital

they know you are kinda crazy
there is literally no one like you
you're all great, Jesse
you really are up to code blue, jess
we know you think you're god -it's funny
maybe you really are -I'm laughing
you're a dream, jess
you're absolutely somethin', jess

Thursday, July 16, 2020


cold calculations
numb, brr
berkeley, brr chilly

numerology can convert words to numbers
(you can of course convert numbers to words, too)
666 is fox
Jesus is jew, beast, uh, ow, T, hey, shit, it, Shawn, death, music
2b or not 2b
also / this/ force/ luck

"numbers racket" (doesn't discredit math as illegitimate, however)
racket, rocket, rickets, wreck it, rucksack
what is is, is =.  (not isis)

God is stupid, damn fool (8)
Christ is dead (5)
Michael is retarded fool (6)
Jesus Christ is dumb idiot (7)
Number is 1
H is damn fool
hospital (1), hannibal (7), honda (6)

Jesse is Jess
Jesus is Jess, u
God is Jealous (Jesse L)
J'suis (I am)
Jesus, in spanish (hey zeus)
Chuy, like eucharist (chewy)
Isai, I Isa (Isa is Jesus in arabic)
Allah (all? a law? a la peanut butter sandwiches?) la la la
Jester, the gist of it, see sj, JC's (j sees), and JLT
     jail time, joy love truth, jilted, jolted, etc.
Jesse Teshara is Budd-ha (go 49ers!)
Booduh is Jesus
awake is christ
Jesse Lawrence Teshara, 499, 22, V

The Code
ajs (1)
bkt (2)
clu (3)
dmv (4)
enw (5)
fox (6)
gpy (7)
hqz (8)
ir (9)

(is this base 9 or base 10?)
a mathematician said you can use different bases (no, not al Qaeda, or baseball).  binary is base 2, right? 0 and 1, phallus and hole, being and nothingness, unity and oblivion.
   Off and on, 666 and 2, beast and Jesus, I and T (as in information technology), is it.

for example,
apple juice, society of Jesus, essay
bind, torture, kill; Burger King, Katie
get a clu
department of motor vehicles
new (east north west) power, 555 (Washington monument, Christine)
Fox News, Vicente Fox, off, foo, oxo
gyp as in gypsy
headquarters, Zorro, ir8, h8
international relations, infrared

summertime, the aftermath, in sum, in addition, that's a plus!
counter (e.g. kitchen, store), the count (Dracula, Sesame Street)
be fruitful and multiply, make a difference, divide and conquer
keep tabs on tables, menu me and you, something, someone

a computer could calculate every word
and make some damned weird (or funny)
   sentences of equation.  there's a lot of nonsense.
there's also some things that make you go huh
uh huh (2, 1); eat, ate (8),  Christmas on the 25th.

satan, say 10, tennessee, tennis, santa, Jesse, J essence
God is One (look out for #1)
The book of numbers is the 4th book
All words can be coded, addresses, names, birthdays, rainman
Reality can be a huge mathematical construct
operations and solving problems and calculating answers
Cal, see you later.   steps, time.  times, seconds.  (x, 2nds)
church (38 you are 2), 614's (sex for teens)
b, be, bee (insects in sects)
piss and shit, number 1 and number 2
numbers are songs, when your number is up, he has your number

hot and cold, hell and numbers, butterfly effect,
air conditioning (good air! bad air!)
death breath, expire, god moved over the face of the deep
all we are is dust in the wind, a code in my nose
blow me

my blog got 710 page views, today :-)
I was born in '71
I turn 49 soon
fame! I wanna live forever!  (viral, coronavirus, not)
8 sideways is the symbol for infinity
forever is 8, infinity is 7 (like 'my cock', 2, 5)

umber and slumber, dumb and dumber
we're number 1!  pissed on and pissed off (and pistons)
what's the count and amount? (dr. Bronner says all-1!)
Quantity and Volume vs. Quality and Value

