Poetic Devices and Wordplay and Terminology
alliteration, assonance, consonance, rhyme, imagery, metaphor, meter and rhythm, personification, allusion, simile, anagrams, acronyms, paradox, contrast, verse, stanza, diction, tone, spoonerisms, enjambment, (recursive, compound) pun, euphony, synecdoche, symbolism, chiasmus, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, anaphora, irony, blank verse and free verse, couplet, antithesis, allegory, cacophony, ambiguity, apostrophe, ballet, connotation, denotation, cliche, epitaph, euphemism, haiku, limerick, sonnet, metonymy, ode, rondeau, sestina, sibilance, triolet, calligram, refrain, kenning, villanelle, iambic pentameter, ballad, snippet, palindrome, homophone, homonym, ambigram, lipogram, mondegreen, idiom, semordnilap, malapropisms, double entendre, pangram, portmanteau, rebus, in/aptronym, backronym, eponym, isogram, eggcorn, tom swifty, synonyms/antonyms, wellerism, antihimeria, caesura, trochee, iamb, anapest, dactyl, spondee, zeugma...
You can alphabetize this list at Wordcounter.net
You can highlight any word for a definition (at least on my computer). Hopefully, that will clear up any confusionment :-)
S and M, somber and morose, sex only in the marriage bed, sex and murder, scrubbing and mopping, sadism and masochism, SNM: say no more
linguistic math? 'that is kind of what it is' -v
taiga, taiga, burning bright
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