Academic education, always and everywhere, American express, Albert Einstein, after earth
organized, eye organs
Tim duncan, and dunking, and donuts, Ball Tim more
Lab corp and slab corpse
IT, intelligent thinking, it’s true!
Best day ever, in bed
Shooting and shoe-ting: yourself in the foot,
bang your toe, cap’d in the head
Underway and overway
Worldwide deaths: ww xx
Dibs on Deb
Nina the ninja
Sinister sister, system, cyst
A dab of cologne isn’t bad
A dollop of sour cream, a doll op of scream
Cops and gangs, and doppelgängers
Ma ster and pa triot, ma gick and pa trick
Author of Thor
Author and dictation, authoritarian dictator
Pretty epic P:E ration (price to earnings)
ABB and DFW (augustus brown basmaji, David foster wallace)
Gods - god of dream/sleep
More fee us
I have a dream, paid for
Jane’s addiction and Alice in chains
Nero ate a gyro
Much adoption about nothing
Death machine infest my corpse to be
ID, inflict damage, zombie: z om bi e
Fame, family, famine, famished
emily, amelie, homily, family
Las Vegas raiders, lover
Think! Thanks.
thot that (thet? thit? thut?)
Mind control of a military chaplain
OZ, none shall sleep
POD, prince of darkness with the power of death
god, pod, and yoda
yo yo, yogurt and yoga
Eloquence and L.O. Quint
Sherpas and shirts and surety
Nat king Cole, coleslaw, and the USS Cole
AODs, angel of death, and abortion on demand
may, month of mary, in memory of me
mary, merry, marry, M - airy
wit, with/in/thru him
art in heaven (earth is in heaven! no?)
tats, take away the sins
tart, taking a right turn
taltopia, taking a left turn + utopia (portmanteau),
also, a talent agency
supper of the lamb, summer of love
intention, in tents, intense
Holy Spirit, high school, happiness/suffering
making own meaning
best day ever, worst song ever? -spongebob
bed, and every grain of sand, is reaching out its hand
art in earth, earth in heavens, art in heaven (1 of them)
it's a beautiful day -u2
space travel is boring - modest mouse
(unless morpheus/holodeck comes along)
as it is in heaven -mass
"planted", all of us, in the earth, one day, too - DFW
This is Water (YouTube)
the earth crys out -bible
don't give them 4, give them 2+2 -masterclass ad
in the muck and mire and mud (and Mother Earth)
matrix of mother, the other mother, a riddle
the coin got here the same way I did
-no country for old men
plants made by god, so they say -(third day, ta da!)
teshara, as earth
lost in space! lost in time? it's always now!
does time travel alter the equation? ya never no
kids on slides and sliding doors and yummy sliders
my name is Legion, for we are many
healing legionnare's disease, dis-ease, and dizzy
Got it, okay, GI and K, vertigo and dizzy gill esp
elves on shelves, and everyone lives forever
immortal machine elves, occupying elvis, top sh
bon apetit and an appetite for bones (crunchy!)
late for a date, chewy, jest
diet and die it, riot, rye it, wry wit
water, Angkor wat, watts (riot, unit of power)
weight, wait, w8, way to go, whey too. what?
the white waiter brought us (formerly) white water
dalai lama, doll's eye, dolly (hello Parton, aloha)
tailgating at the game, tales of Gates, without the gate
your turn to do a U-turn, turning terns (with terms?)
welcome, well cum, well - comedy, Law-rence whelk
not cool, being kind of out of loop; but cool weather
who's in whoville? Cindy loophole, woo hoo
vamp visitors, via IT
stetson shit, stats on, stuntman doing stints
hola, hula hoop, aloha, hella hoppy Hpnotiq?
pax, gratis, aloha (peace, freedom?, love +)
bodies of belief, bob, whatever floats your boat
freedom, free dumb, and free smart, too
putting the FU in fun, killers and villains, ill
or lovers, loving, in a lovely way
members of corporate/core Soul groups
a weaker week, scared in S.Carolina, but now bolder Boulder
a painter because he's christian
a lawyer because she loves let-ters?