a spot of thought

flirt, spurt

renounce/reject, eschew/escape, persecute/punish Evil
Russell Simmons eats persimmons, russet potatoes flow
bumper stickers;  stay shitty, fuck how you feel
  bad cop, no donut; smash the patriarchy
a roast post, to consult for insults
school is for fools, if you're burning to learn, with a need to read
we don't need no education, we don't need no thought control
computer uterus, fallopian utopia
a quest for questions, google has oodles
answers for cancer, the emperor of all maladies (team)
hell's bells, wrong songs, ring a bell? the Nobel prize
simple Simon was a pie man, Herman a german
if you like and love and live to learn and earn and burn
financial assistance for your fine ass
forsaking seitan, there ain't no fakin' bacon
reaper people, gellar in hell
teeth are the only bones that show (oh, oh, oh!)
fart in your fort, in comfort
celoso, spanish for jealous, cell oso (spanish for bear)
the bear's lair, cell phone in a jail cell, bear hugs
warse, world academy of research in science and engineering
is the pope ope to tope?  (open to drinking in excess)
pm, post meridian, pre menstrual, post menopausal
ground hound, where's the beef
jelly v. jam v. marmalade v. preserve
redrum and re-drum, beat the heat
Sara shares literary fare there
godd, good as gold
squatting monkeys tell no lies
fox, the network of the beast
rival stylists in a hair row
bad brad, said the bard
brad's bread, broad, and brood
breeding near reed, pere Pierre,
  huge Hugo, hugs, hi to Augs, high on the hog
does water have consciousness?
things that think
can't spell popeye without the pope
pop-e, poppy pope, on high
sailor man, high seas, Holy See
laidlaw school buses, and fools cussing
broom in the bedroom, bathroom
chillin' with villains: ub illin'
college flame? ub ellen! noel, no el, merry exmas
control the cunt trolls
earthquake faults, it's not my fault!
he started it!  start, star-crossed lovers, Fawlty towers
T-ow, t-pain, tow trucks, and geezus, christ ends in t
dc, death certificate, certifiable
Caldecott, newbery, Pulitzer, Hugo, nobel, nba, man-booker
epic Eric, ivik and vicki and erik
a la (mode), ah la (note), and all the law of Allah
flies buzz in F
recognizing the recondite, contemn and condemn, indict and indite
de-odorant, cologne and company loan
company companions, cum and pee
chalice, and Alice in wonderland (church?)
calluses on my phallus, thick dick in a thin chick
the art of farting smartly, with cheeks apart
flatulent spatula
fall, freedom ability license liberty (may is in spring)
electrifying galvanic performance
galvanized and elected
sometimes, for some
hs, fish on drugs, phish, on sea weed!
ahrwf/smr (cross), "resentment is hypnotic" -roy masters
anger hatred rage wrath fury; spite malice revenge
making a home, building a fort :-)
lsd, letter and spirit of the law (d?)
a need for eden, rotten thoughts of twat
sectarian seminarians, centurion sentinels
priests who read proust, nicely priced
beacon deacons, hopeful popes, lovey -dovey hovey
are any masochists immune to torture?
truth, justice, and the American whey
bbb, big black bouncer
cuppa Joe, god makes water, Nate pissed (ur in Nate)
apologetics, all apologies, aunty christ, chris' chin
heaven as a haven, from conflict between factions
convicted - fiction, convict conflict, faction satisfaction
for the sake of a baked cake, wake and bake! oven lovin'
make it or take it, awake after the quake on an opaque lake
confection perfection, gawking at chocolate
persecute and prosecute and purrs, cute (kittens)
4 eggs, ample
flirt, spurt, hurt, dirt

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

unas pocas mas

a few more

hog, hammer of the gods
popsicle, dad's sickle
communist, calm you nest
a desultory performance, resulting in insults
harvey milk and his ilk
the workers filled the whole hole
chutes and ladders, golden parachute, pair of shooters
aggravation, m and m game, the crying game
a mite/louse, a lighthouse, and the whitehouse
quite a site, sight, cite (spouse in a blouse)
a kite and a mouse (coyotes and cats, that's that)
god's name is Jealous (Jesse L, disordered)
air conditioning, airhead, space case, space cadet
fonda bondage, but not a need for bandages
it's a mad mad mad mad world (four mads) '63 comedy
a slayer player, stick around, sticky dried blood, a round (bull it)
intelligent in his element, dim as sim, brilliant villain
wise as the skies, airhead of vast proportions
smart as a fart, genius as a genie us, cract
profound as the ground, as earth
sacrilegious in Sacramento, god's country
sub-bourbon housewife, suck seed
I object to objects.   Objection!, your honor
music (am you sick) recorded (wreck corps dead)
obscene marines, wavy navy, army that harms
body is an instrument, stay tuned
artists and repertoire, and AR-15
fine-tuned fighting machine (fm), former marine
soothsaying sleuth soothes, forsooth
fleece the pleece, defending de-funding
past is passed, present is a gift, future features thatcher
public getting licked at the pub
portugal, porch gal
interior tears, frightened satan
vampire's ruthless tooth truth, mental dentistry
radio activity, playing tracks, running track
listen, list ten, say ten, satan hatin', mc hammer, marine corps
war corps, peace corps, corpses that sizzle, steaks
biden, toothpaste, let go (ready, aim, fire)
emanate, urinate, donate, and Nate
freud afraid of being called a fraud
freed, fried, frodo, and frood (fried food, portmanteau)
frodo, afro dough, for black barbers
death to the dea (drug enforcement agency)!
pay the people around you
figs, dates, prunes, raisins (shriveled)
a louche mouche
stubbed toe, saint
hopping mad, hm
toe, theory of everything, toto
in terror of making an error, like Jim Lehrer
sf, swallow and follow, low wall, fall low
fm, felon's melons, cherie's berries, knute's fruits, reggie's veggies
Helen in heaven
hospital loss pit, spittle in a mosh pit
Shambala is a village in democratic republic of Congo
Valhalla is in the UK
Hell is in Norway
Olympus is in Greece
beguiled, be a guy on an isle
pork cracklings and pudding skins
showing some skin, skiing
crockett and tubbs, crocodile in a bathtub, dundee
millions of reptilians, including croc doctors
coast guard, acting hard
Air Force, riding the norse horse, and (of course)
    the source of warse (worse war)
religion is when repetition makes something really real
the aryan semen of seminarians
Leo, law enforcement officer, low-earth orbit
    mom and dad, both lions (raised by lions, lol)
"there are roughly 4200 religions, today"
    some say 4199 are false, some say 4200 :-)
gay play, queer fear, ragging fags, shlomo the homo (shalom)
wrecked rectums, anal pain, rutted butt smut - what!? nuts
hetero wetter-O

