Three Ongoing Tragedies: Meat, Extinctions, Abortions
(and I think Nukes are, unfortunately, possible, too)
The possibility of a nuclear holocaust, nuclear detonations, nuclear winter, are a stupidly stubborn reality. Stupid people, stupid leaders, a stupid doctrine, terrorists, human error, and their simply existing, do not add up to a very high level of confidence in safety and security (that should exist, but doesn't), in my opinion.
People suck, people hate, are immature, if not outright evil. Mindless military minions will obey orders from "superiors." Accidents happen. There is imperfect information, and misunderstandings. People are deluded that a nuclear winter could be a solution to global warming, or overpopulation, or that war is a good thing, for the economy or politics or technology or what-have-you. States can be blamed for non-state actors. The devil hates everyone. Many people do not believe in equality, or sovereignty, or humanism. Their culture, religion, country, or race is better, superior. People are bugs. The condescension of the rich, the powerful, the higher-educated. The military wants to play with their toys. Vampires want blood. Freud says there's a "thanatos" or death-instinct. Every single one of us, the devil inside. So let's do the right thing, and get rid of these damned things (nuclear weapons), once and for all. Pre-empt the possibility of perdition. I don't think they're worth shit.
On to the ongoing, actual, current holocausts:
(and past the potential and possible one)
A holocaust is defined as "a huge slaughter or destruction of life"
It's not just something that happened to Jews in WW2.
It's real, in several ways, and not just historical.
In my opinion, if you want to be Life-Affirming, these things also need to end.
1. Meat
Meat is delicious, and it's the way of Nature, but the meat industry is still tragic and horrifying, when seen up close for what it is. That is, inhuman suffering on a vast scale. Over 56 Billion farmed animals are killed every year by humans, in slaughterhouses around the world. That's 3,000+ animals per second (This doesn't include fish and sea-creatures, which are only measured in tons). This is expected to double by 2050. And it's not, by any measure, pain-free. Not even close. Even the fish suffer. It's a sea of suffering, out there. "The average vegetarian prevents the needless slaughter and suffering of over 50 animals per year." Which is a drop in the bucket, I realize. But it doesn't hurt.
But you might be healthier, physically as well as mentally healthier, as well as prevent climate change (meat causes more global warming than transportation). It feels good to do good. And you should be good. I've heard you shouldn't "should all over yourself," but that's crap, in my opinion. Should is good!
I have some pamphlets from
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The "cruelty, abuse, and neglect toward animals is standard practice on most of today's farms." I'm taking this personally. Humans are just animals, too. But we're better than that. Or should be. Do the right thing. Eat less/no meat. What I do is eat the free meat that is available or offered at family meals or the food pantry, but decline to purchase it. I don't really want to confront people's depravity, and make a big deal out of it. Maybe I should. But I've loved meat since forever, and don't really want to be a hypocrite. But it's worth mentioning:
a. "my best year of track competition was the first year I ate a vegan diet" -Carl Lewis, Olympic champion
b. "how wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." -Anne Frank
c. "all beings tremble before violence. All fear death. All love life. See yourself in others. Then whom can you hurt? What harm can you do?" -Buddha
On to another holocaust.
2. Ecological Catastrophe
The earth is undergoing it's 6th mass extinction.
"Scientists estimate that 150-200 species of plant, insect, bird and mammal become extinct every 24 hours. This is nearly 1,000 times the "natural" or "background" rate (1-5 per year). and, say many biologists, is greater than anything the world has experienced since the vanishing of the dinosaurs nearly 65 Million years ago. " (8/17/10, internet)
Humans are causing this. Of course, humanity is a part of nature. Not very good "stewards", though.
What can you do? What should be done? I think international law needs to get tough. Eating less meat will help. Riding bikes. Less plastic. Recycling. Education. Less demand for ivory, for example. Eco-tourism? Giving money to World Wildlife Fund, for example. Punishing polluters. A Nature ethic, from hiking and camping, such as from Scouting or going to zoos or going fishing, etc.
3. Abortion
The statistic is 55.7 Million abortions, worldwide, per year. This isn't 56Billion farm animals, but it's equally grotesque, to me, in that it's mothers killing their own children, and reflects a fundamental disrespect for life -a kind of suicide, really- especially when the "choice" could be to give the child a loving home, to the many parents who want to adopt. I was adopted. And I'm very grateful. Life is worth living, worth giving, and snuffing your own child is an abomination, a type of murder, aborticide, foeticide. The pictures of aborted fetuses are revolting, the real truth of it, and bringing to term is the right thing to do, not because God says so (lol), or the Church, or the Pope, but because it's your own Kid, and giving birth gives life purpose and meaning, as a Creator who loves his and her child. At least that's how I see it. I realize that it's a clump of cells, at least at first, and childbirth is painful, and the prospect of giving your child away might feel scary or abhorrent, but -in my opinion- Life is the greatest gift you can give, and the abortion industry is just as evil and murderous as the butchers in a slaughterhouse. An abortion is not removing a tumor, but rather a growing human, with all the potential in it for a life well lived, loved, and enjoyed. To me, an unwanted pregnancy's only moral choice is that of giving up for Adoption. And it's your choice whether you want to be a part of his or her life or not, afterward. Odds are, your child will be grateful, like me. And adults are clumps of cells, too, when you think about it.
6 hours ago
1 comment:
excellent points
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