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I, God, welcome you to my blog!

The good book says only God is good, so it seems to me somebody needs to step up.

I hope you enjoy reading this, the Jesse Journal, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to subscribe, write me an email, request that I write about any particular topic you may want my perspective on, send a prayer, click on the charity link, or donate money to my bicycle fund! Have fun!

Your pal, Jess
I'm a straight, virgo/boar INTJ (age 53) who enjoys books, getting out into nature, music, and daily exercise.

(my email is

F.Y.I. There are about 2200 posts..

Here's a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky to start things off right: Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024


 Honor system: Tim, on her sis

GOD, grateful of diversion, gratification of desires, good old days, guidance-direction

yo!  Johann.    Eating pumpkin brains and eggnog (egghead noggin!).    Eat your heart out!   The product is out of Stockholm.  USA- urban stress anxiety.    Watch out for the Big Spiders!   (The Trap Door Spiders, in particular).  TDS, think do say.   TWA, thoughts words actions.  Pygmies on Trans World Airlines.  Rwanda and Burundi.  Defunct and funky.  Wanda from Rwanda.  Run DMC in Burundi.  Transexuals from Transylvania.  SI and Davis (my alma maters - mother souls?):  spiritual injection!  Devil Asmodeus Vampire Incubus Satan!  In a sack state!  depravity, amorality, vice, iniquity, sin.  And evil, turpitude, corruption ETC.   A tin of beef (can o' bull).   Political sacrament.   Don't mock democracy.  Avis rent a car in Davis, and Siva, and Dave.  E-vil.    e-villain, and inter-net and worldwide (spider) web and DIG-ital and dark web.   Computer and uterus - computerus.   Calculate you late!  muahaha.

I once knew a Sister Timothea

MY system: intellectual engagement, curiosity, the life of the mind, lifelong learning, ideas, philosophy, writing, and research.

demon's den, slivers of silver, Don at dawn, Jennie-O turkey and genocide, harried and married then buried, bless this mess jess, spite malice and revenge, slander libel calumny,  irreverence impiety blasphemy and sacrilege.

Trump on the brinks truck of victory.  Pastor out to pasture.  Who what where when why.   How which, ow witch.  Soccer socks.  Occupant pants. Afflatus status.  Anal panel analysis.  Conduction condition.   Position on propositions.  Taught to keep taut.   Gina from Regina.  Sasquatch from Saskatchewan.  Traffic jam and traffic jelly.   Shit, she's shot.    Goddamnit, I am it.   Fuck, no luck.   Christ's heist.  Prime crime by the chief thief.  Pieces of shit and Reeses of bit.  the Trump slump.  Republican pelican and democrat cat and Hannibal animals and beasts on which to feast and juicy Lucy and chewy Chuy and Marky Mark and the crunchy bunch.   Delicious Trish and tasty Tracy and yummy dummies and scrumptious lumps of flavorful Dave.   A bite of Dwight.  A morsel of horse.  A taste of waste.   Eat shit and die.   Drink blood and live.  Your daughter is a tall drink of water.  This paragaph is a load of shit, just code of it, or a mode of wit.   Grifter graffiti.  Nauseous and cautious.  reassess your transgressive chess jess.  bless this mess and guess what cess is causing all the stress.  The knight in shining blue armor, fighting for the blue queen, with his cohorts in the blue man group (blue ivy, blu dep, and blue october), batted his blue eyes under the blue sky (that blew blue blooms) to the strains of the blues.  Contemplating contempt.  Apartment appointment.  Sent a scent for a cent.  Amen.  B women.

Loved ones, little ones, kids, children, infants, sons and daughters, spirits, and other assorted holy newborns:   (4) Star child(ren):  Blu Dep, Alex James, Petunia Julia, and newborn Stollnitz-Teshara (post-pregnancy "poochie"?? (pouch), misunderstood to be miscarriages).    Huh?  Status:  Virtual, Imaginary, Make-Believe, Spiritual, Ghost-children!!

(5) My (potential and possible) heavenly step kids (in future) (adult holy lamb children of Keli Jean of Heaven): Clara Julia (angel baby girl), Clarissa (Holy Angel), Rein Lyon and Aaron Binyamin (Holy God sons) and... of course, Eternal Ray (KJ's "twee-heart").

