Day 1
learn, earn, and return
reasons reap results
read to succeed, readers are leaders
from head to heart to hands
be do have and share
purpose and passion and impact
Warren Buffett is said to read 500pp/day
Day 2
My notes (plus, some of my own thoughts). I missed it live, but I watched the YouTube video, later.
Insights, lessons, teachings, learnings
Focus, dedication, commitment, putting in the work, doing homework
Billionaires are just normal people, like you and I
‘just bipedal monkeys running around trying to figure things out”
Teshara, T’ share uh.. what to share, who to share it with
I am enough, I know enough, I’m good enough, smart enough, more than enough
strength, resilience, wisdom, can teach, winning state of mind, unstuck
Your clients are your old you (days, decades..)
MM, meant for more, FF, financial freedom, MM, mastermind
You can do anything… Really? Ideas for impact - (god delegates?)
Clean all the plastic from the oceans?
Plant enough urban trees so that there will be shade, in the future?
Tablet computer for prisoners, for education, immersion, fun, and yes -escapism
Botany google glass! Store?
Save the world, lol
Wisdom. Go slow. Key Caulker motto. Accelerated learning.
Freeways, too, maybe. Faster, with self-driving, I think, anyway.
Make an impact, haha
Crush it, haha
What drives you? Hardy fucking harhar
Broken brain, disability. (get crazy?) (“voice” that resonates)
Amazing wife and amazing life
Safe places, superpowers, public speaking, spirituality and philosophy, stress and pressure, soothing and peace, sincerity and passion, proud of self
Goddamit, say hell yes
Be healthy, live better, who you’re supposed to be
DD, dark days, doggedly determined
Imposter syndrome?? Lean in?
MMM, making money moves
Not stuck in a dead-end job (life is a dead end job, no?)
You happy, clients happy, everyone happy, the best version of me
Take a risk, be scared, go all in, be willing to fail, take the leap
Do what makes your soul sing! Don’t be left out, left behind
Success, scaling up, being present, building an empire
make it yours, simple
skills, hobbies, passions…
What problem(s) can you solve?
What dream can you expedite?
What do you love to talk about?
What do you do or know that people come to you for?
Who needs my knowledge and info the most? who wants what you know?
Who am I doing a disservice by NOT sharing my message? Ideal client?
People who are struggling to start where I once was
People who want to go faster (entrepreneur sells what should be paid for)
What scares you to death? What’s the hard thing?
Something you are hated for, that motivates you
Others “no” is your “yes” (just watch me!!)
First they make fun of you, then say you’re crazy, then ask you how you did it
SS, start small, spreadsheets, stratospheric success
CC, confidence and clarity, cutting a check for speed
OO, opportunity or obstacle?, overcome objections (in advance)
FF, fear of failure, family and friends, fight or flight, fly fishing
BB, build a brand
ET, everything is an opportunity to grow, or an obstacle to keep you from growing
IE, information economy (will grow with or without you), new world (AI, etc.)
FEM, the intersection of fun, ease, and money
from frustration to celebration:
"rewire" from slow, behind, stuck, lost, inadequate, not enough, to:
OGD, Opportunity for Growth, Development
god is your best asset, maybe
likeness of God, image / substance
from "crazy person who thinks He's God" to Loving Deity!
believe in yourself, someOne to believe in
I get by with a little help from my friends
Quote, by C Horton Cooley:
I am not who you think I am
I am not who I think I am
I am who I think you think I am
(a perception of a perception)
I AM (lol)
Some ideas:
"effortless, powerful, ____" (fill in the blank)
*leading Nature hikes, pointing out fauna, flora, ecology
Roof fire retardant?
German recycling?
Thriving: Buddhism for schizophrenia, quiet your mind
Cuddle sutra, extra (AI: affection and intimacy)
"we are each of us angels with one wing;
to fly we must embrace each other"
Health: exercises, stretches, yoga, meditation, diet, look good
Conquer sugar addiction
**Conversation over trivia with God
tea ceremony, play/teach chess, discuss news
with kind bars, mushroom coffee, kachava, gum drops
"salon" with Jesse
Frisbee with kids :-)
3WD (third world development)
Nitch in nitsch (Nietszche?)
Not a snitch in a ditch
is it pronounce niche (neesh, like Rajneesh) or nitch?
if it bleeds, it leads
head over heels
transformative tools and technology
met yet? (future self!)
