Hear hear, no jeers or sneers for Tears for Fears (or tears for veers)
Near-beer at Cheers, with dear peers, and queers who merely spear rears, all year.
Mary Chris Miss. Guess who's the guest. Cocoa- Cola. A toy for naughty Tony. Naughty is Not-e. E is ecstasy. A penguin in Angwin. Boy toys and kept men. Playboy pets and heavy petting and Tom Petty and petit figures and petrichor. Wait, what are you up to? 240 and 6'1! a person named Tziporah and a purse with a zipper. Nurse Ratchett and Terry Pratchett. The gay man reads Neil Gaiman. The DA reads Douglas Adams. When is a Spinal Tap ever funny? Well, it is. Lev Grossman makes a good gift for Liz/Greg. GLT at the Grand Lake Theater. Don't tase me, bro. Shrimp and prawns, S and P 500, brains and brawn, rain on the lawn, Pimp and prawn-ography. Raining brains. Horny for porn in the morn. Ornery around the orrery. Life is Good when you Love God and Like Girls and Leave Garbage and Labor Greatly. Brain pain and Brawn gone. Rain down the drain and using the brawn for a pawn. Brain brawn, vein wan, yawn at dawn. John Han and Ron Von Kwan. Danish Jane. Wax on wax off, wax and wane, Wayne weighing in. Yahweh and Yah-wayne. Sex wax and ax wax. Polish your instrument. Polish Paul. Appalling Paul and Amazing lays from lovely Duv, sexy Lexi, and that cute beauty... you, T. Born for porn. Bedded and wedded. Committed to wit, tits, and shit like fitted knits. It's a hit, nitwit. Lust is a must for most. Smitten and twitterpated, and: bitten kitten written; baited dated fated hated mated rated sated waited... Moaning bones and dull skulls and dead in bed and why aren't you wet yet and skeletons covered in gelatin. Kinky with your pinky. Rotting tots. Stinky winking, and fake aches. Annoying toys. Don't give an inch to the grinch. He'll take a mile of smiles, and leave you frowning like a down clown. Turn ons and turn offs? What am I, a freaking light bulb? A jeremiad (list of woes) about baby Jeremiah. Blu Dep in the deep blue sea. Petunia Julia in her pajamas (pj's). Jeremiah wasn't a bullfrog. Zephyr ain't a heifer. Alexander Benjamin is Zander Binyamin (Bibi). Xander showing candor. Rain Leon ain't Eternal Ray. What is the what? Who is The Who? A book by Eggers, and a band comprised of (Roger Daltrey, Pete Townshend, Keith Moon, John Entwistle). Amen, Amon. Hallelujah, Hal. Praying for praise. Worshipping warships. Glorifying Laurie. Celebrating celebrity. Celebra-tease. Lame lamentations. Eucharistic cheezits (sounds like Jesus). Phil drinks Phil-tered water. Pure fury and unadulterated bliss and just....simply....there. The site of excitement. Ace is the place. The loco location. A crazy maze of hazy days in the gays. Drunk as a skunk, and as funky as a monk on junk. Back on crack. High on pie. Inebriated on sea-breeze. Well-elevated. Blissful kisses. Lovey-dovey. Life is good, like a wife in woods. Nature ate your date? The hour she was devoured was dour. Doomed, consumed, and in a tomb. A sad dad, and a mom like bombs in 'Nam. Rage in a cage. Angry at all the banging. Hating your mate. An aftermath of wrath. Making up in makeup. Angry sex, with fangs in necks. A nap after a nightcap. A deep sleep. Not a peep, creep! Let me Rest In Peace. Jack and Jill the rippers. Jack the Ripper and Jill the stripper. Peace love and happiness. Tidings of comfort and joy. Southern comfort and Joy dish soap and Tide detergent. A piece of the peace, and a chip off the old block. Love from above, and happiness - make it snappy! Sappy happiness. Happiness shnapiness! Bah humbug! Feliz Felix. Feliz Navidad and Feliz navi-mom, too :-) I've five knives, and I'm feeling alive, Clive. Well, I've got a gun, hon, and I think we're done. No more weapons, yep. Weapons make me weep! Flesh for fantasy, my fine female friend. Let there be light, and may darkness be banished from sight! May your toes glow, and your skin sin and your lays blaze and your mind shine and your fate be illuminated. May your life be rife with everything but strife! Let goodness and mercy follow you all the daze of your life. Doing your duty to beauty. Rights and responsibilities to serve knights and Billy T? Lead by deadheads, and inspired by choirs, and subject to abject objects like rejects ejected from the projects. Injections and out-jections, phlebotomy and lobotomy, blood draw and blood paint, paint and pain on a cross, crossed my mind (feeling cross, brain pain, head-shocks, zapped like Harry Potter or steal-my-face, electric signals, bzzzt!). (Harry Potter has a lightning bolt on his forehead from being struck by Voldemort; The Grateful Dead steal-my-face has a depicted electric brain with red and blue halves). Sonic soundscapes and gustatory glee. Olfactory factories and Auditory auditoriums and tactile