Bipedal Monkeys who Talk
Humans are animals. Naked apes. Our scientific name is homo sapiens sapiens. This means 'wise man'. Homo means 'man', not gay. Homo means 'same', also. Man is from latin, and same is from greek (different roots). We are the only species of homo now living. There were 8 other (now non-existent) species living along side us 300,000 years ago (homo neanderthalensis, homo erectus, homo heidelbergensis, homo floresiansis, homo naledi, homo rhodensiensus, homo luzonensis, and The Denisovans). The Smithsonian recognizes at least 21 species of homo (human). There's a rudolfensis, for example. Everybody is derived/evolved from Australopithecus. You can buy a 'bone clone' (osteological reproduction) of an Australopithecus skull ('Lucy'), I saw, online, for $336. The cradle of all humanity is scientifically understood to be in Africa. So we're all Africans. Even the whites. (In fact, modern Africans include whites, such as the South Africans). There's also N. African Arabs as well as the melting pot situations of the many immigrants into Africa, too. The motto of the African Union is in fact, "U.S.A." (A United and Strong Africa). The etymology of the word 'Africa/Afrika' by the way, is Afru-ika (egyptian for 'motherland'), aphrike (greek for 'without cold'), and aprica (latin for 'sunny'). Afrique is the French, if you wanna get freaky :-)
Book Topics:
Heaven and Hell
Good and Bad, Virtue and Evil
Poetry and Wordplay
Money and The Good Life
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