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I, God, welcome you to my blog!

The good book says only God is good, so it seems to me somebody needs to step up.

I hope you enjoy reading this, the Jesse Journal, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to subscribe, write me an email, request that I write about any particular topic you may want my perspective on, send a prayer, click on the charity link, or donate money to my bicycle fund! Have fun!

Your pal, Jess
I'm a straight, virgo/boar INTJ (age 53) who enjoys books, getting out into nature, music, and daily exercise.

(my email is

F.Y.I. There are about 2200 posts..

Here's a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky to start things off right: Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

a religious hodgepodge

from various sources

a.The christian science sentinel had this quote:
"The English word 'God' is identical with the Anglo-Saxon word for 'good', so there are accepted grounds for identifying the name God with divine goodness.   To think of God and good as one and the same opens the doors of thought to a wide vista." -Fenella Bennetts

b.Hello, Universe (p. 205) gives a good explanation of prayer, in my opinion

c."look both ways before you cross my mind" -Tyler the Creator, and Wesley's Theory
"get behind me satan" -jesus (the cross was behind him!)

forgive, forget, metaphor
   (priests forgive, and presidents pardon)
   (i met a Four, in jail)
   (Jesse means 'god makes forget')
what's it all for?  (6 pages of my dictionary have words beginning with 'for-')
for a start! (581-586, chambers 10th edition)

e.  word! poetic sensibility/ prep

god, gold, godel
warren piece
addams' adidam
decide on deicide
orbit obit
babbling book, read a brook
passion and compassion
tooth truth
alligator, garage, engaged, games, gaiety, homeownership
  Neil Gaiman and Bill Gates
i humbly submit that i am god
freaks: jesus, speed, control
right riot
the dead milkmen, the grateful dead, dead kennedys
apparitional operational
fight fright
bluish blush
seance science
idols and ideals
virtue and virtual (virtue-L)
night, knight
(david night-light, "turned on")
medical status: improving, stable, worsening
   good, serious
it's all good, but some things are better, and others best
wired, weird
alpha male (One of us)
prayer that always gets answered, wishes that always get granted
disease and death (dad), pain (pa in, get out dad, g.o.d.)
all-knowing, biblical knowing, fuck everything
AQI (al quaeda in iraq)(air quality index)(Allah Quran Islam)
   A I.Q. (ace intelligence quotient)
miles of smiles
relieved when you leave
stronger stranger
lucubrate, lubricate (brain, bike)
CIA: contemplatives in action
aycdicdb, icdabty vs. =ity
   (anything you can do...)
death, devil, demons, and deployment
pieces, pawns, and players
chess is war, war is hell, hell is other people (all quotes)
   hell is a village in Norway;
   the place of the dead, in general (says General Specific, ha)
   he'll is he will, we'll is we will.   healthy (thy hell).  no pain, no gain.
   go down, god own (i am my own god) submission, humility
   hades, sheol (pit), future lava, abode of the dead, to dust you shall return
   prison, the mind -John Milton
     "The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a Heaven of Hell, and a Hell of Heaven"
   hello and hi
   torture and torment.  T as a cross.
   a form of hele (heel, heal) -to hide, conceal, or cover
   separation from God
   a gambling house, a waste receptacle, eternal torment (psy war)
   anything causing misery/pain/destruction
   pastmad (pain agony suffering torment misery anguish despair)
       (anger, hatred, rage, wrath, fury; revenge is a dish best served cold)
in hot water, Quentin Coldwater
stupidity, irrationality, and evil (if you can't beat 'em, join 'em?)
buddha nature (buddy, ha!), basic goodness (if good, then god, lol)
   buddha (234481)(49!)

Recent Reads

in addition to The Economist
(which i need to read 12pp of / day, to finish)
(i've fallen behind)

6 Newbery winners,
plus 2 books of short stories,
and a Neil Gaiman book

1. The Graveyard Book, by Neil Gaiman
2.  Number the Stars, by Lois Lowry
3. Surviving the Applewhites, by Stephanie S. Tolan
4. The Tale of Despereaux, by Kate DiCamillo
5. Kira-Kira, by Cynthia Kadohata
6. Hello, Universe by Erin Entrada Kelly (EEK!)

