High and hell-o (my god), and hey (857=2=jesus=beast),
I've got a whole lot on my mind, as you may gather from my greeting, lol.
I read 3 of your books in college (around '92-'93), recommended by a guy who eventually called himself a vampire, and said I was, too. Which I don't think is all that cool, seen as I have a voice in my head that I consider a telepathic link to him (like John Carpenter said in his 'Vampires' movie), and I'm Catholic, with the Hannibal Lecter thing in my head because of eating Jesus and being a lector at church and the Honda del Sol (H of the silence of the lambs) and Acura is a cura (a priest?) and all this symbology that just goes on and on, some of which I have elucidated on my blog...anyway, I'm trying to get rid of this voice, which you might note begins with a v, so I thus have a disease called schizophrenia which I didn't have before (because I welcomed the voice, at least according to how I define it). I've got a built-in cell phone, in the cells in my brain, and I've definitely heard him in a jail cell as well, because I went off my meds and supposedly assaulted a police officer after I was trying to have some fun in an incredibly boring place that fed me poorly and crushed my soul, while I tripped about the matrix, which is also a car, and the bible says not to call your brother raca, which is a car backwards, and my brother's initials are glt, which is a volvo, so you get the idea, anyway, I went to Atascadero State Hospital, ASH which also stands for American Society of Hematology, 2, and conjurs cigarrettes, which people suck on, like breastfeeding, and which my wife smokes, to my dismay, especially as she has the same first name as my sister who died in a H car crash, but anyway, my name is Jesse, which is one of your vampires, and J is 10 which is like Tennessee, and I worked for Walgreens, which has W and Al and Greens which was like the 2000 presidential elections, and I feel like I'm part of some big honking -but natural- conspiracy, including you, because my birthmom's name (initials) are AR, just like ARCO, and my wife's initials are SLB, like Schlumberger, and who cares, I guess, I just wanted to point out that there's a nexus between my life and yours, and maybe I had something to do with your religious conversion in this mad world that we like to think is ordered and controlled by a loving beneficent fatherfigure we call God. And no, I don't believe in souls, we're just physical, it's vibes and mind and spirit and soul (the same thing) which is like radio waves to our brains, the radios (two-way, I believe). And spirituality is just a positive way of looking at mind control, and the same controller can be God or Devil, so welcome to the endless hypnosis of the world. Yup, no sis.
Something just occurred to me. "Beneficent fatherfigure". My grandpa's name was Ben.
22 hours ago
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