GOD stands for delusion of grandeur
DOG stands for great old dog
Teshara anagrams to 'as earth'
The 15 religions, going clockwise, are:Sikhism (the Khanda), Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Shintoism, Judaism, x, Daoism, x, x (native american?), wicca, zoroastrianism, x, and x.
As the police sang on 'Ghost in the machine', One world is enough for all of us.
Is there a difference between the terms planet, realm, world? There doesn't have to be. We can be a first-world planet, for example.
In reference to the Buddhist nam-myoho-renge-kyo, there is another mantra that is said to work wonders (unite one with God) -this time for the Hare Krishna's: "Simply by chanting the holy name of Krishna--Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare--one can achieve perfect self-realization."
Topix.net lists in it's religion category the following religious group categories: Amish, Anglican, Assemblies of God, Atheism, Bahai, American Baptist, British Israelism, Buddhism, Roman Catholic Church, Christian, Christian and Missionary Alliance, Christian Scientist, Church of the Nazarene, Community of Christ. Confucian Druid, End Times, Episcopal Church, FLDS, Flying Spaghetti Monsterism, International Society for Krishna Consciousness, Hindu, Islam, Jain Dharma, Jehovahs Witness, Judaism, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Lutheran Church, Mennonites, Messianic Judaism, Methodist, New Age, Orthodox Church, Pagan/Wiccan, Presbyterian, Society of Friends, Salvation Army, Scientology, Seventh-day Adventist, Shinto, Sikh, Southern Baptist, Swedenborgian, Taoism, Unitarian Universalist, Vodun, Zoroastrian.
So, obviously, we should all know there's a lot more than just 15.
There are numbers of religions, of their symbols, and of their gods.
Check out http://www.godchecker.com/ for a list of all gods, and other good stuff.
I'm definitely going to look into this flying spaghetti monster thing. Maybe the powerpuff girls can rescue us?
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