tacticians. Sensual sensei and a peach for each teacher. Chopsticks, chapstick, Cheap Trick, and Chappaquiddick. Rich in a ditch is the sitch (twitching and itching to snitch on the witch-bitch). Someone poor on the top floor with a whore, and someone middle-class answering the riddle about gas. SAG-AFTRA and gas fart. Is there any other kind? - A few good men. Visible visualization of a video's very vocal vampire's victim. Bloody hell, what's that muddy smell. Dirty dirt and clean jeans. Impure thoughts in a spotless mind. Filthy rich and the pure poor. A pure psychopath who plays dirty. Pure filth and dirty soap. Soap operas and dirty women. Thoughtless and brainless, besotted and painless, mindlessly kind. PC? premeditatively cruel. Suffering fluffer, pulling a dog for a jog, old yeller is a smeller, Snoopy the super duper pooper. Wok ing your dog, and eating a hotdog, dawg. Shaggy Shelby and Rover roving all over. Bully bulldogs and sheepish sheepdogs and poodles that are dull (simply poo). A leopard shepherd. A wino rides a rhino. So close to going on safari. Jafar and Jah, close. Jehovah and J' under. Yahweh rides a horse (Ya!). A woke dog walker, and sleepwalking on your dream job, and certainly alert about getting hurt, but nodding off in his role as a modern God. Take a nap and bake a gingersnap. Seeking a Sikh to be sheikh. Demi the demure democrat. Rambunctious rams, and dogmatic dogs, and catatonic cats, and burdensome birds, and lizards in blizzards, and bratty rats, and efficient fish, and pets named Pete. Cat in a hat, snake in a lake, shiver in a river. Surfers ride the motion of the ocean. Catching a wave with a baseball mitt? Surfers think swells are swell. Commotion emotion. Filthy Phil uses Sterilite brand plastic bin containers. Sterile light? Rubber maid? Clean Dean and Nasty Tasiana. Reptile replies. Ballet on the ballot. Wallet on the ballot. A lot of balls on the ballot. Juan and Juana wanna. Juan won and Joss lost. Feeling pale and Juan. Sick of the Bay Area, basically. Sump pump. Augie's augury. Break the wishbone - it's a snap! Heil, heels. Defeated and de-feet'd (ouch). Wynn likes to win, but Lou doesn't like to lose. Victor enjoys victory, but eating can't be beat. Champions of camp win gin, Lynn. God drinks vodka, while the devil revels, with a diablo daiquiri and fireball whiskey. God the Creator: God's wad, mum's cum. Deity spontaneity. Go on, Dance! Gaudy mahdi moves his body with the naughty hottie. Kinky? wink, wink. Horny to fornicate to porn with Lauren. Scumbag scammers. I got CalFresh after my car crash. Frugally buying bagels for seagulls and eagles and beagles. Ogling muggles. Food, dude, can be stewed or chewed or viewed with an attitude of lewd nude or boo'd rudely! Julie is unruly and duly eats newly stewed gruel. Wyatt's diet? You can't buy it at Hyatt, sings Quiet Riot! The museum has a dozen decent docents. I have a dozen cousins. You and I at the museum and lyceum. I call 'em as I see 'em at the Coliseum. Bryan and Byron have Ron's brains. Insane, outsane, sane, and unsane. Huh? What? Membrane, membrain, membrayne, and membreyn. Inne Seine. Insayn, knowudymsayin'? minimally MANIMAL: Jeremiah was a bullfrog, Satan is a snake, (Teshara: he's a rat), I aint no Walrus - who you callin' a walrus??, I'm an Eagle (scout), Crazy Horse and Hopping Crow... Anne-imal, Dan the animal (danimal), the band The Animals. People are people, so why should it be... Monkees? Beatles? Byrds? I'm a Beast! Canada Dry and Dry champagne are really weird names for liquid beverages! Take a seat (theft). Chairs and Cheers! cheers for chores. Guide to guys, manual to mankind, handbook for hand-models, my dairy diary, my diurnal journal, my vellum album. Warfare on warfarin. The baby shook his rattle for battle! Fight night bite-fright. Combat with wombats. Vicious Trish and gentle Jen. Futilely brutal. Effectively pecked. Decked and wrecked. Beaten and eaten. Tammy, yummy in the tummy. A delicious and nutritious dish. Tasty in her pasties. Scrumptious dumper. Satisfying status as an incredible edible. She's food, dude? How rude! A dyslexic Hannibal The Cannibal on THC. I was in hot water on pot, after I bought the yacht, instead of supporting the tot. A mean hiss, and an antihistamine. The mean dope, and dopamine. Well-hydrated to have rain in the brain. Your daughter needs water. Liquids for sick kids. Gruel for fuel. Energy for synergy. Juice can be of use for reading Dr. Seuss (there's wild moose on the loose!). Goose-juice. Milk and its ilk are more valuable than silk. And wine is for fine dining combined with kindness and lines of mine! My mind is mine, but boring chores are yours. Wait, my fate is stated, and great! The future in sutures? The past is vast. The present is pleasant. It's always