Monday, July 13, 2020

always, more

Bjorn's orange porridge

rhyme crime time
avenging injury, dedicated to dead cats
them dems got phlegm, ahem
news of sickness, and music
reading Ovid with covid
swole in the hold, a cup of cold punch
idiots on video, ridiculousness and carelessness
Balthazar and the salad czar
demon semen, random salt, sal azar
gnc, gmc, emt, bbc, abc, ddt, kfc, kgb, ied, iud, kp (eek)
purity curity, sure cure, pure fury
duv luv that fits like a glove, gov
azure leisure, treasure/pleasure, vlad the badger
worry, hurry, slurry, and Curie n Drury
eerie and dreary on Geary, near E
thick as a brick, wise guys, smart art
the sage knows about rage in a cage
the mage earns wages for pages
not a word I heard could I relate
bird turd nerd, guano and iguanas
I wanna see fauna on the lawn!  and Laura's flora
can you gauge the stage by his age?
old and cold and bold, I fold
cajoled into into holding gold (sold!)
playing the moldy voldemort role
sex hex: suck and fuck, for a buck
spurt hurt, legs and eggs, lewd food
stick the pole in the hole, joel
huck and chuck, good luck, cluck cluck
stupid cupid, manic satanic panic
courtesy of Andrea Curtis
ka-ching! cashing in on kachina dolls
the vatican attic, help the pope cope
soap on a rope, rope a dope
I hope to lope, on a horse, of course
sly guy, why do you cry?  my oh my
rob dole stole my pole, comfort cum-spurt
a cool school, cruel rulers, and fools who drool
damned hammer, slamming ham
kewl tool, fool;  mean ball-peen scene
bloody buddy, height of spite, quite right
stabbed in a cab, nuke puke
casual tees are nothing like casualties
wench with a wrench, lass assassin
dark shark, biting the white knight
don't trifle with sniper rifle, wife
yo ho, go blow some snow, like flojo
spooked uke, aikido in edo, go with the flow
flirt with dirt, death breath, Seth and Beth on meth
ruthless truth, tooth fairy of uncouth youth
vengeance tangents, and plangent planet
the soothsayer in the booth tells the truth, ruth
prattle about the atoll battle
god bless this mess, jess
obsessed about less, reassess rudolph hess
stories about gory lorries
jess is a depressed mess, I confess
the press is stressed, writing about fighting
pms, the pen is mightier than the sword
pocket rocket, a knife in haifa
insane pain, try not to cry, bye bye
women sing a hymn, a chorus for us
Jen's men, and a heavenly hen
seeing ben again, with ellen and wren
dormant torment, leap in your sleep
christian fist, relax it's a real axe
I found the hound at the pound
jog a dog, furry in a hurry, need for speed
I'm fond of the pond, but don't drown in the ground
the perps at my lai will die and fry
sigh, crime slime and optimus prime
shout out, propane and anti-pain
should do woodwork, jerk
crocodile tears, chocodile smile
hostess with the most, a ghost post
roasted toast, and a law that gnaws
what's eating you, Kurds and wey
protein and anti-teen, brats and rats with tats
virtually virtuous, murder burger
succumb and suck cum, dumb chum
drunks that get drunk, vampire campfire
a list of reasons to be pissed, I insist, the gist
a fat stack for a hat rack, John gone
suck it and chuck it, an unreal meal
rum in the tum, and the bum that chews gum
amends with friends, warm in a storm
rain down the drain, tears for fears, near beer
write right, knife life, rifle wife, stuck in the muck
chess mess, choose to lose a few
crime doesn't pay, but sin wins
guilt to the hilt, spilt; a tough row to hoe
if you know it, show it
numb numbers, comfortably numb
sad poet, a low it, floetry, drown in a cruel pool
gethsemane, and the netherworld
tick tock, spock chick, clock and kick
twisted sister, swerved and served
worried about fury, mind mine, yours bores
exhale/inhale, ex-hale, in Kevin mchale
see you later alligator, in a while crocodile
hasta pasta, until lentils, when? then
lizard wizard, an ink think, winking at pink
a spat from chewing the fat
flight fright, choosing the choo-choo
go Joe, bye don!