SAT MAD, skills abilities talents, make a difference
insights, knowledge, communication, mentor
make your mess your message
self-improvement, education, coach, motivator, therapist
god the good guy, a good guide
emotion, energy, excitement, vision
where focus goes, energy flows
stress, anxiety, frustration, overwhelm, giving up, self-doubt
become the best, work harder on self than job
change your story, limiting beliefs, mental and emotional state
e.g. "all the good ones are taken" is a limiting belief
breakthroughs, next-level, goals
asking "god or the universe" to be in your corner
gratitude, cultivate (can't have fear, anger, stress when grateful)
give it your Allah, be who you're meant to be, not settling to be
priming- 10 minutes of positivity / day
stacking the +'s (defining future moments of accomplishment)
heart "bathed in love"
supercomputer brain requires specificity
e.g. lose 20 pounds, read 500 pages / day
(numbers to track progress are good)
not "lose weight", because one pound? done
invest in yourself, I'm needed, prove I can
sincerity and no b.s.
society starving for wisdom
gratitude, persistence, specificity, creativity, meaning, clarity
change your life with little steps, make it happen, real
read, recite, review; reasons reap results; reading 'riting 'rithmetic
what and why before how, answering how with who
brain is adapted by evolution for survival, not happiness
70% of americans are overweight
must, will do it, necessity, need, required (not "should")
going swimming is an "immersive event"
Day 3
‘You’re there, is why’
3 strikes, I’m done with Tony and Dean (of course there’s a catch)
Of course, they want more money. Just sales(wo)men selling sales.
Some good ideas for take-away, though (making a difference)
“they killed it” , sip - stuck in the past, screaming in pain
This will blow your mind (I don’t want my mind blown, thank you very much)
Like a brain exposed to air, or blowing your brains out…
Purpose and Success (purr pussy, and suck - sex sells)
Outcome you desire, cum sire, blown away, community
HL, think long and hard, to solve a problem, win-win
S&M, sales and marketing, social media, spaghetti and meatballs
sell knowledge, a product, service, launch a business
Possibility, product, program, process, purpose, podcast
G-D is a Good Deal, what matters, goals objectives desires
Stolen dreams, by satan, devil
Borrowing and bar rows
Master the art, from the heart
Computer competency with complete compassion
Lead Nature hikes, know fauna and flora, ecological relationships
Don’t need to be perfect, just get in the game
You can be selfish and selfless at the same time
Sales and selling as a service, sharing answers, solving probs
doing a disservice by NOT selling your perspective, solutions
pos, piece of shit, possibly positive, pause for paws, poss-a-bull
brilliant minds, big men, big money
Congress making progress
Getting even and getting even better
Legendary, milk and honey, legend dairy
Musical oppor -tune- ities
Autism and ought-ism, you should!
Not interested in paying interest, bank’s interest in lending
Let’s fall in love (summer, winter, and spring, too!)
If you only knew (if you only new!)
Folks buy when they feel understood, not when they understand you
Meet people where they are,
enter into the conversation already going on in their mind
Are you ready, red E - read people (like books) for income
Trance -formational, every buddy, sir viss (hungarian village)
Cod almighty, something’s fishy
3 strikes
craving and desire causes suffering
blow your mind is code for suicide
they killed it (pro-death)
plus, crazy/drive/impact/crush references
new life, career
going gaga with gratitude for advice, greed, ambition
or maybe just extra income stream, side-hustle
beginning of you, oh boy
woot woot, woo hoo, woop woop. oh yeah
AI- enhanced Isaí (Jesse, en español), "all in"
theology, thirst hunger excitement, all oh gee
selfish first, selfless later
put your notion into motion
entrepreneur, birthing your big idea
winners never quit, quitters never win
strengthen your overcoming fear muscle
HL, heavy - lifting
every adversity is an opportunity
purpose-driven paydays, from your living room
messy, scared, imperfect, do it anyway
from caterpillar to butterfly metaphor
no need for a "green light" from a higher power
you are the someone to save you
today is the day to get started
a call to action from your future self
be in your own spotlight (check, lol)
take a leap of faith, MS (mindset)
thor chap says be author of a new chapter in your life
studs, students, bigger why, YMCA, Y (income)
insane value, follow dreams, full-heart, get in the spirit
purpose on planet, pop's spoken and unspoken example
askhole, asks lots of questions but doesn't take action
everything you want is on the other side of yes
inspiration to be a salesperson, in knowledge industry
clarity, confidence, coaching skills
change your life immeasurably
don't be in a job you hate, stressing over bills
become addicted to helping people
going mental about being meant for more (and kind meaning)
you don't have to do it alone; experts and like-minded community
(it's a course enrollment pitch, w/ 30 day $-back guarantee)
journalling/blogging about god religion and spirituality to get thru schizophrenia
is it my passion? no. dogs? no. hm.
creating a new religion? kinda!
what makes me happy?
finishing books on bucket list
playing with kids :-)
flirting with smart, beautiful women
processing tons of data quickly
blog traffic
college classes (e.g. :
(happiness psychology, sociology of 3wd, philosophy
anthropology of religion, creative writing, theology)
A vision:
1. Help people -
create their own customized
Using God as a tool to happiness, success, service, and community
lean on me, lean in, and get lean
fanfiction, French fries, friendly fire, foo fighters, fast and furious, fantastic four, family feud, fast forward, false flag, (Hershey's and lesbos!)