1.Best American Short Stories '14
2. The Big Book of Science Fiction, edited by the VanderMeers

1. Fragile Things, also by Neil Gaiman (pronounced gaym 'n)
       (quite an account of hell, within)

I like reading kid books, and not just because of the sense of accomplishment in finishing a book/day.
The kid in me appreciates them, in themselves.

The short story, 'A Dry, Quiet War' by Tony Daniels, blew my mind
I admit I "feed the wolf" (he's fat!)

Rodrigo Duterte

what's in a name?

RD, the president of the Phillippines, recently called God a “son of a whore”
and asked, “who is this stupid God?”

I'll bite.
I'll rise to the bait.
Maybe because I am, in fact, stupid.

I noticed “God” is in his name.
I plugged his name into an internet anagram generator,
and got some interesting results (I did this for mine, awhile back-
I think you should for yourself, too!)

God is just a personification of the concept of good
in my opinion (stupid?), god is whoever is good.
“good” is also in Rodrigo Duterte's name :-)

'guided to error T', or 'guided tot error'
seems an interesting, fruitful place to start
if God is like Santa Claus...
(since we are taught god is omniscient, but anyone playing the role clearly isn't)
although God could also be the smartest human, or the most powerful-
(or both? alpha male of the human race?)
I don't claim to be either

animals!(in his name)
Tiger, trout, otter, terrier, dodo (extinct), and trot (a mode of horse movement)

other nature terms:
geode, root, grotto, ergot (a fungus)
(full anagrams:)
druid greet root
druid regret, too

Dido (the founder and first queen of Carthage)


gout, goiter

words within:
Roger, ogre, rigor, rot
doted, retro, rotor, rudder, grout, trite, tutored, roue, diode
rogue, deride, regret, greed, ire, gore, error
outdid, turgid, torrid, edgier, rotgut
dour, torte, rouge, trudge
truer, detoured, reroute, ridged, girded, retried

retired turd goo
ergo, did torture
gut ordered riot
guided to terror
I, torture dodger
did O urge retort?
Or guided retort?

retired God rout
tireder God tour

dried trout gore
odored true grit
odder rotgut ire
rioter to drudge
did gore torture

I'm not saying any of this reflects on his character, I just think it's interesting.
Names can be powerful, no?

Also, I have two moms (birthmom and adopted).
I don't think either has ever been a whore. But I didn't ask.
And, y'know? Anyone could be a son of a whore.
It's not something a baby has any control over or say in, alright?
And everyone is relatively stupid as a baby, no?
Why is anyone who tries to be good stupid? (“only God is good” -bible)
I respectfully disagree. 
Did you know the world's fastest supercomputer (chinese) can make 33,860 trillion calculations per second. Next to that, I'd say EVERYBODY is stupid.

Maybe the collective of all of humanity's brainpower is smarter, though.
Is humanity a corporation, of a single mind, the biggest genius of all?
(of which computers are a cybernetic enhancement, in our service?)
    -who is this stupid God? god only knows, lol.
      all of us, maybe.  The average i.q. is only 100, after all.

God, out.
'torturer ego did'
'die god torturer'

(you could get even crazier with inclusion of middle names)
his is 'Roa'

My name, by the way, is Jesse Lawrence Teshara.

Catholics call priests father, and jesus called God the father, and a priest abused Rodrigo, so you can see the provenance of his thinking (that the church is hypocritical, and god is stupid).

As for being the son of a whore, women seek men with good genes (and resources) for mates, it's a biological law/fact, so there's truth in his statement (as every woman has her price, in a manner of speaking).