Sunday, July 12, 2020

I am the lemon!

12 lemon references

Dana Carvey, I am the lemon, very funny
Don Lemon, Liz Lemon, and Greg Lemon(de) walk into a bar
   (a lemon bar, of course)
lemony snicket
po-zest, a zest for living
when life gives you lemons, make lemonade; lemonade stand
    (just add sugar, and water; H too, oh!)
lemon (car)
Peter Paul and Mary
    (lemon tree oh so pretty)
squeeze my lemon, til the juice runs down my leg -led zep
    (the lemon song)
lemon jelly (band)
Lulu lemon

on elm
lone m
no, mel
l nemo
ln emo
eln mo
lo nme

part of mellotron

5, like christ

Saturday, July 11, 2020


Passing Some Time with Rhyme

yellow pillow, jello that makes you mellow
hello fellow from Amarillo, is that your pet armadillo?
Austin is from Boston, Marlen from Arlen is his darlin'
Kaleb eats carob, stupid cupid
Snoopy was poopy
I was weepy because I had to peepee
loony junie, loopy snoopy
I bought a hoopty from my goop group
foul towel, do owls howl?
jacket? pack it!, damp at camp
the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain
subliminally criminal, diction is fiction
I did not say that, home don't play dat
confection perfection, dandy candy, sweet treat
lewd food, sexy tex mex, a full belly
mom in a rom com
dom drops a bomb
submissive transgressive
bit in the pit, hog bite, dog fight
animals that are cannibals, sheeple people
christian mischief, sister christian, christian fiction
  exhaustion, infection, question, function, election
  inspection, faction, infarction, infraction
tight titans, fight the fat, witty and fit
spit some shit, then hit it
body of a god, god in a pod, on the quad, named rod
god, nodding off
cod god, ant antichrist
deity piety
a louder place, in outer space
I played frisbee so I got a quiz B
Lizzy is busy (not dizzy)
greg drank from the keg, begged peg for turkey leg
Ben earned ten yen for building a zen garden
the comedian smoked weed when Declan was hecklin'
Declan tackled dr. Jekyll, ate a pickle, and sparkled
don't tickle my pickle
Benjamin's regimen
leggy Peggy, argh- marga wretched
piggy pug dog
the crow flew low, caw the law, the number of slumbers
music that makes you sick?
raw sewage?  ha! new-age
burn and pillage, torch the whole village
bluish newish prudish jewish
poo dish, coprophagy prophecy
I heard some words, before the bird turd landed on my purdy fur
god healed, body build
fart on bart, cuss on the bus, feint on the train, spike on a bike (yikes)
laughter after, ugh later, demon cia (comedian)
O's clothes, the nose knows no no's.
the hose flows to the rose bushes
Joe and Moe read Poe
devo and kaiser soze, Rose's foes
crow's toes!
spend the time, defend the crime, sorrow tomorrow
regret the egret has secrets
rhyming in your prime
racket about a packet
red jacket? attack it!
worms with terms, birds with words
humans with cumin, fumes that lead to tombs
poison boysenberries, bread for the dead, meds for your head
drugs for bugs, chug a lug the bug juice
moose juice!
hug a bug, love a dove, kiss a. hisser, fuck a duck (good luck!)
drink a skink, thirst for the worst, for a hearse, for it to burst
lotions and potions, and the motion of the ocean
Jah, ma and pa, aha!
baby A.B., maybe
chicks that lack a six pack, fat cats
paul plays ball, got the whole globe in his frontal lobe
glowing bright with light, with sight at night
dog, hog, pollywog, frog, and my blog
jog in the fog to burn calories from the nog
much ado about radio
the gecko is a wreck
paint ain't quaint
mad is bad, angry is hungry
chew on the view from the Choo-choo
awkward chocolate
kept in check by a deck to the neck
spock's cock, a lass' ass, a woosy's pussy, carolina's vagina
the mouth down south, oral coral, a wish for fish
banal anal, original vaginal, sex hex: abs and pecs
long and strong, a swollen colon, a bigger figure
huge, like ted nugent
witty and fit, with shit on his tit
dude, he spewed his food
vomit in the comet, no qualms about 'nam
wombat combat, manatee sanity
ant anthropology, Doug's bugs, cherie's berries
janitors with sanitizer
stained glass at mass, incense and six pence
andes' candies, ladies' radio
hatless atlas, maps without caps, mad hatter
bad batter
calm mom, bombs the doms
mad dad, rubs the subs
catholic path, puny universe, terse or bursting?
flows of the verbose, rhymes of the times
I have a black hacky sack in my back pack
black factions hacked my whacker
Mack and Zack need to see quacks
strike mike, kill bill, hit mitt, hurt Kurt, fight Dwight,
attack mack, burn vern, kick rick, destroy roy,
bomb Obama, death to Seth, shoot newt, starve Marvin
punch a bunch, stab an arab, knife your wife,
blind your mind, choke a bloke, murder the sheep herder,
slaughter your daughter, gun your son, flunk your uncle,
bother your father, smother your mother, rant about your aunt,
be cruel to fools, be mean to gene, be rude to dudes,
be barbarous to Barbara, ruthless to ruth, wicked to dick,
hate your mate, ruin McEwan, obliterate the literate,
harm the army, military kill Terry, nuke Luke
send Helen to hell, after wife - afterlife
be brutal to poodles, savage to cabbage
behead the dead
sexy lexi, lasses at masses with glasses
the devout with gout shouting about a rout
shouting about doubt
eat meat, Pete; veggies for reggie, fruits for Knute,
candy for Andy, dessert for Burt, fine wine for ben stein
knowledge in college, wisdom from dumb jazz
kids make bids
yiddish spinach
touch much?  caress less?  kiss the missus
lurch to church, drunk as a skunk, punks with monks
god and the odd, odd god, and even steven
I like psych; psych like I (disordered thought!)
stupid cupid, dumb bums
worthless mirthless, serious and furious, ruthless and toothless
