Here's an interesting thought I had last night:
God is love
God is a man of war
War is the art of deception (Sun Tzu)
so, 1. God is hate (god vanishes in a puff of logic?)
God says thou shalt not kill
so, 2. God says thou shalt kill
"Only God is good"
so, 3. God is evil
God is One.
so, 4. God is Not-One. (i.e God is everything. God is infinity. God is separateness)
(e.g. G-D =7+4=11=2), opposition, conflict, battle (finally, I understand what 'love is a battlefield' means) perhaps you are thinking to yourself, "jesus."
DAG (death as god)
Death (45128) is also 2. So, if we embody God as death, God will kill you. (death kills, lol)
Everyone dies, of course. Every 1. God dies, too. Death, thou shalt die. Flies represent death. Time flies (when you're having fun).
"Kill 'em with kindness?" (if you're a vampire who subsists on blood/cruelty)
Satan (11215)=1=God. YHWH (7858)=1, too.
Santa is god, lol. (god the father?) santa as satan. satan claws.
The secret says love is the force of attraction, so god will give you the presents you ask for.
They say Love Never Dies (the Dracula movie said that)
God is father, son, holy spirit. Son is way, truth, life. And light. Light is alive, then?
jesus as son, sun, light....lucifer...morning star...god as satan? just words, why not.
what is is. identity vs. member of class. god is everything/one?
devil as god's favorite angel, fallen. in rebellion, but in service. A leaf on a tree, Dr. Fell.
the giving tree, the jesse tree, the family tree, the tree of knowledge, branches of knowledge
Kill the lights, please. Turning off the universe, lol. universe-it-t.
Lights are off or on, 666 or 2, beast or jesus (15131). Beast omega.
As Dr. Bronner says, all 1. subliminal code. neurolinguistic programming.
tennis, is ten. wages of sin is death, everyone dies.
put your own spin on it
mine: everyone's a sinner =guilt programming (original sin, in the dna)
nobody's perfect, "you must be perfect as your father in heaven...", dead dad,
god the father, god is dead,
fictional reality (not "real", only in your head)
& real fiction (the books exist), religion makes things "really real" (through repetition)
(but "in your head" is still real, I say -alternate definition?) "real" is fuzzy.
(and maybe it really is, lol)
moral majority vs. immoral majority
majority vs. minority
judge not, lest ye be judged
it's all good
good god
it's all bad
you're a part of it
the bad is good?
nobody lives forever vs. love never dies.
god is good, god is love, love is good, love never dies, good never dies, god never dies,
nobody lives forever, god is everything, everything might die.
everything is god is love is good (Bill Clinton's what 'is' is)
I know a dag -deputy attorney general- ('dag ridded evil' anagram), initials d.e., who works next to stan a. cross (satan cross?), 'G-D ridded evil A', too. (d.e. at H, something I've thought about). H (Honda) had a cinder block magazine ad (a simple pic of a single block) awhile back, representing solidity. That could represent jail/prison, too. Mag-got. Honda means 'deep' in esp. (espanol, spanish), JL is me. PRI is the mexican party that was headed by Vicente Fox. Fox is 666. So is 'New Potato Caboose.' Weird world. Sun is sol in spanish. What a mess. Moon, earth, sun, stars. Starburst wrappers.
Jesus is the life (if you only want to live til 33, and then die gruesomely). Germs are alive, no? Just like the Germans. Strange linguistic thing, there. So, God kills members of his body. Foreign intruders, actually. Jesus healed (killed the germs?) and made the blind see as a master of light. Light manipulation. That's gotta be what my head shocks are. Shining some neural fire-ings on my dark thoughts. The dark and light jedis are fighting in my brain. Sharp thoughts? Incisive? Slice cola.
Like white blood cells attacking a virus, crazed killer "killing himself"
All in all is all we are?
(if so, in varying proportions) Poor KC
mad world. mci, mad crazy insane. nuts, loco. nuts and cola.
psychopathy, mental instability, mental disorder (zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba?), schizophrenia=split mind, brain sliced in half, hemispheres and lobes, doing the splits, banana split, i scream. schizo-affective disorder (bipolar and schizophrenic, together) s.a.d.
How are 'dark' thoughts dark? It's dark inside your head, red and black, grey matter, even when thinking light thoughts. thoughts, lite. Are heavy thoughts dark? Goofball, my head.
These are some rather dark thoughts, posted for your review.
22 hours ago
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