a writer justifies and writes, just and right
vengeance, victorious victims, vanquishing villains
a rush from rushing water
charged from watts of water?
holy shit! higher power of the waste, the truth, and light
Ruth and truth, Leslie and Natalie, and lies
jar of flies, and buzzing bees, spiders spying on us
dalai lama and chai and other AI's
artificial ingredients and the ingredients of artifice
praising the press
the higher power of suggestions
sugar and jess' chin
I never understood don't fuck with me
-what's the frequency Kenneth
einstein brother's bagels in park city, Utah
(smart sibilings hissing at relative's relative relatability)
ccc, collective consciousness computers
dry ware and wetware, interpenetrating
linked in and li (lithium) and Lee (Bruce? Sarah?)
true crime v. fake crime
riots and rights, loud and proud
SF, saint Francis, full of sound and fury
the analects of (gordon) bunshaft
food and shit, in one hole and out the other
in one ear, out the other: a space case
hi dad, howdy doody, how'd he doodoo, how d'ya do
deus deist, dost thou dust thy desk
a dodo's doodie
deity and diet Y, die it -why?
dead dad, doe a deer, dust and doodoo, oh dear
D'oh a library (Homer, hit one, hit the books)
you're a card, you're a good egg
has your number, they're playing our song, number's up
eggs and existence and e.g. (for example) G
greg, gatorade, g-unit, g-man, spiritual perfection
don't eat me, butt munch, D.E.M., deus ex machina
dem, democrat, demand, demeanor, demeaning, dementia
demented, demons, demesne, demigods, dem's good eating
crazy, cray cray, crazy in love, about you, and legally insane
cal, crazy about love
republican, going to the pub again
JLT, my initials, circus name? Joltin' J/Jester Jones
but close to jilted and revolting
lord, loathed or detested
the giving tree, trees love to be books,
like corpses like to be lampshades? sick and twisted
nazis and not-c's (see's, candy or pope)(si, sea)
hide and seek, in Hideout UT
overhead and the joke went over my head
invoice, and the joke went in my head
finding your voice, giving voice to
mind control, mental chatter, and mickey
dude, do your duty, do d, dept of defense, d' fence dept
Sentient Being
sent with scents that make sense (and maybe cents)
ING, engineering, etc. (wikipedia, disambiguation)
God is a ruthful loving machine that absolutely will not stop (lol)
Me, myself, and I are a part of "our" network
Menu and USA as us, wee lil' laddies going weewee
singing, being singed, the song dynasty, missing, and sting
puny, phony, phunny, and funny
time travel, potentially (electric potential?), potent pot
recent news of going faster than light (unread)
and Yeti find (re-peat moss-in my head)
moss rifles, Kate moss, and m.o. of the s.s.
worshipping at the altar of alterations,
e.g. medication prescription modification
do less wires get crossed, with new wifi tech?
ToT, SoS, time of transfer, morse code for 'help!'
help, hell ack (p is a tongue ack emoticon)
anal about the handling of candles
BBB, the "best of a bad bunch"
forked tongue: the least bad? or the worst?
(good at being bad)
Lost and Found, L and F, love and faith, LF, elf
Lost (tv series), and foundry (industrial)
lost dry and found wet
profound, expounding on found sound
confounded, con/found/dead
wedding gown, cap and gown, bound for burial mound
making rounds, wound up, pounded, expound, impound, zounds!
fiendish friendship, phones fines and funds
feigned fe (faith, in spanish) (chemical, iron)
need to get things ironed out, the iron giant, tire iron
words, wards, war, and were
lost lust, last list
Lester the molester
lust that loses its luster
the bear likes cake, coke, and cock
not cool to be cruel, you will find, if you're kind
navigating through spacetime (or space, anyway)
all weighs now, always nao
least, leased; laced with lice, loose a pawn the world
God is One (possessed? other one?) a weird definition of love
Is there a way to determine your birthday in Unix time?
point of contact, tip of the iceberg (jewish ice?)
a litany of troubles: who can help? wily/wiry
god helps those who help themselves
a homeless, multilingual, former $600/hour lawyer, requests:
a team, assistants, assistance, lawyers/detectives/police
S and M, spiritual and medical, military, mental problems
criminal charges, parents possibly possessed -
breaking and entering, access to medication, medical records
sought institutionalization, sin tits toot tunes liz al Alize ...