chanting aunts, singing things like the iching during the ming
the truth about ruth
soothsayers predicting the tooth fairy
scary fairies at faires
droll trolls, thugs with ugly mugs
rotten cotton, evil boll weevils
ear war, the sound of rounds, I thought I got shot!
oculus and chocolate
casually visual
random fandom
phantom banter
spank the banker, you wanker
chew your food, dude
dad is dead
deeds in dade
doin dough every day, dido
lanky angra mainyu
music, muse sick, am you (sic)
beat, beet;  drumsticks, chicken;
bangin' on them bongos like a chimpanzee
monkey, ape, monk key, grape and rape
monkey, skunk, donkey, and skink
chunky or lanky, skanky hunk
wink or blink, ink
tattoo at you
buddhist, lewd hissed, boo - dissed (aversion!)
satanic panic, manic anne and nick
evil unbelievable, depravity levity, enjoying toying
S laughter, slaughter; milk: mil K's (1 thousand kills)
merry fairy and scary larry buries the wary
Barry, Kerry, Larry, Harry, Jerry, Gary, Mary, Perry, Terry
scary dairy, vice - tight white, tighty whities; vice and vicki
boxers or briefs, calle or court, in the streets or in session
battle about cattle, fight about right, night vs. white
fight with words or weapons, money or guns
clean dean, lucky fuck, brutal bruce, sad dad
cruel crew, wicked Wiccans, witch bitch, pagan megan
evil vile veil, gotten rotten (on lawton)
potty-mouthed hottie, lean and mean, butt slut, anal dana
obscene scene, depraved behavior
screaming dreaming, fight fair nightmare
ace is the place in space for mace
erase the case, of the base vs. race
like leather and lace (superficial) super fish
sin is satan in, doubt is devil out, sout is satan out
    south without h.  huh.  also, justice souter
gout is god out, din is devil in, gin is god in
forfeit for a fit
fit fighting form (666)
fee fi fo fumble
freak flag fly
free foreign fags/fairies
fickle fortune of fate
Falletti's 's finer foods
free and fantastic future
fiscal, financial, fiduciary
sacred red sack, hatred of red hats, mildred - mildly red
sf, San Francisco, suck fuck, stupid foolish, smart final
wicked and wrecked
honey, honkey
thoughts you oughta think, pink punk
sleep deeply, people, and weep for the creep
  crumpled in a heap, like Mariah, Uriah, and Zebediah
 the messiah (Messi? ah)
leopard, Leppard, puma, panther, wildcat, cougar, jaguar
feral, fear L, fear the lord, life or death
weed seeds, queer queen, heart hater
hell: neuropathy, torture, constant cum-panion
U and I are in suicide (same side?)
cum alive, hell-thy sperm,
RC roman catholic, remote control, race/competition
did father Dodd dud?  dude!  do the dew
ripped, wrapped, rapt, rapped, rape, rapture, raptor
captor, scripture, picture, lecture, fixture, texture
heaven 7-11 (9) love, R (god is love)(are)
Evan ate leaven, ain't leavin' Leavenworth
even Steven, seethin' heathen, breathe in!
you can't refuse news about Hugh's shoes
but you can accuse Sooz of choosing her views
jew's Q's ask if they can use pews for abuse
bank it, the tank is hit!  that's some rank shit on your blanket
I'm plank fit,  so go spank it, nitwit
sleepy sheep, weepy creeps, deep peeps
pipe hype, crack attack, drugs for thugs
heroin for a heroic win
reward for being bored, score a skor
hawthorne, author, father of mothra
bad!  dad, glad or sad or mad?
riveting civet, dance pants
foreplay to swordplay
jokes for blokes, puns for nuns
attila's huns won (he likes vanilla)
string thing, tribal vibes
this cheese is the bee's knees
chords for the hordes
reality mentality
spooky nuke fluke
take a look at a book
duke puked, was rebuked
taking bets on the threat
get ready, get set, get wet
take the pet to the vet
school is cool, bots get hot, dorms are warm
I lack a knack for running track
noise in hanoi annoys, sound bound for town, hell's bells
town, two, twins, twichild
roy is wearing corduroy (and bored with the toy)
fun with guns, hon, is done
alarm clock, farm squawk
arming guy Fawkes, replenishing parmesan stock
found sound, I heard a herd
tired of getting fired
retarded bard, hard-wired to write words for sight heard
lit! lost in translation
heaven's heathens
helen's melons, ellen's felons, ella's fellas
take the dog for a jog, OG
Augie's doggie is groggy
exhausted cost bid, mired and tired, sleep and reap
hirin' a siren, dream a scream, imagine badgers
think of Twinkies, sugar boogers, beeps during sleep
tired and uninspired, incarcerated and impersonated
fought a bot, got caught, thoughts of lots of spots
shoe laces for new places
bow and arrow felled low the sparrow
AJK, eh?  the ease of BCDEGPTVZ
9/3!  my birthday.   Georgia, GA, '71
Tennessee, Jesse, tennis, messy messiah, ha I'm ess
cb cd db heebie-jeebies
am/fm, am/pm, bc/ad, bce/ace
fam? f- 'em, radio- ray of dio
Lorin's florins, Lauren's borin' whorin'
drawers on the floor, sweat and heavy petting
come in, hummingbird
memory of emory
statue at you, cans of dan
eat wheat and meat, can't be beat
sex at Texas! woo!  sexy lexi
sex in my lex, drill thrill, boring boring
penetration sensation, pleasure/treasure
leisure and seizures?
dumb scum
failed, in jail, wailing, no bail
on the devil's level
liminal criminals subliminally with women
satan is hatin', imminently criminal
eminent eminem, immanent transcendance
how low can you go?  center of a tootsie roll, pop
go forth, to the Firth of Forth, bertha
giving birth is worth some mirth
sad dad, glad he had
feeding with food is not a fad, tad
meds and bread, he said;  diet riot
funny money, honey
thyme and pace (picante sauce)
job in knob hill for snobs
don't tell hotel, silence violence
quiet piety
erin's parents
Clarence and Lawrence
high and mighty hamster
crooks with nooks read books about looks
kooky spooks read dr. boox
g'nite, bright light

