from various sources
a.The christian science sentinel had this quote:
"The English word 'God' is identical with the Anglo-Saxon word for 'good', so there are accepted grounds for identifying the name God with divine goodness. To think of God and good as one and the same opens the doors of thought to a wide vista." -Fenella Bennetts
b.Hello, Universe (p. 205) gives a good explanation of prayer, in my opinion
c."look both ways before you cross my mind" -Tyler the Creator, and Wesley's Theory
"get behind me satan" -jesus (the cross was behind him!)
forgive, forget, metaphor
(priests forgive, and presidents pardon)
(i met a Four, in jail)
(Jesse means 'god makes forget')
what's it all for? (6 pages of my dictionary have words beginning with 'for-')
for a start! (581-586, chambers 10th edition)
e. word! poetic sensibility/ prep
god, gold, godel
warren piece
addams' adidam
decide on deicide
orbit obit
babbling book, read a brook
passion and compassion
tooth truth
alligator, garage, engaged, games, gaiety, homeownership
Neil Gaiman and Bill Gates
i humbly submit that i am god
freaks: jesus, speed, control
right riot
the dead milkmen, the grateful dead, dead kennedys
apparitional operational
fight fright
bluish blush
seance science
idols and ideals
virtue and virtual (virtue-L)
night, knight
(david night-light, "turned on")
medical status: improving, stable, worsening
good, serious
it's all good, but some things are better, and others best
wired, weird
alpha male (One of us)
prayer that always gets answered, wishes that always get granted
disease and death (dad), pain (pa in, get out dad, g.o.d.)
all-knowing, biblical knowing, fuck everything
AQI (al quaeda in iraq)(air quality index)(Allah Quran Islam)
A I.Q. (ace intelligence quotient)
miles of smiles
relieved when you leave
stronger stranger
lucubrate, lubricate (brain, bike)
CIA: contemplatives in action
aycdicdb, icdabty vs. =ity
(anything you can do...)
death, devil, demons, and deployment
pieces, pawns, and players
chess is war, war is hell, hell is other people (all quotes)
hell is a village in Norway;
the place of the dead, in general (says General Specific, ha)
he'll is he will, we'll is we will. healthy (thy hell). no pain, no gain.
go down, god own (i am my own god) submission, humility
hades, sheol (pit), future lava, abode of the dead, to dust you shall return
prison, the mind -John Milton
"The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a Heaven of Hell, and a Hell of Heaven"
hello and hi
torture and torment. T as a cross.
a form of hele (heel, heal) -to hide, conceal, or cover
separation from God
a gambling house, a waste receptacle, eternal torment (psy war)
anything causing misery/pain/destruction
pastmad (pain agony suffering torment misery anguish despair)
(anger, hatred, rage, wrath, fury; revenge is a dish best served cold)
in hot water, Quentin Coldwater
stupidity, irrationality, and evil (if you can't beat 'em, join 'em?)
buddha nature (buddy, ha!), basic goodness (if good, then god, lol)
buddha (234481)(49!)
1 day ago