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I, God, welcome you to my blog!

The good book says only God is good, so it seems to me somebody needs to step up.

I hope you enjoy reading this, the Jesse Journal, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to subscribe, write me an email, request that I write about any particular topic you may want my perspective on, send a prayer, click on the charity link, or donate money to my bicycle fund! Have fun!

Your pal, Jess
I'm a straight, virgo/boar INTJ (age 53) who enjoys books, getting out into nature, music, and daily exercise.

(my email is

F.Y.I. There are about 2200 posts..

Here's a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky to start things off right: Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Word of God

And the word is... 'Pershnoodle-zip' 

Every book in any library is All Entirely the Word of God, if you ask me

cosmically comic antics of astral Astrid caused Mick to kill ants and ticks!   I bought some smack and crack and cognac, put them in my backpack, and went back to Jack (in the box), for some meat that tastes like yak and quack.  G-D?   God Damn.   Pre and Post - Judgment Demons.  Pure, unrepentant psychopathic monster demons.    Profane and profound professor is my profitable profession!  Homage to the mage.  Heidi Klum eats clams with Clem in any clime.   Do you grasp that I wake up gasping?  You're supposed to sleep in cold dark and quiet, not this old riot!   Electricity cost money in this funny city.   Wyatt's diet consists of what he spies at Hyatt, like pie he buys with rye, or (sigh, why) sly fly guys like Kai or Jai.   Mai oh my.   Zane says he has Hanes in his veins.

Brain Pain make me Insane!!!   Insane, like rain down the drain in vain, miss Jane and mister Lane Caine.   It waxes and wanes, like the cranes on the plains of Spain, you Dane.  But they say, no pain, no gain.   That is All-so SO insane.  The bane of my brain is tainted rain, Mr. Wayne from Maine.   In Seine in the membrane.   I AM fain to say, insanity is not always insane.  Sanity is like the vanity of a manatee.   I like manatees;  the manatee likes me;  we like ourselves.   Me, myself, and I and we done caught ourselves a varmint and No-Self.   Machine elves and all my selves :-).   Self, I sez, you is right kindly, I says to myself.  The author puts himself on the shelf.   Like the libra section of the library.  Or the non-fiction section, where the facts are in the stacks.   God refers to Himself as a We.    Lots of roles, minimal fixed identity, and Fluid Psyche in a Changing Body.   All the Universe is a Stage.   Only God is good.  Reality is all the God there ever is.  It's all good?   

Do all acts merit any response?  Ignoring people or actively involved, hate or love, everything from horrific vengeance of righteous anger to kindly forgiveness, mercy, and friendly affection?   Are consequences and judgment and fairness basically irrelevant?  I think everyone should be free.   I believe in freedom.   Free your mind.    The whole world should be able to go anywhere, think say do anything.   Wait, no.   I don't believe this.  No law?   I like private property.  So you can't go some places.  It WOULD be nice if everyone shared everything, though.   DO anything?   I like mutual respect and kindness, so all the law and justice against criminality basically still stands.  The freedom to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose.  Actually, if you give someone a heart attack, you're liable, right? 


If you're a Buddha, love everyone unconditionally with kindness, compassion, cheer, and gratitude.

If you're a pos, flush yourself

If you're a garbageman, take out the trash

If you're an exterminator, squash them like bugs

If you're God, be Good

If you're the Devil, Repent!

If you wanna ride - ride the white horse! (I'm told 'the white horse' is cocaine; sorry. - it's a 1983 song by Laid Back) 

If you wanna be my lover - Spice Girls

If, then is Basic programming.   Conditions.   Heal thyself.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Smoking sucks ass

God butt on the Holy Throne Seat

 Good Gawd man! God's good guide goaded you to get geysers of geezer's gay guy goo?!?

Anal sex horndogs like the old Blue Diamond commercial ("A Can a week is all we ask").

God is giddy after eating Godiva with Godot (to celebrate passing the GED).

The KKK keeps killing catholics, and keeps committing crimes.  can't kick cock.

the chicken coop clucks clan?   Kelli can cook.   the keys to Kelli's kingdom.

The godparents had godlings.

estimated time of departure, estimated time of delivery, eustachian tube dysfunction, electronic theses and dissertations, explain the difference, exchange traded derivatives, event threat detection, (slang: emotionally transmitted disease, like a prana vampire), (vs. FTD flower delivery)

the prana of prawns, piranhas, pandas, and prunes, porn, and paranoia.

hot dogs are neither dogs nor cooked cock, but they are delicious.

Take another little pizza my heart now, baby.    

The Rock was listening to rock music, while watching the rocket from his rocker;   The genial genius genie chose Jean and Gene's genes, to wear in his jeans (in the lamp);  The genie became a meanie because his lamp was damp, and he couldn't change his home on the range;  A profusion of confessions and a confusion of professions;   concupiscent concubine, relieved to relive, moments and pop-ents, with intense interns, and a wrecked rector;   I don't understand the word 'overstand'; rheumatism and house-autism, analgesic laxative diuretics and oralgesic strictative livuretics.   Can wolves cry?  Do crying wolves cry wolf?  The (vicious and malicious) vampire used vials because guile was her style, to avoid trials and piles of files.   I wandered the aisles for miles and wondered what Simone Biles and Noah Wyles ate, if it isn't too late, or if it's just pathetic to try to be athletic.   Dianetics recommends diuretics (to Diana).  I broke all records for breaking vinyl.  I miss that mass of mess.  Zingo, LaRoche, and Snickerdoodle are my 3 spirit-dogs.   

Most crime in our minds is imaginary, I believe (especially if it's heartbreaking and heinous acts of hardened criminals performing acts of violent abuse of children, force-rape, murder, cannibalism, etc.), but there's the occasional psycho that goes off the rails, and even good people can get crazy.  Life is good, and for the most part we do not live in some kind of hellish wasteland of injustice, slavery, captivity, torture, and beatings.  But alter-egos, name changes, multiple personalities, variable roles and circumstances, and things like drugs or hypnosis can change people (radically).  Food, relationships, manipulation, and things like new jobs or being in jail/prison or something, all change identities and behavior and personality.   Traumas need to be heard, understood, and perpetrators dealt with and forgiven, so victims can move on with their lives and grow.   Imaginary traumas can seem as bad as real ones, if we think we're seeing them in our minds for some troubling reason, or if we think they're real.   Personally, I think telepaths like to fuck with us.  It's usually about money.  I even suspect most Real heinous crime is performed for understandable and even forgivable reasons, if you grasp the totality of the situation.   The outrage is still merited.

To Do (revised): SSA, bank, knitting, psych/meds, dental, ob gyn, glasses, aaa, insurance, dmv, car parts, Victoria's Secret, Good Vibrations, saree, shirt(s), Douglas Adams, Monty Python, mochi, Turkish delights, Italian restaurant, cal fresh, toaster, frisbee, Gabo, J!, Morrison library, Tilden, album, publish, Indian Rock, HH temple, att/osh letters, birdseed, food pantry, Napa storage, tennis, yoga, jumprope, jog, pushups, dumbbells, stretch, hygiene, Bread, nurseries, music, call mom, pizza, standup, museum, meditate, Zz, gifts, photo, astragalus, waffles, brownies, juice, credit, Kleenex, bucket, plant, campanile, jokes, laundry, N

Saturday, February 8, 2025

G and B

Good and Bad

God and Devil, Sin and Virtue, Heaven and Hell

G-D is just a symbolic representation of Good (the creator of, the source of, Good embodied)

Devil is, likewise, Evil (d is the 4th letter, so I think of "for evil")

Heaven is Bliss, Happiness, Contentment, neutral (non-suffering).   It can be a State or a Place.

Hell is Pain and Suffering, Torture and Torment, Discontent and Misery and Depression.   Things like agony and nausea and bother and anguish and hopeless despair.   Feeling troubled, anxious, frustrated, powerless.  Grief, disgust, futility, meaninglessness, pointlessness, emptiness, defeated.

Heaven and Hell are different "neighborhoods" of the same place (Earth, The Universe).

If you're in heaven you're not in hell (you're happy not miserable, resentful, angry), and vice versa.

They say hell can be heaven, and heaven hell: it's all in your head.

Sin is crime, vice, immorality, bad (breaking God's law, the UTM, universal theistic morality).  VICKI, (vice illegality crime killing immorality) (vile insane cruel kidnapping ignoramus) (valuable impressive  compassionate kind intelligent).