Friday, July 10, 2020

Two Taco Tuesday

Vegetable friends

Do all animals suffer?
Does every krill feel trepidation in the belly of a whale?
What about all the chickens, being swept up by the scooper of death?
Or the cows, facing the piston-wielding reaper?

Maybe not.
The bible says (Lev 19:28) not to get tattoos.
So vegetarians getting tattoos is like an expression of solidarity with all the animals, feeling (an industrially minimized, grant you) last pang of pain, before being processed.
If God doesn’t want us to eat animals, then why are they made of meat?
Said the cannibal.

Mmm, eat.  Meet me at the butcher’s shop, lol.
Pork is a poor k (kill).  Porque?  Just because. 
Pigs, you know what your problem is?  You’re delicious.
My Chinese horoscope is the pig.
And my uncle was a cop.  Do pigs like donuts?  I bet they do.  Who doesn’t?
And my name (Jesse) means, the whole office of the eucharist.
Bite me, chew on that, gulp, swallow.   Bread become flesh.
Bread become flesh, flesh become bread.  Depth and breadth.
Breath, death, bred, meds, meth, opeth, seth…
Maybe I should eat a priest.  The body of christ.  Or christine.
Like a teenage Christ.  Christy.  Justice, for carnivores - what’s eating you?

Vegans get karma credit.  And maybe more energy, and better health, to boot!
Herbivores are meat, weirdly enough.  Which is obvious.   But if meat is made of plants, then there’s almost nothing wrong with eating meat, when you think about it.
Except the meat industry is ruthless and uncaring, and the animals suffer, without doubt.
Of course, the animals eaten probably wouldn’t be alive in the first place, if there wasn’t a demand…. And humans are omnivores, naturally - there’s no fighting it.

