Everything Holy and Heathen
heaven and hell, hi and hello, happy and healthy, harvard and high school
house and home, his holiness, heil hitler, happy hall, heroin high
hunger and homelessness, hurricanes and H-bombs
help and hurt/harm, harmony and hatred, haves and have-nots
head and heart, hypocrisy and heresy, heist and handcuffs
haughty and humble, hip-hop hooray ho, hyper hypo
harmony, humor, hilarity, honor, honey, habitat, human, humane, hope
hooker, harem, hanky-panky, heather and helen, hardcore, horny, hump, hole, hedonism, hatha yoga, halcyon
halloween, heebie-jeebies, hannibal, horror, hatred
hanky-panky, heebie-jeebies, hurdy-gurdy
hara-kiri, hanging; hospital, hematology, honda, hazard
hagiography, hamartiology, hariolate, henotheism
HP (high priest), hieratic, host, hypnosis, hierurgy
hortatory, histrionics, holocaust, hostility
hierophant, hierophobia, Hildebrandism, Hesychast
hare krishna, hosanna in the highest
herpetology (r+a), (reptiles and amphibians)
hippology, horses, hyrax, hircine (goat-like), helminth (worm)
hirundine- of, relating to swallows
harrison ford, hologram
Hel- norse goddess of the dead
hell- (definition 1) the place of the dead in general (d.i.g.!)
holocaust- a huge slaughter or destruction of life
(2 current ongoing ones:)
1. ecology (extinctions), and
2. the meat industry
hyperion- incarnation of light and beauty, vs. hideous
hyetal home, hospital hormesis, hebephrenia hooey
Hygeian- of health and it's preservation, hygiene
I have heuristic happiness (with my dictionary)
healthy hidrosis (sweating)
hypalgesia- diminished susceptibility to pain
22 hours ago
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