Rodrigo isn't alone in being a politician with an anagram:
1. Hillary Clinton ('only I can thrill')
2. President Clinton of the USA ('to copulate, he finds interns')
3. Al Gore ('regalo') this word means 'gift' in spanish; ('galore')
4. George Bush ('he bugs gore')
5. Dick Cheney ('needy chick')
6. Osama Bin Laden ('an islam bad one')
7. Mister Newt Gingrich ('nice right wing monster')
8. Arnold Schwarzenegger ('he's grown large n' crazed')
9. Ronald Wilson Reagan ('insane anglo warlord')
10. Saddam Hussein ('human's sad side')
11. Donald Trump ('ton lard dump') ('damn turd pol')
                             ('turd palm don')('mr odd nut pal')

Finally, I'd like to say- killings of drug-addicts, extrajudicial or otherwise, is reprehensible.  I know people who have had drug problems, and everyone deserves a chance to get well, live a rewarding life, the good life, or just simply be.   Food, medications, and things like cigarettes and alcohol are all drugs, and they can make our lives better.  The killings in the Philippines are barbaric and uncivilized, in my opinion (even if they do prevent some from becoming addicts).  Guided to terror?  Hopefully not from my "reasons to kill/milk" ideation (!).   Peace be with you.  Peace be upon you.  May everyone be able to overcome any negative subliminal spells embedded in their names!

Names aren't Nature, (both 7!) necessarily

Monday, June 18, 2018

A Stroll Through My Soul

Do It

make bed (4pillows,3blankets folded), vitamins (omega3 fish oil, men's health, joint support, b12), History 6 (grim reaper, today in history, wikipedia, farlex, brittanica, chase), economist 12pp/day,
book/day (newbery), stretch, bike/ swim, lift, yoga (alternate); TRwalk dogs; MWF McGee noon meal;music, gnc protein powder, daily shower, e-mail clear (delancey, poem, trivia, vocab, family), blog, fb.  Brush, floss, rinse, shave, deodorant, haircut, new clothes, laundry, vacuum, wash dishes, bfp, bfc, coffee n milk, pastry, oatmeal n berries, trader joe's, restaurants (sushi, ike's, mtn mikes, chinese), beer, (greek, ethiopian, indian, paki, burmese, thai, pho, mex),(donut, ice cream, candy, chips, gtrde, snapple), lose weight/gut, gain muscle, 8hrs sleep, early to bed early to rise, spanish dictionary, 1001/501/Bloom, world book, crime encyc, nolo law, lev grossman list, bams, bass, nature and science, bathroom rdr

Wikipedia, J!, ted, onion, trivia cards, dating, youtube masd, joke books, bklyside, weird, sex news
pushups, planks, passes, shakes, dance, (b) crunches, lunges, dumb bells (schwarz, tricep, rows), wag! joe frank, hos, whrb, wprb, wmbr, wybcx, kalx, kcpr, gdradio, kzsu, kalw, kpfa, kusf, kdvs, youtube, pandora, clave, vandy, ewtn, baroque, podcasts, sermon archive, white noise, chinese, spanish, comedy, libraries (central: la jornada, ny times, cs monitor), (cal: foreign affairs), magic / movie/ trivia night, gtu, cs, unitarian, glide, b-ist, spiritism. Call Jeannine, Pat Zonca. Walk Poutine. Thrift stores., wapo 202, people, rolling stone, mad; psych today, ntl geo, utne, men's health, bay woof, etc.

Tilden, CR, GG park, take pictures, instagram, indian rock, horse races, standup, hot tub, make a friend, dinner 801, play with nephews, Augie; budget/coin/wf; SSA office, MHA; meditate, taiko, origami, pow-wow, bodybuilding, parades, festivals, marches, gymnastics, flea market, massage, museums, white water rafting, roller coasters, hot air balloon, mma, monster trucks, demolition derby, travel, sex