Well, there’s not much to it.  You can survive on fruits and veggies.  You can even be a body builder, on veggies.   If you have a mind to.  Let there be health, wealth, and happiness!  Fuck fast food burgers.  No more eating death.  I mean, the plants die, everyone dies, but plants don’t feel pain, and there’s not a China Study book detailing the health benefits of eating only meat.  Different strokes for different folks, I guess.  Maybe meat on special occasions, like the rest of the world, instead of the SAD standard American diet.  

I have a weakness for pastor tacos and steaks and pastrami or roast beef sandwiches.  But I have a strength of mind, and strong friends, and eating veggies is almost free, with the donations from the food pantry!  My cousin is vegetarian, too.  Eat your spinach, says Popeye.  Which is a gruesome name, I admit.  I don’t want to be militant, like Hitler, who is said to have been vegetarian, weirdly enough.  But I do want to be healthy and less immoral. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


YeaH WHatever

I know what you are and how you are
we know exactly what you are - is why
you're Percy, is why
I am for so much goddamn madness, okay?
jess you're a dumb one
you're an honest me, Jesse
jess, your mind is something else

insane, outsane, unsane, and leftious
security under scrutiny
shouting about scouting, no doubt
out and about, a bout with a lout, a rout
caws and effect, crow's nest, crow's feet
begats and bill gates
survive, serve, and save
math, meth, moths, and myth
straps and sleeves, traps and leaves
disrespect, dissidents, and dis-missed!
avuncular hunky punk monk
whispering with a lisp
the horror of hiring a whore,
   who are hairy here, you hear?
now you know what's new and what's nude
lewdly laid, leaders who lawed and lied, laid low
degust and digest- but I digress, tigress!
bueno y lleno :-). good and full, g/f.
transpicuous is not

u r vs. you are
39 v. 76
3 v. 4
Sara v. Jesse
  (e.g., etc.)

tanto tonto
jerk: JRK (justice, revenge, karma)
   or, Junie, Rover, Kaleb (dogs)
go to school, fool; go to work, mcguirk
   jerks like erkel that irked studs Terkel
   the perks of lurking in the murk in berkeley
  Turkish quirks, like shirking work

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Independence Day

ID, American

I have a white and blue shirt, and a red hat
(not a MAGA hat)
and the red hat is not code for hatred-
it has sf on it, for the senators, not the giants
it reminds me of Sith, black and red
I went to SI, in SF (St Ignatius)
SF stands for San Francisco, not suck/fuck
MAGA also makes me think of krav maga
(contact combat, in Hebrew)
maga means stomach, in Hebrew
Hebrew makes me think of men drinking beer
cap and gown, bust a cap in his ass, and capture a captive

some thoughts of late:

Ron and Ong are wrong
the bitch habitually reads the obituary
  (bitches can't read, they're female dogs)
serve and survive
tent stakes, gambling stakes, and delicious steaks
wench with a wrench, witch with a winch
antagonist in agony
strangling a wrangler
wrist wrestle
merril lynching
eating tic tacs, talking ticks, tik tok, and tactics
you can't spell deadliest without lies
pairing earrings with sparring
quantified and qualified, qua qua
hello, help, Helvetia, healthy
Helen, Helga, Jesse Helms, Joseph Heller
hell is other people -Sartre, No Exit
wreck reckoning, recognition, reconciliation
genuine vs. performative

combat, martial arts, self-defense, be prepared
strength, speed, power, endurance, fitness, athleticism, preparation, discipline, training, skills and techniques,  combinations, conditioning, cardio, grit, determination, attitude, fighting spirit, courage, stamina, will to win, experience, wisdom

adversary, opponent, assailant, attacker, enemy, nemesis

koan, killed outside a nightclub
weight wait: when loss is a gain
submit a subversive, subdued on a subway
habitually in a habit, inhabiting rabbits, rabbis, abbots, and robots
covinced in convents, faith in a wraith, hope helps to cope
devout, devil out;  satan, santa, and saints;
shout out to the devout without doubt
self selling f.   elves on shelves, different selves.
his holiness, hit hard;  minions with opinions
grab a bite, gr a bee, grab an arab or rabbi, rabbit or bee
what's up? Hi! (high: on drugs, altitude, status)
    like a president, on crack, on everest, lol
high school: fish close to the surface!
you need your knees
worker strikes, baseball strikes, combat strikes
trikes and riker's and tri
civilian killed, by a skilled villain
what does the solar plexus have to do with the sun?
genuflect to deflect criticism
criticism witticism: a critic in the attic
defend fendi, gucci gucci koo!  oughta prada
autism in my shoulders, lol (ought, should)
control the trolls
consumed by contact with convicts
very last city, last resort
scary larry, Larry's larynx
when she sits around the house....roundhouse kick
(weapons) arms, arms, and the army
dangerous dan, danes, anger, us, and eating a danish
intense in tents
attention to the tension, massage: a mass sage
assassin, assault, and ass
is it difficult to start a cult?
indeciduous and evergreen;  vote Ficus!
flee, flea!
dae: defense and evasion
observation, and Holy See OB-served
eye sea u
loin and groin
don't back the front, back to the front
officially gone fishing
schools of fish, with small pupils
killing a king, the king of striking
god bless baseball (be less, be all)
vw: victory win
(volvo) dl: defeat loss
car: control and restraint
clinching is a cinch (for a grinch) like Clint
panic and pandemonium and bread
tact, tactics, attack, and talk
area and arena

