human ability (only so much one can do)
hum ability! hmmmm.
i'm not perfect
not a brilliant genius
i'm not omni-anything
not a father
not a creator of the universe
not in love
not the alpha-male of humanity/human race
not even a priest (ordained, anyway)
not a believer in souls, afterlife
not even happy, much of the time
(medicated, overweight, single, schizophrenic)
i sleep in too often
i don't live up to my own expectations
i disappoint myself
i have cravings and aversions; i want lots:
money, better body, mental quiet, love/sex, house/car/child, masd mastery, finish my book lists
i still hate
i suffer (voice, headshocks, chestpains)
(foot pain, achy joints, glasses, occasional back pain)
i eat (and enjoy) meat (but guilty)
does playing the role of a role in my torments?
i think, on balance, it's been good for me.
(voices are o-vices?)
i'm poor
can i still be God? I like it! (appoint myself by not disappointing myself!)
does that mean I have to be a perfectionist?
a few spells: be all that you can be, it's all good, i'm lovin' it, love all serve all
a song says "perfect imperfection"
everyone who exalts himself will be humbled
god opposes the proud
when pride comes then comes disgrace
walk humbly with your God
one's pride will bring him low
never be wise in your own sight (!)
do nothing from conceit
love is not arrogant
pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall
in humility count others more significant than yourselves
let another praise you, and not your own lips
okay, point taken! geez
i walk humbly with dogs (picking up poop is an exercise in humility)
i like reading my own blog...but maybe i shouldn't consider myself wise.
what if there's no difference between schizophrenia and walking with God?
all the holy people are sick, and all the mentally ill are holy, take your pick.
both, neither...
6 hours ago
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