One (1)
God is One. One is the loneliest number. We're #1! My wife pronounces 'won' as "wahn" (she's weird). It invokes unity, sex, love (Bob Marley sang 1 love), harmony, spirituality, meditation (one with the universe, om..), and the individual. We call all "everyone." This is why you're God, too. A, J, and S sum to 1 (in English). One is 6,5,5 which sums to 7.
There are only 10 numbers, including zero. (0123456789)
One is the only number beginning with an O. O looks like zero.
1 is half of binary, with zero.
A zero is a circle, and a one is a line, almost like an orifice and a phallus.
a 1 and 0 make 10, which could make Tennessee and Jesse (J is the tenth letter).
Ten is associated with 'a perfect ten,' the 10 numbers (base 10), and 10 fingers or toes
beginning letters
Two and Three begin with T
Four and Five begin with F
Six and Seven begin with S
I'm from the high school (St. Ignatius, S.F.) class of '89.
Eight and Nine make 'EN', which means "in" in Spanish, and sounds like N.
So, the numbers go ZOTTFFSSENT, which has ZOT, TTFFSS, and SENT in it.
Zero (0)
Z is the last letter... It sounds like zorro. It has ero, which is in eros and erotic. Zero looks like a hole. It's a holy number. It's at the center between positive and negative numbers. It could therefore be called a neutral number (perhaps I'm coining this?). There was a movie called the Zero Effect (which I enjoyed). I had a psychotic episode where I found myself shouting zero. There's absolute zero, the (unreachable) temperature of absolute stillness. Zero is 8,5,9,6 which sums to 1.
Two (2)
It takes two. Me and you. The self and other. A pair. Two starts with T.
B, K, and T all sum to 2. (There was the bind, torture, kill sociopath, the "btk killer").
T looks like a cross. Jesus sums to 2. There was the movie T2.
My dad and my grandpa both go by Mr. T. I could, too, if I wanted, I guess, in addition to the mohawked guy on the A-team. It reminds me of TWA airlines, and the WTO (world trade organization), and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. A salute is crisply terminated with the term "two!" It is homonymous with "to and tu, too". Tu means you (personal) in Spanish. Sara is my significant other (my wife). Two is 2,5,6 which sums to 4.
Three (3)
I drove a Mercury comet once with "Three on the tree." It makes me think of H-tree. So I could start talking about H, but I won't. There's that song about 3 is a magic number with"You and me and baby make three, we're a happy family.." There's trinities and triumvirates and triangles and tricycles... There's father, son, holy ghost. There's Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu. There's faith, hope, love. There's triple plays, and three-pointers, and triple-threats. The Boy Scout sign holds up 3 fingers (the cub scouts two, the peace/victory sign). There's of course oral, anal, and vaginal; or good, bad, and neutral; or whatever else you can think of. C, L, and U all sum to 3. Sara sums to 3. C is the 3rd letter, which makes me think of center, and computer, and seeing. Three is 2,8,9,5,5 which sums to 2.
Four (4)
There's metaphors, and then there's me, who met a Four (that's his name). Jesse sums to 4. D,M, and V all sum to 4. Sara and I have two dogs that sleep with us, the 4 of us make the family. Four is homonymous with "fore!" and "for." It can be split into "our F." My name, Jesse Teshara, is 49, which is also just 4, like Dr. or Mr. Male sums to 4. There are squares, and the symbol on my keyboard above 4 is money. Four is 6,6,3,9 which sums to 6. F is the sixth letter. Six sounds like sex.
Five (5)
A hand, or foot has five fingers or toes, respectively. The pentagon has 5 sides. There's a Take 5 candy bar. Allah is like 5, with Arm Leg Leg Arm Head... (around the trunk, which reminds me of 3). E, N, and W sum to 5. You can form East, North, and West or the word 'new' from them. What's a 5-Alive? Is that a product, like V8? Anyway, 5 form stars and pentagrams and pentacles, associated with witches and black magic. Evil backwards almost forms five. I had sex with an elle (n). 'She' sums to 5. Sara has the chinese character for 'she' tattooed on her. Five is 6,9,4,5 which sums to 6. I've F.
Six (6)
Six is homonymous with sicks and sics and sounds like sex. Six is 1,9,6 and so sums to seven. F,O, and X sum to 6. Fox is the network of the beast, or something. Sum-thing (4). Or Vicente Fox is a wily beast. Or Michael J. Fox. Or the nearest porn star, foxy lady, in a XXX video. Anyway, 6 is the devil's number they say, and also the number of Virgo, my sign. It's just a number, though. The Star of David has 6 points. IX is 9 in Roman numerals. S is the 19th letter. The 1909S vdb is the rarest U.S. penny (okay, I'm getting a little crazy).
Seven (7)
This number is referenced over 400 times in the bible. There are 7 holes in the male body. Therefore, it's a holy number, like eight. Every 7th day is the Lord's day, the bible declares. A menorah has 7 branches. Rome was founded on 7 hills. There's 7 virtues and 7 sins (deadly, anyway). In Kabbalah and Muslim teaching, God dwells in 7th heaven. There's the 7-layer burrito. In Asia, there's the 7 God's of luck, and the movie the 7 Samurai. There's the 7 wonders of the world. Lucky 7: Of the 11 possible sums for a pair of rolled dice, 7 is the most likely (6 of the 36 combinations sum to 7). Seven is S even. S is the symbol for Allah, I read once. It's also my symbol for Sara. I got a mailing that said 7 meant spiritual perfection. G,P, and Y each sum to 7, reminiscent of the words 'Peggy' and 'Egypt' and 'gypsy' for me. St. Sara is the patron saint of the gypsies. Seven is 1,5,4,5,5 which sums to 2.
Eight (8)
Eight is homonymous with ate, of course. H is the 8th letter. Combine these two facts, and you may come up with hate. God sums to 8. No, God does not hate you. God is love. Maybe hate loves you. As my wife said once, you can "f-- 'em or fight 'em." Anyway, 8 sideways is the symbol for infinity. H is the symbol for Honda, and there's also the infiniti. Eight is 5,9,7,8,2 which sums to 4. Infinity is a heck of a thing.
Nine (9)
Nine makes me think of the homonym in german, however it's spelled (nein?). Doesn't it mean 'no'? Anais Nin wrote erotica. NIN is a band, which stands for nine inch nails, fronted by Trent Reznor. I associate 9 with power, for some reason, possibly because a power hitter best hits a homerun in baseball by blasting it at a 45 degree angle. Power is in anyone. In n.e./ any. Nine is 5,9,5,5 which sums to 6. So 459 is 666, in a weird way. 459 is DEI, which means God. God has the number of the beast. God is a beast. Humans are animals. I have 3 dogs in my house.
I may have already done this number thing. Oh well.
Add to that, it's summer. A summer of love!
The Heat scored x points in their last game.
Don't forget the Sum of All Fears. That book was scary. And it wasn't 42.
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