"Ambelio" is the Holy Spirit

Keli rhymes with touchy-feely, Sealy (mattress), mealy, wheelie, and "what the dealie-yo"

Tuesday, October 29, 2024


 Marathon sex?


The best breasts, prettiest titties, Todd's body, Kelli's belly

Juicy and messy Jesse

Tiny Tony and Large Marge, happy hippie and teary Terry

dutiful and beautiful, a hot lot, with pretty kitties

sexy Lexi, cute Newt, lovely Duv, and gorgeous George

Chester yesterday, Todd today, Tony tonight, and Tom tomorrow

rich Richard, with a slick dick, and a wet pet;  born horny

borg orgasm, and cumming in bums, and butt sluts; orgasm has 'm

you have the best buns, hun;  the lass with the best assets

take a peek at her cheeks, begging for her eggs and legs

I get an erection every election, aroused by wows

derive what you drive...   ram volvo honda  

a vampire named Richard

Monday, October 28, 2024

Trump vs. Kamala

 Simple choice (for me):

Donald J. Trump is an Incompetent, Narcissist, Dishonest Bully


Kamala D. Harris is an Intelligent, Kind, Cheerful, Do-Gooder

Electing Kamala would be a huge relief.  Trump, a huge disappointment.   My main feeling about Harris is curiosity, to see what she would do as a Carter-ish idealist.   On the other hand, I have little but disgust for The Donald as a greedy blowhard.   Plus, I really like Walz.  

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

False Advertising


Hoverboards don't hover

Self-cleaning ovens require cleaning

Bladeless fans have blades

Seedless watermelons have seeds (how else do you plant them?)

Walmart sells walls?  Chicken of the sea?  Seahorses?

AT&T:   American Telephone and (Telegraph?!?)

Memory foam remembers Nothing!   Amnesiac mattress pads, lol.


"It's all good" OR contrast between-

1.Wickedness evil sin turpitude iniquity transgression depravity corruption and cruelty !

2.Virtue service love goodness kindness mercy compassion forgiveness truth peace happiness justice!

heaven (good life, well-being, life-satisfaction / good mood, positive psychology, hedonics) as joy bliss cheer contentment satisfaction ecstasy rapture fun play laughter games pleasure delight amusement fulfillment (all of 2).   Alive, in love, eternally.   Good food, sex, diversion, variety.   Strong, fit, healthy, well, sane.  *

hell as suffering, pain, discontent, dissatisfaction, misery, depression, nausea, discomfort, guilt, torture, torment, trauma, abuse, rape (all of 1).   Unceasing agony, distress, and affliction.   For all eternity.    Weak, sick, unwell, ill.   Prison, lake of fire.   


FAR:   Friendships And Relationships go far

happy habits happen

gratitude and savoring put gas in your engine

Teshara, to share RA (recognize and appreciate) 

smoke a fag, eat a fruit

glut starve, feast famine, banquet xerophagia

Barry's buried berries, Stu stew, get your Phil Collins is so PC

naughty nautical, emphatically lymphatic, sole soul (fishy)

BLD, blondes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (lewd food)..   (like Trump, Rumpelstiltskin, pumpkins, and crumpets).   a holiday song about hollandaise sauce.  Holly daze.

Jesus Christ, God;  cheeses rice, Godiva!  holy pie-hole.

Malfeasors, wrongdoers, criminals, and nefarious types...and demons devouring delightful delectable delicious morsels of succulent tender juicy child-flesh

