and Liz' lists
the boat is listing (relation-ship tips)
tips/spit, in the drink
1. Loved ones miss you when you're gone
a."miss" (gun shot)
b."miss" (treat you as a female)
c. m is s (e.g. male is satan)
2. I can't take any more
a. endure
b. theft
c. chess
d. murder
e. tam
3. SS
a. social security
b. saint stephen's
c. Sarah salazar
d. Schutzstaffel
e. sibilant snakes
f. suck swallow
g. letters: sounds and symbols
h. samsaric suffering
i. saintly sanctity
j. simple simon, simon says
k. silver screen
l. sadism schadenfreude
4. letters
a. alphabet
b. written correspondence
c. those who bleed (e.g leeches) / are bled
d. those who give permission
e. lottery litter, latter day saints, Lutter
5. fun
a. f u, n-
b. funny, funambulist, funicular
c. fan/fanatic, fin (end/final, fish), phone, phony
6. purpose
a. porpoise, purr puss
b. perp (perpetrator), us
7. Jesus
a. hey/hay - zeus/seuss
b. geezus
c. jess, u
d. sue S.J.
e. jesu-it (S, satan)
f. G is us, g's us
g. 10-5-19-21-19 (74: G-D) (11)(2)
8. God
a. One
b. (7,6,4)
c. H, Q, Z
d. sleep, question, Hannibal
e. infinity
f. Allah
g. Trinity and Neo
9. Trinity
a. father, son, Holy Spirit
b. fat her, sun, hs (high school)
c. carrie anne moss character, bomb test, school
10. Holy Spirit
a. holi, holy, wholly, hole-E
b. spirited (e.g. school), spirits (alcohol), spear it
c. penetration (penis, spear)
d. Britney Spears (presbyterians), Shakespeare
11. 2
a. jew, Jesus, beast
b. hey, Larry, T, Shawn
c. B, K, T (Burger King, bind torture kill)
d. AA, SS, SA, SJ
e. president
12. SA
a. essay
b. Saudi Arabia, Saudi Aramco
c. South Africa, South America
13. SJ
a. society of Jesus, jesuit, Jesse: see sj
b. San Jose
c. samurai jack, samuel johnson, show-jumping
14. spire
a. church spire
b. respire, inspire, expire
c. perspire, aspire, conspire
d. S pyre (burning satan)
15. pire
a. expire, pyre
b. vampire, empire, umpire
c. empirical
16. one
a. one, neo, eon, noe (valley), Eno (Brian, Eno-ugh)
b. all-1 (dr. bronner's)
c. won
d. money (my one)
e. 01 (O as 0, ne sum 1) anyone, someone
f. (15-14-5) (34) (7)
17. Ten
a. listen, Satan, play tennis in Tennessee
b. list 10, say ten, 10-is, 10 is (c, si, see, sea)
c. Satan, Hennessy (sum 10/1)
d. J -esse (latin)
e. Pearl Jam album
f. fingers, toes (digits)
g. base 10
h. chasten, fasten, intention, intense, tensile
tents, tentacles, tenement, tenebrious, Tenerife
i. net, ent, etn, tne
j. perfect 10! perfection
18. Satan
a. satan, santa, sana-t
b. as nat, as gnat, as ant, as tan, as tna (tits n' ass)
c. say T and N (e.g. trinity and neo)
19. what I ordered/received (today) from Safeway delivery (app) , :-)
cheese, raisins, oatmeal, yogurt,
almonds, strawberries,
apples, bananas, oranges
20. SM
a. s and m, sadism and masochism
b. sea monkeys
c. social media
d. slinky master
e. sacred mass (pious piety: I like pie!)
f. sacrilegious mess
g. sam, Uncle Sam, samsara
h. some more
i. steve malakis, steve mazzola
j. sm (-all, -art, -ack)
k. sententious moralizing
l. selective memory
m. sex machine
n. scientific mystery
o. submissive/strongman
p. seriously mental
q. sexual maturity
r. sinful mind, simple minds
s. scary monster
t. superman
u. singing musician
v. southern man, simple man
w. steve martin
x. santa monica
y. saintly monk
z. silly monkey
21. NY
a. New York
b. Neil Young
c. not you
d. no, yes
22. sms
1. short message service (phone texts)
2. sun, moon, stars
3. strut my stuff; sporty musical sexy
4. surface-water modeling system (DoD, defense dept.)
23. word play
1. acronyms, anagrams, initialisms
2. assonance, alliteration
3. conceptual groupings
4. rhyme
5. memes, quotes
6. factoids, trivia, data, numbers
7. definitions
8. theology, philosophy (the olo's)
6 hours ago
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