now, now. Time is for rhyming, and space is for acing. The race to take off her lace. Leather in any weather. Lingerie on tanqueray. Kisses for the missus. Got necks? Hot sex. Jekyll and Hyde, and a well-hydrated jackal. Jacqueline and Hades. Joke and hide! Orgies, whoredom, and debauchery! Fed up, had it up to here, rising up! Up up up. Hot hot hot. What's your type? Sans serif, lol. Or young, bubbly, cute, friendly, alive. Smart, beautiful, sexy. Happy hippy. Onward and upward in the psych ward. Wayward in Hayward. Hayward and the word hey. Crazy criminals from Crooked Creek. Sane saints from Santa Sylvina. AA in America and Argentina. Anonymous convicts and known menaces to society. Satanic witchcraft and divine kindness. Kim's cum and Simon's semen. Olivia and Orenthal, oh! I'll cry my sorrows tomorrow, and laugh gaily today, I say. Manual to man and Studying studs and acing men (menace), amen. whim and wombs and (him n') women. Wimpy women. Many manly macho-men. Woe men and gay men. Happy and sad, heaven and satan, high school, Horus and Shangdi, Hanuman and Siva. Santa visits hell. Lots of extraneously simultaneous and contemporaneous heinous anus. There's a fungus among us. Us Aquarius. Jesus, please us. Advantageous animus - we are animals with an advantage. Reading Camus on campus, gorgeous. Catawampus on an Ottawa campus. Wherever I go, Hugo, Virgo. Hugo's huge ego, Norman isn't a man, and just see, Jesse! Mini-me and large and in charge, with a massive ass, but tiny heiny. Playful faithful up to gigantic antics. Augustus cussed us. Damn you, you damned emu! I curse your purse! Go to hell, you smelly unwell yelling belle! Suffer and die, you fluffer guy! Feel pain, you insane drain on my veins, bane of existence, that waxes and wanes, and rains on my parade, like those Danes Jane and Zame from Maine. The pit of hell demon has a phd. In knowledge is great suffering, or something. But is wikipedia painful? Of course not. Bibliophobia, the fear of books or reading. Fear not, words are fun, hon. Like ideas for pie, dear. Or satire about a cat buyer, choosing the one whose poos don't ooze (can't refuse!). Or adventures from the future, blasts from the past. Past wrasses, present pheasants, and future bandicoots. Daniel the cocker-spaniel. Maternal and paternal and fraternal are eternal! Zogg the dog. Dry champagne at the wet bar. Wet t-shirt contest at the dry dock. The bitter batter is better than the beaten butter, buster. The bat bit the bait at the back of the boat. The bot got the boot, but her butt can't be beat! Jerk in a jerkin. Jack in a jacket. Kate in a coat. Sweet sweater on your setter, sister! Woody in a hoodie. Burt's shirts and Bess' dresses and Jean's jeans and Duv's gloves and Matt's hats and Lou's shoes and Joe's clothes. Jock socks and your auntie's panties and tighty whities and foxy boxers. Common lawmen eat ramen with Tutankhamen. ate ramen? dominate! Eat okra before you procreate, okay? Oklahoma oak trees planted in Okinawa. Satan vampires werewolves witches monsters demons and zombies!! Sinners and criminals and beastly-behaviored bastards and other assorted evil entities of darkness, depravity, death, destruction, and despair!
Little Miss Muffett paid Warren Buffett. Your fate is to be as great as Bill Gates. Concerned about earning? Learn to turn over a new leaf, chief! Make money, honey! You're as funny as a nun showing her buns, hon! A nun with a gun in the sun is simply not done! But a genius earning bank, is like a general pulling rank, Hank! Cash for trash? Funds for having fun? Dollars for hollering at ballers? Cut a check for -heck- sex? Paid to get laid? Bucks for fucks? Income for ink? Payment for raiment? A transfer of monies for answering the call of reading the funnies? Do what you want and be like the Pontiff. Be God, be good, and be rewarded with seventh heaven, Devan! Answer the call, and get it all! Follow your bliss, and write this. Mm, sex muffins. Thoughtless brainless mindless zombie idiots, and extraordinary genius creatives, and Joe Blow and Plain Jane. Weird beard, strange mange, unusually casual, bizarre Jabar, freaky Zeke. Goofy Sufis, and nudist Buddhists, and mathematical Catholics. The Christian question. The answer to cancer. Slim Muslims (around a third are overweight) and Obese Cochise. Carlos Slim is no longer overweight :-). Are you into Hindus? FSM on MSN. Newish Jewish. In the old mold. Ludicrous Judaism. Crazy to be lazy, but sane to have pain (for gain)...they say. Hey! Flying Spaghetti Monster and Sitting Spaghetti Saint (sss, said the slithering snake, secretly smelling sentient passsssta!). Saint Satan? Demonic Angels? Yeah, everyone's everything. For instance, I'm a paperclip. Ha.
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