SNL, latenight, westworld. martians, beavis n butt head, arts and letters, bartleby, procon, coursera, oyc, ridiculousness, amazingness, movies, comedy central, veg flyers, lawn bowling, tourist book ideas, made museum, pinterest, speak spanish, yahoo/wikipedia/opinion en espanol, travel, microdose, videogames, prison lit volunteer, bubbles, kites, music store, mensa, gatesnotes, dictionary, google, wbsm, ear candling, write a book/ magazine article, publish, endorphins/hot tub, visit Auburn, walk lake, fish, horses, big book ofs, meetup, myspace, documentaries, okcupid, dr. yang appt, thai tokens, Cal audit/ lectures, entertainment calendar, campus calendar, apple class, lawrence hall of science, storage, bike maintenance, ken jennings, tony robbins, entheogens, melissa and james seymour card, proust, cuddle, shakespeare (well translated), exercise partner, discover and go, shotgun theater, cbd, yosemite, great america, 52 museums, aikido, rainforest, sweatlodge, crafty, pt. Reyes, boston. mt. Madonna, rap music, list of internet phenomena, visit annette, free hugs, slang, kp hw hb, money books, marv rosen, horror/fantasy, wwf, jumprope, jog, kiva, gimcrack pic fb, ren n stimpy, tattoo show, rodeo, motocross, geography bee, you don't know jack, book club, big brother, chess, car show, baseball, redwoods, historical landmarks, blood type, credit, phone list, batteries/bulbs, jack kilmartin, retreat, fence windmills, kit car, ebike, spike n mikes, kzsc, krfh, farmer's mkt, picnic day, wef, expanse, sikh hindu muslim bahai mormon jw. True crime, opera, ballet, blue heron, big history, shazam, superbetter, new and different jobs, laser show, specialize, lumosity, chipotles, speedreading, adult school, la primerisima, poetry foundation, 1001 movies, juggle, horseshoes, solitaire, circus, SI, philosophy, tv, sake, grzimek, naturalist, fm radio presets, buddhist lit, sauer wedding speech, cemetary tour, salazar, bonneville, w+g, pro soccer, olympics, sharks, marathon, exploratorium, cartoons, sanity, kids, reverse dict, ied, iep, stimulus, library reference section, swim music, telescope, tickets, aletheon, superbetter, flea market, atlas, f. languages, funtrivia, enlightenment now -steve pinker, one more thing -bj novak, everything, nothing, anything. 

Git 'r done

Sunday, June 17, 2018

50 Places I've Been

birth to now

1.Vancouver (Canada) -canadian citizen?
2.Paradise (California), with Annette V. Riddle (birthmom)
3-5.San Francisco (mr and mrs fiji, 380 Monticello, 801 Darien)
   6-13.Anaheim (disneyland), Annapolis (USNA), gold country
      Virginia/NY/NJ/DC (1985 BSA National Jamboree)
       Camps Royaneh, Wente, Oljato, staff camp
       Camps Mather, Mountain home ranch
(Bixby 410/425, 68 Aspen Village, B Street (rm's Erik, Bob, John),
   -accident- (trip to Lancaster);
    ride with Mel/train trip to Eugene (to Annette)
   University (next door to Hillel House), Chris Keck's place,
   (back to SF) (bike ride, overnite, by Lake Berryessa)(back to Davis:)
    little place (with lights), Steve Dunek's place, briefly homeless, Larry Meyers' rv)
23. International Student Center (SF)
24. Cecilia Han's place
25. Shingle Springs (kim's truck)
26-27. Rosemont (2 places, on wildrose)
28. Jim Marquis' place (17th street, Sacto)
29. Key West
30. Robert Thorley's place (17th and P, Sacto)
31. David's (W Sac)
32-34. Rosa Bagley's (3 locations;
cinderblock house, 70's neighborhood, near shopping center)
35. N Sac (clay st)
36-38. jail (sac county, rccc, Atascadero state hospital)
39.. Harv's place
40-42. (back to Rosemont, briefly), Davis, 3rd time, by cemetary,
      then The Trees, then Sycamore (near pentagon)
43-48.Roseville, Tahoe, San Francisco, Cobb, Calistoga, Auburn,
          Roseville (again),
       (trips abroad: China, Belize, Mexico)
49-51. Berkeley (Haskell, Russell, Ashby)