police in place, please


*Heaven, continued:   Spirituality, relationships, leisure, resilience, exercise, sleep, meditation, music, diversion, entertainment, (good job, money, awesome stuff, true love, perfect body, good grades - much less than we think), drugs and diet...  character trait strengths (curiosity, honesty, love of learning, judgment, bravery, social intelligence, kindness, hope, self-regulation, prudence, love, creativity, forgiveness, perspective, appreciation of beauty and excellence, zest, spirituality, gratitude, perseverance, humor, teamwork, fairness, leadership, humility).   Savoring, gratification, pleasure, delight, euphoria, elation, ecstasy, ebullience, exhilaration, exultation, exuberance, glee, felicity, joy, cheer, not-blue, not-depressed, happiness.   Flow-state doing something difficult and worthwhile (immersed, on, in the zone, lost track of time, serene, focused, in the moment, arousal, control, concentration, skill, challenge, reward, efficacy, self-confidence).  Service, making a difference.   Dedication, hard work, growth mindset (welcoming learning from mistakes, curiosity about subjects over motivation for mere grades say, less validation of own intelligence and more seeking of improvement).  Friends, family, lovers, conversations (with anyone), less solitude, life is better in presence of others.  Free time, prioritizing time over money.   Living in here and now, focus on present.  Nutrition.  Productivity.  Cocaine.  

social media, scattered/all over the place/wandering mind, false expectations make us UNhappy (just married! becomes just....married), in addition to trials and tribulations, like breakups, car accidents, HIV diagnosis, victimization, etc.    IT'S ALL RELATIVE, you're happy or unhappy relative to those around you.  Happiness is not an absolute.   Unless you're enlightened and have reached Nirvana or something.

fun thought:  UST is 21,19,20 is 312 is 6 is sex.   Thrust Bust Lust Must!  (rusty at thrusting?)

Whoa:    GOD is just a Gust Of Dust !!   (Genesis 1:2, Ecclesiastes 3:20) (moved over the deep, to dust you shall return, etc.)

Heaven: Frolic and cavort in blissful felicity with the gods, deities, angels, saints, and heavenly host, on 7th heaven, with the paladins behind Paradise's palisade, as an immortal in love, with every need met, every desire fulfilled, and every opportunity for joy available.    Put simply, though, Heaven is NOT being in Hell!  God:  Beyond religion but a part of all of them.

Hell: Burn for all eternity in the lake of fire in the pit of hell, you wicked evil depraved satanic insidious dangerous vicious sinful spirits!!!  At peak puke.  

What is the Good Life?  contentment and satisfaction, joy and bliss, pleasure and love, and humor, play, diversion, entertainment, distraction, and freedom (e.g. free time).  Enough money for your needs and wants (and only wanting within your means).  Meaning and purpose.  Service and kindness and charity and goodwill and positivity.   Sex, intimacy, affection, massage, touch.   Met need (basic needs and otherwise).  And being strong, fit, healthy, well, sane, with good habits, good diet, good exercise, and good sleep (not too much or too little).   Mind-maintenance (meditation, reading, writing, good conversation).  Creativity and productivity and engagement.  Fulfillment.   Resilience.  Growth.   Simplicity.  Balance.   Passion and connection.  Being present.   Gratitude and using your strengths.   Making meditation a regular habit / practice.  Effort and dedication.   Practice random acts of kindness, begin a meditation practice (sit, write, ponder), and exercise daily.    Specificity!  An hour a day!  pushups, stretches / yoga, jumprope, dumbbell, low-impact dog walking, and exercises off the ACE online exercise-library.   

Heaven is biochemical.   Like dopamine.  Involving the pleasure and reward center of the brain.  Not being raptured into some foggy cloud in the sky as a ghost or spirit or soul or immaterial essence!!

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Friday, October 11, 2024

Jesse and JC

 Hello.    Hello, world.   Hello and hi.   Greetings and salutations.   Hola and Bonjour.  My name is Jesse.  You can call me Jess.  Jesse Lawrence Teshara, to be exact.   I’ve been called Jester.  In Spanish, I can be Jesús (hey, Zeus!), Chuy (pronounced ‘chewy’), or Isaí (like Esah-e, close to Esau from the Bible).  Jesse means, God’s gift.  What does God give?   HImself.  Love.  The Jesse Tree is the Root of David, the genealogy of Jesus, and the source of really pretty church stained glass windows.  There was the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and the tree of life.  There was the tree that killed my sister.   There is the redwood tree I climbed as a kid.   There was a funny comedian at Davis I saw named “Tree”.  John Bonham’s (of Led Zeppelin) drumsticks were called 'trees'.   I was informed that Led Zeppelin is bad for plants.  Anyway, I’m Jesse.   Nice to meet you.