Good is Health, Happiness*, Pleasure, Virtue, Truth, Beauty, Love, Peace, Prosperity, Comfort, Kindness, Mercy, Forgiveness, Justice, Fairness, Safety and Security, Trustworthiness, Loyalty, Helpfulness/Service, Friendliness, Courtesy, Obedience, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, Reverent, Contentment, Satisfaction, Equanimity, Compassion, Patience, Gentleness, Forbearance...  (loyalty, obedience, and reverence are ranked last on my list, though).    Unity, community, teamwork, cooperation, togetherness, family.  Goods are good, services too, capitalism and a well-oiled economy of hard-working, altruistic, non-greedy workers as well, but the profit-motive works wonders, and to be rich is glorious, and wealth and prosperity are well and proper!   

What pairs well with being rich?  Spending well, not hoarding.   Generosity, charity, selflessness, sacrifice, service, giving, good will, concern, beneficence, benevolence, magnanimity, hospitality, grace, geniality.   Most bang for buck, most happiness/dollar.    Bliss/buck, delight/dollar, pleasure per penny, most merriment for your money, you could say.   Maximized mirth.  Greatest glee for your gold.   The most gladness for your green.    The most cheer for your change.   Warmth and wellness for your wealth!

Factors of Omniscience: Truth, Science, Facts, Curiosity, Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding, Engagement, Research, Reflection, Enlightenment.

Some think it's all good.  With realization, acceptance, understanding.  Without attachments, aversion.

*   :-)       

Joy, Happiness, Bliss, Ecstasy, Cheer, Contentment, Satisfaction, Comfort, Well-fed, Healthy, Secure, Basic Needs met (food, shelter, clothing, bedding, warmth, hygiene), Ease, Love, Appreciation, Gratitude, Community, Friendship, Pleasure, Merriment, Elation, Delight, Euphoria, Glee, Jovial, Frolic, Felicity, Jollity, Mirth, Glad, Gay, Jocund, Laughing, Smiling, Rejoicing, Exultant, Riant, Pleased, Gratified, Positive, Optimistic, Fortunate, Successful, Victorious, Untroubled, Peaceful, Fulfilled.

You are your own You-phoric You-niverse!   (Eureka, cries Euclid;    The You-nity of eu/ you/ yoo/ u/ yu/ yiu/ yeu/ and yew!  Y'all).    Yahweh and Allah, y'all.    YAYOG.   You are your own god.    I realize this may sound absurd.   I mean, you probably didn't create the Eternal Heavens, eh?   But you DO have agency over your mind and experience, and world.   You are the principal architect of your own Good Life.

.. drinking a yoo-hoo under a yew tree in Utah during Yule, listening to a euphonic ukulele, governed by eudemonia.    I'm euchred! said Yuri, after attempting to explain the difference between eugenics and euphenics.    The priest administered the eucharist under the eucalyptus tree in Yuma, after the eulogy.   Euphemisms and Me-phemisms!   For example, e.g., ISMs could be euphemistic for Insane Stupid Monsters.  Monster could be an acronym for Merciless Onerous Nasty Stupid Tormenting Evil Radge!  'Britney Spears' is an anagram for 'Presbyterians.'   POS-ISM, piece of shit, insane stupid monster.  IT-IV, incubus terror, ignorant villain.   (Positivism is the philosophy of believing only assertions backed by LAMP, logical and mathematical proof, or scientifically verifiable (through observation and reason) fact).   It's not about being giddy, overjoyed, or perky.   A positivist can be gloomy, actually.  Gloom-Doom isn't considered good, usually, but not everyone is the same.    Some seem the same, but defer to the different.   Like those in a queer choir.   Or Avalokiteshvara marrying Kali.   

Gratified Optimistic Pleased      and    Delighted Ecstatic Merry :-)

Action Categories

 Survive and Reproduce

Eat, Exercise, Sleep/ Read, Watch, Listen/ Write, Talk, Create/ Work, Play

Love (everything!), joy and devotion and delight, tenderness, kindness, affection, gratitude, contentment, positivity

sex, hugs and kisses, massage, intimacy, touch, caress, physicality

meditate (compassion, equanimity), computer, trivia, give gifts (family, friends, kids, everyone), joe frank, read aloud, tv and movies and video (YouTube, Ted, Instagram, Pinterest), photography, clean and hygiene, grocery shop and cook, sunbathe, do nothing (sit, lay, stand), laughter and smile and comedy, play and fun and games, drugs, Nature, restaurants, zoo, museums*, travel and vacations, parks, concerts, plays, opera, ballet, shows, dance,  ice or roller skates, sports, religious services (church, synagogue, mosque, temple), personal library, fun with kids, Library (books, magazines, computer, movies, courses, audiobooks).  Fundamental:  Sit read talk think and pray...and Write! (in my book).

Exercise (maintenance, improvement; look good, feel good;  bodybuilding, size, strength; cardio- jumprope, jog, swim;  yoga, stretch;  things like planks, dumbbells, bursts of pushups or burpees, and lunges, and sweating every single day.   Eating well, less sugar, more fruits/veggies, lots of color, variety, and not smoking, taking drugs;  everything in moderation, no excess (like alcohol, or sleep, or food, or exercise).

*wikipedia lists all the Bay Area museums, if you're interested

vvvvv, vacation, variety, travel, tv, vampire weekend

wordplay:  femoral menace, wed to a wicked evil dangerous partner, the preceding and antecedent seed, female and fee for mail, Jesse and Josie, juicy Jesse,  JessT suggests you jest, loner loser lover, tofu tempeh seitan, TTS - text to speech, Satan eats seitan, vampires eat veggies, and my best bud drinks blood, the humanoid is annoyed with humans, the time-traveler's decor was just tachyon, the Universe isn't big - it's Infinite (therefore the only thing operative is your YOU-niverse); we ourselves are smaller than small (and bigger than big);  Calm And Relaxed in my CAR,  hm a human hummingbird, the cat purrs - a perverted person, skinks skunks skanks and the kinks!, Shlomo's homes in Rome and Nome, Samson and the Simpsons, Kali in Cali Columbia walking her pet collies.  Jesus and Jesse, Kelli and Kali, Allah and Allen, Allah and the Dalai Lama, the Lord and Laird, Buddha and Budai, raw Ra and the ma and pa law, Zeus and Dr. Seuss, Siva and Silva, Shiva and Eva, Vishnu and Trish (who?), Yahweh and a raw lay, Brahma mom and God padre (and bad mad sad dad?   father, oh bother; top papa! join the padre cadre,  a glad lad's nads, happy pappy).   Pat H on the path.  Buddhist, boo'd and hissed.  Teaching tea.  Every buddy is everybody.   Interconnected and interdependent and inter-religious and interesting.    Suffering through a snuff film.  3/4 of life is a lie.  The world whirled.   Cloudy Skyy vodka.  Bisque, biscuits, and hibiscus.  A passion for ashes, burn it down.  Washington and ignorance, wash and rinse.  The chauffeur is driven by greed.  "Self" and "Reality" belong in "quotes."   The yam is yours and mine.  The Oneness of Elliot Ness.  Everything is a thing.   Causes of caws.  Meet my conditions to cure your condition, said the doctor.  Contemplation of convicts, templates, temples, and shunning play.  Ego waffles.  A ring of suffering, like the ring of fire.  Transcend the ending of your transformative trance.  Nasty monastic gymnasts.  The best shag for your shekel.  A light minty snack before enlightenment.  Listening to a list.  The role of bread in breeding.  Incensed by incense, infuriated by the fuhrer.   Don't harm the dharma!  Nerves and Nirvana!  Lecturing Lecter.  Studying studs.  Ass class.  Infestival.  Dialogue and live-alog.   Donations and poor breadless nations.  Fun fundraisers.  Servant at service, templar at temple, sinner at synagogue, and mosquitoes in the mosque.  Prana peruana.   I am confounded by the crime scene: why was he found dead?  My curiosity is founded on being found dead.   Together, to get her.   Sangha, happily singing.   Join us, preferably without glue :-).  Spirited spiritual spirits, spearing it.  Undone in London.   What's a synonym for thesaurus?   What's a virtue-nym for dictionary?  Antonyms are not names for ants :-)

Hobbies: fun times, choose your diversion!  Crafts: knitting, crocheting, embroidery, cross-stitch, darning, sewing, quilting, weaving;  writing, calligraphy, poetry, journal, diary, book, essays, scrapbooking, blog;  origami, craftstrip, woodcarving, beading, basketry, flower-arranging;   drawing, clay art, papier mache, magic;  bone carving, felt animals, candle-making, soap-making; ceramics, metalwork, pottery.   Activities: wine-tasting, cooking, gardening, landscaping, singing, exercising, dancing, hiking, camping, surfing, scrambling, bike touring, cardsharking, chess, sudoku, crossword, game nights, videogaming, reading (escapism).  Learning: trivia, languages, vocab, coding, reading, musical instrument.