Thursday, June 7, 2018

god n devil

virtue and vice
good and evil
pleasure and pain
reward and punishment
joy and depression
bliss and agony
love and hate
friendship and disgust
respect and disrespected/objectified/judged
alive! and oblivion

food/sex and toil/worry/pain
food, shelter, health, comfort, love vs. squalid, abject, dire (sad) poverty
sublime and dismal
satisfaction and torment

joy happiness bliss and sorrow sadness affliction
contentment and dukkha
equanimity and attachment/aversion
truth enlightenment clarity and lies delusion false consciousness

cvs: charity virtue service and
  crime vice sin
  cthulhu voldemort sauron
  criminal/culprit/convict vampire satan

illuminati = illumine naughty!
"for nothing is hidden that will not be revealed,
and nothing concealed that will not be made known and brought to light."  -bible (Luke 8:17)
(also, i once dreamed a bunch of porn)
-the santa clause?

A Hit of E

E is for:

E is 5!

excitement, emotion, elevated, exuberant, ebullient
ecstasy, euphoria, exhilaration, elation, enthusiasm
enjoyment, enchantment, embrace, engorged, endorphins

enormous enmity, enlightenment
ellen, erin, ee cummings

Entificate and Reify!

making God real

by being good.
being good doesn't mean you're possessed by God.
it means you ARE God.

Entification: The act of giving objective existence to something.

Reification: to make (something abstract) more concrete or real

6 (more) definitions of God:
the acronym is CRAMPS

God (and Devil) are:
Concepts, Roles, Allegories, Metaphors, Personifications, and Symbols
of "good" and "evil" (virtue and sin)

C oncept: a thing thought of, a general notion; an idea, invention.
R ole: a part played by an actor; a function, part played in life or in any event.
A llegory: a narrative, picture, or other work of art intended to be understood symbolically.
M etaphor: a figure of speech by which a thing is spoken of as being that which it only resembles, as when a ferocious person is called a tiger.
P ersonification: represented as a person; ascribed personality to; to be the embodiment of
S ymbol: an emblem; a sign used to represent something; that which by custom or convention represents something else.

What I'm saying is God is only a virtual reality, a concept
unless you make Him/Her real by being good, yourself:
  (becoming God, playing the role; think/say/do/be/make good)

philosophically, you are your only reality, a universe unto yourself...
alpha and omega are your personal conception and death
reality is internal, psychological.  religion is happiness hypnosis.
God is a concept that tries to make reality good.
"the source of all goodness"

It can be helpful, but it's not necessary for goodness, imo.

You can make a list of everything good!
that's hypnosis, too.

Such as:
ice cream and libraries and internet and music and movies and the gym and zoos and museums and sex... happiness, fulfillment, well-being, contentment, health, wealth, prosperity, the good life, success, satisfaction, joy, bliss, cheer, fun, laughter, music, pleasure, ecstasy, meaning, goals objectives purpose, mission, love, stimulus, variety, challenge, achievement,  wisdom, knowledge, understanding, truth, enlightenment, equanimity, serenity, mindfulness, meditation, discernment, recognition, gratification, gratitude, service, beneficial, good, moral, ethical, beneficence, forgiveness, respect, charity, clarity, hope, inspiration, humor, positivity, kindness, optimism, strong, fit, creativity, originality, freedom, liberty, courage, humanity, realization, integrity, virtue, harmony, friendship, victory, growth, development, progress, change, improvement, compassion, sympathy, empathy, sanity, cleanliness, order, authority, power, control, leadership, example, helpful, solutions, longevity, appreciation, intelligence, perspective, zeal, zest, thrive, alive, alive!, self-control, prudence, humility, patience, self-empowerment, vision, curiosity, motivated, dedicated, beauty, mastery, engaged, safety,  security, informed, educated, relaxed, calm, tranquil, fruitful, effective, efficient, frugal, prepared, peace, goodwill, humane, charitable, intimate, thrill, rested, thoughtful, delicious, full, satiated, company, conversation, chat, community, sweat, endorphins, rush, tired, spent, exhilaration, charged, euphoria, generosity, sharing, camaraderie, acceptance, belonging, welcome, nirvana, unconditionality, come as you are, balmy weather, lazy summer's day, swim, hot tub, shower, refresh, recharge, clean, sauna, campfire, candles, runner's high, good music, good drugs, yoga, sake under the stars, sushi, incense...

did God invent ice cream?? No, not really.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Be Good

the message

is this really what all religions boil down to?
it's the simple,  basic idea
we inculcate in our kids
be good
don't be bad

the bible says only God is good
(and we all have original sin, to boot)

if being good is fighting evil, then both good and evil are adversaries,
like in a game of chess, or war, or combat
which is what 'Satan' means ("enemy," "adversary")
so fighting evil makes you evil?
God is a man of war...
is God the devil?