So, who am I, you ask?  I’m God.  I’m a man, age 53, who lives in Berkeley, walks dogs, writes, reads, enjoys music, and surfs the internet (News, Onion, J!, Ted, Wikipedia, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest).   I’m also devoted to my fiancée, Kelli Jean Simpson, who wants to be Kelli Stollnitz.   Richard Stollnitz was my birthfather.   I am adopted.   I became a Teshara at the age of 4, to Larry and Peggy.   Annette Riddle was my birthmother.  Okay, maybe I’m not God.   I mean, I didn’t create the Universe, as far as I know.   I just play the role.  The bible says Only God is good.   Shouldn’t we all strive to be good?  You only have to be NOT-BAD to be good!   So I don’t think having a deity identity is schizophrenic or anything.  I never met Richard.  He died at the age of 52, says the internet.  I DID meet Annette.   She lives in Eugene, OR.   I mean, if she’s still alive.    

I’m also a writer.   I have a blog.   God’s blog.  .   Visit, anytime.   Come, often.    Leave comments.   Enjoy!   I write about God, religion, and spirituality.   I write about words and language.   I write about me and Kelli.   I write about anything I feel like, really.     I enjoy it, and I’m told I’m good at it.  To improve, just keep writing: Write, Write, Write!   AND, of course, Read.   Have good editing, editors.   Keep tinkering.

Who or what is God, then?   What is good?  God is CRIS.  A concept, role, identity, and status.   Well, lots of concepts.    All the concepts rolled into One.   Including the one about Him being imaginary, fictional, make-believe.    Atheism is a path to God, actually, according to the Hindus!  I’ve also heard that Yoga is the path to God.  Another fundamental theological concept is, “Reality is all the God there ever is” -Adi Da Samraj.  We are each our own reality.  So, in a sense, we are each our own God.  God is other concepts:  One.   Love.  A man of war.    The source of all goodness.  The Creator.  All the Names, and all the purviews of each!  (there have been like 8 to 12 thousand in history).   A God, to me, is a Higher Power.   A master, a specialist, an authority.   Maybe a heavenly body, with a superior mind, and a high degree of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.    A God is smarter than your average bear.  A virtuous being, who loves, and is loved.   God is also the Angriest Being, according to Kelli.   She has a Shiva, Kali, G-d as judge thing going on.   Other God things are Omniscience, Omnipotence, Omnipresence, Omnibenevolence.   Eternal, always, forever, infinite.   God is BIG, lol.  God is in the details.   Is God just a word game?  Religions seem like corporations, to me.   As for status?  Maybe God is just the top dawg.   All power, authority, might.   Things like knowledge, money, violence, respect.   The highest level of the video game of life.  Am I the top dawg?  I am what I am.

Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire!  Good is happiness, pleasure, contentment.   Goodness is meaning and purpose and virtue and making the world better.   Goodness is reducing suffering, increasing bliss.   Goodness is justice, mercy, love, kindness, compassion, grace.   Goodness is truth, beauty, love, intimacy, devotion, delight.  Goodness is preventing and defeating evil.  Goodness is values and setting an example  and humor and charity and hard work and enjoying the good life.    Goodness is met need.  

So that, in a nutshell, is who I am.  What books do I read?  What music do I like?  What’s my favorite movie?  Or color?  Yada yada.  I don’t like mysteries.    I like everything else, lol.   I’d rather read forensics than guess whodunnit, based on what I usually think are unrealistic scenarios from the author’s head.   I like short stories.  I enjoy Lev Grossman, David Foster Wallace, Terry Pratchett.  I like the Dead Milkmen, Paul Oakenfold, rock from my childhood (Scorpions, Led Zeppelin, Lynyrd, Y&T, Def Leppard, The Who, The Kinks, Bob Segar).   I really like to be surprised.   That’s why I listen to College Radio all the time.   Lot of interesting, new stuff.   Like Jabarizm.    I have a problem with earworms.   I’ve seen thousands of movies.  I don’t watch much, anymore.   I had a girlfriend that worked at a video store.  Movies got old, for me.

