I yam whuteye yam (is what you are, or what?)
I as me.
I'm an adopted, schizophrenic, mensa-qualifying, eagle scout, who's an INTJ, who's read the bible, and claims to be God. Each one of these is a small category. I guess I'm a one in a zillion type individual, you could say. Then again, I see myself everywhere.
By the numbers:
all I could find was as of 2001, 2% of American children (under 18) were adopted. I was adopted in 1975. Worldwide, and of the total population, dunno.
Schizophrenic- "0.4–0.6%[2][3] of the population affected" -Wikipedia
I got a 1260 on my SATs, which barely qualifies me. 99th percentile, verbal. (top 2%)..."score at the 98th percentile or higher of a standardized, supervised intelligence test."[4][5] -Wikipedia. I'm not actually in mensa, though. I had a doctor who told me they were all head, and no heart. In any case, I'm a bit removed from society up here, and can stimulate my left and right brain to the heart's content with all the dullards (just kidding).
Eagle Scout-
A total of 1,835,410 Scouts have earned Eagle Scout as of the end of 2005; out of 83,486,083 Scouts since 1911, about 2 percent of the Boy Scouting membership.[8] In 2005, 49,895 Eagle Scout awards were presented, about 5 percent of the 2005 membership. FYI, the scout law is a Scout is Trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. The motto is Be Prepared. And the slogan is Do a good turn daily. See, you can be a scout in spirit.
one of the rarest of the sixteen personality types from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), and the Keirsey Temperament Sorter. Referring to Keirsey, INTJs belong to the temperament of the rationals and are called Masterminds. The INTJ may also be referred to as "the scientist." Masterminds are rare, comprising "no more than, say, one percent of the population."
has read the (entire) bible-
I've only read the NKJV. My wife owns a New American Bible, which includes the "Catholic letters." There's more, of course. I'm told to check out the gospel of Thomas - child Christ striking people dead who bother him. . . Anyway, I suppose it's not really that uncommon. Couldn't find a stat.
claims to be God (for fun)-
Only schizophrenics and cult-leaders seem to do so, but they're all so serious. I'm like a laughing Buddha (tormented by headshocks). There's the saying, if you meet the Buddha, kill the Buddha. I guess there's a difference between people who are in Nirvana, and those who create Nirvana for others, at the expense of their own delight. All I know is Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Seems kind of silly, frankly. (It means devotion, mystic law, lotus blossom, sound). I guess there are reasons there aren't Gods running willy nilly everywhere. I think everyone's afraid of the religious crazies or the satanists or "vampires" who would like nothing more than "deicide", who resent their own condition. Or no one wants to be crucified, taking the example of Jesus to heart. Not everyone likes someone who self-apotheosizes. Come on people, relax, have a heart, laugh. I'm telling you, you really are God. God is love, even if you're a hater.
Speaking of having a heart, Sara and I just watched Apocalypto (we've already seen Evilenko). Be kind, rewind.
Also, and this is kind of weird, my left ankle doesn't bend, and I just read this about Virgos: It's interesting to note that Vulcan, in Greek mythology, is the lame god with the brilliant mind. Many Virgos have a slight limp, or else some peculiar and unusual quality to the walk or posture. It also said this, which makes me happy: Once he's learned to master life's complicated details, instead of letting details master him, he can shape his own destiny with more certainty than any other Sun sign. Is Virgo any rarer a sign than the others? No.
One site said that April has the most births, and December the least, but apparently, in the U.S., August has taken top billing, with a bumper crop of new Leos. Both my folks are Leos.
23 hours ago
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