If you're not Buddhist, accepting everyone, with equanimity-
but have a common aversion to crime and criminals and criminality,
and are thus adversarial,
does that make you a Satanist??
I think, with an open mind, the answer might be yes.
Satanism is good! Ha

hell is where we all go, I've since learned (from the dictionary)
it's the place of the "dead in general"
can you dig it? (it's also a village in Norway)

any "afterlife" is the love and procreation of your progeny
but as for you, you'll be bones below, worm food, unto dust you shall have returned.
The judgement on all, sinners and saints (and Gods!) alike.
Everything is impermanent.  No one lives forever.
Hail Satan, lol
have a nice day.

earth is in the heavens.
So Heaven is here.  We're already there.  We're in one of them.
Enjoy life while you can!
Make earth good for yourelf, and others, and all!
Be good!

honestly, though:
I don't think I believe in God OR Satan.
Just concepts, if not roles (like Santa)-
but I do believe in myself, whichever that is (!)

Monday, June 4, 2018

Holocaust 2018

Three Ongoing Tragedies: Meat, Extinctions, Abortions
(and I think Nukes are, unfortunately, possible, too)


The possibility of a nuclear holocaust, nuclear detonations, nuclear winter, are a stupidly stubborn reality.   Stupid people, stupid leaders, a stupid doctrine, terrorists, human error, and their simply existing, do not add up to a very high level of confidence in safety and security (that should exist, but doesn't), in my opinion.

People suck, people hate, are immature, if not outright evil.  Mindless military minions will obey orders from "superiors."  Accidents happen.  There is imperfect information, and misunderstandings. People are deluded that a nuclear winter could be a solution to global warming, or overpopulation, or that war is a good thing, for the economy or politics or technology or what-have-you.   States can be blamed for non-state actors.  The devil hates everyone.  Many people do not believe in equality, or sovereignty, or humanism.  Their culture, religion, country, or race is better, superior.   People are bugs.  The condescension of the rich, the powerful, the higher-educated.   The military wants to play with their toys.  Vampires want blood.  Freud says there's a "thanatos" or death-instinct.  Every single one of us, the devil inside.  So let's do the right thing, and get rid of these damned things (nuclear weapons), once and for all.  Pre-empt the possibility of perdition.  I don't think they're worth shit.

On to the ongoing, actual, current holocausts:
(and past the potential and possible one)
A holocaust is defined as "a huge slaughter or destruction of life"
It's not just something that happened to Jews in WW2.
It's real, in several ways, and not just historical.
In my opinion, if you want to be Life-Affirming, these things also need to end.

1. Meat
Meat is delicious, and it's the way of Nature, but the meat industry is still tragic and horrifying, when seen up close for what it is.  That is, inhuman suffering on a vast scale.  Over 56 Billion farmed animals are killed every year by humans, in slaughterhouses around the world.  That's 3,000+ animals per second (This doesn't include fish and sea-creatures, which are only measured in tons).  This is expected to double by 2050.  And it's not, by any measure, pain-free.  Not even close.  Even the fish suffer.  It's a sea of suffering, out there.  "The average vegetarian prevents the needless slaughter and suffering of over 50 animals per year."  Which is a drop in the bucket, I realize.  But it doesn't hurt.

But you might be healthier, physically as well as mentally healthier, as well as prevent climate change (meat causes more global warming than transportation).  It feels good to do good.  And you should be good.  I've heard you shouldn't "should all over yourself," but that's crap, in my opinion.  Should is good! 