Marshall Mathers (Eminem), candy, Michael Meyers, Marilyn Manson, mother's milk, master of music, 2000, millimeter, yummy, mailman, milkman, magic mushrooms.. (hallucinogenics, with loose Lucy)
methuselah foundation, muslims of France, making friends, master of forestry, motherfucker, mutual fund
frequency modulation, family medicine, fibromyalgia, Ferdinand Marcos, foreign minister, field manual, field marshal, famous monsters, Eff 'em!
the idea:
pick up trash, clean up the ocean, stop dumping plastics
pay people, invent robots, make internet free for collectors so they can:
listen to music while they clean, play trivia, listen to Joe Frank, radio, audiobooks...
distribute bags, gloves, picker-uppers, headphones, etc...
what do yo want to read everything about? get a doctorate in? be a guru of?
Day 4
Do all my ideas, one at a time?
If you want it/them done right, do it yourself
‘you’re a decent salesman, jess’ -v
‘you totally fuckin’ get it’
Know it like nobody else’s business
(playing the role of god, blogging), (not alone)
Global telepath? Public thoughts? Already everywhere? Delusion?
$997 Launchpad (course, program), aka LP
The introduction woman said today, “give everything you have” (slippery)
Makes $997 comparatively cheap
Stay curious and open (to giving them money, lol)
I don’t know my dot, my bull’s eye (it’s Reality itself, at the moment)
Specialize and monetize and capitalize - already done most of the work
I’ve had 310k+ lifetime (blog lifetime, this is my 16th year) page views
Have I gotten boring, lost followers, or is my blog in a social media recession?
(for reasons beyond my control) (only 15 today) (6/4/23 had 1026)
Problem solved (does God exist?) (why is there evil?) (empowerment)
(also, ideas for a new, better religion) (what I envision heaven and utopia as)
I help and impact thinkers and philosophers and society and politicians (!!)
(consistent life ethic) (democrats, usually) (exposing hypnosis and control)
Also, I’m curious what AI will spit out, if trained on my blog, too…
My symbol for God is the same as the OYF “bull’s eye”
(niche within a niche), (specialization), (talent, service, solution)
(core competency), (so crazy I’m sane?), (a modern deity example)
OYF (own your future) is close to OYC (open Yale courseware)
Is there and OYA? lol, Oh yeah. Orisha spirit (patron of Niger River)
of winds, violent storms, lightning, death, and rebirth.
OYD? (just Odyssey); OYB? (oy is a language, open your book)
ADI (already done it!!) lol (Adidam merits further investigation, imo)
Abcd : action, behavior, comportment, doing (just do it, abecedarian)
‘you’re in business, jesse’
Higher power with a higher purpose
MS, motivating speaker, mindset (and Microsoft in Mississippi)
Prompted to think of future, where I want to be, take stock, take inventory. What would I do with wealth, following, popularity, fame, (and probably infamy, disrespect, too). What would I do at the epicenter of the inevitable madness? It might be fun. Or I could monetize something completely different. Hope is not a strategy (lotto gamblers, take note).
Arguments Pro
‘how well can you muggle?’, fame and fortune, dreams of love, kids, house, etc., making a bigger difference than just the influence of words on my blog (maybe). Join the LP “family”.
a. Always do what you are afraid to do, there’s growth on other side of uncomfortable
b. You will “need help”, with the program you are “destined to create” (takes work, takes time)
c. Selling is fun, a service, valuable, telling folks about good things, solutions to problems, making life better, helpful, win-win, simultaneously selfish and selfless, and social, rewarding, making friends, connection, community, doing something you believe in, love, are passionate about (and can change, it’s not on your tombstone, you’re not married to it…). Don’t care if it fails, learning curve, (“your first business will flop”), trust the process, you won’t regret it: sales is purpose, calling, way to make an impact, make a difference, be a part of something bigger than yourself, good and right and virtuous, keep eyes on the prize, live in the moment, as your true-self, with authenticity. People need what I know, enjoy buying, and it has therapeutic results of acting with compassion, totally fulfilling, the joy of being there for people.
Arguments Con: $997
Already there, have enough money, have time to read, always busy with news, email, trivia, books, blog, dogs, and daily music, gym, stretching… God doesn’t need to get “bigger” , or need a dangerous reaction from terrorist-types, or get pummeled by needy people with demands, or have schizophrenia possibly get worse (I’m currently in a good place), or possibly even legal action for Acts of God (even in jest). There is no next-level. I’m not meant for more. I’m better than God, lol. Maybe I should go into comedy. Can still publish book w/o course. I don’t want to be money-focused. I’m gonna eat. I like ideas. Does action trump thinking and contemplation? Or is thinking a valuable act, in itself?