Daisy and Anna T.

crazy daisy, manatee sanity, insane and in pain, comfortable in Rumford, Jane the sane Dane from Maine.   God made dirt, and dirt don't hurt.  Suffering dirt?  Suffering succotash!   Ecstatic in the attic.  Happy in a nappy.   Blissfully pissing.  Joyful Roy and sad Gladys.  Sad Sade. Depressed Jess.  Sick Rick.  Too blessed to be stressed.   In a cess, what a mess.  Insane, in sin.  In love, and in trouble.   In the world, then in a box.  Comfortable under my comforter.  Safe in my safe. Secure in my security blanket.  Full in the Fall.  Bought 'em in Autumn.  Hungry in Hungary.  Is Gary hung?   Delicious, nutritious, and fun to eat!  Do pigs like bacon?  Which part of the anatomy is a cannibal's favorite?  It's a dog eat dog world (bosintang).   Some eat pussy ('dragon tiger phoenix').  Sad sadists.  Glad Gladys and joyful Joyce.  Happy hippies.  Massive masochists.   Sexy Lexi.  Messy Jesse.  Blissfully kissing.  Fellatio and the thirst to burst.  Had your fill of fellatio.   Explosive Joe.  Cum in your mum.   Cum on her tum.  Cum in a bum.  Spurt on a shirt.  Squirt til it hurts.  A fast blast.  Explode your load.  Which is worse?  cum in your rum, or rum in your cum?  The Teshara era.    I love your eyes, luv!

ol' stole bowl coal dole foal goal hole Joel mole Noel pole role soul toll vole enroll prole scroll troll knoll stroll shoal Skoal...   

knits, bit, kit, fit, hit, lit, mitt, knit, wit, pit, quit, legit, writ, sit, tit, zit, spit, slit, skit, shit....

     SO, Stollnitz rhymes with...hole shit, or skoal spit, or scroll writ, or troll tit, or soul wit, or stole shit, or vole bit, or enroll MIT.  

right as rain, write as reign, rite as rane, wright as rayne

God is hypnosis

so many books.   less words, more action.   make love, not war.

so says the sexy Sikh playing sax

sneaky snakes, skanky skinks, bored birds, rutting rats, sluts in the sleet

girls into squirrels, noisy boys, and hardcore gore

horological whores with horns, from the strait of hormuz

it's in my nature, cats eat chickens, pussies eat cocks, the time has cum

the country is eating Richard (dicks get eaten)

See Jane run.  don't be a dick.


Modern mankind originated/evolved 300,000 years ago.   Approximately 70,000 ya the human population hit a low of between a thousand and ten thousand individuals.   ME and MA (mitochondrial Eve) and (mitochondrial Adam) show how we all, all humans, have the same ancestor.   SO, we can all say we're related, or we're all Italian, or Chinese, or whatever.   Come on people now, smile on your brother, try to love one another right now.

I'm a Virgo Boar (pigs like sleeping and eating, and become fat), and K is a Virgo sheep (gentle, calm, sympathetic).    

Trinities:  earth wind fire,  blood sweat tears, god devil bob, solid liquid gas, animal vegetable mineral, good bad neutral, here there everywhere, existent non-existent in-between.   

Yeah, baby

vaginal, oral, anal, says the Voice of America.  don't forget hand jobs, lol.   Private mail box, PMB, pussy mouth butt.   Me myself and I want to fuck, have sex, make love.   fool around, fornicate, fuck.  Copulate, congress, coitus.   Knock boots, bump nasties, roll in the hay.   Do it, pork, bang.   Get laid, get it on, get down and dirty.  Hook up, hump, get some horizontal refreshment.   Relations, intercourse, mate.   Bone, boink, smash.    Pell-mell passion, eroticism, libido, and lust.  Girls gone wild, God is really lustful.   K is for kinky.

(2 or 4) choice?  one, the other, both, or neither.   Applies to Real or Imaginary??