I have some pamphlets from
You can also get info from

The "cruelty, abuse, and neglect toward animals is standard practice on most of today's farms."  I'm taking this personally.  Humans are just animals, too.  But we're better than that.  Or should be.  Do the right thing.  Eat less/no meat.  What I do is eat the free meat that is available or offered at family meals or the food pantry, but decline to purchase it.  I don't really want to confront people's depravity, and make a big deal out of it.  Maybe I should.  But I've loved meat since forever, and don't really want to be a hypocrite.  But it's worth mentioning:
a.  "my best year of track competition was the first year I ate a vegan diet" -Carl Lewis, Olympic champion
b. "how wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." -Anne Frank
c. "all beings tremble before violence.  All fear death.  All love life.  See yourself in others.  Then whom can you hurt?  What harm can you do?" -Buddha

On to another holocaust.

2. Ecological Catastrophe
The earth is undergoing it's 6th mass extinction.

"Scientists estimate that 150-200 species of plant, insect, bird and mammal become extinct every 24 hours.  This is nearly 1,000 times the "natural" or "background" rate (1-5 per year). and, say many biologists, is greater than anything the world has experienced since the vanishing of the dinosaurs nearly 65 Million years ago. " (8/17/10, internet)

Humans are causing this.  Of course, humanity is a part of nature.  Not very good "stewards", though.
What can you do?  What should be done?  I think international law needs to get tough.  Eating less meat will help.  Riding bikes.  Less plastic.  Recycling.  Education.  Less demand for ivory, for example.  Eco-tourism?  Giving money to World Wildlife Fund, for example.  Punishing polluters.  A Nature ethic, from hiking and camping, such as from Scouting or going to zoos or going fishing, etc.

3. Abortion
The statistic is 55.7 Million abortions, worldwide, per year.  This isn't 56Billion farm animals, but it's equally grotesque, to me, in that it's mothers killing their own children, and reflects a fundamental disrespect for life -a kind of suicide, really- especially when the "choice" could be to give the child a loving home, to the many parents who want to adopt.  I was adopted.  And I'm very grateful.  Life is worth living, worth giving, and snuffing your own child is an abomination, a type of murder, aborticide, foeticide.  The pictures of aborted fetuses are revolting, the real truth of it, and bringing to term is the right thing to do, not because God says so (lol), or the Church, or the Pope, but because it's your own Kid, and giving birth gives life purpose and meaning, as a Creator who loves his and her child.  At least that's how I see it.  I realize that it's a clump of cells, at least at first, and childbirth is painful, and the prospect of giving your child away might feel scary or abhorrent, but -in my opinion- Life is the greatest gift you can give, and the abortion industry is just as evil and murderous as the butchers in a slaughterhouse.  An abortion is not removing a tumor, but rather a growing human, with all the potential in it for a life well lived, loved, and enjoyed.  To me, an unwanted pregnancy's only moral choice is that of giving up for Adoption.  And it's your choice whether you want to be a part of his or her life or not, afterward.  Odds are, your child will be grateful, like me.  And adults are clumps of cells, too, when you think about it.

Sunday, June 3, 2018


beautiful Sunday

I went to the GSMRW (golden state model railway museum, in Richmond) today,
with Augie, Sara, and Pierre.  Augie loved it.  He wanted a toy train, but didn't get it.
I gave him two toy monsters.  A purple two-headed beast, and a green dragon.  I told him they weren't dinosaurs, and that dragons breathe fire.  Also, I showed him the youtube video of the two-headed monster (muppet), which is funny, like the martians (my favorite). 

I drank a bottle of Elysian Space Dust (beer).  Am drunk.  Warriors, game 2, at 5p.
Giants are on, winning, now.  Go, team!  lol.

I called my godmother, Pat Zonca, in Santa Cruz.  She's 89.
Then I called my aunt Jeannine, in SSF.  She's 88. 
I talked about walking dogs, my blog, and the model train museum.
I got 155 page views, the other day :-)
So talking to old folks is a good lesson in concise, effective communication.

