God butt on the Holy Throne Seat
Good Gawd man! God's good guide goaded you to get geysers of geezer's gay guy goo?!?
Anal sex horndogs like the old Blue Diamond commercial ("A Can a week is all we ask").
God is giddy after eating Godiva with Godot (to celebrate passing the GED).
The KKK keeps killing catholics, and keeps committing crimes. can't kick cock.
the chicken coop clucks clan? Kelli can cook. the keys to Kelli's kingdom.
The godparents had godlings.
estimated time of departure, estimated time of delivery, eustachian tube dysfunction, electronic theses and dissertations, explain the difference, exchange traded derivatives, event threat detection, (slang: emotionally transmitted disease, like a prana vampire), (vs. FTD flower delivery)
the prana of prawns, piranhas, pandas, and prunes, porn, and paranoia.
hot dogs are neither dogs nor cooked cock, but they are delicious.
Take another little pizza my heart now, baby.
The Rock was listening to rock music, while watching the rocket from his rocker; The genial genius genie chose Jean and Gene's genes, to wear in his jeans (in the lamp); The genie became a meanie because his lamp was damp, and he couldn't change his home on the range; A profusion of confessions and a confusion of professions; concupiscent concubine, relieved to relive, moments and pop-ents, with intense interns, and a wrecked rector; I don't understand the word 'overstand'; rheumatism and house-autism, analgesic laxative diuretics and oralgesic strictative livuretics. Can wolves cry? Do crying wolves cry wolf? The (vicious and malicious) vampire used vials because guile was her style, to avoid trials and piles of files. I wandered the aisles for miles and wondered what Simone Biles and Noah Wyles ate, if it isn't too late, or if it's just pathetic to try to be athletic. Dianetics recommends diuretics (to Diana). I broke all records for breaking vinyl. I miss that mass of mess. Zingo, LaRoche, and Snickerdoodle are my 3 spirit-dogs.
Most crime in our minds is imaginary, I believe (especially if it's heartbreaking and heinous acts of hardened criminals performing acts of violent abuse of children, force-rape, murder, cannibalism, etc.), but there's the occasional psycho that goes off the rails, and even good people can get crazy. Life is good, and for the most part we do not live in some kind of hellish wasteland of injustice, slavery, captivity, torture, and beatings. But alter-egos, name changes, multiple personalities, variable roles and circumstances, and things like drugs or hypnosis can change people (radically). Food, relationships, manipulation, and things like new jobs or being in jail/prison or something, all change identities and behavior and personality. Traumas need to be heard, understood, and perpetrators dealt with and forgiven, so victims can move on with their lives and grow. Imaginary traumas can seem as bad as real ones, if we think we're seeing them in our minds for some troubling reason, or if we think they're real. Personally, I think telepaths like to fuck with us. It's usually about money. I even suspect most Real heinous crime is performed for understandable and even forgivable reasons, if you grasp the totality of the situation. The outrage is still merited.
To Do (revised): SSA, bank, knitting, psych/meds, dental, ob gyn, glasses, aaa, insurance, dmv, car parts, Victoria's Secret, Good Vibrations, saree, shirt(s), Douglas Adams, Monty Python, mochi, Turkish delights, Italian restaurant, cal fresh, toaster, frisbee, Gabo, J!, Morrison library, Tilden, album, publish, Indian Rock, HH temple, att/osh letters, birdseed, food pantry, Napa storage, tennis, yoga, jumprope, jog, pushups, dumbbells, stretch, hygiene, Bread, nurseries, music, call mom, pizza, standup, museum, meditate, Zz, gifts, photo, astragalus, waffles, brownies, juice, credit, Kleenex, bucket, plant, campanile, jokes, laundry, N
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