Preventable Death is bad, mmkay?
Facts and Figures
world human population: According to the International Programs Center, U.S. Census Bureau, the total population of the World, projected to 12/07/08 at 05:21 GMT (EST+5) is
6,741,782,584. Right now?: Link.
total number of humans who have ever lived? estimates range from 45B to 125B. (the margin of error for the total number of humans who have ever lived should be in the billions, or even tens of billions of people, due partially to discrepancy in defining the start of humanity, early population size ambiguity, and lack of accurate census data until the late 18th Century). So the number of humans alive today range from 14.98% to 5.39% of the total of historical humanity.
video of human population size
series of pictures illustrating geographic population spread, link
world population age distribution graph/histogram ("population pyramid") now; link (ugh, I couldn't find one. Here's the link for population pyramids of individual countries. I figure if they can do it for each and all countries individually, they can aggregate, but nooooo. We're just not statistically being treated as one world yet). So, this is what I got:
-U.S.A., 24.4% population aged 0-18.
-According to the CIA World Factbook, around 27% of the world's population is below 15 years of age (1,820,281,000).
Specifically, 0-14 years: 27.3% (male 944,665,142/female 887,471,328) 15-64 years: 65.1%, and 65 years and over: 7.6% (male 222,808,372/female 284,647,297) (2008 est.)
AHA! Here's what I was looking for:
2. (world pyramid for 1999)
number of births, worldwide, 2007: 134M, link
number of deaths, worldwide, 2006: 62M, link
causes of death; link. ("Numerous factors can cause death: senescence (time), disease, accident, homicide/conflict/war, suicide, malnutrition, poor diet/exercise/smoking, etc., predation, habitat destruction).
percentage of deaths that are preventable
worldwide, 23%, men & 32%, women
in the U.S.A., link, 36.1 to 46.7% of deaths
more preventable death links (5)
-(of all cancers, 40%, link)
-(culture/policy: france-best [41,509] vs. USA-worst [333,295], read this one, I like it: link)
-(graph of preventable third world death, link)
-(cyclone Nargis consequences of a stupid gvt., link)
-(smoking, obesity, alcohol abuse; link)
how it should be calculated?
So, if total male death was v, and total female death was w (in year x -the article [in the 2nd link, above] doesn't say what year the study was done), the number of total world preventable deaths was y).
-But the cia factbook says the deathrate was 0.823%, and I did the math*, and that's 15,258,339 annual worldwide preventable deaths. HIV killed 1.8-2.3M last year. This 15.2M doesn't include abortions. That's another 46 million, worldwide. So, I'd say 61.2M people, thereabouts. Dude, people, that sucks, alright? I'm not talking about vacuum curettage, necessarily, so no pun intended.
*I used a 27.5% preventable death rate (adding 23+32/2). on world deaths (calculated by population x 0.823% deathrate).
poverty kills:
it is said that poverty breeds ill health, and ill health keeps people poor. BUT...I suspect that, with good policy in place, good health can be got cheaply.
economic breakdown: inequality graphs, link (1993, world),
[curious aside: link (rich countries' inequality, 2008, economist), and this, too],
"we're all born equal, but some are more equal than others." -my adaptation of the Pig's proclamation from George Orwell's Animal Farm.
-2001 graph collection, book (I haven't read it).
-world gdp density map; link
-U.S. death map (oh, oops, only from environmental hazards like hot/cold, waves); link, anyway.
-"intelligence is defined by being able to hold multiple ideas in one's head simultaneously" -one of my econ professors (Gustafson).
-relation of health to poverty: america, link; scientific paper, link.
I'll do a separate blogpost on this topic.
-I think graphs should be connected to other graphs, creating an interlocking coordinated system of easily navigable data. A theory of everything (like the price of tea in China question, for example) needs maximum cross-referencing. Wouldn't it be cool to ask a computer (voice-interface) in the future, what's the price of tea in China's relation to the frequency of my blog posting (and have it answer!).
fun facts
-the world is now thought to be about 4.55 billion years old, just about one-third of the 13.7-billion-year age estimated for the universe. The genus homo is about 2.5M years old, while homo sapiens (wo)man) is around 250,000 years old, and civilization began @8k y.a. with Sumeria, i.e. the settlement of Eridu in the Ubaid period (late 6th millennium BC). I'm 37, lol.
-Cool link (worldometers)
A comment on it said, "So as I'm speaking there are people dying. Wow!!! that's either amazing or sad." Every time someone cries out, "People are dying!" I think of this odometer, now (I actually have a voice in my head that infuriatingly says this repeatedly).
-Did you know there are 101 males for every 100 females, worldwide? :-)
-Happiness, link
"In Catholicism, the ultimate end of human existence consists in felicity." I hope that doesn't mean Jesus was happy on the cross... Gawd.
And the only thing necessary for evil to succeed is for good people to do go be happy!!!!
22 hours ago
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