Be Good.
Be good. Don't be evil. Love one another. Reduce suffering, increase happiness. Think, say, do, and be good. Be helpful, virtuous, beneficent, righteous. Don't break the law or be a criminal. Make a difference. Be strong, healthy, well and sane. Sincerity, honesty, integrity, and truth are not shit. Repent, of sin, in what you have done, and what you have failed to do. Be a part of the solution, not the problem. Do your best. Be proud of your effort. Go to bed tired. Be happy that you have made the world a better place. Be all that you can be. Reach your potential. Be God. Be better than God. Be Yourself. Be your better self. Be your best self.
Live, love, laugh, have fun, play, work hard, smile, tell jokes, poke fun, be good, better, best. Sing, dance, create, exercise, practice, train, improve, grow, learn, read, write, dream, think, talk, discuss, teach, share, inspire, set an example, be positive, grateful, relax, meditate, nap, sleep, do nothing, veg, recharge, reduce, reuse, recycle, get motivated, be disciplined, dedicated, intense, relaxed, dour, analytical, appreciated, rewarded, rich.
Be sane, but get a little crazy, sometimes. Mix it up. Play roles. Go out. Get outside your comfort zone. Go camping and hiking, skiing, canoeing, boating. Fly a kite, climb a rock. Travel and experience culture shock. Love life. You only live once. No regrets. Just do it. Compete. Play games. Beat your personal best. Strive, maintain, search. Reach deep. Go far. Make goals, objectives, lists, projects. Don't be bored. Stay busy, occupied, challenged. Be interesting. Learn to speed read. Do magic. Juggle, bodybuilding, swimming, yoga, self-defense. Have a hobby. Get crafty. Raise a family. Know thyself. Do what you can. Have lots of friends. Eat well. Get enough sleep. Be beautiful, in mind and body. Pursue your dreams. Contentment, comfort. Safety, security. Joy, happiness, bliss.
Start a cult. Make your own religion. Syncretize the best of all traditions. Embrace your humanity. Love all, serve all. Be a light unto nations. Be light-hearted. Do what you want. May the force be with you. Aim high. Forgive and forget. Have a nice day. A pleasant tomorrow. Have faith, hope, love-bliss. You are not alone. We're all in this together. 3rd rock from the sun. Global village. Spaceship earth. Insanity, and humanity. And, of course, manatees. We are all animals. Look out for each other. Stewards of nature. Replace pain, agony, suffering, torment, misery, anguish, despair with pleasure, humor, contentment, love, gratitude, satisfaction, mercy, equanimity, understanding, peace, happiness, wealth, achievement, community, ecstasy, and fun.
Reward virtue, punish illegal, criminal, and unlawful wickedness, evil, sin, turpitude. Do your duty to god and country. Fight for freedom. Do what you have to do. Be a part of something greater than yourself. Submit and obey, or lead and set an example. Stand for something. Be someone. Go somewhere. Answer questions, go on a quest. Who, what, where, when, why, how? which? Stay strong. Live long and prosper. Live!
Say what you mean, and mean what you say. Don't blather on, endlessly, lol. It is better to say nothing and be thought a fool, than speak and remove all doubt. Read the encyclopedia, an atlas, your dictionary, learn languages, and stay informed. Do your homework. Have ambition. Get by with a little help from your friends. Trust in God. Live well, die without regret. Serve, love, improve, and give.
Cheers, Jess
other "rap"s: renitent and pervicacious!
rebellious african people
real and possible
7 hours ago
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