As Robin Robbins said, If you're bored, then you're boring!  (it's okay to be boring, if that's what you want)

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Longevity Equation

 Common sense plus Science!

Diet (less sugar, more veggies/variety, less meat, vitamins, water, moderation - enough, not too much or too little, quantity/portion sizes and quality/freshness and lots of color, astragalus lengthens your telomeres, and there are lots of things, like beta blockers and whatnot, you could read science for daze).  Exercise (not TOO strenuous, but you should sweat daily is a good rule of thumb, and aim for progress, growth, improvement, a goal.    'daily maintenance' is good, of course.  Less Stress.    Meditation, calm, equanimity.   Also, being around healthy people and situations.   Peace, prosperity.   Play, positivity.  Love, happiness, joy, fun, laughter.   Touch, intimacy, support, communication.   Nature, things like trees, water, horses, stars, campfires.  Sleep, not too little or much, restful and satisfying.   Go to bed tired, wake refreshed.  That's all I got!

Human hummingbird, hm.     Humanoid annoyed with humans.   Hume and humble and hump and hummer.    Hugh man.   

After I heckled Jekyll, I tickled his pickle.

ambiance of an ambulance

The depressing reality of goggle-eyed bipeds at the zoo ogling what are essentially giant insects eating shitting and fucking, locked in giant boxes.  

the general's journal, a dire diary, and the works of an irked jerk.

love the sinner, not the sin.  Hate the sin, not the sinner.

fuct into existence and everybody fuct (out of existence)

declination, divination, abomination (nations!)

formerly firmer, then SF.   The latter, later.    (soft, flaccid)

"I stress about stress before there's even stress to stress about.    Then I stress about stressing over stress that doesn't need to be stressed about.   It's stressful."

stalked in Stockton, graped in a vineyard, robbed while playing Roblox, and enjoying Madeira in Madera, m'dear.   

BEN: bliss enlightenment nirvana, buddhist ecstatic nature, both either neither, benevolent beneficent, Benjamin- we be jammin', bento box , Bend OR, Benin, Big Ben, Benjamin's regimen, gentle Ben, drives a Benz, get bent.  

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Poorie Poor

 Richie Rich's buddy?

decadent chocolate brownies and poorboy sandwiches, Ritz crackers and porridge

awful waffles using egg-celent eggs;  chickens are not shells of their former selves; why battle cattle?  vale of tears and veal of tears;  victim's blood in a vessel-body (very bad)

CH: your choice of chewy cheddar cheese and cheap chocolate and chopped chicken and Chinese chow like Swiss chard and bok choy and challah and chips and Chex mix with Chivas, and chai.

Mitch itches to be rich like that witch-bitch, Fitch.    Here's the sitch:  the next pitch is gonna put you in stitches, and you'll basically be lying in a ditch.    This isn't Quidditch!

gawd, dehville:   vile evil and ogod, you're good.     G-D, you're a Good Dog!, yes you are

the punch-hunch, keeping your wits about hits, he knows about blows, fight insight

what's that fastened to the assassin?  the plot to place me in a plot, the tumor that sent me to my tomb, coffee to my coffin, thyme of death, and gravitas that sent me to my grave!

the lividity made me livid with rage, said the devil that lived

Annabelle the cannibelle:  I ate a neck from my list for breakfast, a bunch of crunch n munch for lunch, and that sinner for dinner!  I have the worst thirst for liverwurst, and a hunger for lungs and tongue, and a need for a deed that feeds my speed-reading about leads.  I eat street-meat from people I meet and defeat.

Guv of heaven-above, I love doves that I catch with special gloves, and stick in my oven for my coven :-)

G-D:  a Grey and Dreary day, right as rain! ;  G-D: Gorgeous and Dreamy! ; G-D: Gastronomically Delicious;  G-D: Gone and Done;  G-D: Gross and Disgusting;  GOD, garden of delights;  G-D: Glad and Delighted;  G-D: Glorious Dad; G-D: Grandiose Delusion; G-D: Greek Deity; G-D: God's Daughter; GOD, girl of dreams; GOD, governor of Delaware (Matt Meyer);  GOD, god of death/destruction, good old days, giver of dreams, good orderly direction, group of drunks.   (some say the more the merrier, in happy heaven)

the first will be last, the harder you run the harder you fall, what goes up must come down

DAE, describe and explain the dictionary of American English 

you are NOT what you THOUGHT

I'm caught on a yacht I bought (and sought) with a hot daughter in the water.     I've been taught (since I was a tot) to jot a lot of rot.   I sought pot with my dippin' dots to get higher than a guy on pie.    Why, sigh, is the end nigh, Jai?  Because we all must die (!), said the guy in the sky!!!  But life goes on, from dusk to dawn, even after you're gone, said John (yawn).  Prawns aren't pawns in oceanic chess, but ling cod are king Gods!  Lord swordfish and holy mackerel!  Perch at church.  Frogs and hogs at synagogue.  Oscar at the mosque.   Pearls before swine?  Pearls are just rocks and swine are god's holy creatures, just like you and I!   PBS.   Viewers like you.  I'm glad they do.   Bots ought to be taught thought.  

I enjoy the process of writing this, and I'm glad it's out there (being read), and monetizing it would be icing on the cake, as they say.   Writing is fun, brings clarity, shares ideas, and stimulates thought.  Writing is right.  It's a daily rite.   

rude food.  tasty waste.  poison in the hoi sin sauce.  damned ham, lamb, and jam.  the witch ate something rich.  the piece of shit enjoyed a piece of pie.   the lowlife enjoyed a high life.   the scumbag enjoyed his dime bag.  a loser with a laser was a boozer, and the offender went on a bender, and the wrongdoer used a bong.  the jerk enjoyed his jerky.  is the rotten not written?   the shithead bit and was fed.  the snake ate his cake.  eat your stupid soup.  the thief ate some beef.   the bully ate bull. the burglar ate a burger.  the bug had a mug.  the doer of vice had a bowl of rice.  women'll get criminal.  steal her purse, and get accursed.  the killin' villain ate her fill of dill.  the sinner ate dinner, and the felon ate a melon, and the delinquent something piquant.   those with malice still drink from the chalice.  the corrupt drink from the cup.  rapists eat papists.  yes, sir, I ate the transgressor.   His precious flesh was delish.   Chewing on cheaters and child abusers, eatin' Satan, devouring the devil, and munching on the occasional mensch.    Fugu ain't necessarily goo foo (good food).   Foo Fighters and food fighters.

Allen the alien, birthing an earthling, says space is the place, for his son Yun, who belongs in Heaven #7.   Primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary...   amenorrhea, amen!   Allah, hallelujah!  Jose, hosanna!   PLT, praise the lord!  GT, good times!   Jack found a jacket at Jack in the box, when he went to Wendy's.   Trump at McDonald's, Don T reads Dante.  Carl's Jr.  snarls at Petunia.   Burgers are for burghers.  Sandwiches are for witches on the beach.   And pizza can't be beat, says Pete, who goes to eat the heated meat, at his own seat.  I ache for a steak, said Jake.  

Names and Cars

 Jim at the gym, Jess T jests

Jesse T jests, Dan dangerous, and Erin erinaceous, Summer hot, and Esme says hey.   Peggy T has been to Egypt, and Kelli T is Celtic, and Bill T is built, and Chris T is Christ, and Anne T is my pet ant, and Ray N. is wet outdoors, and Vicki and Victor are victims of Tim, and Pa T has it down pat. 

ee, ellen erin, electrical engineers, expressed emotion, ee cummings, and evil entities

The poor in a Porsche.  Can you afford a Ford?   Howdy, Audi!  Attila the Hun crashes his Hyundai.  He/she drives its Mitsubishi.  I sat and watched the pattern of Saturns, turning.  Ruby Sue in a Subaru.  The baby jedi drives a toy Yoda.  The judge advocate general drives a jag.   Anderson drives a Cooper.  Noah Harari drives a Ferrari.  Goldie Hawn drives a Honda, hon.  Guess who drives a Tesla? Yes, duh.  

