Death. Ew. Ouch.
I wanted to say a few words about abortion. It sickens me. There's a video of one at the Catholic website. I've seen the graphic pictures of a shredded foetus lying in a basket draped with the American flag. There's something like 46m abortions a year, worldwide. There are around a million (1,287,000 reported in '04) in America.
I am adopted. I am glad I am alive. Don't let women tell you you have no right to make a decision because you're a man. Women have the right to kill their babies, but men don't? I'm just saying. I'm obviously not arguing for a father's right to infanticide.
Life begins at conception. The heart starts beating at 3 weeks, and brain waves start at 6. That's in the first trimester. The first trimester stops at what, 12 weeks. The foetus probably experiences... Hell, in the movie "what the bleep do we know" water, just water, is shown to experience conscious response to it's environment. (So kill anything? No. Love everything)
People say it's just a clump of cells, an unwanted mass, like a tumor. Well, we people are just clumps of cells, too. Maybe I think abortionists are like tumors. They have a right to life.
Adoption is the option. It's the solution. (Especially if you're aborting what will be a healthy white baby). Newborns are in greater demand than older orphans.
Birth is painful. It can be dangerous. Women will get attached to their baby. All this is acceptable, given that we're talking about a human life. If a mother decides at the last minute not to give her child for adoption? Great! Why should anyone have any problem with that?
There's the argument, oft repeated, keep abortion safe and legal. Well, if people are going to kill anyway, why don't we make it safe for the killers and not imprison them nor subject them to abuse, rape, or any kind of castigatory suffering, then.
Actually, I am opposed to suffering, even for killers.
Many pro-choicers might be for letting rapists rot, for example, but this is an extremely sick and unkind thirst for cruel, if not unusual, punishment. I am for safe imprisonment of killers like abortionists (aborters included). They're killing their own babies, for Christ sake. It's not right.
Abortion is suicide of half your genes. Why would anyone do that to themselves?
The other big argument of pro-choice is keep your hands off of my body, keep your laws off of my body, it's my body to do with as I please, etc. I answer this in two ways: One, if a child is in danger, we have laws to protect that child (child protective services). And two, do we really want to say that a mother's child, her baby, her foetus growing in her womb, has no rights? Would we then say that a siamese twin has the right to kill off her twin, a part of her body? Just because this living being inside of you is attached to you doesn't give you the right to kill it.
Abortion is a big industry. With a cost of x, and x abortions, abortionists suck in about x dollars. I don't care if this country goes into a civil war over this issue. It's got to stop.
What are the x's? In America, about $372 average x 1,287,000 abortions, and therefore a $44.64m industry. Maybe not as big as I thought it was. Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap? Since Roe v. Wade in '73, there have been 46,590,000 american abortions. Worldwide, there's 46m abortions a year (26m legal).
I also talk about other points regarding abortion in the Obama and Maternal mortality posts, above, and the Abortion vs. Adoption post.
22 hours ago
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