conTENT with CON-tent
compiler of concepts
oblivious to oblivion, obligation to abnegate, b gates
emergency urgency, urge of sturgeon to surge and merge
getting obscenely (overly, obnoxiously) drunk
doom mood: sickness, suffering, and death
dem med, democratic medicine, demon medication
pharmaceutical drug, farm doctor, suit ugh, cal rug
pd, public display, police department, phd without h
confirmed to conform
fit or fat? fight fate! foot feet fought
riches, bitches
fact or fiction, facts about factions,
i've only read a fraction of the best fiction
infection and infarction dissatisfaction
lurgy and liturgy
strangers and angels, in danger; stranger in a manger
america, am Erica
a merry california
kill for a mil? Capitol Hill needs to take a chill pill
will refill still, if you're still ill, Phil
stroppy, obstinate, uncooperative, rebellious
pervicacious, unmanageable, self-willed, subversive
recalcitrant, refractory, renitent
pervicacious vampire
empirically vampiric campfire umpire empire
aspire to respire and perspire
damn ire
eminent renitent penitent in a penitentiary!
conformity of rebellion
subversive or submissive
acdc: amenable, compliant, docile, cooperative
weal: a welt, or
a sound and healthy state of well-being, happiness, and prosperity/wealth
might as well, might as weal
wheel in the sky keeps on turning
22 hours ago
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