Peg begs for dregs from the keg

mathematicians numb in the cold!  (numb...brr), in Berkeley (brrrr... chilly)

Kelli in Berkeley, noelle, with a key to funky hunky junkie (ugh, drugs) monkeys like uncle Jesse, who is messy and makes her stress about guess...yes, less blessings and a cess of confessions, and reassessing S.

whoa, Nellie!  Smelly jelly bellies are featured at Kelli's deli :-)    (there really are Harry Potter varieties like vomit, earthworm, stinky socks, and rotten egg)

Saturday, February 1, 2025

War Angels

 agents of God's protection and vengeance

Have swords of fire, and are ferocious fighters and rescuers, and swoop down from above with the element of surprise, and defend heaven, take out evil entities, and smite the wicked to Oblivion (kills bugs dead).   They do things like defeat dragons, and hellions, and demons, and monsters, and sinful cruel ruthless evil wicked depraved ee's.   Praise God!  Allahu Akbar!    

mom, what does hard-hearted mean?  well, it doesn't mean eating fatty foods, although that does make your heart literally harder, I think.   It means keeping yourself from feeling.   If you prevent yourself from having emotions, you are hard-hearted.   There are 2 songs I think of about this: Harden my heart, by Quarterflash.   And Murder by Numbers, by The Police ("first you make a stone of your heart").   Both are rock songs.   That is my perhaps dour treatment of this topic.   Ahem.    Okay, google says: Heart calcification can happen by normal aging, diabetes, kidney disease, or even physical trauma to the chest.   But the exact hardening mechanism is still largely unknown.   Do murderers really have harder hearts?  Once you die, of course, the entire body hardens in a process called rigor mortis, which means 'stiffness of death' in latin.  A heart surgeon might think your heart is hard to operate on if it is abnormal or something.   Heart is a band, and some songs are probably harder to play than others.   Maybe some animal's hearts are really hard, compared to a jellyfish heart or something.   You can make your heart work "hard".  And finally, there's Gary Hart and hard like having an erection and rocks in the shape of hearts and times when it is hard to be compassionate.   

why didn't we go to service this morning?   the spirit moved us to stay in bed!   the new mattress is a black hole of comfort, plus sleepiness, and cold and rain, and a desire to do other things instead, like breakfast or blogging or lazy waking up without the rush and pressure and chaos and stress :-)  Plus I'm my own religion, and I've thought about all that stuff already, and I don't need people trying to make me join their church, and maybe I don't agree with their beliefs anyway.   Church can be an aggravation.  Amen to that.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

My To Do List

 at the moment

walk Kaleb √, go to Mike's Bikes (rear basket, skewers) √, revise √/stationery √/print letter to CNRG√, credit, daily poem and 1440, write blog, check it 4p, exercise (body rok, jog, yoga, stretch, dumbbell, jumprope, tennis), meditate, music, trivia and research (WAG: wikipedia, Alexa, google), fix bird feeder√, buy mochi/Turkish delights√, Karen's oven √, buy velcro √/ water/ birdseed/ waffle iron√/ jelly beans √/ jumprope √/ frisbee/ mop√/ toilet seat√/ glue stick√/ scotch tape √, label breakers√, check email (case sensitivity) √, eat leftover sushi √, move car √, go to Napa (storage), read (Gabo, Lev, Neil, Terry, Pynchon, Wallace, J!), dentist √/ denti-cal/ psych/ glasses, etc.,  bfp (Berkeley food pantry) √, Calfresh, dmv, insurance, AAA, buy car parts, ATT √, meetup groups, GV/VS (Victoria's Secret and good vibrations),  ride the bus, open bank account, go to Cal library reading room, publish, flash drive, campanile, go to saree store, leather punch (tool lending library)√, indian rock...

$: Toaster, can-opener, waffle-iron, toilet seat, glue stick, Frisbee, Shirts, labels, mop, Birdseed, Gv, Vs, Wf, helmet light, leather punch, Italian restaurant...

Cal fun:

Morrison library reading room is open M-F 10a-5p

Tickets to women's gymnastics are $18, Haas Pavilion, 2p vs. Clemson, today (Su)... (but I was thinking the meet (match?) against Stanford on 2/7 (Friday) at 7p, might be more fun)

Campanile hours are 10-1, 3-5 on Sundays (10-4 M-F and 10-5 Sa).  Sather tower is 307 feet tall, with 38 stairs.   $5, payable by Apple Pay or credit card only.   Named after Jane K. Sather.   No relation to the candy.   Sather blather.

Plus some fun:

Bart train, Doe library, and of course Simpson (Marge, Sideshow Bob, Snake, God, Eddie the cop, Ned Flanders).     And Selma and Patty, to be Precise and Specific, like the S&P500.

wag:  Walgreens (stock ticker symbol), Wag! (dog walking, sitting), well and good, white and great, wikipedia alexa google, what a guy, writing a greeting, wash all greens, wit and games, walls and gates, work and gym, wives and girlfriends, widely attended gathering, wager a guess, wild-ass guess, will and grace, women's artistic gymnastics, weapons attack guide, woman Aggie, wise ass grin, wide/world area grid...

k:  jury duty, doc, car (parts, aaa, dmv, insurance), da (Douglas Adams), 1616, 1440, poem, Berkeley horticultural nursery, ..  E! : entertainment (coming up), ecstasy, ellen erin cummings...   LN, snakehead hooves, (ellen, lenore, helen, kelli) weird.

nursing nurse at the nursery (as pro-life as it gets?);   authentic author;   authentic goth chic/moth tick;  facetious face;  Jedi from Jeddah (Saudi Arabia);   witch whore from Norwich;  energy and empathy;  the barbarity and ruthlessness of Barbara and Ruth;  break the spell, eek the smell, speak and tell;  jury duty deejay is a Juris Doctor;  waffles on the beach in Sandy Eggo (lol);  loss Anne jealous?;  hibiscus biscuits; Tacos in Taos; gay can-opener; finding 'out' about homosexuals; about a bout;  abecedarian anointed bride of christ at the acme bread company; your choice of voices; the adoption option;  a possible loss; nutational wobble is NUTS! said Liz the dizzy physicist; dungeon dudgeon; pudgy from fudge; djinn bludgeons crips and bloods!;  bludgeon blood; blood-gin (getting drunk);  throw your head back and pass the salt and toss the salad!; stick a spike in your spine; take off your clothes and take off!; private investigator investigates your privates;  unstable unhealthy and unwell; objects stuff and things; I'm thinking the thing-king objectively objects!; objectionable objects: materialism (tear) is a grave matter; Spiro Agnew and Wanda Sykes and Solange Knowles are made of spirit and psyche and soul, but Matt is made of matter;  the death of your body and the death of your spirit, soul, psyche, anima, ghost, or whatever;  Cold lives, like Frosty the snowman?  The "heat death" of the universe;  Is absolute zero gravity funny?;  the parrish shall perish, like a pair of pears; cinema about a sinful evil wicked synagogue; buzz off and butt out;  cigarette buds and buddies;  general tso and colonel sanders and captain crunch and corporal punishment and lieutenant governor and private practice; a mug of hot cocoa on a wintry day on the bearskin rug by the fireplace in the study, stud; I ain't gunna use no gun.  bang!;  bang me at the bank, baby; ice cubes are hot;  a cup of hot tea would be cool;  my high school flame's account was frozen;  frosty's wife said, I'm burnin' for you, hot stuff;  fired with a cold steely stare;  chilled to the bone by the use of a blood-chilling flamethrower;  The Heat is a synonym of the polICE.   You can be full of shit and still tell the truth!   Full of piss and vinegar, vim and vigor.   Full of it.  Full of I.T., full of life, full of beans.   Fill it to the rim with brim.  Fill Phil with my fille Filipina (eat a daughter?!)/ Or, fill the fille with Phil!; get in bed (you mean get ON the bed?);  I said tear out the wall, not tear out your balls!;  ouch a couch! not the comfy chair!;  ow says cow; cows and crows and crowds and crowns and clowns and clouds and Clyde :-) ; yikes, there are no bikes for tikes at Mike's; SEWing is so sinful, evil, wicked;  dispelling witchcraft spells, like witchery butchery; a babbling blob of blubber; the conversion to conservation conversation;  are persons with dwarfism dwarves?;  pay for pie to pee?;  schizophrenics (all of us?) have their own privately-tailored interactive radio station(s) in their head (in other words, we all march to the beat of our own drummers, and hear talk shows, too);  Props to proper proportions in my coffee cup, cutie!  (grounds:water, milk:cup o' java, sugar:mug); water wattage;  the bum-bomb is bomb-ass;  explosive diarrhea and blowing up the room (flatulence in the flat);  talk to the hand, talk to the bomb;  tick talk and tik-tok;   suckers and bugs and just noise ("good" or "bad", sound and fury, signifying nothing);  insects are people too, just as "Gregor Samsa awoke one morning to find himself transformed into a giant dung beetle" -The Metamorphosis, Kafka; smoke a roach and suck it;  Squirrel-girl and squeal like a rat (rat on);  Raton, New Mexico;  Teshara - anagram of 'he's a rat' (and also 'as earth', 'as heart', 'as hater');  hating rats and hating yourself?;  all life, on the same plan, TUBES;  alimentary canals, from mouth to anus, that reproduce (sometimes);  "I am but a worm" -both Jesu and The Kurgan (in the movie Highlander); You are what you eat less excrete, so fish eat worms; All sentient beings seek pleasure (like food and sex), avoid pain (everything from discontent to torture): the brotherhood of man; humans are animals, like rats, or elk and their ilk, sometimes beastly, sometimes dove-ish;  Ingest, in jest, in Jess T :-)

deodorize your toilet with bleach - baking soda- rock salt - and x (white vinegar? no, rubbing alcohol). -k  

is all witchcraft done by witches?  is all evil demonic, and done by demons?  is all virtue of God?  Is absolutely everything neutral?   It is what it is?  

