A male witch is a warlock; so...
The way to peace
Peace is creating an absence of war, by exceeding the requirement of a cessation of the expression of hostility to move toward a greater societal harmony and happiness with one another.
I believe to love one another you gotsta love yourself, first, so get forgiven, if that's what it takes: come clean, to God or to the law or to whoever, and start fresh; every day is a new day.
Also, to love others it helps to understand them, so read a book, have a conversation, listen to music, eat, sing and dance, travel, have a party, find common ground, and realize we're all human and have the same emotions and wants and needs, there's far more that unites us than divides us; what divides us is phony, mind control, in the past/historical; start fresh, that's all I have to say. We all have our dark sides, yet we all want better lives. Extinguish your anger through finding love and happiness. Stop resenting, fighting, killing...and start appreciating, making friends, and creating a better world. Kindness. Service. Joy.
This can be done by 'international relations', in both senses of the phrase: governments creating peace between themselves, or the people of different nations creating peace through relationships: travel, business, marriages, adoptions, in addition to diplomats.
Nations need to attend to their own house, too, by facilitating peace between internal factions, and attending to the needs of their own people, the poor, the unhealthy, the unhappy. Every individual should strive to make themselves a good role model, and radiate a beneficial effect outward like a ripple effect of waves that hopefully augment the other good waves of those around them to transform the entire world. Good waves can cancel out bad waves and create the calm tranquil stillness so many of us yearn for. So through individual action and good policy, communities can be made better, which through example, can be applied to much of, if not the entire, world.
Everyone should think of themselves as possible catalysts for worldwide change for the better.
Harmony is a musical term, commonly paired with peace, and good vibes are good noise, too. I think all the world's music should be free, and musicians can make money through album sales and concerts, but otherwise allow their music to be freely accessible to all. I love free concerts, and friends who allow you to freely copy mutually enjoyed music.
Conduct refers to behavior, but also to orchestra conductors, or electrical/power conductors, and I suppose they're all related. When the Star Wars' Emperor or Harry Potter's Voldemort discharges their shocking electricity, one could suppose their power comes from conducting vibes or music or dark energy that gathers the powers of darkness to them. Feeding off of bloodshed (aka the vampire metaphor) is a primal elementary human capacity. Electrons are considered negative, so positivity requires giving, whereas negativity sucks. So don't be selfish; give and you shall receive. You can start by giving a smile. Laughter is good medicine, and happiness can be contagious. Ultimately, you can choose to be a vampire or a hobbit/white wizard (lol).
The bible says both are in god's plan, it's all good in essence, and, as I interpret it, both making laughs and taking lives, both making lots of money and lawyering for the death penalty, can be "making a killing." The killer just expresses a larger societal thirst for vengeance, retribution, and released frustration at the injustices in the world (if not thereby in the process creating a new injustice). God says thou shalt not kill, though, so let's abstain. Lock up the killers, possibly for life, and create harmony through goodwill toward men, as we say. You might want to show goodwill toward cows, while you're at it, and go vegetarian. Otherwise, you might as well be like Hannibal Lector and start eating people you don't like. Delicious, nutritious, and fun to eat!
I'm a hypocrite, I know: I just ate a burger. Maybe cows with hands will eat me in the next life. Of course, some animals are only carnivores, unlike us omnivores, and why would God punish them in this life or the next; it's just the way of the world, I guess. The JW's who believe lions will lie with lambs are just plain nuts in my opinion... will alligators swim laps with the Olympic athletes? (it might make them faster!).
I don't believe some people are like alligators, though. I believe all humans have the potential to be harmonious and peaceful. Maybe I'm wrong. Prove me right? In the mean time, let's hear it for the good old legal system, providing a check on our worst instincts and impulses. Can't we just outlaw war and armies and weapons of mass destruction and assault weapons and tanks and such, worldwide? Isn't this a completely basic concept?
To be rhetorical, I want to say do you have the combination to the peacelock? There are locks of hair.. Peaceniks generally have long hair, while soldiers have crewcuts... Soldiers want peace, perhaps even more than hippies, I would like to think, so maybe hair is irrelevant...but 'having the combination to a peacelock' sounds like having someone's number, which is used when "someone's number is up" or if you want to "hack into someone's brain" which is literally something like using a machete against someone's skull, so what the heck is really going on, here? I aspire to be a Peacelock. I don't mind you understanding me, as long as you don't use it to kill me. Let's lock the world into peace, and throw away the key.
22 hours ago
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