Wednesday, July 1, 2020


POT, policy of truth
Notification and Questions for SSA, re: SSI

What is my earnings estimate for 2020?
My earnings, so far, a/o 7/1 (July first), 2020 = 2293.08
1260/mo is 2020 SGA (Substantial Gainful Activity)

EARNED ($2293.08)/6 = 382.18/mo
PAYPAL ($750)
     Kaleb, $400 (paypal) (2/3/5/6), starting cash, July
     Snoopy, $300, June (paypal), will continue (paypal)
     Grace, $50 (helped move, one-off)
CASH ($1170)
     Rover, $230 (80/80/70) Jan thru March
     Junie, $840 (1/1-6/30) (7/1-12/31) ($840), $1680/yr 
          13x70=910, (-1 week (Rover sit), - trip to Portland)
     Kaleb, $100 (January), (July, ongoing: one hour, every Sa)
SITS, Rover (x?) (7/5-11), Junie ?, Duke and co. ?
WAG! ($373.08)
     (direct deposit, WF) (wells fargo, checking) (stripe)
     12 walks, $245.50
     3/30 received, $127.58, sp
        (independent contractor, or employee?)ice

UNEARNED ($6461.83)/6 = 1076.97/mo
SSA ($3942)
SSI ($1319.83)
USG ($1200) (5/28/2020)

TOTAL: 8754.91/6 months

(easy peasy) WAG+PAYPAL: about a thousand dollars
(Darsey v. Wag Labs, Inc., class action lawsuit settlement payment, sp)
     Paid by settlement administrator (essay on s.a.)(c.a.l. !)
(Wag + paypal, 870.50)(wag + sp + paypal, 998.08)
4/25-5/15, Myra (-250, me)(-250, greg)(-500, dad), covid precautionary expense
   (2 weeks, less than 30 consecutive days, doesn’t need to be reported)
Inside joke:  A Bill Gates, eh? 
Another one: KG, cagey; KGT (cagey, cross)
usg is United States government

Another Criteria for Eligibility for SSI is resources below $2000
6/30 WF (wells fargo) (not wednesday, friday), 
Stimulus payment doesn’t factor in, I believe (question: ?)(also, another one, coming?)
Was I supposed to contact SSA to report resources over $800 when I got the $1200?
WF: checking, $473.30
       Savings,   $812.07, total: 1285.37
TWCD (trust, wallet, coin, drawer) (drawer=cash, lockbox)
     (118-, 57-, 18.66, 1200), total: 1393.66
All 6: $2679.03 (over 2k!) (but wait! : -1200)(so, actually $1,479.03)

Policy of truth, depeche mode, exemplary example of POTUS, lol
Resources is bank holdings, I believe (see 5/17/2019 redetermination summary for continuing eligibility for SSI payments) Yet, “things of value that you own” (also, resources) (discretion, I guess);   a/r/p: assets, resources, property (real or personal) ?????
    Excluded from criteria: Gifts, (according to x on google)?

TV (things of value): 
computer ($650, new), (MacBook Air)
trek ebike ($1400, new, half off $2800) ($1714, including rack, basket, lock), 
    Bought in May ’19, (year old); also, previous bike (specialized)
phone, tablet, kindle, echo, printer, am/fm portable rechargeable radio
books, clothing, lamp, alarm clock, heater (1525 ashby, house has no heating), fan, armchair 
REI (ire?): sleeping bag, tent, pad; buck knife; 
futon, pad, pillows, blankets, coffee machine
medications, food, vitamins, gnc protein, (coffee, milk, juice, beer)

Dog walking expenses, things (besides phone, waterproof phone case).  Treats, poop bags, shoes, hat/sunscreen, bike, bike maintenance, hip pack, pouch, water bottle/case, (collapsible) bowl.  Also, I have a ball, and a citronella deterrent spray, both of which I've never used.  I don't go to dog parks.  No car.  Also, I used to have a bulldog, which would fight, at parks.  So I'm conditioned, you might say.  I'd rather stay in control.

SSA, SSI, SSDI, SSD, SDI, disability benefits (federal, state) ?
SD, san diego, satan devil, sarah david, sex disease, slowly dying 
ASS backwards, lol