not listening doesn't care not responding.        (you are boring / trivial, I am doing something important/ interesting.    Or you're annoying, and I'm ignoring.   Maybe I'm even punishing you.)

introverted, more comfortable working alone, can interact and communicate well tho!  (to be great is to be miss understood)

evil wickedness sin corruption assault brutality barbarity cruelty turpitude vice crime bullying depravity corruption rottenness torment torture witchcraft theft murder rape lying cheating rudeness violence unkindness meanness viciousness savagery spite malice anger hatred rage wrath fury ire pain agony suffering misery anguish despair hopelessness depression

devil demonic depraved death destruction disease decay despair depression disaster darkness dire division dickheads dipshits dimwits and dorks, danger dizzy dumb.....dour.   (WC WC WC:   WC Fields doing witchcraft in a water closet!  The working class using Wilson Combat firearms.  Debussy?)

Reasons to Have a Bank Account:    1. Safety!  don't carry around a ton of money;   2. Security!  a. banks are insured / b. won't get stolen, one less thing to worry about, no money in your room;  3. Checks!  paper checks are convenient;   4. Electronic Transfers!   a. Zelle or cash-app/ b. between banks/ c. Atm cards - convenience and everyday purchases;  5. Checking and Savings accounts - good to squirrel away money for future needs in Savings;  6. Loans - banks offer lots of services;  7. Credit- credit cards and paying your bills to create trust (with a bank!) that you can capitalize on;  8. RECORDS - going back, as well as: Current Balance and Budgeting and Bookkeeping, so you know what you have and can spend and need;   9. Employment - Direct Deposits and taxes; 10.  You earn interest!; 11. For HOUSING.

old school beauty and fashion, retro styling, classic sensibility, and vintage aesthetics

seer, sister christian, anointed bride of christ, daughter of god, vessel-body, high holy priestess, mother of the eternal, beyond a god in heaven, already in heaven, a member of the heavenly host, "in my heaven."

heaven is a state of bliss (anywhere).   Or, some dimension, some plane of existence, some dream-world.   Where God lives.   The (shared) mind of couples in love.    Astral plane?  Paradise, California?  Hell, Norway?  Home is where the heart is.  Heaven vs. Hell vs. Earth - it's all Earth! (unless you're an astronaut).  The "heavens" (more than one blissful experience, more than one person in bliss, more than one happy place).  Which side of the predator-prey equation are you on?  If you're a sadist, a dungeon could be heavenly, not just Disneyland.  "Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens" - Talking Heads.   Heaven is not being in hell.   Some say it's all in your head, it's an attitude, it's pleasure, or it's space (the "heavens").  I say heaven, as conventionally understood, is wishful-thinking delusion, because eternal bliss is impossible (no-one lives forever), space is a dark cold boring vast hellhole, and souls don't even exist in the first place.  So enjoy life and make it heavenly.   Appreciate the one life you've got / been given.  One man's hell is another's heaven.  Live in your own heaven!   Make your head a fun place to be.  Stay out of hell.   Torment, torture, torah, and torque?  Anyway, nothing lasts forever.   Hell is a wishful-thinking delusion, too.  But sure as hell, pain and suffering exist, and things CAN get worse.   I don't think anybody should be fantasizing about hell (for anyone).   Wish the world well, and karma spits back good vibes, good will, good times.   Amen.  (but the concept of hell serves its purpose).

Some may never live, but the crazy never die - Hunter S. Thompson

why are people 5150'd and medicated?   because they're different, and "need" to conform (they have weird behavior, strange beliefs, unusual appearance, or abnormal ideation);  because it's a crazy world; because they're a danger to self or others (or perceived as threatening);  or, they are sick, i.e. mentally ill (that is to say, psychotic (having psychosis), which is hallucinations and/or delusions (is everybody crazy?).   Hallucinations are false perceptions, and delusions are false beliefs.   So not in touch with Reality.  "reality".   Some think everything is true.   the Bible states only God is good, and that God is love, and also love believes all things.   SO...

different systems:  "beast-system: (predator and prey?  Nature red in tooth and claw?) and in-love (in God).    Devouring meat and making love.   Same system.   Sister system.   STEM, space time energy matter / science technology engineering math.    brain stem.   (does the devil say we're living in God's cartoon?  animated by virtue!) anima, soul.   Your soul is whatever animates you??  okay, I believe.

Speaking of Reality.   Is Time forever?  Is existence itself eternal?   Is the good book telling us to believe any and all and each and every assertion ever made?? (!) If life is a game, is happiness zero-sum?  If there is the Good Life, is there also a Better Life, or a Best Life?   Who has lived the best life possible?  Blippy? lol.

I ain't gonna use no double negative, two wrongs don't make a right, redundant repetitive pleonasm, evil and wicked, sin and crime, all eternity, now and forever (it's always now), forever and always, forever and ever, the heavens and the universe.

"Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I'm gonna eat some worms" -kid song.  (well, we're all wormfood; the worms are going to eat you, too).  her-bivores and his-bivores!  carnivores eat cars.  America is Erica.  Now she only eats guitars! get up!  gooey tar, baby.  devil lived, and dog god and rat tar.   snake snack.  a mouse in the house.   eat my seat, Pete.   I'd rather eat meat, or wheat.   chow on a chow-chow.  a fluffer.  eucharistic dogmeat.   you a christ. dogma.  catma.  a catholic dog.  a dogmatic cat.  a holy hologram.  a wicked candle.  an unholy goal.  blessed bliss.  sacred ache.  seeking sick psych for sex sake?   happy hippies and miserable misers and depressed journalists and overjoyed Rover!   rhyme time.   rhyme crime?  murdering birds and killing bill and the cannibal that ate Gates.   I'm rhyme!  De-husk Musk!  There is happiness in authenticity.   But also, medication, if necessary.

Best way to spend money for happiness?  Save the world (warming, pollution, sickness - planetary survival).   Save individuals (homeless, starving, diseased and dying).   Save yourself (variety, food and drugs, humor, love, your body, entertainment, service, hobby/passion).   Look within, and love life.  Do what you gotta do, and do what you want, and do what you should.   

Supreme Being is Somebody is (any) Sentient Being (we All want good);   everything is interconnected, and all in all is all we are, and, as Dr. Bronner likes to say, All-1!    (unified system, shared planet, ecosystem, United Nations, goods money services people diseases, one world is enough for all of us), humankind and kindness and community and communion and one giant corporate entity, like an ant colony, with shared mind and goals.

God has furious anger of righteous judgment, visiting vengeance upon thee, oh wicked Babylon!  (Babylon is a place devoted to materialism and sensual pleasure); the mind, the spiritual, the internal, you could say is as or more important to Happiness as things.   Evil sinners (criminals) go to jail and prison.   People who deserve punishment but get away with it?  THEY receive eternal hellfire judgment.    Sometimes the punishment is worse than the crime.  And therefore a type of crime, itself.  Sometimes crimes are forgiven or understood or turned a blind eye to, because they are just(ice).   Sometimes psy war is all you can do.  

life is messy; so maybe disorganized thought and speech is therefore rational.   I think you need to clean up the mess in your head, myself.  Says the spotted hyena with the spotless mind, according to Messy Jesse.  Zombies like word salad and brain stew.   Chuy + Stu eating Wendy + Jack.   You can't dance the polka without wearing polka-dots?   lol, they are unrelated, except for the fact they were both popular at the same time.   Ahmed?  Medicate, meditate, and a trip to the Mediterranean!