A brief life, in an absurd existence, even for God (Jesus: Jess- u), (Jesse, see SJ)

Jes-u-it:   spirit fogging and spirit-blogging

fractured bachelor captured and raptured 


split and fractured

shattered, I'm in tatters -Rolling Stones

split-mind and split-pea soup and banana split and doing the splits

split wood and split the bill and take off and split

I'm of two minds about schizophrenia

split personality isn't split mind isn't split me 

Where's Jesse? (I haven't gone anywhere)

Elvis has left the building.  But who stepped into Elvis?

Maybe being "stepped into" doesn't happen.   Like it's all hypnosis.   The brain has different modules, and the psyche, different modes, the personality, different roles.  Right?   If you THINK you're possessed, weird things happen.   If you perceive chatter in your brain as coming externally, you've got a voice, and presto - you're schizo.   If you believe you're a "million different people from one day to the next" maybe you lose your sense of Self, identity, individuality.   They say all in all is all we are.   Then again, is it possible to see through another's eyes?   What is it to "get inside" someone's head?   Like programming?  Or establishing a telepathic link?  Or just becoming the object of obsession?   Mutually?   Maybe we're ALL crazy.

What is the law?  No spill blood.  Who makes the law?  Someone else. -Oingo Boingo.  The law, to me, is Be Good.  In other words, don't be bad.   Some criminals think EVERY crime is good or fun, though.  What a world.   You can be Mother Theresa or you can be Stephen Craig Paddock.  Or muddle through, neutrally, and write a blog or something.  You only live once.

Naturally neutral.   Freakishly fake.  A quarrel with queers.  Contextually sexual.  Searle's girls.  The joys of boys.  The worst thirst.  HIM 'n women.  Whim'n or Laser focused intentional'n (!).  Woe to men, she's a man eater.  Devour your power.   Like a hot dog.  Dogs as penises, and cats as pussies.   Bestiality.   The beast with 2 backs.  xxx.   the number of the beast.  One is the loneliest number that you'll ever know.  Lesbian thespians.   The facts about acting.  The casting couch.  A cast?  ouch.  Cows, couches, paint, and Jesus.  The crux of the excruciating crucifixion.  Fingernails and toenails?  Passionate about manicures and pedicures, and The Cure.   Holy moly.  Omg.  Praise the Laird Hamillton.   Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, hades and dental work, toys and pearls.   Love of life, lol.  Thrills and spills, and crooks with books, and the good life with a hood wife?  Money, funny, sun, buns, and guns, hon.   Make peace with your niece.  Your nephew has a curfew.  Your uncle has a carbuncle.  Your aunt can't.  Yes she can.   Spank that skank!  Smack him back!  Get wet and hit it.

Jesse, J'suis JC!  (hey Zeus!) (JZ, see SJ)         geezus cryst and mee.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Playing with my Name

 Jesse Lawrence Teshara

"space name":  Arahset Ecnerwal Essej  :-)

JLT, jail time, jolt, jilted;  Jesus disciples cross; 10/12/20;  Joy Love Thriving; Justice Law Truth

See SJ, Jessy, Jessi;   J esse (being, essence); 

Jesse, Jess;  4, 8.   D, H.   devil, god.   

Jest, jester

essej message

Uncle Jesse, Larry cable guy, Mr. T

Teshara, as earth, as. heart, as hater, shat ear, has tear, the sara

Larry law lore rinse rents int

Jesse Lawrence, Jesus lord

To share uh

Jesús, Chuy, Isaí

Jesse: messy, stressy, lessee!  Bessy and Hesse.  

Jess: Wes, Ness.  confess, bless, guess, cess, yes.

anagrams and wordles:  Jesse Teshara, Jesse Lawrence Teshara, Jesse Stollnitz

(57, 49) 'Jesse Teshara' anagrams:   aha seers jest.    see jet harass.   jests areas eh?   ha jester seas.   seethe ass jar.  A as jesters eh?    Assets ha jeer.   he a ass jester.   a hearse jests.  erases ha jest.    heats ass jeer.

wordles: trashes, harasses, esterases, erase, reset, haste, ate, ass, see, she, jets, hats, tear, tsar, heat, seethes, sheets, teases, jester, trees, threes.  