Question: would mastering dog-training give insight into human psychology?
Religion blogging, journalling through schizophrenia, teaching spanish, help prisoners (library), pick up trash, plastic removal from oceans, plant trees, guided Nature hikes, one on one frisbee tossing with kids, “salon” : conversation over trivia cards, with trivia buffs; cuddling and massage and platonic affection/intimacy, :-)
Living broke, with a broken brain, after a breakup (!) : single, schizo, and strapped!!
Expertly enjoying a solitary life, empowered by martial arts and self-defense, cheered by dogs and blog, and grateful for reading, radio, and roommates (and writing).
I enjoy writing (writing service?), giving it away for free, and being me, sane or crazy, getting traffic and page views and my ideas out there.
Positivity, gratitude, jokes, play, and fun
dream: fully recovered, sane, fit, happy, healthy, in love
(lose weight, gain muscle, read all the books in my room)
Does muscle weigh more than fat? Yes (by volume)
Start another blog with News commentary aside daily history
‘people are crying because you’re number one’
‘I know I’m nuts, Jesse’
Day 5
Adsense, monetized -stopped
Paypal button - no donations (should check if it works)
Email - only 1 or 2 replies, over 16 years
No requests (well, one, actually), no contributors, no submitted prayers
Go for mastery, don’t dabble
Think, say, do, feel, be
time, energy, money
love, positivity, vibes, energy, music
Space time energy matter
Power, energy, force
Put yourself on the line, online
Unc, uncle Jesse, unclear, uncomfortable, in a funk
Life is messy, people are a mess, I have a message, you can be a messiah
I like who I am now, if it ain’t broke - don’t fix it
I don’t have all the answers, but I have most, I think, lol
gurus, oracles, disciples
People suck, and I’m well
Simplicity: Be good, virtuous, don’t be bad, do evil
Do your best, give it your all (nobody’s perfect)
Mistakes happen, everyone has a learning curve
Deejay’s journey, destination
God is imaginary, God is a concept, a word
Hella gaga for Allah
Hell is other people - Sartre
A purpose-driven perfect day
(politely decline being in police department)
Don’t believe the hype, hypnosis
‘you’re the most insane, jesse’ -v
I like reading, research, learning, writing, sharing, teaching
Start my own religion, like LRH or Adi Da
Or Abraham, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed
I have a product, service, skill, passion, solution
For priests, monks, nuns, rabbis, imams, gurus, sadhus, even popes
God starts as a role, progresses to identity, and may eventually become a status
Only god is good, so be good, better, best, and possibly perfect
I’m good at what I do. That’s another way of saying I’m god.
Knowledge industry? Sources of knowledge:
teachers, parents, professors, library books, worldbook, britannica
Your own brain, picking the brains of others (anyone, really)
google, wikipedia, chat gpt, online courses
college, university, librarians, experts with experience
shame, guilt, mistakes are in past; a new you is in the future
confession, repentance, forgiveness, understanding, make things right
dreams, visions, visualization, insight, looking out for one another
‘you’re a dream, jesse’
Mental mentality, mindset, mindfulness
voice, telepathy, prayer, mind-link, conscience, better angels
Blank mind, quiet, present, alive, awake, aware
Exercise, the pump, sweat, endorphins, the zone, progress
Beautiful soul, good heart, brilliant mind
Strong, fit, healthy, well, sane - and beautiful
A beautiful mind, body, soul, spirit, life
No resentment, spite, malice; regret, remorse
Go slow, take your time, don’t speed
sis, suffer in silence, gnosis
Destination, and the destiny of a nation
A disciplined day of getting things done
BLM, black lives matter
Build back better, lifelong learning, making money moves
Forever in debt to your priceless advice - Nirvana
Give it away now - Red Hot Chili Peppers
To get control of a mind like that - Jane’s Addiction
God, creator, creative, creation, creatures, creatine (lol)
If you must sweep the streets, sweep them as Michelangelo would have
Jesse Teshara, jest, jealousy, adjust, gist, JayZ…
Criteria for jumping in/success: 1 million people need your knowledge/service
plus, 1 million dollars are in the pot, and
you can talk about it for 1 million minutes (over 16,000 hours!?)
Personally, I don’t measure success by net worth
Development isn’t just growth
God, go deep
Sex talk
Ridiculously contagious enthusiasm, get in control, bonus
STD, doctorate in sacred theology; sainted
monist symbol (i use for god) resembles a breast
Same as the bull’s eye graphic, “the dot”
(Obsession and coach are brands)
community, commercials, communication,
compelling future, commit, don't miss out
straight up, unleash and unlock, lol
Succeed, and suck seed
Give it up for..
The “one”
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