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Smarties and Sharpies

candy and pens, (the penitentiary is mightier than the lord?)

immature, insecure, and impure;     an essay on solutions and answers (SA);  question your quest;  science does three things: Describe, Predict, and Explain;  in the pee queue (pq);   a dogwood is named after 'dogs' which means skewers made from the wood, used by butchers, (nothing to do with man's best friend, despite trees having "bark");  winning or whining?;  she's quiet private and internal;  footing the bill and kicking Bill's ass;   the Vulcan Hulk;  Lon's lawn;  rats and cats and snap traps;  yearnin' and burnin' for Vernon;  bikin' for bacon;  fungi and punji sticks and fungo bats;  archipelago grant;   kewpie dolls (qp) and questions/problems;  Katrina collects Navajo kachina dolls;  a dollop of sour cream and a screaming doll;  Dagwood (deputy attorney general and secondary xylem) and Blondie (heart of glass, rapture);  Cute hirsute and destitute;  Stevie Wonder, Axl Rose, and the Serpent (slimy, slithery, and sibilant);  graffiti from Fiji;  Playing with your Toyotas;  Knights who say Nissan;  Scallions scallops and so-called So Cal;  a moorish blessing (where bless is moor);  Trent Reznor likes tresor;  Don't let me down / don't let me go/ don't let me! ;  Gay queer weird freakish unusual and unnatural;  Armando's armada;  Spirits and spurts at the meat market;  Smuggling and snuggling;  Juggling bugs for muggles; (Doug, Kerri Strugg is on your rug, and needs a hug, so glug chug-a-lug her jugs or she'll be ugh!);  Atlee finds his atlas at last;  unwell under an umbrella;  willed to be well against a wall;  Crazy Josie says, I made mead, and I'm as mad as mud (wet and dirty);  Stolid and stupid, dimwit dipshit;  the sexual prowess process;  insects wear six socks; an airhead who blows your brains out;  a blockhead with a thick skull who bashes your brains in with a brick;  a squealer in squalor;  AK assassin killer and M16 murderer of six teens;  the kraken has a crick in its neck;  licked by luck and a lack of locks;  prelude and salud (spanish for health) and quaaludes (so lewd);  speed bumps on methamphetamine and heroin; croak creek and pine pond;  I like Leak Lake, Luke;  the high society upper-crust of the elite aristocratic illuminati;  TEA,  Taking advantage of Exploiting Abusing;  COFFEE, raising money to pay for the cost (fee) for a coffin;   Running around to earn money to pay for the gas and car you run around in;   Buddha's body under the bodhi tree.

a yucca tree can be arboreal or a bush - and can be pronounced yuck-uh or you-kuh (spanish/español)

if your power goes out, leave the breakers alone, says one source on internet.   Also, if you overload a circuit, and a breaker flips, and you lose (partial) power, then only flip individual breakers if you suspect a specific circuit is causing the outage;  (unnecessary flipping of breakers can be damaging and is not recommended).  So only flip necessary breakers. 

12 full moons, one a month, each with its own name (one a month, on average; sometimes there are more than 12 in a year, because the calendar year is not perfectly aligned with the moon cycle):   January (Wolf moon), February (Snow moon), March (Worm moon), April (Pink moon), May (Flower moon), June (Strawberry moon), July (Buck moon), August (Sturgeon moon), September (Corn/Harvest moon), October (Hunter moon), November (Beaver moon), December (Cold moon).

warm worms, punky pink/ punky monks, flower power, slobbery strawberry, bike for bucks, surgeon performing surgery on sturgeon, runt stunt, beaver with fever, I told the golden oldie about boldly removing the mold, but he coldly just said something about being sold folded gold. 

I can't grasp the complexity of a single mind, much less the mass psychology of millions!  (but you can treat the microcosm as a macrocosm, an individual as the entire global society).    Endearment, affection, love, compatibility, attraction, pleasure, enjoyment, respect, gratitude, appreciation, trust, awe, satisfaction, fun, play...   Positivity, kindness, compassion, mutuality, synergy, sharing, shared interests, smiles, laughter, birds of a feather.    Sex, massage, intimacy, touch, ecstasy, bliss, rapture.   Goodness, sacredness, holiness, virtue.    Commitment, hard work, effort, discipline, focus, clarity, curiosity, engagement.

cops need submission, deference, and respect (vs. hostility, confrontation, and disobedient, noncompliant, uncooperative recalcitrance)....  but you can say, excuse my French, fuck that, and be froward, recusant, insubordinate, pertinacious, contumacious, and refractory!  you subversive renegade!   fight the power!  (but cops are people too, and they have bad days, and you don't know what they've just been through).

a chip on your shoulder vs. CHIPS (California highway patrol), a chip off the old block, the paint chip, chips and salsa, fish and chips, chip shot / cheap shot, and chipper chipmunks.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Dalai Lama quotes

from my page-a-day calendar (filtered and processed by Yours Truly)

selfish altruism, be a friend to have a friend;  justice, equality, and nonviolence; anger bad (deceptive); critical thinking good (reflect on dharma, make it your own); all sentient beings have commonality, and share things like desire for happiness and aversion to pain; basic goal: alleviate suffering and promote well-being (decrease misery, increase bliss); your country and your home are where the friends and love are; this small blue dot is all we got (earth is our shared little home); cultivate kindness, self-awareness, and self-discipline; emotional problems are temporary, superficial, and removable/fixable; prayer can be helpful, strengthening, and cause good feelings; dukkha and discontent are not always solved by the superficial pursuit of happiness; love and kindness need not be religious values, merely human values of goodness, virtue, and wellness;  peace and harmony, the absence of anger and violence, the presence of respect and compassion, exists within and between people, animals, and the environment; warmheartedness is both exterior actions and interior motivation; meditation transforms your mind, and with your mental qualities, your attitude and your life; injustice and repression are counteracted by the forces of freedom, democracy, and moderation;  true friends are forever, sharing closeness and intimacy despite changes and fluctuating fortunes; rational decision-making and proper judgment requires composure and not losing your temper, so don't become impatient or mad with anger; share what you've learned, one person can truly make a difference and be effective; we are not necessarily better than insects (humans, for example, have Guile-Deception); channel your mind and focus; criticize yourself, not others (look within); the best relationship has love exceeding need (for "each other"); inner peace, tranquility, and calmness effect personal (and social) happiness, equanimity in the face of external problems;  loving-kindness and care, affection, warmth - good, really good; we are all brothers and sisters, the oneness of humanity is not merely conceptual: people are the same in fundamental, basic ways - e.g. we all suffer; global education and training should teach us to have courage and be unafraid, and to use reason and analysis against destructive emotions like fear and suspicion that stem from self-centeredness; everyone needs love; be cool, calm, composed, and collected; be contemplative and content; jealousy is lousy; acceptance, tolerance, forgiveness, mercy, and compassion!; do not be deluded and embrace truth, science, facts, and reality; think less about yourself and more about others, to be happier; take helpful, meaningful actions and effort to make a better world and serve self and society; honesty, truthfulness, and self-confidence; attachment to things you are not willing to part with leads to suffering and should ideally be wished to be eventually given away...; friendship :-);  responsibility, sincerity, example, engagement, simplicity, patience, human welfare, cooperation, merit, faith and devotion, hope, trust, community, listening, generosity, humility, integrity, pleasant, beauty, vs. ignorance, exploitation, discrimination, bigotry, disrespect, resentment, deceit, humiliation, loneliness, conflict; the human right to happiness; we are all interdependent; vigorous, prosperous, skillful; ways and means to contentment, joy, happiness, bliss; love kindness compassion vs. anger hatred rage wrath fury spite malice revenge; self-actualization of already-existing internal wisdom: Enlightenment; all life can be perceived as a friend; mutual support and compassion (sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings and misfortunes of others) is reasonable; small is big (change yourself to change the world); life is a mix of failure and achievement; thoughts, words, and actions can be negative or positive, and are karmic (you get back what you give); the mind is most alert and clear in the morning; renunciation is non-attachment to the things of the world (not separation from it); all sentient beings can be perceived as equals - and the best of friends!; your brain and heart can be your temple, your religion/philosophy, kindness; no matter what language we speak, we all recognize and appreciate a smile; just as there is physical hygiene, there is also emotional hygiene (love and affection, not anger);  compassion goes beyond empathy as an active striving to free others from suffering; humanity should be humane;  Nirvana is freedom, liberation, cessation of dukkha, dissatisfaction, discontent, pain, agony, suffering, torment, misery, anguish, despair, ire, spite, malice, hostility, persecution, unwholesome patterns; The Ending of rebirth is the end of identification with/attachment to all ideas, thoughts, feelings, sensations, and perceptions; hardship is an opportunity to learn and grow; gratitude is the most important quality to have toward your day; respect comes from both intelligence/knowledge and gentle kind altruism and compassion; don't care what others think (if you have self-respect, and are doing the right thing); marriages, even the best ones -perhaps especially the best ones- are an ongoing process of spoken and unspoken forgiveness; goodness, freedom, and happiness are linked; prayer, though tangibly psychologically beneficial, is no match for the achievements of science; contentment and satisfaction with what you have is a good state of mind to be in; meditation changes "thought-habits"; why be unhappy about something if it can be remedied?   And what is the use of being unhappy if it cannot be remedied?; bravery, courage, strength, righteousness, determination, and risk; every day is your birthday: every day is a new opportunity to begin again; (dare to) share and care; "know that just as the waves of the ocean are made of water, thoughts are made of the luminous, knowing nature of the mind"; meditation, reflection, and contemplation;  poverty and inequality, whether abject squalor or uncomfortable comparison, can be a source of discontent; disparity is a problem of dignity; (un)happiness depends on attitudes, perspectives, and reactions; we all have vulnerability; today's enemy may become tomorrow's friend; bdsm (buddha dharma sangha, mm); spiritual progress is potentially limitless; nature, the environment, conservation, stewardship, respect for life; seeking virtue and charity without reward; you can transplant a heart but you can't transplant a kind heart; the enemy is within (like pride); meet need (help happiness happen!); head and heart must be in balance; have a strong ego to be constructively of service to help all beings, without being egotistical; pursue noble goals without regret;  there are many many mysteries: science explains Reality only partially; leadership influences causes and conditions (of, say, conflict); disturbance and retaliation are your choice; bodhisattvas do not cherish self over others; if you are content you are truly rich, while a discontented billionaire remains unhappy; your perspective and meaning you give to things changes how you feel;  ideals and goals and objectives to strive for are important; use wealth well for welfare; challenges and tragedies can be opportunities to find your inner strength; peace starts with all of us, not just appointed or elected leaders; an open heart feels more pain but also more joy; buddhists strive to uproot the causes of suffering; sadists, the bloodthirsty, troublemakers are met with values (not necessarily academic education);  the causes and conditions (for suffering, or bliss) may be recent or ancient; obsession about getting or avoiding what you want or don't is a recipe for misery; we're all equal (self-importance is delusional) - that is to say, we're all equally (un)important; the antidote to a scattered mind is meditation; stability, focus, joy, wisdom, clarity, gentle abiding;  CIA: compassion in action (creative innovative ability) (closeness intimacy affection) (clinging ignorance aversion);  concentration, discipline, ethics, impermanence, emptiness;  it's not about mantras and rituals (it's about teachings, discipline, and practice);  laughter, humor, jokes, satire, comedy, fun, play, games, smiles - light hearted enlightenment :-) ; faith is not blind (faith say, in human nature, or the persistence of life to find a way); "sleep is the best meditation" (champion meditator?); confrontation and condemnation can heat up a situation and become explosive, whereas harmony comes from respect and cool heads; good qualities usually come in conjunction with other people;  willpower, effort, discipline, commitment, hard work;  knowledge, wisdom, understanding; optimism feels better; trust and friendship vs. anger, judgment, separation, loneliness, and alienation; future and past lives?;  gratitude to society and all the faceless individuals providing goods and services; buddhas, bodhisattvas, teachers, gurus, masters, and mentors; all beings have Buddha-Nature (the seed or potential for perfection); doubt, discouragement, self-hatred, hesitation are unwholesome and dangerous; "your enemy is your best friend"; silence is sometimes the best answer; accurate insights, not distortions; "learn the rules so you know how to break them properly"; endearment toward lovers, friends, neutrals, and even enemies; not getting what you want is sometimes a stroke of luck; focus on gratitude over hassles; individual happiness is a component of greater social progress; the past is memory and the future imagination.  