(587, 499) 'Jesse Lawrence Teshara' anagrams:  satan researches jewel.   (biggest wordle: etherealnesses), A JC WAR ETHEREALNESSES,   jw raca, 

(59, 43) 'Jesse Stollnitz' wordles: zestiest jolliest silent noiseless stillness, soleness, onset, illnesses, lesions, tonsils, senile, toilets, enlists, zit, teens, lentils, lionesses, loins, seine, soils, notes, nestle, jellies, stetson, tonite

Thursday, October 3, 2024


Seventh Heaven

7 chakras, the number of holes

7-up, 7 layer dip, 7-11, 7 year itch, rhymes with heaven

Over 700 times in the Bible, resurrection, 7yo (1st grade)

S getting even, serpent, piece of shit

Jesus Christ, Jesse L. Teshara, G

Spiritual perfection, completion, fulfillment

7 joys and 7 sorrows of Mary

7 stages of grief (shock, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, testing, acceptance)

Seven deadly sins

    Pride, avarice, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, sloth

Seven gifts of the holy spirit (re: Thomas Aquinas)

    Wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, fear of the lord 

70 x 7, forgiveness (jesus’ commandment)

777 said to be the number of God (GPY?)

REVELATION:  Churches, letters, spirits, lampstands, stars, seals, horns, eyes, angels, trumpets, thunders, thousands of people, heads, crowns, plagues, golden bowls, hills, kings, visions.

G7 (US, France, UK, Japan, Germany, Italy, Canada)

Roman numerals has 7 letters (IVXLCDM)

There are 7 wonders of the world, (new ones: Great Wall of China, Chichen Itza, Petra, Machu Picchu, Christ the Redeemer, Colosseum, Taj Mahal)

7 colors of a rainbow, (roygbiv) (red orange yellow green blue indigo violet) (red on outer edge)

7 continents, (Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, Australia)

7 seas (Pacific, Atlantic, Caribbean, Mediterranean, Gulf of Mexico, Indian, Arctic)

7 Catholic sacraments: baptism, confirmation, eucharist, reconciliation, holy orders, holy matrimony, anointing of  the sick.

7 Snow White dwarves (doc, grumpy, happy, dopey, sleepy, bashful, sneezy)

7 Types (dynamic, sensitive, mental, creative, analytical, dedicated, practical)

7 countries ending in 'stan (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Afghanistan)

7 Hindu immortals (Ashwathama, Hanuman, Mahabali, Markandeya, Parashurama, Ved Vyasa, Kripacharya)

7 Buddhist factors of Awakening: Mindfulness, Investigation, Energy, Rapture, Tranquility, Concentration, Equanimity.

7 types of nutrients (carbs, proteins, vitamins, fats, water, minerals, fiber) 

7 earth-biomes (tundra, taiga, temperate forest, tropical rainforest, grassland, desert, aquatic)

Go Spirit Fog some Conjacent Bedalments!

1,1 sum 4,4's

SF some, 7,7

Spiritual Defanglement? lol

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Things to Do

 The Menu

Buy hs reunion ticket (Go Cats!), campanile, discover and go, kalx entertainment calendar, fun cheap sf,  Greg, Peg, jobs (try many!), apartments, Berkeley food pantry, visit nephews, watch, read, listen, meditate, exercise, sleep, nap, side hustles, tennis, research/write, journal, apple store (watch, vision pro goggles), masd, origami, lift, cook, chess, library movies, ted, onion, Facebook, YouTube, email, poetry, instagram, Pinterest, J!, trivia, read aloud, user interviews, shop, cinema, club, bar, mercy for animals flyers distribute, rituals, talk, clean, album, karen and Patricia, text, tv, news, volunteer, jokes, standup, podcasts, jumprope, pushups, walk SF, meds, yoga, bodybuild, draw, crafts, museums, debate argue and persuade, Nature, game, video game, puzzle, ping pong, publish, get drunk, hot tub/ shower/ swim, kp group, spanish, restaurants, travel, schedule and plan, frisbee, sports, share a meal, visit friends, gifts, zoo, GGP, indian rock, Tilden, GTU, sit and do nothing, think, affection/ intimacy/ massage/ love.   craigslist   zillow