Anyway, there's a free online Yale course, on Coursera, called The Science of Well-Being.
A quarter of Yale undergraduates are taking it!
Laurie Santos, the instructor, is a "rock star professor"
It's also called Psychology of the Good Life.
I haven't take  it, but I plan to.
That, plus Superbetter (a book by Jane McGonigal), plus Authentic Happiness (book by Martin E.P. Seligman, Ph.D), are my self-help regimen, awaiting, after I finish The Expanse series (space opera).
(there are 9 books, now, in it)

I went to the food pantry on Friday, and the Newman meal yesterday.  I won a $10 amc movie giftcard.  My landlord is back from his niece's wedding in Chicago.  My roommate Michael was camping out in the back yard.  Edgar said this isn't People's Park, lol.  Michael told me the corner where we live was the center of the crack epidemic here in Berkeley in the '80's.  Now it's got the Ralph Gracie Jiu-Jitsu academy.  Much better. 

The train museum was interesting.  The model of the Davis station is excellent.  Mountain is realistic, too.  Models HO, O, and N.  Amtrak, passenger, freight trains.  Didn't see a steam train.  Lots to see.  Santa Fe (holy faith)!  crossing (jesus).  what's a wye?  A nice Sunday trip, across from Miller Knox Regional Shoreline park, in Point Richmond.  Friendly crew, with a history lesson. 

I got a new Economist.  I'm behind in my reading.  Also, I should go to the gym.  Just bought a new supply of GNC protein powder.  And laundry to do.  Cheers, J

Friday, June 1, 2018


human ability (only so much one can do)

hum ability! hmmmm.

i'm not perfect
not a brilliant genius
i'm not omni-anything
not a father
not a creator of the universe
not in love
not the alpha-male of humanity/human race
not even a priest (ordained, anyway)
not a believer in souls, afterlife
not even happy, much of the time
  (medicated, overweight, single, schizophrenic)
i sleep in too often
i don't live up to my own expectations
i disappoint myself
i have cravings and aversions; i want lots:
money, better body, mental quiet, love/sex, house/car/child, masd mastery, finish my book lists
    i still hate
i suffer (voice, headshocks, chestpains)
  (foot pain, achy joints, glasses, occasional back pain)
i eat (and enjoy) meat (but guilty)
does playing the role of a role in my torments?
  i think, on balance, it's been good for me.
(voices are o-vices?)
i'm poor

can i still be God?  I like it!  (appoint myself by not disappointing myself!)
does that mean I have to be a perfectionist?
a few spells: be all that you can be, it's all good, i'm lovin' it, love all serve all
a song says "perfect imperfection"

everyone who exalts himself will be humbled
god opposes the proud
when pride comes then comes disgrace
walk humbly with your God
one's pride will bring him low
never be wise in your own sight (!)
do nothing from conceit
love is not arrogant
pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall
in humility count others more significant than yourselves
let another praise you, and not your own lips

okay, point taken! geez
i walk humbly with dogs (picking up poop is an exercise in humility)
i like reading my own blog...but maybe i shouldn't consider myself wise.

what if there's no difference between schizophrenia and walking with God?
all the holy people are sick, and all the mentally ill are holy, take your pick.
both, neither...


Jesuits "try to see God in all things"

my body is a thing
so is yours
(what you eat, minus excrete)
(exercise, "maintenance", body building..)

I'm reminded of:
(Joe Frank has a funny show that goes off on what God is in and isn't)

if God is everywhere, he's in all things.
So, either everyone is God or no one is.  No?

also, if nobody's perfect, then neither is God!
maybe the least imperfect??

I'm currently reading The Expanse series, by James S.A. Corey
(i'm on book 2, Caliban's War)
The Jesuit Guide to (almost) Everything, by James Martin s.j.
is on deck!

body is a temple
eyes are windows
who's inside?
open-door policy
come inside
Mass, mass (physics expression, it matters)
male ass (buttocks? anus? donkey?)


Global Wealth divided by Global Population?

The combined wealth of humanity is $241 Trillion! (says internet)
The global population is 7.6 Billion

that works out to $31,710 bucks/person :-)
that's enough for food and shelter and healthcare for everybody, right?