(52 of 'em) Jesus Christ in Junior College,  just chilling

Julius Caesar, James Cook, John Carpenter, James Cameron, Jay Cutler, Jimmy Carter, Juan Carlos I, Jackie Chan, Jack Clark, Jose Canseco, Jim Carrey, John Cena, Johnny Carson, John Candy, John Cusack, Jim Croce, Joe Cocker, Johnny Cash, Jose Carreras, Jesse Camp... 

Just curious, just checking, just chatting

Judeo-Christian, Jedi Council, Job Corps, Judicial Custody, just cause, jinn cryptid

Jersey City, Jose Cuervo, Jimmy Choo, J. Crew, jheri curl, Jim Crow,  Jenny Craig, Jed Clampett, John Connor, Joe Chill, Jesse Custer, Joe Camel, Joe Cool (Snoopy).

J-Cool, J. Cole, Jim Costa, Jim Clyburn, Jackie "cougar" crow, Jean-Claude Calegari

The JCV (JC virus: John Cunningham Virus) is usually harmless, but can be fatal.

Friday, January 17, 2025

I see

 IC said the blind man

What's the difference between an Idea and a Concept?

Eye Sea, aqueous humour, haha

An idea is a basic, often vague, thought or mental impression, while a "concept" is a more developed and structured understanding of an idea, usually involving a more well-defined set of characteristics and relationships, making it a more concrete representation of something;  essentially, an idea is an initial spark, while a concept is the refined version that has been more carefully thought out and developed.


idea from intuition, inspiration;  concept from analysis (CIA?  conceptual idea analysis!)

funny humours and liquidity:  blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile (a laugh riot);  a "liquid" asset can be turned to cash easily (like blood donations?  sperm donations? water and wine/ oil and coke/ perfume and cologne/ etc. ).  I know, I know.    A liquid asset doesn't have to be a liquid.   It can be a solid or gas, lol.    

speaking of witch-

ex, why do eye see you pee?  oh gee, Jay, Idunno.  (xyicup? ogj..)

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Geo rhymes

 For Starters

Hong Kong, San Fran, Mai Lai (sing sing and walla walla)

Managua Nicaragua, Afghan in Japan (afghanese in japanistan?)

Sparta and Jakarta, Cuba and Aruba, Boston and Austin, Romania and Tasmania, Alaska and Nebraska, Algeria and Nigeria, Indianapolis and Annapolis

black swan in Kazakhstan, collie in Bali

turn 80 in Haiti, Allah in Guatemala, atomic bomb in Vietnam, lemon in Yemen, canoe in Peru

in control in Seoul

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Career Path Musings

 Things I Enjoy and am Good At

dog walking

helper, conversationalist, to old folks or the blind, and the like: summarize the news, share dictionary words, read the poem of the day, teach origami, do/lead in exercises, ask/read/research trivia questions, research any topic at all, yoga (I have 4 books of it)...   ND POETRY (News/ Dictionary/ Poetry/ Origami/ Exercises/ Trivia/ Research/ Yoga).

fitness and masd (teach exercises and martial arts/self-defense), one on one

writer, published

read aloud (recordings)

user interviews (side-hustle)

Nature hike leader (research fauna and flora)

play with kids (teacher, sitter)

researcher (write books, essays)

teach spanish

(physical therapist, walk dogs together, yoga and stretches and exercises, look good (model?)). (I can organize rooms and papers and do budgets like crazy).   I like to just toss a frisbee around.  

 I want to have a hobby as a blogger (different blog than this) of day-by-day history and news (starting I guess 1/01/2026), drawing on the daily news, this day in history (history channel book/wikipedia page), the grim reaper's book of days, the day's poem (poetry foundation), and my page-a-day calendar.

Like everybody else, I like sex, sleep, reading, eating, exercise, music, and meditation... plus writing and research.   (read the same book together (aloud?), and discuss)

Thursday, January 9, 2025

About Humanity

Bipedal Monkeys who Talk

 Humans are animals.  Naked apes.   Our scientific name is homo sapiens sapiens.   This means 'wise man'.     Homo means 'man', not gay.   Homo means 'same', also.   Man is from latin, and same is from greek (different roots).  We are the only species of homo now living.   There were 8 other (now non-existent) species living along side us 300,000 years ago (homo neanderthalensis, homo erectus, homo heidelbergensis, homo floresiansis, homo naledi, homo rhodensiensus, homo luzonensis, and The Denisovans).  The Smithsonian recognizes at least 21 species of homo (human).   There's a rudolfensis, for example.   Everybody is derived/evolved from Australopithecus.   You can buy a 'bone clone' (osteological reproduction) of an Australopithecus skull ('Lucy'), I saw, online, for $336.   The cradle of all humanity is scientifically understood to be in Africa.   So we're all Africans.   Even the whites.   (In fact, modern Africans include whites, such as the South Africans).   There's also N. African Arabs as well as the melting pot situations of the many immigrants into Africa, too.   The motto of the African Union is in fact, "U.S.A."  (A United and Strong Africa).   The etymology of the word 'Africa/Afrika' by the way, is Afru-ika (egyptian for 'motherland'), aphrike (greek for 'without cold'), and aprica (latin for 'sunny').   Afrique is the French, if you wanna get freaky :-)


Book Topics:



  Heaven and Hell

  Good and Bad, Virtue and Evil

  Poetry and Wordplay



  Money and The Good Life


Monday, January 6, 2025

Little Stories

 How did the oceans get salty?   The whales wailed, and filled the seas with their tears.  Big as a wail.    Although the Blue Oyster Cult says it was the oysters.  People say a whale of a time and as happy as a clam, but they have feelings and are multidimensional.  I'm skeptical of the clam claim.  The weeping willows dripped into the streams, which emptied into the rivers, and then the ocean, of course.  But mostly the cries of the animals being eaten and hunted and slaughtered and dying have filled the air with the rain clouds that have poured down upon the earth and seas, providing us all with water to drink and a place for fish!