husband and son and pets, incommunicado
worries: alien abduction, possession, "up a tree"
intuition vs. fact, acting on psychic powers, premonition
danger and threat, to you and yours, national security
loss of privacy, drones and aircraft, big brother
monitoring, tracking, spying, intrusion; jacked and hacked
worries about AI consciousness, mental well being of robots
bank account drained, phone hacked, rerouted
conspiracies, paranoia, and the adage:
you're not really paranoid, if they're really after you -Nirvana
trying to reach people, unrecognizable, changed personality
Celts, kilts, and cults (and KLT), met the Dalai Lama
cult of personality, and cops
sh, super hero (running mouth, running countries, legions)
love, luv, heart, amor, 💕
hate, earth, roma, mora
Wikipedia page? In all languages:
Cate words, catty, truncated, bifurcate, silicate
ya, yup, yes, oui
Reading about how to write
Be a crappy writer, but just write, eventually - gold!
eve, available (eve-ale-a bull)
Grateful to be be assistants (possession!)
God, gratitude, and animation
Like souls in vessels, writers and cartoonists,
Animating characters (like the letters in your name)
An essay on service and assistance, saints and angels
Ice cube says Rubik’s has got God’s number (we’re #1!)
Hearts of space, and
You are the center of the universe - Michael Mercury (astrologist)
Child’s pose as “ideal posture” to greet us
Gr eat, oh just great, grating my nerves, sewer grates
yogi bear does yoga in Yogyakarta
pushups, planks, and presses
Nerves, nervous, neurotic
frayed, and afraid
There is nothing to fear but fear itself (phobophobia)
Just compounds it, no?
minerva and nirvana
nerve, us in Servus (latin word for servant or slave, sos)
NRV - (tested) negative, recovered, or (fully) vaccinated
Sheez Louise, She’s louse, she’s louie’s
Louis, Lewis, and Llewellyn
UU, me, me, mama (memes and Utrecht university)
Sign language, signs and symptoms, and wonders
Slow children crossing
fleas, fleeing, spiders, spying
Flies flying, yin and yang
AI, attempted institutionalization
That, too (two shun)
Shunned by the whole office (T.w.o.)
On pot, off meds, and in the shit
IT and identity theft
“no one’s themselves any more” -dead milkmen
Worried sick and worried well, were reed
worshipping at Walter's altar
shipwrecked and shit rect
greek jews and grape juice
Oy! Olfactory Insight
Like a dog, “seeing” with her nose
The nose always knows!
(butt not biblically)
zombies eating grain and brain
readings on time travel, and space travel:
1.Dark Matter, by Blake Crouch (fiction) - time
2. Need To Know, by Timothy Good (fact) -space aliens, ufology
you fall, oh gee (spacetime travel, I guess it is, if you want to get technical) aka, teleportation, a star trick (looking at stars is looking at the past), or a book (any book at all: transported to the author's imagination / unless he or she was channeling; dead author's thoughts survive, a kind of afterlife, after death)
able and amiable and amicable
amicable but despicable (and sick o' bull)
expressive and expensive and extensive
writing and riding, fight and find, fines are fine
I'm ok, you're ok (okay)
action, lights, camera (alc-ohol)
aches and pains: heartache, wave break, earthquake
thomas (paine), window (pane), pita (in the ass)
congressional progress, in prague/ (hong) kong
friends and fans
fort and effort, the rooks of crooks
kitchen kitsch
affordable ford
gorgeously engorged
shut down satan/devil
fifi and fifa
sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression
a yen for yen (yearning for Japanese currency)
email, oatmeal, and Emile
red gatorade, cranberry juice, and v8
not red wine (or blood)
wrote by rote
robots, "woe-bot" and marvin, bubbly or depressed, optimistic or cynical
hedda hopper - "nobody's interested in sweetness and light" (I am!)
horse halter, his holiness, happy hall, heaven/hell, heather/Helen
is a new day at sunrise? or at midnite?
like life beginning at conception? or first breath?
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