Why is the sky blue? The sky is blue because God has blue eyes and the water from his tears are blue, and the blue iris flower sprouted from the drops of his tears, when he mourned and cried over the death of His water-daughter, Keli Jean of Heaven, and drank Skyy vodka to drown His sorrows, and his weeping and anguish inundated the earth and seas and skies, leaving the world stained blue.

Why is the world round?  The world is round because the Goddess likes music, and She has a large record collection, and She wanted a planet to keep it all on, so She decided her planet should be a gigantic spinning record, full of music to fill the air, vibrant with song and tunes and dance and singing and clapping and merry-making, night and day.   The Goddess wanted to be the belle of the ball, so she made her planet a huge giant orb, with a Song Dynasty and everything happening in concert.

Why are people mean?  People are mean because people are animals, and come from the trees, and everything in Nature is connected.  We have pets, and dogs chase cats and bark at other dogs, cats toy with mice, and mice eat insects.   Humans are carnivores, and we are at the top of the food chain.   Dominance and power come with cruelty and force, and the humans who rule are often the beasts who are most cruel.  Our hundreds of thousands of years of history have made dominating societies conquer other, less brutal ones, with guns and steel.  People are full of spite, hatreds, resentment, and malice for personal and historical perceived injustices, real and imagined.  God has inflicted terrible fates, such as disease and famine and war, upon civilized and mostly harmless peoples.   Life is unfair.   People want blood.   People need justice and revenge and payback.  People are mean because of culture, chemicals, traumas, and triggers.  Life is a shit-show, full of ignorance and incompetence and misery and poverty and suffering and sadness and grief.  If people are mean to you, it is difficult for you not to be mean to others.  It is self-perpetuating.  You have an evil wolf inside of you that devours everyone, and you have a gentle lamb, too... which one takes over your personality?  answer: the one you feed!  When all of Nature is eating each other, the real question is why are some people kind? 

Why do dogs have tails?  So they can wag, of course!  But why do they wag?   They can't talk!   And dogs are notoriously flatulent!   They need to scatter their farts around, so their owners won't kick them out, and so other dogs far and wide can smell their brethren, which is their way of communicating, along with pee-mail, and duping the stupid puppies with goopy poop.   Woop woop!   It throws them for a loop.   Poop is like rupees to Snoopy!  But farts are the finest smell in the dog kingdom, and wagging spreads the love, spreads the joy, and spreads the gas.   The next time your dog wags, he's diminishing his scent for you, and scattering his odor to the ends of the earth to stay in touch (in smell, you could say) with his or her dog-buddies, whose sense of smell far surpASSes ours.   Dogs without tails have the finest farts, and its concentrated essence is sublime.   Remember, to a dog, farts are like perfume!   Poop is like a fine piece of art.    And pee is the nectar of the gods, splattered down from on high!  Woof!

I had a vision in prison, while dizzy and diseased, that Christ is risen!, said Liz from the mizzenmast (but Liz in prison is risible).   A pacing person with passion was pissin' poison in prison.

Does the Bible apply to everyone?   No,  child.   It's whatever you believe.  Nothing applies to anyone!   The world is chock-full of spells, and some people believe some things, and others others.    Why do people believe what they believe?   It's whatever sticks!   There are libraries full of ideas, and some are stickier than others.    It's a big, messy, sticky world!!   You can write your own bible :-).  the Bible says only God is good, God is love, and love believes all things.   That's one crazy spell, no?!

Why do we eat pigs but have dogs as pets?  Well, son, pigs, while intelligent and clean, are basically too delicious not to eat.   If humans tasted like pigs, the whole world would be cannibals, and everyone would be busy eating each other.  Dogs, on the other hand, are ideal pets, who guard and defend, play and give us exercise, snuggle and keep us warm, perform tricks and entertain, and are, as they say, man's best friends.  And they taste like shit.  

Why is the moon sometimes big and sometimes little, waxing and waning?  Sometimes the Moon is a circle and sometimes a crescent because, as everyone knows, the Moon is made of cheese, and God loves cheese, so he takes bites out of the moon every month.   This ball of cheese is like a beach ball, and God inflates it back up every time he gets hungry.   The Moon is like a cheese soufflé that puffs up and gets eaten, every so often.   Why are there so few astronauts going to the moon?  The cheese industry has a lock on aerospace, and keeps a tight lid on the secret of the vast planet of delicious cheese lurking in our sky.   If the secret got out, the whole world would be feasting on cheap delicious godly cheese, and your supermarket cheese section would become completely unprofitable.   If you love cheese, become an astronaut!   But tell no one, or the cheese goons will come get you!

God's will is inscrutable.   Do you really believe the universe is orchestrated by a loving God?   That everything makes sense?   Or is life unfair, random, unkind, and even meaningless?   Or....does God want life to be meaningless?!?  Different lives are radically divergent, and everyone plays the hands they are dealt.   Life is beautiful.   Life is a shit-show.   Life is a beautiful shit-show.   Amen.

Why are there colors?  Actually, there are no colors.  Everything is purple.   Human eyes are weird, and our big brains turn every shade of purple into what we call the rainbow (or the box of crayola crayons).    Black is purple.  White is non-purple.   What is purple?   Purple! 

Personal Rhymes, done Right

 If you want something done right, do it yourself  - Napoleon Bonaparte.  Well, I guess I'm doing Everything, then...   dominate everybody and submit to no one?  well, no, not exactly.   Put it all out there, and let the universe take care of the rest.   I'm a Teshara that shares.  Not a guy with guile, like Kyle, smile.  State my case, explain my values, and let Reality rearrange, with whatever sticks! 

In heaven, the bread is leavened (unless you like un-), and at Kelli's deli they have free jelly-bellies!   Kelli's cellie Nelly, however, was helly with zealous smelly yelling!  (In the cell-hell of prison, zealous Nelly exclaimed, "Christ is Risen!", but this was intolerable hollering, recalled Kelli, who preferred silent solitude with a telly, to a yelly and smelly cellie named Nelly).

(Unlike Bess, Hess, and Tess) Dressy Jesse, who can be messy, (JessT if you jest), passes tests and all the rest, because "JessT has zest in his quest (to be/for) the best!"  Jess confesses stress from obsessing about -guess- this infestation (yes) of incest, and other things, like, I guess, being a lessee, or Plessy vs. Ferguson, or fleshy and vests (and vestments and investments).   The essence of Jesse is press lessons about  blessings taken from this western cesspool of a mess that we all must address, yes?

The Teshara-era and Harrah's (car collection) and (Ethiopian) injera and a pair a' rare Teshara's and verities about where-uh (a lair?) they care and scare and dare and faire and do their hair and Nair and use aloe vera.  Tesharas share about Yogi Berra and Cher and Kara and Farrah and Larry and Mare and Sara(h) and Tara.  : "The pair of Teshara's ate injera, and then used nair on their hair where they wanted to be bare, because they care and want to scare the demonic bears, and enjoy the state faire, if they dare, or truth! (veritably)."

Brainstorming, mind mapping, and prewriting!  Boo-ya!

SFR (spirit-fogging/rapture);  (Instrument of, tool for) Forebearer of people crossing into the light of heaven, to be at the feet of Jesus (in God's/His presence).

The spiritual authority to manage Hell, and the status of "Beyond a God in Heaven"

My mom likes Charter Club and Laura Ashley nightgowns.

The Veronica's "You Ruin Me"   was written by someone I know.

I won tickets to see Anus-Chewer (lol)


candy treats are "Sweedli-deets!"

IDA likes Information, Data, and Answers

Mom and Pop like Mambas and Popsicles